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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4920883 No.4920883 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese food recipes.
School work requires a meal produced from Japanese cuisine, at least japanses style.
something with many flavors, not too simple, not too complicated, please.

Also, Japanese food aprpeciation thread with tips and shit.

>> No.4920894

Cook kinpira shiitake (because I doubt you can find gobo where you are and I don't like kinpira daikon so I wouldn't recommend it to anyone), sake or saba shioyaki, kongou yasai itameru and some proper rice.

>> No.4920934

What school OP? I have a japanese cooking project too.

>> No.4921093


>> No.4921099

Can I get my fish without silver plating? Thanks.

>> No.4921121
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go to /sci/ for homework, faggot

>> No.4921197

Make some udon with broth from scratch (kombu/dashi stock, lots of vegetables). That's easy enough and only involves a trip to the closest asian market.

>> No.4921210

Yeah sounds cool. I'll try.
Shabu Shabu ?

>> No.4921982

not weeabo enough
choton cage bunching no yuzu cawai desu motto weeabo, arigato sensei

>> No.4922012


That's not shabu shabu. Like at all. Also shabu shabu is originally Korean.

>> No.4922122

been eating katsudon quite often lately.

very easy to make and super tasty.

>> No.4922126

I really -want- to like sushi, but I grew up as the only person not deathly allergic to seafood in my family, and am only really trying it now for the first time since moving out of home. I like canned tuna, most cooked white fish, and am not too keen on salmon. The texture of raw fish is something I'm having trouble getting used to, is it something I will grow to love or am I doomed?

>> No.4922131
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you could stick with inarizushi i guess.
fried tofu and rice, sometimes with cooked eel.

i really can't feel where you're coming from though, raw fish has always been delicious for me.

>> No.4922144

Haha, no. I couldn't give less of a fuck about Japanese cuisine, culture and cartoons. OP asked for suggestions. I gave suggestions from my childhood, stuff I grew up eating. You know... being raised by a Japanese woman and all that.
>everyone who knows things about Japanese stuff is a weeb!
Two hundred million people would like to disagree with you. You know... Japanese people. Or people from Japanese backgrounds. Idiot.

>> No.4922146

>Also shabu shabu is originally Korean.

What!? What!?
Do you know what you just said outrageous things?

>> No.4922147

translation of this weeaboo mess of gibberish:
braised shiitake mushrooms
salt grilled salmon or mackerel
stir fried vegetables
shitty Japonica rice

>> No.4922149
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That inari-zushi is failed .

>> No.4922184
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>> No.4922186
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Get your communist slant-eyed slope dirty gook self out of Australia. We're speak English here.

>> No.4922205

>the texture
Most fatty tunas practically melt in your mouth. The salmon just feels like an extremely tender piece of meat. What exactly is the problem?

>> No.4922263

Dear almond-eyed dude.
Read this in your cool eyes.


And you'll be better study the difference between Gook and Jap.
You see, Mr. White Trash?

>> No.4922266

Make okonomiyaki or yakisoba. Oyakodon is fairly easy too.

>> No.4922276

I thought almond-eyed was just another word for Asian eyes?

>> No.4924636
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Try to cook Chirashizushi.
You may be a hard time to collect the material, but the cooking is easy.
(Please recipe and image search for "Chirashizushi" on Google)

>> No.4925637

How about Okonomiyaki?

Okonomiyaki (お好み焼き o-konomi-yaki?) (About this sound listen (help·info)) is a Japanese savoury pancake containing a variety of ingredients. The name is derived from the word okonomi, meaning "what you like" or "what you want", and yaki meaning "grilled" or "cooked" (cf. yakitori and yakisoba).

*quote from WIKI