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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 737 KB, 2048x1536, ribwich 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4528833 No.4528833[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

me again

so today i found out that burger king is selling their own ribwich so i got one of those and their bbq pulled pork sandwich

>> No.4528836

I had one of the pulled pork sandwiches, it was really shitty and too sweet.

Didn't try the sweet potato fries though.

>> No.4528837
File: 749 KB, 2048x1536, ribwich 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks sloppy enough

>> No.4528838
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they were kinda small

>> No.4528840
File: 755 KB, 2048x1536, ribwich 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't like the mcrib, but the first thing i noticed was there was no onions on the "rib" sandwich

i'm not a fan of fries so i don't usually bother

>> No.4528843
File: 751 KB, 2048x1536, ribwich 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rib sandwich was surprisingly not terrible.
not good, but the sauce is better than mcrib sauce

>> No.4528844

Having one delivered in 20, not super excited after seeing these pics. Although I wasn't even excited when I saw a promo pic when I drove by one the other day so

>> No.4528845
File: 41 KB, 800x413, progun_il.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toasting in a progun_il thread

>> No.4528848

>feels obliged to shove a shotgun inframe

you guys are hilarious

>> No.4528849
File: 752 KB, 2048x1536, ribwich 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4528851


>> No.4528852

looks gross. reminiscent of a dirty toilet bowl.

>> No.4528855
File: 736 KB, 2048x1536, ribwich 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obama seemed to like it

>> No.4528857


Should have combined them ala mcgangbang style to make a slopperwhopper.

Missed opportunity anon.

I take solace in the fact that I know one of you good souls will do this in the coming days.

>> No.4528858
File: 758 KB, 2048x1536, ribwich 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pulled pork tasted identical but it had some kinda cheese/mayo shit on it and onion.
it was better than the bread and butter pickles

>> No.4528859

Oh great, a fat urban-commando virgin pigging out on fast food.

>> No.4528860

I'm amazed it took this long for a competitor to finally create a rib sandwich.

>> No.4528863

Please tell me that's a hole from a pellet gun.

>> No.4528866
File: 706 KB, 2048x1536, ribwich 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all in all its better than the mcrib, but still kinda shitty.

MC ended up not wanting any

>> No.4528870

Fun fact: you do something we all hate.

Have a nice day!

>> No.4528871

I think it is from his micropenis.

>> No.4528873

The only pussy you've gotten in months, amirite?

>> No.4528872


That look of disgust on his face is priceless

>> No.4528876

Why everyone hating on progun? Best tripfag on /ck/.

>> No.4528878


>> No.4528880


>> No.4528891

>I think it is from his micropenis.

You learn something every day. Today I learned that progun has a micro penis and uses it to get off humping Obama's face. I learned it.. but that doesn't mean I was surprised by it.

>> No.4528899

>Today I learned that progun has a micro penis
Does it really surprise you?

>> No.4528900

I'm totally jealous of your cat. Looks like a lynx.

>> No.4528905

i had the pulled pork from a blake's lotaburger yesterday. the bun sucked, but the rest of it was really good.

>> No.4528909
File: 1.58 MB, 3072x2304, 026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a maine coon and he's a dick
airsoft gun actually
i don't don't usually shoot my air rifles indoors

>> No.4528910

>but that doesn't mean I was surprised by it.

>Does it really surprise you?

Gooby, do you know how to reads? No one is surprised by progun's micropenis.

>> No.4528912

All male cats are dicks.

>ehehehehe get it?

>> No.4528915

>maine coon

Pricey cat you've got there. My friend has one of those, hers is a dick too. Beautiful cats though.

>> No.4528933

>No one is surprised by progun's micropenis.


>> No.4528954
File: 260 KB, 816x612, FOOD_GAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4528956


oh god no

>> No.4528958

Yeah, I should really buy some of that MURRICA themed budweiser and save it just for these pictures, like I had 2 years ago.

>> No.4528965

>Pricey cat
lol no.

Also, my dog was $2000.

>> No.4528969

Or you could try a beer that has flavor.

>> No.4528976

Natural Ice for life.

>dat 30 pk for $15

Yes please.

>> No.4528981

Check that Food Network privilege, bro. Not all of us get to listen to celebrities instruct us how we should eat.

>> No.4528982

>buying beer for alcohol:dollar ratio

I remember being 16.

>> No.4528985
File: 41 KB, 720x480, Picture 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love your kitty

>> No.4528986

>buying beer to prove something to yourself and others
I don't remember being a dumb shit.

>> No.4528987

Yes, I try to impress my girlfriend when I have a beer at home.

>> No.4528990

>enjoying things that taste good means you are a show off and pretentious

Let's hear your opinion on education.

>> No.4528998

It's one thing to enjoy something, but trying to obtain a false sense of superiority on an Anonymous cooking board is pathetic.

>> No.4529002

No one is, "trying to obtain a false sense of superiority". You got defensive because people suggested buying beer for the taste, not for the cost per unit of alcohol.

Get over yourself, no one is upset that you like cheap beer and, presumably, fast food in great quantities.

>> No.4529003
File: 168 KB, 612x816, beer4u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you prefer LOOKING at beers with flavor.
Fuck yeah, on top of that it has one of the best alcohol/calorie ratios of all beers, even light/low carb beers.
I'm the original natural ice poster, and if you cant enjoy a cheap beer you're a faggot. Also, I make more money than you and your dad combined and have all of the educations.
Yeah u guise geez.

>> No.4529005

Well they seem pricey. All my cats have been free. So really any cat you have to pay for is a pricey cat.

>> No.4529008

>people suggested buying beer for the taste
>I remember being 16.

OK, well, the posts say differently.

>> No.4529010

Who are these people that keep getting mad in /ck/? Is it the same two or three people or are all of you just assholes? You guys already shit all over my blue cheese thread bickering over how to spell it and murrica vs france or some shit. Good grief. So much arguing.

>> No.4529011

>Also, I make more money than you and your dad combined and have all of the educations.
My dad was making over $400k/year before he retired. With his investments and property, I think he is making over $200k/year just playing golf and travelling throughout the year.

I am a grad student that makes $60k/year, 45k of which is tax-free. Pretty stellar for a grad student.

>> No.4529012

They're just liberals who subscribe to /r/atheism and like to argue with people on the Internet to grow their e-peens.

>> No.4529014

>if you cant enjoy a cheap beer you're a faggot.
Drink good beer or drink shit beer. Why would anyone pick the latter if they have the appropriate disposable income and/or are not alcoholics?

>> No.4529015

>No one is, "trying to obtain a false sense of superiority".

>> No.4529016


Nice e-accounts, bro

>> No.4529019

He said he made more than my father and I, I responded. Deal with it.

>> No.4529013

So fancy~

>> No.4529021

Welcome to our lair new faggot.

>> No.4529023

>Get over yourself, no one is upset

>> No.4529024

Because some people like to enjoy drinking beer without all the calories, all the other benefits of drinking the wonderous Natural Ice are just bonuses.
Before you call me fat, I lift and run between 9-15 miles a week.

>> No.4529027

I was in the blue cheese thread, and let me tell you, no liberal would ever claim me.

4chan has pretty much always been this way. Some of the newer boards have highs and lows, but go to a highly populated board and you'll find the same sort of behavior.

>> No.4529031

I lift 3 times a week, bike 15 miles a day, and spend lots of time outdoors hiking, cross-country skiing, canoeing, hunting, etc.

I don't have to worry about the calories from drink beer.

>> No.4529032
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>> No.4529068

>Why would anyone pick the latter
The same reason someone would eat a hot dog, swim in a lake, listen to the blues, watch a B movie, take the train, lie under the stars, build a bonfire, listen to the radio, play frisbee, etc.

I don't care about flavor when I'm drinking with friends I don't care about editing and photography when we're laughing at a horrible movie. I don't care about foot space when I'm on the train. I don't care about seeing the bottom of a lake.

I suggest that you quit taking life so seriously, but, hey, do what makes you happy.

>> No.4529093

I've been on here since 2008 and yes people have always gotten mad as fuck. Not necessarily in /ck/ though. These days it seems like nearly every thread is overtaken by two or three people who want to fight and argue about something that barely has anything to do with the thread. For instance my blue cheese thread. I was asking for some suggestions on new ones to try but half the posts in it are about the proper spelling of it and butthurt.

/ck/ wasn't always so hostile, but it used to be slower too. Its still slow but it used to be really slow.

>> No.4529095

I'm going to make my own rib sandwiches with on cor ribs, white onions, dill or sweet pickle chips on hamburger buns

anything else I should add besides kraft singles?

>> No.4529102

Thank you, 10/10 post. I love beer and drinking new types is a hobby. But I'll be damned if I won't enjoy the fuck out of a case of Budweiser split amongst friends next to the campfire and under the stars. I mean really, its just fucking beer. Unless you make your own beer then quit being so proud of something that other people made for you.

>> No.4529112
File: 569 KB, 1600x1200, 014 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think banquet rib shaped pork patties are better.
and use hot dog buns that you flatten slightly with your hand.
he's a dick, as i stated earlier

>> No.4529137
File: 261 KB, 1072x804, challa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:3 He looks like he can be feisty

>> No.4529143

You remind me of the "fish out of water" trope in movies where a guy from the city goes to the country and is clueless about how to live without grocery stores, taxis, door men, lawn care, etc.

You sure are living the life, buddy.

>> No.4529151

never tried the banquet ones, do they make family size?

>and use hot dog buns that you flatten slightly with your hand.

that sounds like a good idea but I already bought a big bag of hamburger rolls

I got a pack of veal and salsburry steaks too. I plan on eating the veal one with sauce and sharp provolone and the salsbury steak one as a dinner with mashed potatoes and mac & cheese

>> No.4529152

hey progun where's your other kitty? the black and white one

>> No.4529171

What's that sauce over the rice?

>> No.4529172
File: 720 KB, 1600x1200, 029 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think they make a family size but i'm not sure
charlie is less of a dick

>> No.4529178

is that fucking kimchi next to that rice?

>> No.4529185

It looks like it. I can't remember the last time I saw such a mishmash of foods.

>> No.4529191

I bet he claims your bed as his territory. Our cat has a habit of bitting my fucking toes while I sleep

>> No.4529205

Not the person you're responding to, but our cat claimed our bed as soon as we got his ass home from the shelter. He sleeps on it, in the same spot, every night, and if you try to push him over to another side or spot, prepare for a firm, but not mean, swat with both paws and some teeth action. He does that thing where he grabs with his teeth and holds on, but doesn't bite down.

>> No.4529206

the chicken is grilled (no pan drippings) and he has kimchi, so I'm just going to guess that the brown stuff is light soy sauce

>> No.4529229

No swatting from ours, he looks at my feet and gives them the "are you fucking with me" look before he sicks his teeth. My only solution is remove him from thatspot and lay him next to the pillow.

>> No.4529285

What breed of dog is that? Registered show dog litter?

>> No.4529293

Not that guy, but I have a $1400 German Wirehaired Pointer.

>> No.4529345


>> No.4529357

He's an awesome dog and great at birding, but almost all my friends thought it was ridiculous to pay that much.

If he lives until at least 12 that is only $120 or so a year. Obviously you can't put that kind of monetary value on a dog, but 33 cents a day for an amazing companion is a good deal.

Some people have even gotten almost angry, saying I should have gotten a dog from the shelter. I never understood this, because I don't want a random mutt that could have behavioral problems, I want a good bird dog with certain behavioral traits.

>> No.4529371

>Some people have even gotten almost angry, saying I should have gotten a dog from the shelter.

>> No.4529373

It has nothing to do with a polarized political view. Dog people are just dog people.

>> No.4529389

I don't know how you people can spend more than $500 on a dog. Those sellers must be laughing all the way to the bank.

>> No.4529414

Well, that's the difference. You bought a working dog. (assuming that you actually really do use him for birding). I have dogs that I've paid quite a bit of money for, but they're working dogs. (Great Pyrenees, and Border Collie) but I have companion dogs too, which I adopted from the shelter. It depends on why you want a dog. The two dogs I adopted from the shelter are wonderful, sweet dogs, and when one of them passes away, I'll adopt another one. When one of my working dogs passes away, I'll buy another one. The Great Pyrenees stays with the sheep all the time, which is what they're supposed to do. The Border Collie is a herder, but she's also a companion for me too, per se.

>> No.4529421

Often the breeders spend $1000 or offer a puppy (so $1400 in my case) to the owner of the stud.

There was 9 puppies in my dog's litter, so the breeder could have made ~$11,000 for just over 2 months work. Subtract deworming meds, vet bills, kennel upkeep, hip displaysia and genetic tests, etc. The time involved is the big thing.

If you are buying a rare(r) breed or care about a breed you want to avoid puppy mills and stay with people serious about keeping the line as excellent as possible.

>> No.4529452

Progun I almost visited you in Chicago but now I'm in LA.

>> No.4529713
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Niggers love BBQ. Particularly pork. This is a fact.

Polite sage for tinges of what the uneducated masses would label as "racism". I'm merely stating facts here. Nothing more or less.

I'm glad you sort of almost enjoyed your sandwiches, based OP Progun. If I ever have the displeasure of consuming one I'll remember you.

>> No.4529729

>Polite sage


>> No.4529746

Everyone loves BBQ.

>> No.4530326

I threw up in my mouth a little

>> No.4530431
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>> No.4530684

Progun! You're not dead!
I was worried about you ;_;

>> No.4531117

d'aww. He's a cutie!

>> No.4531138


And here I thought /ck/ was one of those boards where people still understood how to use sage when a thread is obviously dead.

>> No.4531161

>use sage when a thread is obviously dead
Obviously it's not. The bumps are because their posts were on topic. Go learn how sage is supposed to be used.

>> No.4531171


None of those comments in any way added anything that warranted bumping the thread, or anything anybody who wasn't already watching/participating in this thread would care about.

>and neither did yours

>> No.4531921

I would give a fuck, but I can't figure out where I put them...

>> No.4533852 [DELETED] 

bumping for angry buttholes

>> No.4534754

Maybe Progun should turn the thread into his personal Tumblr and bump it for 10 days like that weeb. It wouldn't be as kawaii, but I'm sure you could just hide it if it upset you.

>> No.4534768
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>> No.4534820
File: 179 KB, 500x411, tumblr_lpc5abTQ7p1r0en5oo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is hilarious because I just did a research paper about McRibs and BK's new Rib Sandwich. According to VALS, people who enjoy these types of food have low income ($20,000 to $40,000), hold jobs like construction workers or mechanics, and also enjoy NASCAR, Budweiser, and Dodge, specifically Dodge Rams. You have confirmed that white trash hicks really are the main target market for these kinds of products.

>> No.4534826

Or Germans.

"It is more popular in Germany, where it remains a permanent item."


>> No.4534849

Germans eat anything containing pork.

>> No.4534860
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>comparing mcdonalds to real pork

>> No.4534893

Are you going to pretend Germany isn't part of Europe like Britain now?

>> No.4534902
File: 128 KB, 568x640, 1351999365914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't like the mcrib

>> No.4534916

My father makes $1.2 million per year.

Suckadick poorfag.

>> No.4534921

That's what she said.

>> No.4534926
File: 42 KB, 384x454, joe-biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dubble Barrel

>> No.4534930

>display their dominance around their objects so nobody thinks about stealing them
>display their femininity around their objects so people are inclined to sexually assault them

>> No.4534932
File: 2.34 MB, 3088x2056, IMG_3919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get yourself a better drink, progun.

>> No.4534940
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>.40 Slow & Weak

>> No.4534946
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>tries to insult my caliber
>cant even get it right

>> No.4534949
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Short and Weak, it is plenty fast enough.

>> No.4534953


That picture is oddly romantic, despite the Glock.

>> No.4534961
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>> No.4534968

Hope you feed the next Republican President a bit of BK's ribwich too. Both seem to love the ribwich pellets thru the eye

>> No.4534993

id put my penis in that bread, if you know what i mean!

>> No.4536285
File: 71 KB, 210x207, 9mm-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if your preferred pistol caliber hasn't been killing mothafuckas since World War I, get the fuck out.

posting in the post on/greatest thread on /ck/

>> No.4536303

My pistol has been killing water moccasins since 1985. :)
(22 long)

>> No.4537775

Bumping because fuck you.

>> No.4537788

you motherfucker, why?

>> No.4537790
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 10mm Auto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My preferred pistol caliber was designed to kill one of the slow ineffectual rounds used during WW2, but ultimately rejected for harming tender FBI female wrists.

But I also love my 9mm. FNP9 is a beautiful gun and Speer makes some deadly bullets.

>> No.4537793


>> No.4537802


Dude. I didn't know BK had a PP sandwich.

And since when are you Australian?

>> No.4537817

I don't see you saging the weekly Jap food thread. Deal with it.

>> No.4537851

theres no stopping the damn weaboo, ramen, or vegan troll threads
why open a dead thread tho

>> No.4537854

and the goddamn weight loss threads

>> No.4537863

Because it's a refreshing break from the usual reposts. Again, deal with it.