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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4866013 No.4866013[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Don't take this offensively, but my impression is that the /ck/ culture comes off more similar to reddit culture than 4chan culture. How many of you /ck/es frequent reddit?

>> No.4866018

Yeah, but I hate the users almost as much as I hate 4chan's users.

>> No.4866024


wat's reddit?

>> No.4866027


we don't like to hate, go away, or we will open fire.

>> No.4866029

And by that, I mean NEVER.
4chan is obnoxious enough for me, I couldn't handle reddit's level of faggotry without flying into a rage. Now GET OUT.

>> No.4866038

I frequent reddit's cooking subreddits. However, I came to reddit from 4chan's /ck/. Been a 4chan user for six years, redditor for two.

/ck/'s always had a bit of a different culture than 4chan at large. That's probably all you're getting.

>> No.4866050

I've noticed that when the nationalistic shitposting starts, no one here posts those cherrypicked infographs and statistics on white births, so /ck/ has that going.

>> No.4866051

Literally the only time I have ever visited reddit was to read the "ask me anything" thread with Glenn Greenwald and Janine Gibson.

>> No.4866053


Was it worth it?

>> No.4866064

I don't even understand how reddit's layout works. Not that I've seen it useful to make an effort to understand it anyway.

>> No.4866067

Does anyone else think blondes generally are gross looking?

Also leddit sucks

>> No.4866071

Remember that the website wasn't originally designed for maymays or thousands of replies to every post. Originally it was just technology and interesting articles, which the format works really well for because you can just hide discussions you don't care about and the most pertinent and interesting ones rise to the top. What actually happens is someone makes a stupid joke and a thousand idiots say 'me too!'

>> No.4866073

I was about to say the same thing, I've been to the site just to see what it's about but it's a bit confusing.

>> No.4866080

It was if you're interested in their work on the Snowden leaks. There were, surprisingly, some pretty good questions from the audience. I wouldn't want to be a regular on that site though.

>> No.4866086

I'll be straight up, the people shitting on reddit probably haven't been there.

4chan is much better in the food department. Yeah, reddit has a lot of solid recipes posted, like full on instructions and shit, but the community is pretty bad.

The typical reddit cooking person is like an overweight woman in her late twenties going "Look at my light recipe :3"
Fucking annoying.

Some guys post too but it's usually the same general recipe.

Shitty food porn is hilarious though...

However! reddit does have 4chan beat by way of wine, whisky, beer, and bourbon. They post relevant links to what's going on in the industry, info on where to begin and what to look for as you develop etc. They're good guys since it's a small group of subreddits.

Anytime alcohol gets discussed on /ck/, you co/ck/mongers instantly resort to shit talking and pissing contests about how your Olde English 40 is better than that other faggot's Steel Reserve.

>> No.4866091

Who the fuck cares?

>> No.4866196

To br fair, this Food and Cooking, not Fine Spirits and Dick Sucking

>> No.4866204

>ITT OP has never been on any board aside from /b/

>> No.4866207


captcha: pitato was

>> No.4866211

Any food related sub reddit is infinitely more informative than this cesspit of a board. I only come here to see how autistic people can get.

>> No.4866212

That's because we're heterosexual, fuck drink for taste i drink for buzz. And to be honest, i think 4chan needs to take a tip from a certain other chan and have a drug/alcohol board, or individual boards for both because alcohol IS a drug, who thinks of it as food? (Also, comics and cartoons are smashed into one thing, but we have like ten different anime and anime porn boards?)

>> No.4866220

shit man, how does one share his opinion without going full meta?

I don't think I can. I like having alcohol threads and I don't think we should segment ourselves anymore.
/ck/ is a good speed board so we have the right number of posters.

And even if there's an almost off topic thread we can still make good conversation.

>> No.4866251
File: 68 KB, 650x488, bubblegum-franks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go on Reddit OP, and you know what? It's good. Reddit does things to me you could never do. With you I was always faking it OP, how'd you like that? Yeah, you never satisfied me once but that Reddit? Now that's a REAL forum.

Remember this OP? "Bump, bump, oh great thread OP, bumpity bump..." That's right, I can turn it on and off just like that. You meant nothing to me, and the hilarious thing is, even after saying all this I can keep coming back here again and again.

You can't even downvote me.

>> No.4866345

reddit can eat a dick

/ck/ all day mother fucker

>> No.4866352

Reddit is fucking cancer, and fuck you for asking.

Not Food & Cooking.

>> No.4866353
File: 185 KB, 318x304, tumblr_inline_mob3trqfJx1qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>we're heterosexual

No we're not, there's enough FABULOUS running rampant on 4chan that everyone who uses it has a certain degree of cock-hunger.

It's just unlike Reddit, we're self-aware.

OP, I tried reddit but the layout is so fucking horrible, it makes me appreciate 4chan's simplicity all the more.(even with the autists and people sperging left and right on the other boards, amazingly /ck/ is one of the most pleasant boards to frequent.)

>> No.4866362

This. I don't even know what reddit's culture is because that website is terribad. I have only managed to force my self to use it for around five minutes.

>> No.4866390

not even once

>> No.4866403

the only way I can see this being justified is that cooking is a pretty mature subject for an internet forum. you're not going to get the retarded shit as much as you would with something more accessible to all ages like video games, sports or even television.

having said that you still definitely know you're on 4chan in a /ck/ thread. the mere fact this place is anonymous guarantees that you'll see crude retarded shit everywhere.

>> No.4866405

There's good and bad reddit boards and there's good and bad 4chan boards. There's also no such thing as 4chan culture, each board is very different and it's plonkers from /v/ and /b/ thinking everyone needs to act like them or else they are "from reddit", as if that means anything.

>> No.4866414


redditor scum spotted

>> No.4866429

/v/ used to be better, but it's infected now. I used to go to /v/ and we'd joke that future-/v/ years from now would consider all the interactive movie casual shit childhood classics, that if you didn't play carl on duty, you didn't have a childhood, and so on.

well, it's the future.. it's not a joke any longer


/b/ was never good.

>> No.4866446

/v/ is the same as it has been since the beginning. if you were here years ago you'd know that the people reminiscing about old /v/ said exactly the same things with various events and memes interchanged.

>> No.4866454

What the fuck does this thread have to with cooking? Mods delete. Op is being a faggot again.

>> No.4866456

/v/ was good when I was 13 and discovered it
It's shit now
I think the real change has been me

>> No.4866457

This. Someone else has always been blamed for the quality of the board: Newfags//b/-tards/normalfags/reddit/casuals = all the same thing. It's an unidentifiable "other" which serves as someone to blame.

>> No.4866461

i would never put my crappy food pics on reddit. what is a reddit

>> No.4866465

fags like you should get a retroactive ban of 5 years

>> No.4866466

Actually never even seen Reddit. I have no idea what it looks like. /ck/ has been my main board for 4 years or so.

>> No.4866470


>> No.4866472

Fuck reddit, terrible site, terrible posers, they think they are the shit but it actually sucks, if I want to read faggots talking about food I'll go to the blogs.
I can barely stand it here, no need to go to worse places.