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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 393 KB, 640x360, Reactionface216.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4501690 No.4501690 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to a fast food place
>hear someone else order
>"GIVE ME A..."
Why do people do this? Do they have any idea how disrespectful that sounds? Even "I'll have a..." sounds leaps and bounds better.

>> No.4501698

>Gimme got shot

>> No.4501704

So what is the "proper" way to order? It's a fast food place I doubt the 15 year old girl behind the counter gives a shit that they started their order with "GIVE ME A..."

>> No.4501715

>holds on im ona dayum sail fone calls.
>*tongue snap*
ya boo dis nigga be trippin
>gibsmedat numba 4 wit a large coke.
>*tongue snap*
>whatchu want boo
>aight and muh boo want dah number 4 with xtra chese like mines wif lrg coke.

>> No.4501716

It stands out a bit to me, but I wouldn't say that it infuriates me or anything. Doesn't even really bother me, though I do understand the implication of the phrasing.

It sounds demanding. I tend to order with "Let me have/get...", which is more respectable. You're not demanding that they're giving you something, but asking if they would allow you to eat at their fine dining establishment.

Also acceptable are "Just a..." and "Thanks, I'll have...".

>> No.4501717


I'll usually say, "Hi. Could I get a blah blah blah, please?"

>> No.4501718

"Could I get a.." would be my go-to

>> No.4501741
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> not "can I get"

>> No.4501769

"Could I..." works as well as "Let me...", for the same reasons. Yall are nice, too :)

>> No.4501785

Yeah, they're in a fast food joint, but geez man, they're not day laborers. All you have to really do is not come off as a complete snot ball about it.
>"Let me have a..."
Eh, not as bad, but not amazing. It sounds like a little kid demanding something. It's as bad as "I want a..." but at least I don't get the mental image of a fat fuck with a motorized kart with shades and an American flag shirt.
These guys know what's up. I say it exactly like >>4501717

>> No.4501790
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>not drawing out "can I please have" slowly as you make your decision

>> No.4501810
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>not deciding in the few minutes it took you to get to the front of the line, holding everybody up
Congratulations, you are one of the disgusting collective that makes fast food no longer fast, the one benefit it actually has.

>> No.4501812
File: 222 KB, 517x440, Reactionface170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Let me"
also "Could I" = asking. "Let me" = demanding.

>> No.4501830

>May I have a...

So, you "may I have" pretentious dolts think you're doing them a favor by being all nice and polite, eh?

No. The most efficient and "nice" way to order is to give them the direct order like "one large Big Mac meal thanks". Their fingers are already on the buttons ready to put your order through before you even step up to the counter.

Imagine if every customer said "may I have" or "can I please have" before their order. That's...2-3 seconds wasted per person, not including the transitioning time where they have to ask you follow up questions like "what drink would you like?" or "how many sugars in your coffee?"

Way to be a prick, OP.

>> No.4501833

"Hi, I'd like..."

>> No.4501834

fast food worker here
nobody gives a shit
what's more important is deciding and not standing there for 2-3 minutes before actually ordering

If you have to call your significant other to ask what they want, PLEASE do it before actually coming into the fucking restaurant. I am literally standing at the counter the moment I see you pull up in the parking lot.

>> No.4501838

But you'd much rather prefer people to just say their order, correct?

>> No.4501839

what part of nobody gives a shit do you not understand

>> No.4501843

You must have preferences, though.

If someone buys me an ice-cream, I'd take it happily but I do like vanilla more than I do chocolate.

>> No.4501849

What part of "What part of nobody gives a shot do you not understand?" do you not understand?

>> No.4501855

Please don't be mad at me.

>> No.4501873

"Let me" isn't demanding to me. Like I said, the way I understand the word, it's along the lines of asking nicely for something; asking to be allowed to do something. Maybe it's a Texan thing (like yall...).

IRC long ago got me hooked on emoticons. Sorry :(

>> No.4501876 [DELETED] 

500 people a shift, that's less than ten minutes' lost time in 8 hours' work. Not hyper-efficient, to be sure, but not overly horrible. Especially considering the number of people that *do* simply state their order.

>> No.4501879

In Italian, we conjugate the verb 'to want' (volere) for request (vorrei, the conditional form) and demand (voglio, the indicative form).

I once used the demanding form when asking for ice cream from a street vendor. Mum grabbed me by the arm and pulled me aside, explaining that this is impolite and taught me the requesting form. I was three years old or so, so this was all very new. She told me to apologise, try again, this time using the proper formality then I can have my pistachio ice cream cone (it's bizarre how clear some memories can be).
The reason I tell you this story is because I believe some English-speaking people use "give me a..." and "gimme..." because their parents didn't know any better nor theirs before them. I honestly don't think they know how impolite it is because no one took them aside to explain.
These are the sorts of English-speakers who might think saying "may I have" or even "can I get a..." rather than "gimme a..." or "give me a..." is uppity and pretentious, so to many of them, "give me" is more polite, as socially incorrect as this might seem to the rest of us. With this sorts of people, I've noticed that tonality, rather than what's actually said, is most important. Did they say "give me" with a snarky/snippy tone? No? Then they likely meant it politely, but don't know any better. If it had a tone of demand or condescension, they were purposefully being rude.
Personally, it's a pet peeve of mine, too, but it's not a big deal, particularly if you can sense that these people mean no disrespect. Just let it run off you like water off a duck's arse and you'll be happier for it. Don't sweat the small stuff.

>> No.4501954


I feel the same about "Me and ..". I was taught not to put myself first and go with ".. and myself/and I always. Pet peeves, man.

>> No.4501958

Maybe English isn't their native language and they just translate it literally.

I'd never think "GIVE ME A..." sounds disrespectful.

>> No.4501969

I always laugh to myself when I overhear someone trying to sound intelligent and using hypercorrection with "X and I" forms.

"John served some coffee to Rachel and I."

Okay, I'm not a native speaker of English, but I know that's wrong. Take Rachel out:
"John served some coffee to I."

Some people don't understand declension at all. I tried to explain it to someone and was told "You fucking idiot. Nouns don't conjugate."
I... I didn't know what to say. I was just aghast at his ignorance.

>> No.4502001

>there are people who actually think fast food workers care if you treat them with respect

jesus christ people, the way you phrase your order is the last thing they give a shit about.

>> No.4501998

I say "I'd like a...." And I say please and thank you.
Because I'm a polite motherfucker.

>> No.4502002


Keeping with your example, the point was I'd always use "Rachel and me had some coffee" instead of Me and Rachel [..]".

>> No.4502005

It's fast food. No one gives a shit.

>> No.4502015

it should be "rachel and I had some coffee"

when in doubt, take out the extra- "I had some coffee" vs "me had some coffee"

>> No.4502046

>and myself

This is technically incorrect.

>> No.4502066

>itt disgustingly polite Canadians
>not being a part of the "state your order with no other words" master race

Anyway, who cares how you order something as long as you're not being a dick? I doubt the guy behind the counter gives a shit.

>> No.4502069

In the end it really doesn't really matter, as anyone will understand exactly what you mean regardless of how you form the sentence. Language rules are of course defined by usage.

>> No.4502083

true but i felt the need to point that out since it's a bit silly to get pissed off about bad grammar and then turn around and use bad grammar anyway.

>> No.4502084

>Anyway, who cares how you order something as long as you're not being a dick? I doubt the guy behind the counter gives a shit.

Former 7-Eleven worker here. My favourite customers were the ones who simply stated what they wanted with a smile. Even if you just say what you want (or nothing at all) with a neutral expression, you'd get neutral (from me, that's good) service. You'd have to be a right prick for me to even consider fucking with you, and most times the worst you'd get is a dirty look for a few seconds.

Only once did I resort to calling a customer a motherfucker, and I never fucked with any food (not worth the backlash). But still, brevity and/or politeness are always preferred. The poor bastards are already working a shit job for shit pay, so why shit on them more? Despite repeated claims to the contrary, some of us in menial lines of work *do* notice when our efforts are appreciated, and it really can brighten our day.

inb4"suck it up" spitefulness.

>> No.4502149

>raised to always say please and tank you
>get a little annoyed when people don't at least say one

It's just good fucking manners you cunt.

>> No.4502152

i generally say thank you for everything, but id change that to fuck you for people like you.

>baww someone was impolite near me

>> No.4502158

Don't sweat it. People with common manners always get further in life than those who refuse to act civilized.

>> No.4502161

the dive bar i started drinking in when i was 15 had a bartender that thought i was the funniest shit ever (obviously now i can tell its because he /knew/ i was underage but just didnt give a fuck)
>can i have a dark rum and coke?
>i don't know, can you?
>well, uh, may i?
>i don't know, may you?
and then he'd refuse to pass me my drink until i said 'please'

>> No.4502168
File: 264 KB, 477x685, last panel is not accurate to my drinking experience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also yes i've seen this

>> No.4502169

>John served some coffee to Rachel and I

A little knowledge is more dangerous than no knowledge at all.

>> No.4502176

>mr starchman, i'm heading to the shitter
no u aint nigga

or what i did in school

>mrs campbell can i use the bathroom
>yes I can
>be back in a jif

>> No.4502202

this is ironic cuz its usually tristate italian-americans who are most guilty of the "YEA GIMMIE A ___" order

>"state your order with no other words" master race
this is so autistic. no hi/thank you/please or anything?

anyway idc if im pretentious but i always say "hi, may i have ___" followed by "thanks" or "thank you" when i get what i ordered.

also very annoying:
>"i NEED a ___"
...and it's *always* the fat ones.

>> No.4502230

It seems as though a lot of you have never heard the saying "you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar".
I always, always say "may I please have" and "thank you so much". And guess what, I always get exemplary service. Particulary at places I frequent. I've gotten discounts and free products, just because employees remember me and how nice I am.
I worked in the service/hospitality industry while I was paying my way through college, and most service employees really appreciate the nice people because they have to deal with so many douchedongles all the time.

>> No.4502242

>so autistic
You do know this is how many people around the world order, right? Not everyone in every language feels the need to be disgustingly polite (fake, if you ask me) when they order something.

Maybe you people should move out of your Midwestern shitholes and go to a real city.

>> No.4502244

how is basic courtesy fake?

i could shave on that edge

>> No.4502248

>Maybe you people should move out of your Midwestern shitholes and go to a real city
well fuckin said. in the big cities, when the line is out the door, the cashier doesnt have time for your goddamn politeness, they just want to get your order and move onto the next one.

>> No.4502249

>teachers bitching about the usage of "can"

Armchair/lay linguists are incredibly annoying. Bitches ain't heard of my modality.

>> No.4502253

I don't see anything rude with saying 'give me a' because I've heard people be a lot more rude than that, but I also don't ask like that out of habit.

>> No.4502254

I order this way when its exceptionally busy, because I know they just want to get through the line, so I want to take up as little of their time as possible.
But when its less busy I try to be more polite, the people behind the counter are just that, people, and people generally like to be treated more politely than being simply commanded to do things like a machine.

>> No.4502262

I think it's how people are raised. To my knowledge I've never used "Give me a" I guess it's just something you subconsciously do, ordering in a polite way.

>> No.4502266


You're still commanding them if you're polite, although in this case it's more implicit. Stop thinking as if you're doing them a favour by being polite - they want to get their job done, not stare at your smile all day.

>> No.4502277

>replies with either autism or edge comment
Well done, you've met your shit-posting quota for today!

>> No.4502279

I'm a long way off if I'm going to 'edge' you out for the quarterly bonus

>> No.4502281

>eating fast food
I see your problem.
Stop that. I'm serious. I don't like it and you shouldn't either.

>> No.4502306

are you fucking serious. All we care about is getting motherfuckers out of there, who goves a shit how they ask for food. It's McDonald's not some 10 star bistro bullshit. It's filled with day laborers.

>> No.4502315

>saying please is "disgustingly polite"
is it really that painful to have common courtesy?

>Maybe you people should move out of your Midwestern shitholes and go to a real city.
nuh-uh that's a cheap cop out, even in jam-packed pizzerias at its busiest hours it's always nicer to drop a quick "hi, can i have_" instead of barking a command

le edgeh sarcasm xD

>> No.4502321

>it's always nicer
Again, maybe for your Midwestern shithole, but not real cities.

In any case, why do you care so much about what others are doing? Get your food and worry about your own business, faggot.

>> No.4502322

I usually don't even say anything before telling them what I want. Just "medium fries, please" or something.

>> No.4502326

I did some Buddhist trascandental mediations and put myself back into a situation where I was at a Burger King. I remember saying "i'll have a..."
Is that good enough for karma?

>> No.4502335

No, according to OP and others in this thread, we should also start adding honorifics and/or long, complicated titles for food workers into the English language.

"Oh great preparer of meats, flipper of the burgers, gatekeeper of taste, may I please have X" should do.

>> No.4502343
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>midwestern shithole

ok honey u keep doing what youre doing in ~*da big apple*~

>> No.4502379

As far as politeness goes, I'd agree with that Italian. Tonality/non-verbal communication is the most important factor in determining politeness. Personally I say 'Can I please have a...'. It's just how you were raised I think.

>> No.4502411

Speaking as a former McBitch, "let me" is a thousand times better than Mexican ladies who yell "LEMME HAAAAVE two Hot and Spicy Chik'ns, and... Uhhhhhhhhh... LEMME... Uh... LEMME HAVE... That's it."

I love living where I do, but it wasn't worth listening to this nine times a day.

>> No.4502560

>we have evolved beyond common courtesy, peasant!

Nah, you're just a douche if one second of extra words is too much effort to be civil.

>> No.4502597

my ex got mad at me for the way i would speak to drive thru guys. fuck them both

>> No.4502608

im high off my ass and couldnt remember the first thing on the list

also i say 'can i get...' is that wrong? ima keep saying it anyways

>> No.4502618

you know what, when i get the "would you like to also try our new double xl baconmaster milkshake"
>just ordered a dollar burger"
I get annoyed and cant help but respond with a tint of rudeness. i know it is their job to ask that to every single person but it just instantly cuases that annoyed/rude emotion without me even thinking about it

>> No.4502619

I always say "Thank you" after I finish my order.

People who order a bunch of shit at the drive thru and hold up the line are the worst.

>> No.4502630

God I hate that shit. I went to Whataburger the other day and some bitch was in front of me hanging out the window holding a piece of paper with a bunch of orders on it, barking out a bunch of ridiculous custom orders for like 10 minutes. Had to sit there and wait listening to her slowly go down the list reading them all off, then wait while the drive through worker repeated it back, then she made a bunch of corrections and he had to read them all off again.

So fucking irritating when I just wanted to get a quick burger.

>> No.4502654

We don't like it, either, believe me. And I can't speak for others in the industry, but I always feel like such a jackass plus-selling. Glad I mostly worked the night shift, where nobody else was around that gave a fuck, so that I and my customers could go about our day.

>> No.4502675

next time i go should i tell them to inform their manager that i find it annoying?

>> No.4502683

It wouldn't help. They care more about the 10-25% gain in sales that comes with plus-selling than they do the 1-2 complaints they might get in a day. Feel free, though. I would've passed it along.

>> No.4502684

You can try but they won't do anything about it.

What you should try to do is ignore it and stop being a whiny faggot. It's just a low paid wage slave doing their job and it isn't worth the trouble to try and complain about it.

>> No.4502687
File: 168 KB, 407x379, costanza pen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not starting off with "Could I have.." and ending with a nice juicy please and thanks.

>> No.4502837

>"Could I have.."
>not "May I have...."

>> No.4502840
File: 28 KB, 454x374, xJZHv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at a Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf in Scottsdale AZ

>Yeah, I'm gonna do a...
>Hi, can I do a...

>> No.4502842

I think it's very telling that this thread is getting so many responses.

>> No.4502844

>implying /ck/'s love of fast food is a secret

>> No.4502881


>not relocating to downtown Phoenix

>> No.4502888

Scottsdale is pretty high class itself. S/he's doing fine.

I, on the other hand, applied at two Fox restaurants downtown today. Hoping for the best ,X..

>> No.4502893

"can i get a" is the only proper way in a fast food place, "i would like a" for fancy places, come one it ain't that hard.

>> No.4503791

Oh fuck off armchair linguist.

And you're a simpleton in a flyover state, it doesn't change the fact that the guy behind the counter doesn't give a shit if you say an extra two words or not. But feel free to think you're changing his world with your extra two words.

>> No.4503797

He does care if you're a douche or not and those extra two words, along with tone of voice, is what determines that.

You really are a pretentious dumbass.

>> No.4503800

I can promise you that the vast majority of customers and workers really don't care or notice.

>> No.4503801

I don't think you know what that word means.

Again, feel free to think you're changing the world with your smile. Twat.

>> No.4503808

"Could I have"
"Could I get"
"I would like"
"Can I have"

If I'm at a fast food place, I tend to stare blankly at the board for a bit before deciding (outside the line if there is one), so it's more like "Can I......uh...I'd like x"

>> No.4503810

I'm done trying to convince you that being rude is unnecessary. Continue to be secure in your pettiness, it doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever.

I'm not trying to change you, but rather point out that your behavior is less than acceptable.

>> No.4503818
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>Yo, dawg, set me up wid sum o' dat numbah tree combo, ya dig?

>> No.4503825

Are you trying to change me because you secretly want me for yourself? Do you want to take me to the summer dance?

I'm not that easy to court, you know.

>> No.4503833

>Can I get [order goes here] please?
That can't be too difficult.

>> No.4503940
File: 19 KB, 400x400, what_the_fuck_am_I_reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck are you all betas? I'm not asking a McDonalds employee if they can find it in the goodness of their hearts to help a brother out with a burger.

We are just completing an impersonal, already agreed upon transaction. I may say thank you, but rest assured my mind has already begun analyzing the next situation in my life, as you have already begun pressing the window close button to fix another drink.

>> No.4503946

I find this oddly relevant.


>> No.4503949

>I demand you bring me [order] at once! And when it gets here leave quickly lest your face ruin my appetite any more than it already had you peasant. Enjoy your ford fiesta and crappy studio apartment shitbag.

>> No.4504141

I don't know if you're channeling Morbo or Martok, but I like it.

>> No.4504198

i usually say "hi, can i have a...". it sounds a little beta but i can't bring myself to say anything else.

>> No.4504311

Really big pet peeve of mine when browsing leddit. Motherfuckers keep describing their photos as "My dog walks in on my daughter and I."

>> No.4504342

OP they probably look down upon the lowly fast food worker just for having that job, and therefore it is fine to treat them like shit because they are shit people to them.

Ironically these same people are probably unemployed.

>> No.4504354

I'm pretty sure I say, "Yeah hi could I get uhh/a..." every single time

>> No.4504367

"Could I get.." polite master race reporting in.

Got a problem with it? Well, we can work it out over a cup of coffee. My treat.

>> No.4504407

Could be worse. Could be "Me walks in on my dog and my daughter."