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4957236 No.4957236[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

All I want is sticky rice. You know, Japanese rice or something to that effect. The kind that clings together when cooked.

But apparently, it's impossible to find out exactly what kind of rice I need to buy to get it!

Wikipedia says that Japanese rice is short grain.

My rice cooker manual says that sticky rice is medium grain.

And /ck/ told me a while ago that sticky rice is long grain.

Which is it?! Why is something so simple so bloody confusing??

>> No.4957246

Any Chinese rice, just make sure to rinse it multiple times until the water is clear.

>> No.4957245

Jap rice is short grain.

There are sticky rice that is medium grain though, we use those kinds for desserts.

Never heard of long grain sticky rice, the only notable long grain used most of the time is basmati.

>> No.4957249

Short grain is sticky rice. Medium grain can be sticky. Short grain is the stickiest. I use Clearspring Organic sushi rice, and it is very sticky and delicious

>> No.4957251

Just buy Calrose and be done with it.

>> No.4957264

you need glutinousrice


>> No.4957287
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That I'm aware of. The problem is that the only sensible classification ever written on ANY rice packaging in stores here in the US is the grain, even when shopping in Asian stores or Asians aisles in grocery stores, which is mind-boggling.

I've looked for rice labeled glutinous rice, I've looked for rice labeled Japanese rice, I've looked for rice labeled sticky rice... nothing.

And then when I tried figuring out which grain type is the one I need, I got conflicting information.

But I guess it's short grain then. Thanks for the info, /ck/.

>> No.4957290

Sticky rice like the kind for onigiri or sushi is MEDIUM GRAIN.

Really really sticky rice for like desserts and other treats is SHORT GRAIN or GLUTINIOUS RICE

In thailand and other countries they have long grain GLUTINIOUS rice

>> No.4957296

I think glutinous rice looks different. While regular rice is translucent, glutinous rice is just white through and through.

>> No.4957299
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>> No.4957300


It's both. The rice used for sushi is typically short-grain, but the rice commonly eaten in Asia is medium-grain.

>> No.4957311

This. Sushi rice is short. Regular rice used for meals and shit is medium (or long?). Christ, I've eaten rice since forever and I don't even know the size of the grains I've been eating.

>> No.4957312

Short grain is typical sticky rice. Sice i have a harx time finding real japanese rice . I use italian rice wich is use for risotto. Arborio rice is easy to find in every grocery store.

>> No.4957326

I find my sticky rice in Asian markets here in Canada. Most of the time it is labeled as sweet rice.

The brand I get most often is Koda Farms Sho-Chiku-Bai which is apparently even available on Amazon.

>> No.4957363

It's long grain.

>> No.4957388

If you live in the USA just buy Calrose rice. It sticks together and is reasonably similar to authentic Japanese rice varieties (the kind used for eating with meals, not the "glutinous" rice used for making mochi and similar).

>> No.4957397

The thing is that 'sticky rice' is a loose term. It just means rice that is sticky, which could be achieved by using more water during the cooking process, or using broken grains, whether or not the rice is short, medium or long.

If you want rice that is used for sushi or that Japanese or Korean restaurants serve, you want short grain rice (typically, they just use sushi rice for ease). You don't really need glutinous rice but you could use it nonetheless.

The aim is to use a type of grain that has low amylose and high amylopectin. The shorter the grain, the lower the amylose and higher the amylopectin. These two forms of starch basically determine if it's sticky or fluffy.

>> No.4957546

Jasmine rice master race

>> No.4957553

just look for sushi rice

>> No.4957574

.... Just buy the things labeled "sticky rice?"

>> No.4957581

> It just means rice that is sticky, which could be achieved by using more water during the cooking process, or using broken grains, whether or not the rice is short, medium or long.
You are confusing mushy and sticky. The former is fucking gross and shows that you don't know how to cook rice,

>> No.4957584

Just make regular rice on the stove. When it gets close to being done, add a little more water and let it cook for a few minutes more.

Take it out, spread out on a pan, sprinkle malt vinegar over it, let cool.

>> No.4957590

what makes rice sticky is the sushi vinegar they use.

you can buy sushi vinegar premade and that way you dont have to make it yourself. cook short grain rice, pour in a little bit of the sushi vinegar, and BAM, you have sticky rice.

>> No.4957600

What? They don't put vinegar in their rice other than if it's used for sushi, right?

>> No.4957606

Because I don't think op wants to make sushi. He just wants Asian steamed rice.

>> No.4957665

God damn it you white people. There is no such thing as sticky rice so quit asking for it. If you have a Korean supermarket near you, just get a 20lb bag of rice that is on sale. It's will most likely be short grain rice. Glutinous rice is called sweet rice and it's usually mixed with regular short grain rice. Asians don't just eat glutinous rice.

>> No.4957684

>not washing your rice with RO water first


>> No.4957685

Buy Three Rings Brand.
Wash rice.
Rinse rice.
Wash rice.
Rinse rice.
Wash rice.
Rinse rice.
Put rice in pot or rice cooker.
Add half the volume of water as rice that is if you are cooking 2 cups of rice, add 1 cup of water.
Soak the rice for 30 minutes.
Cover and turn on the heat to medium/medium-high heat (or turn on your rice cooker).
Cook, covered until water is absorbed, then off the heat and allow to sit another 10-15 minutes.
Remove the lid and allow to rest another 10 minutes.
Serve sticky rice.

>> No.4957688

>no such thing as sticky rice
You are a fucking moron and I hate you.

>> No.4957693


>wash rice
>rinse rice

>implicating these two actions are differentiated

do you mean submerge the rice in water and let it sit there for a few minutes?

wash rice = rinse rice.

put it in a god damn mesh collander, and run water through it while agitating until the water comes out clear.


if you eat rice for nutrients you are fucking poor and go to hell. eat a god damn vitamin pill.

>> No.4957701


Nice rebuttal.

>> No.4957709

>God damn it you best people

>> No.4957793

Washing means to use your hands to swish the rice about.
RInsing is to run the washed rice under running water.

>> No.4957879

If you had any brains at all, you would know exactly what the grain size means and how that affects how it cooks up.

>> No.4957889


Why is this still going on?

>> No.4958663

the most common varient of rice in japan is koshihikari, followed by akitakomachi

these are not glutinous rice.

the most common variant of "asian rice" in the US is calrose.

Jesus christ. You guys should do some googling before you spout your mouthes. If you want to be autistic about rice go to a real japanese store and look for these lablings. Its something that is ADVERTISED in japan, oh my fucking god its koshihikari rice!

>> No.4958668

also japan exports no rice.

>> No.4958690

I use cal rose medium grain rice for every meal I eat with rice. Just get medium grain or short and stay away from long grain for "sticky" rice.

>> No.4960075


It's so easy to make sticky rice.
My problem is making the opposite. I think it's next to impossible.
I have followed the recipe's to a T by chefs such as Deliah Smith, Jamie Oliver and Nigella Lawson. They're all full of sh-t, it's impossible. I don't know how my local Cantonese does it and I'm scared of asking how, because the chef is an angry asian lady. She'll probably cut off my balls and use them in a special dish if I do.

>> No.4960106

Go to an asian store and ask the people there what to get.

>> No.4960138

how can rice be sticky if it isn't even a stick

>> No.4960192

Boil it in lots of water with the lid off.

>> No.4960202

I live in a very asian town, and all the markets sell japanese imported sushi rice in 25-50lb bags. It's almost all short grain.

>> No.4960230

try porridge rice

>> No.4960262

Very asian.

>> No.4960270

How asian is very asian

>> No.4960277

Goya/Diana "valencia" sworks.

>> No.4960286

or rice vinegar

>> No.4960290

>doesn't say how

>> No.4960463


>> No.4961041

Hah, this thread reminds me of a housemate that couldn't cook and wanted to serve rice with his food.
He accidentally bought glutinous rice because "it looked like normal rice?", and when he got home he poured some of it into a bowl, added a splash of water and left it in the microwave on high. 15 mins later he had a brick of rice that was so hard that if you had a few more you could build a small shelter out of them!

>> No.4961914

ma nigga dont fret
japanese sushi rice is calrose rice
calrose rice is short grain and sticky esp. when you use a pressure cooker
wash your rice 3 or 4 time and let it sit in water for 30 mins then cook your rice for godly rice everytime

>> No.4963111


Just get jasmine rice.

>> No.4963143


I've been spoiled on this stuff. It's just so flavorful and aromatic. But you really do miss out on the simple, nutty flavors of non-jasmine rice if you rely on it all the time.

Also jasmine rice makes terrible Latin, Caribbean, and Louisianan rice dishes.