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4885111 No.4885111[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Foods/liquids to help ease a sore throat?

>> No.4885113

hot tea

>> No.4885116


>> No.4885117

Gargle some salt water.

>> No.4885123

suck a adick

>> No.4885133


>> No.4885137

chinese tea and rice porridge

actually, that's the answer to any minor sickness

>> No.4885138

Make tea and add the following:
fresh lemon juice
cayenne powder (just a bit-- it increases blood flow, my doctor recommended it once and it worked nicely)
A belt of brandy or rum

>> No.4885140


>> No.4885176

Buttered Rum

>> No.4885185
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>juice of half a lemon
>2 tbsp honey
>a inch piece of ginger, cut into chunks
steep that in boiling water for a little over 5 minutes.(I did it in one of my teapots, which holds about 3 cups, I think.) To refresh, add more honey and lemon, the ginger will be fine for 3-4 steepings.
Depending on how shit I feel aside from my throat, I usually follow this with a NyQuil chaser.

Yeah, maybe.

>> No.4885259

wow that fox is beautiful


try drinking chamomile tea with honey

ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.4885289

Tea with lots of honey and cinnamon, also make sure the tea is 180-200 degrees when you drink it. It should burn when you drink it. And don't sip it either, take gulps.

Sure it'll fucking hurt, but trust me, it works like a charm. Whenever my throat is feeling something, thats exactly what I do and it works evrtim

>> No.4885291


>> No.4885294

don't do this, you will burn and hurt yourself, thats very very bad.

>> No.4885299

I was being series. My throat is fine, I've been using this method for years.

I guess the temp is a little high, I never really know how hot it is when I drink it; but it's fucking hot. I guess the range could really be anywhere from 140-190.

>> No.4885308

6oz hot tea
2oz whiskey
squeeze of lemon
1oz honey
A dash of your preferred spice cinnamon/allspice or w/e

works like a charm I usually gulp down a few of these when I'm sick.

>> No.4885312

Scotch whiskey, preferably a single malt islay. Peat smoke is good for the throat.

>> No.4885314

Gargling salt water, drinking apple cider vinegar diluted in some hot water, and tea with plenty of honey are the most reliable methods I've found.

Semi-related - nothing clears the sinuses like a shot of brandy. Nothing.

>> No.4885325

Op it's been said many times already in the thread but Hot Tea with a spoon full of honey works really well. Also if you do perhaps smoke, don't smoke while trying to heal your throat, It takes a 3-4 day healing time and turns it into a 2-3week healing.

>> No.4885353

i don't care how serious your being, you should never make a hot drink and then just gulp it down, you WILL be severely burned internally.


>> No.4885354

Marshmallows, or so I hear.

>> No.4885355

yo isn't 200 boiling? even before boiling just burns to touch with my hand....

nigga you can't be "series"

>> No.4885356

This is very unpleasant, but if your sore throat is an infection, this will do a number on it:

Eat two raw cloves of garlic. Chew them up really fucking well, do one with your left molars and one with your right molars. This will likely be painful, just deal with it. Then make a fresh ginger tea, from fresh ginger root you bought at the store. Just wash it, slice it up and boil the everliving shit out of it for awhile. Drink the tea with liberal amounts of honey. Then, get some vitamin c into your system, I usually just eat an orange but you can take a pill too. Then drink a lot of water, and go to bed and get at least a good 8 hours of sleep, preferably more. If you don't wake up to piss a couple times through the night, you didn't drink enough water. If you can't sleep, knock yourself out with Benedryl or Nyquil or something.

When you wake up infection will be gone and you'll feel great.

>> No.4885361

This dosent sound right at all.

>> No.4885364

Garlic only works on a bacterial infection. You can't really do anything for a virus except wait it out.

>> No.4885366

Korean tea. You know: the jellied stuff?
The yuja one is particularly good for this.
Boil water.
Add Korean tea base.
Repeat if/as needed.

>> No.4885367

perhaps the cure is marshmallow root, the actual herb. (they don't make marshmallows out of it anymore because its cheaper hue hue hueeee)

ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.4885381

I've been putting up with this for a good week now. Hot tea, chicken soups, gargling with salt water, the works. I also tend to eat spicy foods when I get a sore throat. No idea if it helps though. If it keeps up you will probably want to see a doctor though.

>> No.4885442

Spicy foods will only inflame your throat more.
@The person who said you eat them while sick. How? I cant imagine how that would be tolerable.

>> No.4885465

They're great for clearing up the stuffiness that can come with colds.

>> No.4885496


Seconding pretty much this (which I was told is some variation of a hot toddy, but its always worked for me so I never bothered to look it up).

Hot tea, a heavy shot of bourbon , honey, and lemon.

I add a couple whole star anise, a cinnamon stick (to stir with, of course), and grate some nutmeg on top.

I guarantee 2-3 will make you feel better.

>> No.4885507


ya they're really good huh?
I even make them when I'm not sick and its cold out just because they're delicious and warming.
I like them best with bourbon or rye although some blended scotch might be nice.

>> No.4885552



Right back at you.

And yeah, I definitely go through a shit ton of cinnamon sticks during winter due to the hot toddy.

Blended scotch is alright the few times it's all I had, but bourbon has always been my go to. For some reason every time I have rye I tend to just drink it neat.

>> No.4885611

Boil some milk and throw in some nutmeg, butter, brown sugar, onion, cayenne pepper and apple juice. Stir well and down it.

Everytime my throat has been fucked that recipe of mom's has always fixed it up within 24hrs.

>> No.4885635
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>within 24hrs

It's the 21st century anon, there is literally (LITERALLY) no reason to have to wait that long for relief.

>> No.4885645

You know what goes best with your sore throat, OP?


>> No.4885665

kill yourself

>> No.4885703


>> No.4885712
File: 53 KB, 400x500, Yogi Throat Comfort Tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Available at most grocery stores. Put two or three bags in a big mug. Add honey if you want. Great for sore throats and for those who do voice-over work/radio/tv/singing/etc.

>> No.4885864


>> No.4885874

Tea with manuka honey

>> No.4886405


>> No.4886416


wtf am I reading?

>> No.4886421

what does that have to do with riddit?

>> No.4886429

I have a rosehip and lemongrass tea that works better than all the lozenges I've tried.

>> No.4886431



>> No.4886457


prepare to have your mind blown.

>> No.4886471


you fucking kids and your furies

>> No.4887605

>comparing random spazzy lyrics of some silly song with random spazzy words from some other song on some other website that other people go to because they like it better or something


whatever anon...

>> No.4887631
File: 488 KB, 500x276, [remembering Paul].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking no
just stop
and kill yourself

>> No.4888382

>doesn't like free speech of the fox finally being happy



>> No.4888413

Tea with honey.
Spicy chicken soup.

>> No.4888837

Warm pudding