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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 500x333, july06_japan-day6_hokkaidoCrab03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4590601 No.4590601 [Reply] [Original]

>shit that Amerifat deem weird and disgusting but because I am a native Japanese, I have the acquired taste to actually understand its delicacy

There is a reason this is one of the most expensive food in Japan. I highly doubt you pleb has heard of it seeing that its not PIZZA or Hamburger, its called the Hokkaido King Crab.

>> No.4590604

sieg is that you? you're not native japanese, you're from some foreclosure tract in exurbian southern california. also go back to /o/

>> No.4590613

Sorry Nippy, but that's an Alaskan King Crab there. And Alaska ain't in riceland.

>> No.4590615

Enjoy your walburger.

>> No.4590622

They may look alike but the Hokkaido one is much more delicious.

>> No.4590648


Ah, you must be having trouble seeing clearly with those squinty eyes.

>> No.4590654

This is a dumb thread

>> No.4590684
File: 673 KB, 1200x900, Beef Heart Small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weird and disgusting
The only people in the US who won't eat crab are vegetarians and allergy sufferers. That was considered servant food way back in the day.

We eat most of our animals. And shit like geoducks and mudbugs.

>> No.4590728
File: 20 KB, 250x387, Tasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit that Japs deem weird and disgusting but because I am a native American, I have the acquired taste to actually understand its delicacy

There is a reason this is one of the most tastiest soda in Japan. I highly doubt you pleb has heard of it seeing that its not Ramen or Sushi, its called Root beer.

>> No.4590735
File: 516 KB, 1600x1200, crawfish-boil2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mudbugs are so goddamn good bro...

>> No.4590738
File: 29 KB, 580x568, Mickeyrooney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Loot blel?

>> No.4590739

I dont particularly like crab but I do like crabcakes & most shellfish & fish
A lot of Americans east crab & those king crabs you can get at any shitty red lobster or $10 all you can eat buffet

<Where is your God now

>> No.4590742

>calling them mudbugs
>being a faggot
Pick both.

They're called crawfish. Get it right.

>> No.4590753

I didn't mean shit literally. I miss mudbugs. But they are ugly stinky little things. I can only find them frozen up here in the asian markets, so I use them for soups mostly.

Enjoy being from a terrible state.

>> No.4590756
File: 130 KB, 758x270, Crawfish monopoly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terrible state
>implying it isn't the best state with the best food

>> No.4590779

Congratulations, your state carries on beautiful fundamentals of cooking and has access to quality ingredients.

But has little creativity and is filled with violent impoverished trash.

>the best state
Get back to me again when mercenaries are called in there on your own state's authority to reach out and touch your fine citizens because they're shooting at medical helicopters while drinking stolen heineken.

>> No.4590787

never had one
all i know is they're fantastic for catching smallmouth bass

>> No.4590795

They're pretty tasty.
They sorta taste like tiny little crabs when they're cooked.
The meat is a lot easier to get to though. Instead of needing tools to open the shell, you can just twist the little buggers in your hands and that shit cracks right open.

>> No.4590817

>Get back to me again when mercenaries are called in there on your own state's authority to reach out and touch your fine citizens because they're shooting at medical helicopters while drinking stolen heineken.
lol What

>> No.4590831

get back to me when you learn to fact check
>shooting at medical helicopters
never happened

>> No.4590849

Yeah, your countrymen eat so much healthier than Americans, sure.

>> No.4591033

>eating a giant sea tarantula

>> No.4591038

that commercial puts to shame on all murika's shit garbage commercials

>> No.4591051
File: 62 KB, 259x226, retarded miku fan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they also put corn on pizza


>> No.4591056


>> No.4591057

>Eating insects

>> No.4591063
File: 291 KB, 1207x809, elevation map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was people shooting into the ground to get the attention of the rescuers. git fukin rekt m8

>> No.4591086
File: 7 KB, 235x250, Dungeness Crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dungeness master race reporting in from WA

>> No.4591087

hell yeah, sanfrancisco bay area here, love them fuckers

>> No.4591089

>lol jpn btar!
rotten bean sprouts
refried beans+sugar inside a gooey flavorless rice dough
chopped hard cartilage and chips of bone in a steamed dumpling
eating poisonous animals that if a single mistake is made while preparing causes death
corn+ham+mayonnaise on pizza, in a baked bun, fuck using a load of mayonnaise as a heated sauce
Yeah, you can enjoy that.

>> No.4591101

Those things are awesome between a nice bun and some coleslaw in there and a few drops of tabasco. It's a nice crunchy treat!
You buggers on the left coast probably get em for less than we get them here in NY. "seasonal prices" durr durr durr, get the fuck out!

>> No.4591107

Here's a funny one... some Italian dude who represented a company I was working for and took me out to lunch called them "DUNG-EN-OUS" crabs. This was a restraurant I'd been to before, and the waiter and I looked at each other with knowing eyes (___ FUCKING CUNT ___)

That was BNP Paribas.

Yup. Truth is stranger than fiction.

>> No.4591111

Nigga i walk two miles to a pier and catch them myself

>> No.4591117

Fuck you bastard!!! Share the wealth!

>> No.4591154

>Americans are disgusted by crabs
Come visit me at the chesapeake bay sometime and we'll see if that holds true

>> No.4591164


In first world countries we aren't forced to eat giant sea insects by the emperor

>> No.4591220

Lawl this guy doesn't even know what a plebeian is.

>> No.4591228

So Jelly

>> No.4591232

You mean Plebbite.

>> No.4591533
File: 90 KB, 318x235, sdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Blue crab master race here, Annapolis fag reporting in.

>> No.4591559

>implying you don't eat pizza and hamburger

>> No.4591582

Are all Japanese complete douchebags or did they just kick you out becausuh nippon gottu feddu up withuh your shittuh.

>> No.4591589 [DELETED] 

Eating crab isn't all that rare in America you stupid gook.

>> No.4591597
File: 1.03 MB, 2835x1890, KittyKat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i the only one who thinks that app that recognizes the box is neat?

>> No.4591611

The deep south has good food, but calling yourself a good state is a fucking joke. You're a third world country you dumb rural fuck,I wish we let the south secede.

>> No.4591628
File: 38 KB, 222x174, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How common is it for Americans to use the setup in pic related for their bathrooms?

I went to visit some relatives in Iowa, and got to stay in their house. They lived in a pretty small city, and had to do this because of something that had to do with their city sewage treatment.

Essentially you had to throw the used TP in a separate bin, and then also scoop the biggest turds back up and put them in yet another separate bin.

I've experienced the TP thing in hotels in Cyprus, Spain and Greece but the scoop thing came as a complete shock and I thought she was joking.

Could some American shed some light on this? How prevalent is it?


>> No.4591633

I'm an Amerifat and I've never seen that in my life.

>> No.4591635


They just dump all that shit out and expect you to come and chow on it like pigs at a trough?

Fucking disgusting Americans

>> No.4591638


>> No.4591640


The thing about stuff like this is that in Japan, it's popular for one of those pizzas or any of the other stupidly large food they have to be usually bought for multiple people, like friends who all chip in and divide it amongst each other.

Americans would just eat the whole fucking thing themselves.

>> No.4591642


Only for super cheap assholes who are too cheap to get septic tank treatment and paper.

>> No.4591643


fuck, I've never seen either of those anywhere in the world and I've lived in 4 different US states, Canada, England, and Denmark.

by far the most disgusting restrooms I've ever seen were in an airport in Hong Kong. They had toilets but it seemed that people just didn't use them.

>> No.4591646

WTF is this I have never seen this before. Is this an example of the coming apocalypse of basic services in America?

>> No.4591692

Most buffets are full of asians since theyre known to be frugal

>> No.4591696


I'm guessing it was a unique occurrence--someone out in the country with a malfunctioning septic tank who couldn't bother to get it fixed. Either that or a troll. If it did happen to be true, it's probably illegal. All municipalities have health codes pertaining to such things.

>> No.4591699

Abalone up in this motherfucker.

>> No.4591718

your one retarded slanty eyed fuck

>> No.4591741
