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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 23 KB, 300x304, dripping300_304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4607700 No.4607700 [Reply] [Original]

Show me the most disgusting foods you've ever heard of and/or come across. Include what it is and where it's from...

>Disgusting brown beans (I think)
>Typical school cafeteria

>> No.4607713


how fitting, it looks like those beans are covered in mucus

>> No.4607718

that's a fermented bean dish from Japan. I forget which one.

I would probably try it if I had some alcohol to chase it.

>> No.4607725

except natto is good you pleb

>> No.4607731

That's fucking natto you shitposting troll.

>> No.4607735

natto is nasty, and anyone who says they like it is a lying weeabot cunt

>> No.4607746


>> No.4607749
File: 50 KB, 500x375, Kimchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's basically rotting cabbage and it has the most pungent smell in existence

>> No.4607783

- surströmming
- hákarl
- durian
- vegemite but I'd actually like to try this
- beef bile

>> No.4607790

liver of any kind.

>> No.4607795
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>> No.4607801

>That's fucking natto you shitposting troll

How the hell should I know? It looks like freshly produced chunky fecal matter.

>> No.4607808
File: 49 KB, 600x399, bc00a5ab1e50d305c8972c6c440cb9c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>except natto is good

Does THIS look good? Yum, yum, that doesn't make me gag at all.

>> No.4607809

looks like a fucking turd

>> No.4607814

I'm not going to call this one way or another having never tasted it. But a shot of warm rice crispy treats would look practically the same, and those are pretty fucking dolamite.

>> No.4607835

Jesus christ, that looks like spider eggs.

>> No.4607839
File: 123 KB, 430x317, natto21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, that's a little unfair. If you covered a girl sitting in a bathtub with chili it would look like someone just took a giant, bloody shit all over her, but chili can be fantastic.

Natto is fucking disgusting, but don't discount it just because of the picture you posted.

Signed, an american guy living in Japan.

>> No.4607841

I'll also point out that it is really difficult to find a picture of Natto that doesn't make it look goddamn horrible.

>> No.4607842

What's natto taste like? It looks like baked beans in cheese (barf).

>> No.4607846

Is living in Japan hard? I've been reading a tourist book about it, and it's not as blatantly expensive people say so long as you avoid things. And you don't even need to know the language except for some basic words as most Japs know english (though they can't talk in it)

>> No.4607854


Natto tastes like you'd expect rotting shit to taste, because that's effectively what it is.

It's cold, slimy, bitter, and the smell is indescribable.

typing up a response, give me a sec.

>> No.4607868

pls respond ;_;

>> No.4607869

Still typing, I'm wrapping up chapter four :)

>> No.4607874

>Most Japs[sic] know English
This is 100% untrue. The Japanese as a people know next to no english, even though they teach it in school. I studied Japanese by way of the Pimsleur lessons, although the first time I came to Japan I had only learned to read the two alphabets (Hiragana, traditionally created for women to write, since it was softer and more simple; Katakana, used for strange words (sound effects, in my experience), and to express foreign words.) and I had listened to the first 15 of the Pimsleur lessons, enough to get an extremely basic working knowledge of directions and necessities (Bathroom, Hospital, Left, Right, etc)

As a culture, there's a divide; They're sort of like ants, in a way, always working for the good of the society as a whole (unlike western culture, which is usually more individualistic).

Even big cities in Japan are ridiculously safe. One-on-one theft or violence in Japan is very rare, probably because of what I said before. I've heard stories of Yakuza (Japanese Mafia) members being extremely polite to normal people, and honor within the gang is of the utmost importance.

The food, (since this is /ck/, after all) is interesting as well. There are the stable of traditional restaurants, (Ramen is known world-wide, I think; Lesser known, but EXTREMELY delicious: Okonomiyaki, Shabu-Shabu, Katsudon, Tonkatsu-Curry; Japan loves curry, and although they can't handle spicy things, the restaurants here also have extremely spicy dishes for foreigners and adventurous Japanese). Sushi is cheap and plentiful; Always sit at the bar, no matter where you go, (even in sushi shops in western countries), since it lets you actually see how the sushi is made, and the sushi-chef really appreciates it. Back to languages again for a sec, most people here appreciate you making an effort to speak; I only know broken conversational Japanese, but I've received a lot of hospitality, and people are tolerant of me taking out my phone to look up words.

>> No.4607879

Huh? It's in spices and vinegar. It's not rotten at all, unless you consider pickled things to be rotten. And kimchi is delicious, especially if you cook it.

>> No.4607877

Thanks man.

>> No.4607882

Hopefully that answered your question, I got a little carried away.

>> No.4607883

>The Japanese as a people know next to no english
They know plenty of English, if you're talking about basic vocab. They can't express any feelings or make coherent sentences, but if you say a word they'll figure it out 9/10. I guess it depends on what you're looking for.

>> No.4607884

clarified and justified some of my thoughts, really thankful for it

>> No.4607885

Not in my experience. Japanese are very particular about pronunciation, (I pronounced "basil" like we say it in America, they didn't understand at all until I started out throwing out other pronunciations and landed on how the brits say it). This might be politeness as well, as they don't want to embarrass you. Occasionally I'll meet someone at a convenience store who lived in America for a while, which is great, but most of the time this is not the case.

>> No.4607887

Well, pronouncing it all katakana-like is mandatory, of course. I guess I have a bit of a skewed view as well because I knew a good bit of Japanese before ever going over there, and I lived there for a good while.

>> No.4607894

As much as I'd like to give them credit for this, I can't. Their hospitality is great, though, so absolutely nothing against them. I've had people mime things to me to get me to understand, or discuss amongst themselves to try and come up with the correct word in English, and at one small shop the older woman running the place actually came over and helped me suggest something I would like, based on me guessing at ingredients.

All that being said, the majority of them still have no clue when it comes to english, words or otherwise. Again, in my experience. Where were you staying? I'm in Minami-senju, north-east a couple stops on the Hibiya line from Ueno.

>> No.4607898


Not who you're talking to but Arakawa here :0

>> No.4607905


>> No.4607910


Do you too come here I lament about all the things you can't make anymore?

>> No.4607912

Yeah, actually. I'm really craving Chipotle. My parents are coming to visit me in a couple months and they're bringing a giant vat of Skippy peanut butter as well, but not being able to buy like 5 pounds of ground beef for a nickel is saddening.

>> No.4607918

I'm about to go out for Sushi at くら寿司, in La-La Terrace. Dunno if you want to hang out with a /g/entoomen, but you're welcome to come

>> No.4607942


Ah shit I missed this. I just ate sorry! Do you have a throw away email I can get you at?

>> No.4607948

Sure, send me an email, we'll connect :)

>> No.4608555

You're probably not in this thread anymore, but when I was there I lived in Hirakata city near Osaka (study abroad).

>> No.4608677
File: 29 KB, 400x286, full_can_branded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey I remember that old 'Steve, don't eat it!' article from the sneeze over 10 years ago!
That brings me back.
Should be good for a laugh.


Have some Huitlacoche which is basicaly swolen fungus infected corn.

>> No.4608691

kimche is dope. not in large quantities, but good non the less. especially in soup.

>> No.4608696

>hating on based greasy long johns.

>> No.4608707

2 weebs in love in nipponland

aniki fisting sugoi desu ne

>> No.4608903


I want to try those so bad.

I've had it. Oddly, it reminded me of a banana. Very very creamy. It does have a bit of an offputting-to-most aroma though.

Can't say I've heard of hakarl or beef bile.

>> No.4608926
File: 1.52 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to work at taco cabana. My boss was a psychopath, and I decided to quit. I had asked her several times to PLEASE let me throw this stuff out, but she said no. On my last day, she wasn't there, and I said to the on site manager, who was cool, "look bro, I'm throwing this shit out. It's disgusting. If [my boss] gets pissed, just say I did it without telling you. It's not like she can fire me for it."

First, the cilantro.

>> No.4608929
File: 1.31 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_0459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what the bottom of the bag it was in looked like. This had been in our fridge, with me asked for it to be thrown away, for a week.

>> No.4608933
File: 1.23 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_0464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stains left behind by the bag when I finally threw it away.

>> No.4608936
File: 921 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_0466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A tomatillo deemed "acceptable" by my boss to be made into salsa.

>> No.4608937
File: 1.32 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_0468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fast majority of the tomatoes looked like this. I was told to cut off "the most moldy parts."

>> No.4608956

holy shit report this person and get them fired asap

>> No.4608969

Eh, the cilantro isn't too bad if you just pick out the bad par...

>> No.4609005

That is fucking disgusting

>> No.4609022

That's going too far. I think blemished or odd product is perfectly fine most of the time, and yes, you should just cut off the bad part and go forth (I can't stand the food waste when it comes to demanding "perfection"), but jeez.

Place an anonymous call to your local health department that is in charge of food handlers permits, inspections, etc. Tell them and then they'll come out and do a random health inspection. Include the pictures so they know you're not just a disgruntled employee with no reasonable basis for saying that shit.

>> No.4609026
File: 63 KB, 550x605, candwich-canned-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Candwich: Canned Sammich

>> No.4609580

I worked at a Subway and it was the same thing. Veggies that I wouldn't have fed a pig getting diced up for food.

>> No.4610372

> current year
> accurate fact
thank you accuweather forecast

>> No.4610456

on foxnews.com right now:

fucking 30 grams of transfat

>> No.4610466


thats natto, fermemted japanese beans

>> No.4610475
File: 298 KB, 1200x897, meat item random.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4610482

holy shit thank god someone finally answered this after two days we were all sitting here wondering what it was until you came along as evidenced by this long thread with no one mentioning the word natto or having discussions about it at any point.

>> No.4610486

>bathtub of semen beans

>> No.4610508

what the hell.

I guess mystery meat really does exist. I think the butcher there could possibly be a cannibal

>> No.4610518

Not exactly related, but I remember once putting too much salt on the cafeteria refried beans. I still gag thinking about it.

>> No.4610529

Not as bad as canned chicken

>> No.4610534
File: 35 KB, 468x369, Gordon Ramsay and lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a disgrace. Seriously, report that establishment. You'd be saving lives.

>> No.4610535

That sounds exciting
Mystery Meat nights every week bro

>> No.4610588
File: 322 KB, 716x1024, i'm not fucking looking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4610598

I'm seriously stumped at what kind of meat that is, it's probably long pig.

How is this legal?

>> No.4610617

holy shit i used to read that stuff all the time
he later drank breast milk and also fried a random shroom he found
great stuff

>> No.4610621
File: 124 KB, 500x667, spaghetti-and-ketchup-yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related

>> No.4610635

I don't have a picture but the worst thing I ever ate was an omelette with a side of "breakfast potatoes" and grits at some restaurant in New Orleans.

The omelette was completely undercooked and it was ice cold, the potatoes were stained orange cause they were so greasy and were soaking wet with grease and you can guess what it tasted like.
The grits had the consistency of 3 day old rice when they're supposed to be creamy.

I didn't pay for it, I told the manager it was disgusting and he let me leave.

>> No.4610637

Fuck you.
There is nothing better when you're 7 years old

>> No.4610658

I always ate spaghetti with real sauce, what type of people seriously ate this shit? I'm not even trying to brag or anything. Up until a few years ago when I first started posting on 4chan, the only time I had ever heard of spaghetti with ketchup was in the ending of Goodfellas.

>> No.4610677

egg noodles.

>> No.4610698

I almost threw up eating durian.

>> No.4610810

had a friend who did that but with sweet baby ray's BBQ sauce.

>> No.4610811
File: 10 KB, 240x180, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stinky tofu. The more horrendous the smell the tastier it is.

>> No.4611320

I'd seriously report that to the FDA

>> No.4611327

>semen beans

I lol'd

>> No.4611340

Mistery Meat is a reality? Oh boy

>> No.4611348
File: 58 KB, 500x424, durian-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tastes-and-smells-like-rotting-shit durian fruit

>> No.4611369


>> No.4611372

OP's pic literally almost made me puke

>> No.4611377
File: 1.54 MB, 463x261, 1371689400294.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-is that legal?

>> No.4611391

It is in Canuckastan.

>> No.4611444


>> No.4611826
File: 26 KB, 304x260, shrimp-brain-cannibal-halloween-party-gross-food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supposed to – to – to be brains? Wad of shrimp smothered in ketchup from some faggot Halloween party.

>> No.4611827

that's clearly pintos and cheese op

>> No.4611831

fucking egg noodles. I've eaten muskrat poop coffee, but egg noodles are fucking disgusting.

>> No.4611838

Are they really that bad?

>> No.4611863

Nah, they're just very... eggy

>> No.4612117

Holy would anyone be able to tell me anything about this one? I actually work in the legal department of the company that owns IGA and write letters to stores yelling at them for this shit. I'm curious, and my coworkers will love this.

>> No.4612204

that picture does make it resemble an open toilet
or a laughing fruit
either works