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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4563779 No.4563779 [Reply] [Original]

Cucumbers. I don't know why, but if anything even touches a cucumber, it tastes terrible to me. It's strange, though, because I love pickles.

Brusselsprouts. These are the only type of common leafy green that I hate. And boy, do I hate it with a passion.

Coffee. I know I'll probably get a lot of flack for this, but anything with even a hint of that distinct taste of coffee tastes bad to me. I don't know.

>> No.4563791

Fresh Garlic. Just the smell makes me gag.

>> No.4563805

Raw onions.

I'm sorry, I know, I'm trying to get over it but it makes me gag.

>> No.4563824

red onions are FANTASTIC raw. Yellow I can understand and agree on.

>> No.4563854

Hit or miss in my experience. I've had raw red onions that were sweet like candy. They weren't altered in any way, just chopped up and tossed on a salad. Other times they're so bitter and extreme that I had to spit them out. Clearly two different species of onions, but I'll be damned if they didn't look the same.

>> No.4563887


Love garlic. Was suggested by a friend to eat a clove every few days or so for health benefits (that thought probably makes you gag).

Agreed, red onions are awesome. Even the burny, not-very-sweet ones I find enjoyable. I guess if I could stand raw garlic, I would fear no onion.

Ginger. I'm Chinese, so this creeps up a lot when I eat with my family, and my God I can't stand it. I've heard it's dependent on genetics whether someone likes or dislikes the taste of ginger. No source, just something I heard from a friend.

>> No.4563905

>Cucumbers. I don't know why, but if anything even touches a cucumber, it tastes terrible to me
Shit OP, are you me? They taint everything they're near with their taste. I can't even stand the smell of them.

>> No.4563917

Actually it depends more of soil conditions. Mostly the amount of sulfur in the soil they're grown in. You can get much different tastes from the same type of onion that way.

>> No.4563937

raw tomato

>> No.4563984

>Brusselsprouts. These are the only type of common leafy green that I hate

Brussel Sprouts are not a leafy green. That would be lettuce, kale, mustard greens, sorrel etc. Brussel Sprouts are a brassica.
Does it really matter? No not really. But if you call a BS a leafy green, people will think you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.4564018
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Fucking tomatos, man. I like them cooked or in a sandwich/burger/salad/sauces/anything but for the life of me I cannot eat them by themselves. A few weeks back I got home after a crazy night on mdma and (still very much feeling it) tried to eat a tomato that I had leftover. Nope. Still didn't like it, fucking absurd.

>> No.4564021

The common tomatoes you buy at grocery stores taste like crap, but heirloom ones, and the varieties that most people grow themselves, taste great, especially fresh.

>> No.4564024

I'll keep that in mind next time I swing by the farmer's market. I try to like tomatoes... but it's been a hard journey so far.

>> No.4564036

Well i am kinda the reverse OP but i love cucumbers but not a big fan of pickles

But i am not stuck up and i eat whatever my host gives me when i am visiting someone

>> No.4564037

Coconut. It's so fucking nasty. Whenever I taste any I low key spit it out

>> No.4564039

This guy has never had brussel sprouts

>> No.4564084

Eggplant. Tastes like vomit to me. That's why i don't like it.

No other pussy shit, and when other foods get touched by the eggplant, i don't give a fuck and still eat it because i'm not a total pussy.

>> No.4564122

Beef and pork. Just thinking about them makes me cringe. I'm fine with any other meats though.

>> No.4564123


How about okra anon? Probably the eggplant's texture is what turning you off...

>> No.4564149

Anything with anise
Coconut in any form
Those are the only 2 foods that disgust me

>> No.4564169

God damn it, finally someone who understands.

There's just something about the texture of eggplant that makes it so flipping irking.
Kind of like.. a dry sponge...

>> No.4564216


I fainted like an absolute bitch when I was younger because my mom was boiling eggs and she made me stand in the kitchen while she trimmed my hair.

I hate my palate.

>> No.4564232

>peaches (more than any other food.)
> cow milk (only in liquid form i've got no problem with yogurt or cheese)

>> No.4564233

I have tomatos and cucumber growing in my own garden. 100% organic.
While the home-grown tomatos are so much better than those from the supermarket that I can't even describe it, cucumbers are basically just water. And that's what they taste like. Home-grown or bough, doesn't really make a difference.

So, OP, I don't understand why a cucumber touching another think ruins it for you.

>> No.4564243

Onions in any color, condition or form -- to me they are just disgusting.

>> No.4564279


Sorry for your autism

>> No.4564283


>> No.4564286

Augh, god. I hate coconut too. Everything from the texture to the taste. And fuck coconut water.

>> No.4564287

>you have no idea what you're talking about
This is true.

All I know is that something called brussel sprouts is nasty and green

>> No.4564299

Don't be sorry.
I'm sure you're having bigger problems than autism.

>> No.4564309

Coconut water is absolutely disgusting, and the pulp is bad alone, but when it is used right, like in German Chocolate Cake, it is fantastic. But in that case, it might just be the texture.

>> No.4564313

What's wrong?

>> No.4564318

Probably genetics. Some chemical I can taste but you can't.

>> No.4564327


I'm the same. I can eat a tomato on a hamburger or sandwich. I can eat it's derivatives, ketchup and tomato sauce. I can't for the life of me though eat a plain tomato. I have no idea why this is.

>> No.4564354


This. Way too overpowering, destroys other flavors completely. Green onions are ok, but still I don't eat them raw.

>> No.4564363

Hah, I love everything tomato, from raw, to ketchup, to sauce, and all. Except for cooked. For some reason, when they get all mushy like that, it's just not good.

Then again, maybe I've just been eating cooked tomatoes wrong.

>> No.4564378

As a guy that hates tomato, try them on toast with Celery Salt. Shit is 100% pure cash.

>> No.4564385

>pure cash
great. Except for eating.

>> No.4564409

any food with cilantro.

>> No.4564410

Brussel Sprouts


Most seafood

>> No.4564430

honestly the only food i wont even attempt to it is very strong smelling seafood like mussels.

>> No.4564445

anything with anis

>> No.4564464

Durian and large insects. With the insects it's the texture, I just can't fucking take the sliminess, which is weird because I'm ok with okra, it's probably the thought of what it is. Small insects and fried tarantulas are fine because they don't get mushy and slimy, they're all crispy.

No "normal" foods really disgust me though. I used to absolutely LOATHE raw red onion but now I can't eat a burger or a hot ham and cheese without a big thick slab of red onion, the hotter and more sulfurous the better. In fact just from thinking about it I may just go get some ground beef and make myself a big juicy rare burger with nothin but some homemade mayo and a big ol' hunk of raw onion

>> No.4564479

I've never even heard of that. What is it like?

>> No.4564626


i like anise, but i can see why someone wouldn't...it has a slight licorice flavour to it the way fennel does. (i don't like either as an extract or a seasoning cuz then the flavour is too strong, but the flavour in the bulbs is really mild and they're good cooked in olive oil with italian food)

>> No.4564627


+ i hate black licorice btw... but like i said it's different with the bulb... usually they're easy to find around easter.

>> No.4564632
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It's a spice usually used with fish. Tastes like fennel and licorice.

>> No.4564637

What does fennel taste like?

>> No.4564642

Fuck any of those anise kind of flavors man. I can't tell you how many sausages I've found inedible because the fennel is fucking assaulting my entire mouth.

>> No.4564647

Kinda like licorice? I don't know man. It's an incredibly distinctive flavor that you usually describe as "anise"-y or "fennel"-y

>> No.4564661

I'll just have to go find and try some then.

>> No.4564668

ITT: OP is underage and nobody calls him out

>> No.4564679

Don't like cherries and grapefruit. Cherries leave a horrible acidic aftertaste, like I just chugged 3 cans of dr pepper (don't like that or cherry coke). Grapefruit doesn't even taste like something edible.

>> No.4564689

Op is a raging faggot what sucks cock for his sole source of nourishment.

>cucumber: Awesome with some salt right off the vine.

>B sprouts: A hearty and delectable treat on hot days.

>coffee: Mother Fucker, you are no son of mine.

That said, I fucking hate bell peppers. They are a waste of vegetable life. They are too sweet and aspriney tasting. They are for the tools that consider anything without a circulatory system to be edible.

>> No.4564745

Canteloupe is goddamn horrible.

>> No.4564761

Bell peppers, similar to OP and cucumbers.

Any cola-type soda. Things like Coke, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, Mr. Pibb, RC Cola, etc.

>> No.4564771

My boyfriend also hates cucumbers, and I just don't understand. They are one of the most flavourless vegetables out there.

Anyway, I cannot do water chestnuts, tomato soup, or ranch dressing. I will literally vomit if forced to consume any of the three. My step mother once forced me to have tomato soup for lunch even after I told her how much I couldn't stand it. I got through three bits and puked all over the table. Bitch never forced me to eat anything again (which I guess was fine since I'm not really picky aside from these things).

>> No.4564779

Onion that hasn't been either purified beyond recognition or turned into salt, cant stand the consistency. Hate away.

>> No.4564782


Whoops mean to say puree not purified lol.

>> No.4564804

The texture of cooked onions. Fuck me, they're disgusting. Same story with tomatoes, pak choi and aubergines. Fuck pickles, they want me dead.

>> No.4564851
File: 62 KB, 303x303, 1371100146742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like

Tomato, Cooked Onion (Texture, taste is awesome), most fruits (especially the very sweet/tart fruits), Ribs (Texture), Celery, Peppers, or most spicy foods.

I come from Iceland and pretty much lived on shit like potato, fish, sheep, goat, horse, and etc growing up so that might explain it. I first had a strawberry at 18.

I recognize that such a limited taste for foods will hurt me in the long run, so I'm trying to slowly ease myself into foods I hate. Forcing myself to eat them doesn't work because shit like onion texture will make me dry-heave if I try to eat what most people consider an acceptable amount in their food, but just building up slowly over time.

The involuntary dry-heaving is the worst because it's normally triggered by texture and not flavor, so I'll be eating like a delicious steak and bite into a gristley/almost all fat chewy part and rush for the nearest sink or garbage can. I feel like such a pussy every time it happens.

>> No.4564868


You sicken me to the core. Those are caled eggplants. EGG PLANTS. Speak english motherfucker.

>Ey there, Nigel. Wot's all thistheninnit? An aburGINE, in this part of the counsil estate innit? Yo daft cunt ya

>> No.4564892

Omg OP are you me? I cannot ingest cucumbers. I CAN'T. I hated tomatoes my whole life but I eat them now. But cucumbers...just fuck no I can't...

>> No.4564896

As OP, I can say with confidence that I am not you. I'm not some faggot that uses "OMG" or other acronyms of that sort. Also, I'm not a faggot that uses "are you me" things. Fuck off.

>> No.4564899
File: 197 KB, 294x256, thomas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You feel like a big guy now?

>> No.4565033

Get that courgette out of your ass.

>> No.4566121

Peppers, jelly, ketchup, yogurt, those are the big ones
I run a faire business selling jams and marmalades, I have people ask me to make hot pepper jelly...Thats 2 strikes. not going to happen, if I don't like it, I don't make it.

>> No.4566123

we got a true /ck/ here

>> No.4566127

Onions at all make me gag.

They're way too fucking strong.

>> No.4566148

anything but fish...and gamey meats.

I will legit not talk to you and go out of my way to harm you if you tell me something is chicken and it turns out to be ostrich or something equally fucked up

>> No.4566153

chicken livers

I can handle like a dozen or so and then I have to give up. I'm fine with other livers. I can eat tripe and tendon and other funny animal parts. Chicken liver though- dry birdfeed tasting blahhh. I suspect maybe I might just be getting them from a bad source.

>> No.4567680

>sliced cucumber
>dill dip

You fuckers who hate cucumbers never go near a veggie plate?

>> No.4567690

omg yes
my mother in law loves chicken liver pate on some bread
shit makes me nauseous as fuck
only thing i can think of when i see them is how i used to use them for catfishing & how they stink like cheap cat food

>> No.4567693

What? they don't mix

>> No.4567698

I actually love cucumbers, but when they're in tzatziki I seriously just gag at the taste/texture combination, I have no idea why.

>> No.4567718


Seafood is okay, but something about steaks, burgers, chicken etc I just can't stomach..

>> No.4567733

German potato salad. It tastes like acid, and makes the whole fucking house reek.

>> No.4567736

Are you eating it raw?

>> No.4567745

I can't really think of anything I don't like.

Except beans and noodles together, and that's only a texture thing.

>> No.4567756

I love cucumbers, unlike most people I do think they have a distinct taste but I like it. The new Chicken Mcwraps a McDonalds have cucums in them and they are fucking good.

Can't really think of anything I absolutely hate, but I'm not partial to dill or a plain raw tomato.

>> No.4567775


pronounced like k'yuke'ems?

is this european slang

>> No.4567792

No I just didn't type the entire word..

>> No.4567798

too late, im calling them cuke'ems from now on

>> No.4567814

I've always thought cucumbers were pretty ordinary, just crunchy water, maybe it's a genetic thing like cilantro?

>> No.4567819

Hating onions is a pet peeve of mine. If you tell me you hate onions I will hate you.

>> No.4567831

the hell they don't

>> No.4567841

Duke Cuke'em.

>> No.4567866

Cauliflowers, which is weird because I loved them as a kid. Now I can't stand them no matter how they are cooked

>> No.4567882

Pickles absolutely disgust me.

>> No.4567889
File: 9 KB, 205x286, 1327486463704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one friend who doesn't like tomatoes unless it's ketchup or spaghetti sauce

>Make spaghetti and meatballs for dinner
>Roommate has some
>"Ew, there's chunks of tomato in the sauce."

>> No.4567900

Should of told the fuck to just pick them out.

>> No.4567927

>should of

Stay in school, sport.

>> No.4567964


inb4 shitstorm

>> No.4567988

i prefer my sauce nice and smooth but its not like chinks make it ineddible. i kinda get where hes coming from as i hate raw tomatoes, but thats a textural thing, only way i like raw tomatoes is in a nice smooth salsa. but i would never be rude if someone gave me the food, id just pick them out.

>> No.4568020
File: 66 KB, 638x647, 1366649385112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn chocolate, like the standard kina chocolate. i know white chocolate isnt really chocolate but it taste okay, and the rich dark stuff is good too,

oh yea i fucking cant stand caramel

>> No.4568045

Casual conversation, not a term paper. I'll let you get back to sorting your M&M's now.

>> No.4568046

No you dumbass, the term is should've.

>> No.4568048

You get your shitting ass out of my cooking orgy

>> No.4568114

I can understand the asparagus part, it makes your piss smell something fierce, and steak can be really unpleasant if it ain't cooked right... but bacon, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!

>> No.4568162

it's still beyond me how some people confuse the words Have and Of. it's like they don't even know what they're saying.

>> No.4570084

God damn /ck/ threads take a long time to 404

>> No.4570835

fucking strawberries. wtf is this shit. Tastes shit, has texture like shit. The worst is artificial strawberry flavour. Just thinking about it makes me gag.

>> No.4570853

I like cilantro, but I know that some people think it tastes like soap because of some genetic thing. Can anyone specify their experiences with cilantro? To me, it just tastes sorta like a mixture between spinach and parsley.

>> No.4570863
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Any kind of tomatoes. Tomatoes, ketchup, pizza sauce, spaghetti sauce... anything made primarily with tomatoes in it, I just can't eat. If the taste isn't prominent I can usually bear it, but anything directly related to it makes me gag.

Which is really depressing, because I want to enjoy pizza, and not look strange when I order pasta with no sauce, but I don't want my taste buds to suffer either. Mrgh.

>> No.4570867

You could always order pesto pizzas, anon. I actually prefer pesto over tomato sauce on pizza.