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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5443345 No.5443345[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what does /ck/ think about English/British food, do you guys buy the whole 'English food is crap' argument?

>> No.5443350

well i'm a brit and i like it. i really hate overcooked roast beef though.

>> No.5443354

A lot of it is kind of typical and bland, with a little disgusting thrown in. They make god-tier comfort food, however.

>> No.5443357

Disgusting, world renowned for being garbage.

>> No.5443365

My family has a pot roast like that every Sunday and I like it. I'm a fan of fish and chips too, or have been since moving to a seaside fishing village, but from what I hear they dump about half a pound of salt on it and soak it in vinegar in England.

>> No.5443373

It's served 100% unsalted inn the majority of places, there's a shaker and vinegar bottle on the counter, so ruining your chips is really up to you

>> No.5443377


are you hyperbolically objecting to the idea of us salting our chips or do you genuinely believe we wilfully fuck up our food like that

>> No.5443394


What do you think?

>> No.5443424

Pretty disgusting. All the good foods there are either French or Indian.

>> No.5443428
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Pick one nigga

>> No.5443472
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>> No.5443481

Honestly I don't know enough about brittish food, but I think it gets a bad rep because it was industrialized quite early and the traditional cooking way has been forgotten among the general populace.

>> No.5443483

I would eat the shit outta that

>> No.5443486

>British people think fatty slop is good

Why the fuck are Brits obsessed with taking perfectly decent food and then drowning it in greasy liquid and making everything on the plate soggy?

>> No.5443487
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>posts faggots

>> No.5443489

>roast dinners
>fish and chips
>most western curries
>good sausages
>god-tier cheese
>many modern desserts
>beef wellington
>god-tier beef breeding
>good stews
>fish pie
>roast rabbit
>grey shrimp with mace butter
>full breakfast
>cornish pasties
>Worlds best ales, bitters, cider, gin, and whiskey.
Brit food was crippled by rationing, but it isnt actually that bad.
It is, at the very least on par with germany.

>> No.5443495

You misspelled "americans"
They deep fry butter there. They even found a way to deep fry coke. They fry a liquid. We cant even get near that level of fatness.

>> No.5443497


what the hell's wrong with putting salt on chips?

>> No.5443499


that gravy isn't fatty, it's probably bisto.

>> No.5443500

>implying there's a difference between brits and americans other than accent

>> No.5443506
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>> No.5443511

most "cuisine" arose from old recipes that poor people make because they are poor and can't afford actual food
I mean, it's not always the case, but more often than not recipes more than a few decades old are for the poor

>> No.5443513

Other than 200 years of history/ cultural divergence, the presence of imported slaves, a completely different legal code, different language trends, different media, and dozens of other factors?

>> No.5443514
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>> No.5443518

There is, Brits consume far more disgusting food.

>be living in UK
>have three asparagus on my plate
>look on his plate
>microwaved potato
>fly away and never come back

>> No.5443519
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>> No.5443526

I've heard pre ww1, british cuisine was pretty similar to french. Mainly because the rich employed french cooks. The split mainly came because of rationing, as well as a general attitude that spices/herbs were used to disguise old meat. We didnt get back on track until about 1990, really.

>> No.5443529

Americans are far more positive with achievement/progress (or were). If Britain landed on the moon, critics would say the money should've gone to starving Africans, or that the fuel used wasn't "green" and flying the British flag would be colonialist and racist.

>> No.5443531

This definitely happened. Salad is also illegal in england, and butter is our only condiment.

>> No.5443533
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>> No.5443535

bretty gud
worcestershire sauce, devonshire cream (though we bastardized it here), sandwiches, pies, custards
Not enough of your stuff gets used regularly over here, and, consequently, the ones we do use get overplayed.

>> No.5443536
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>> No.5443542
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>> No.5443548

What? Only butter. What about double cream? Or clotted Cream?
I also hear you use yeast and salt on everything as well.

In all seriousness British roasts are great, also best fish and chips ever.

>> No.5443553

>spices/herbs were used to disguise old meat

And that's wasteful, better to just boil it until sterile.

>> No.5443555
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>> No.5443557

am british

we have shitty selection of produce and meat in the part of the uk i live in, but it's not the case everywhere

>> No.5443562

If we're comparing pleb food, the US wins just for american cheese.

>> No.5443566
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>> No.5443572
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>> No.5443573

The whole boiling stereotype is fucking ancient as well. Boiling meat was popular hundreds of years ago because ovens were rare, but boiling over a fire was available to peasants.
these days, the irish are more associated with boiled meat.

>> No.5443574

oh yeah, that's the other difference, Americans don't get our sense of humour.

>> No.5443576

It could be worse, they could be french.

On a slightly jollier note, a full English breakfast sounds cracking good, also some serious fish n chips. I have no problem with British food.

Don't compare it with faggotry crap with little streams of jizz over the plate, fuck all we all get that crap in the hoity toit places, that's not exclusive to anywhere.

>> No.5443579

where do you live?
I regularly visit my parents in rural cumbria, and they are still within driving distance of supermarkets carry pretty much anything you could want. Admittedly, there are no vietnamese restaurants near, which saddens me.

>> No.5443582
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>> No.5443593

so, jellied eel, a dish local to london, which has not been popular for over 50 years, means we boil all our meat?

>> No.5443594
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>> No.5443596

I have a grill for those little beasts!

>> No.5443606

I prefer them smoked on rye.

>> No.5443612

That is our best dessert.

>> No.5443614
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>> No.5443620
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>> No.5443623

...is that northwood underground station?

>> No.5443627

This sounds good to me from Julie's Green in Skelton...

fridays special £3.50 07811775146
chicken parmo chips & salad ,garlic sauce



This looks really good to me, someday I might get to Skelton and check it out myself.

>> No.5443628


It's whisky mate, 'whiskey' is irish

>> No.5443632

Brits ITT:
>b-but Americans!

>> No.5443634

Fucker, I am drunk as shit. You are probably right. If so, I concede the error.

>> No.5443635


>> No.5443637

Well, Its primarily americans mocking british food. Its sort of ironic, considering how americans will literally fry anything.

>> No.5443639


>> No.5443641

>not mentioning the scotts

>> No.5443642
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postan what dis brit is eating 2nite

>> No.5443644

Easy mistake to make man, it's just that "whisky" is like the high brow "scotch" (as Americans call it) and "whiskey" is like everything else really, it used to be just irish but now it's like jack daniels and the really good Japanese stuff is all just "whiskey"

I'm only pedantic about it because I'm Scottish and this is our strong suit

>> No.5443646


Canadians do though. Many of our comedians were very obviously influenced by British comedians

>> No.5443649


we have a truly pathetic range of restaurants

there are a few small organic foodie places that sell odds and sods, and im within walking distance of asda and a co-op but their meat and vegetable ranges are so small and pathetic

mostly because the people of birmingham dont eat very exciting food, i suppose, but i'm greek and moved from london so im probably just used to being a little spoilt for choice

>> No.5443653


I was just in England, and all of the British food I tried, in restaurants or convenience, was flavorless crap -- except cream tea.

The Indian food was excellent, but every british dish was shit.

>> No.5443656

I bring good news. Maria didn't hate the fish so I'm going to ease her anus into some bass soon,

>> No.5443657

If Brit food is so bad, why is US TV filled with Brit chefs teaching those dumb shemales how to cook?

And I don't mean how to cook "well". Just how to cook so that you won't die aged 38.

>> No.5443659


America makes better beer and cheese.

>> No.5443661

We're not mocking anything so don't your panties all bunched up. It's called harmless banter. You can dish it out but you can't take it?

>> No.5443663

fair enough. I do enjoy laphroaig, and irn bru. Does make me sad that we dont make any whisky in england anymore.

>> No.5443666


Good one.

>> No.5443667

>I was just in England
Except you weren't were you? YOu were in your basement.
What happened is you talked to someone from England while playing your MMO of choice.

Admit it, sissy.

>> No.5443669


brits have a longer history with fine dining

>> No.5443673

>America makes better beer and cheese.

Do Americans even make either? I know they make that expensive trendy Portland water with hops in, and they make "cheese-flavored substance". But I don't think either would qualify as real consumables in any other country.

>> No.5443675

Utter Bullshit.

>> No.5443679

Irn bru is class I feel sorry for Americans since they can't have it

Yeah it's sort of died out in the south of Scotland too, I live near the only distillery south of the forth road bridge that produces quality whisky (apart from drambuie but that doesn't really count)

>> No.5443680


they make good beer, i dunno about better, but cheese? what

>> No.5443681


Actually, my state of Vermont has both the world's best cheddar and the world's best beer, determined by international competition. Suck it.

>> No.5443689

Their microbrews are decent, but they still cant match hundreds of years of practice. They make imitations at best. Their macrobrews are just pathetic.

>> No.5443694

Well, its a step in the right direction. How did you rate the chip shop?

>> No.5443705

>determined by international competition
>World Series Baseball
"Good going, America".
*Polite golf clap*

>> No.5443709


It's okay, I'd be mad too if I had to live in a third world country.

>> No.5443711

For a proper grilled cheese sammach you need American cheese, Kraft. That and a couple slices of American bacon and it's all good.

You Brits only wish you had it so well, but you're run by the EU now and overrun by muslims. Who's the fucking sissy?

America... not run by the UN or EU.
Britain... run by muslims and the EU and UN.

I do speak English and would love to visit there someday. Make a plan and stick to it.

>> No.5443712

>They make imitations at best.
You just hit the nail on the head.

USA is uncomfortable with the fact that their beers to Britain and Belgium will always be like how they view Japanese cars compared to their own - plastic facsimiles.

>> No.5443722

>It's okay, I'd be mad too if I had to live in a third world country.

>no free healthcare
>highest % of population imprisoned in world
>capital punishment
>no free higher education
I have some bad news for you...

>> No.5443726

It looked like you mentioned Kraft in a post about "best cheeses", so I stopped reading in case I ended up thinking you were some kind of twat.

>> No.5443727
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>implying Americans will ever give a shit about the opinions of foreigners


>> No.5443731

>nothing is free, soviets tried that

>> No.5443735

You do, the goalposts were move while you had you heads up your collective ass thinking about the glorydays.

>> No.5443736
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>french food
Damn straight son

>> No.5443740
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>> No.5443741

Murcan here. Our soldiers can't fly our flag much of the time when going into foreign cities. Anyone who flies the confederate flag is seen as a racist hick. We hear a lot of those criticisms about the space program, there was also a lot of criticism in the beginning of it due to us being behind. Only reason we didn't get the criticism at the time of the landing was because it was a huge victory.

>> No.5443743

It's not "THE BEST" which is what you think that I'm asserting. It's best for grilled cheese sammaches. That's what I wrote, don't get your british panties in a tuffle.

For a Brit, your reading comprehension sucks the twat zone.

>> No.5443744

Economics class: failed

What am I talking about? You didn't take an economics class your whole life.

>> No.5443749

My reading comprehension is fine. I already told you I stopped reading when I saw the brand name "Kraft". That was the 11th word in a longish post. So I never really got to the crux of what you were saying.

>> No.5443758
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>Be Britbong
>Pregnant wife having abdominal pain
>Take her to "free" healthcare
>Kebab doctor kills her
>He doesn't get in trouble
>Go home, pop a frozen dinner in the microwave
>Indian food, it's the only food that has any seasoning in the country
>750 watt microwave takes ten minutes
>Spend it sitting on my 1970's era toilet crying
>Consider suicide
>Can't even shoot myself


>> No.5443763

Chips were good. Fish was bland and overcoocked, but the batter was very crispy. I think bland and overcoocked is the style of traditional fish n chips which is a shame.

>> No.5443767

Kebab, Hindi or Beaner, pick your brown doctor.

>> No.5443768
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>> No.5443773
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>> No.5443777

So what you're asserting is that not only did you fail your economics classes but you think that stuff is free and doesn't come from taxes, therefore not free.

Are you some filthy hippy hurr durr occupy type?

>> No.5443781
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The best Brit chef

>> No.5443783

>I was just in England, and all of the British food I tried, in restaurants or convenience, was flavorless crap

What did you try?

>> No.5443789
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>> No.5443791

>America makes better beer and cheese.

But how many americans eat/drink it?

The UK's largest pub chain specialises is selling cask ales which are, for the most part, damn good.

>> No.5443793

trying to comment on soviet economic policy when you get your information from faux news. it's a novel approach, I'll give you that.

>> No.5443794
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>> No.5443797


>> No.5443798
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not british but british in spirit

>> No.5443802

But why ruin it with bland white bread burnt to a carcinogenic crisp? Rye will work much better.

>> No.5443804
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English food is the worst.
Ulster food is superior.
I think we'd have the best cuisine in the world if we weren't attached to your scabby nation.

>> No.5443807

British food in general is pretty shit.

>> No.5443808

No it's the craft beer co. pub in London. It's often filled with men with ponytails but half of the stuff there is american IPA's which are hard to find in England.

>> No.5443809



Full tea (sandwiches, macarons, scones with cream and jam) & cream tea (scones with cream and jam)

Fish and chips


Meat pies

Full english breakfast

Boiled eels with mash and liquor

meat pie with mash and liquor

Welsh Rarebit

Sunday roast dinner (lamb and beef)

Convenience food:

Toad in the hole

Meat pies

Scotch egg

Cooked myself:

"Bacon" and eggs

This is all I can recall of the top of my head. Nothing except the scones passed the quality of the average American truck stop.

>> No.5443813
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>> No.5443814

Ulster.. was that the place that sold their neighbours, their daughters or themselves into white slavery?

I keep mixing the up the dirt-floor tribes.

>> No.5443815

>healthy lean meat
this reminds me of how people think the toppings mean jack shit when determining the nutritional qualities of pizza
at least 50% of the calories are gonna come from stuff you can't get rid of without radically altering the dish

>> No.5443816
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>> No.5443818

So I'm right, you're an occupy type. GTFO!
The last bastions of that commie bullshit are Cuba and North Korea, you might be better off there.

4chan's not allowed in those places, the truth might blind the eyes of the people.

>> No.5443819

>Boiled eels with mash and liquor
>meat pie with mash and liquor

Where'd you get these?

>> No.5443820
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>> No.5443823

Congratulations on having the most grating accent in the British Islaes. Worse than Birmingham.

>> No.5443824


Manze's i think was the name, it was in London. They have 2 or 3 locations. Had sasparilla there too, that was good -- reminded me of Moxie.

>> No.5443826

Actually the pastry on those is pretty thin, it's probably less calorific than it tastes.

>> No.5443827

Any news that you disagree with is "faux news" as you put it. Go back to your occupy tent and keep thinking that anyone gives a shit what you think.

Did your daddy touch you in the nono?

>> No.5443831

None of the above.
Ulster is the place that Ireland gave to Britain so they'd leave them alone.

>> No.5443836
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>> No.5443837

This appears to be very similar to the full English breakfast. So you're suggesting that despite the two countries' extreme similarities in cuisine, those very tiny differences are the differences between the best and worst cuisine in the... The world?

Nice b8 m8

>> No.5443839


Were you staying in London?

Would explain why the Fish and Chips and the Pastie were 'bland'.

>> No.5443842


1/2 the trip was in the cotswolds, 1/2 in London. Also spent a day in Oxford but I don't think I ate anything there.

>> No.5443844
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>> No.5443847

I think the worst and most annoying accent is from parts of New York City. There's the Queens accent that some girls seem to use, then there's the Jewish accent.

They're both contrived and make no sense.

>> No.5443848
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>> No.5443849

Are all British KFC's awful or was I just unlucky?

>> No.5443850

Two constituents.
1) potato bread
2) soda farls

These two humble breads elevate what is otherwise a shitty breakfast to something god-teir.

The Ulster Fry is something I have never seen replicated effectively, not even in other parts of ireland.

>> No.5443852
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>Vermont cheddar
>best cheddar

You can barely even call that garbage cheddar.

>> No.5443857


telling someone they no nothing about soviet economics =/= being a soviet yourself.

But I should thank you: you illustrated the ignorant, one-dimensional view of the world that I accused you of very slickly.

>> No.5443859

Probably unlucky. Really depends on how long ago the chicken was fried.

>> No.5443860
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>> No.5443861

Britfag who travels to the US for business a lot.
Aside from a different menu, very little difference in the original recipe chicken.
Some of the London locations use Halal meat, and that can be watery due to fradulent tumbling in the supply chain.

>> No.5443862

Nah British kfcs are just awful

>> No.5443863

>Convenience food:
>Toad in the hole
You're drunk or making shit up and have never left your mum's house.

>> No.5443865
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>> No.5443869

I haven't much experience with KFC, but damp rubbery skin and breading, somehow...dry AND wet meat and the blandest coleslaw I ever had in my life.

By my standard of cooking, if they can mess up chicken worse than my mother.. there's something wrong

>> No.5443872

Maybe he's morbidly obese?

>> No.5443874

The microwaveable version is nigh on impossible to find and tastes like satan's perineum.
The aunt bessies stuff you do in an oven is ok, but not much easier than doing it yourself.

>> No.5443877
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>> No.5443880

In Soviet Russia, what you wrote might make sense.

>> No.5443883

>tastes like satan's perineum.
Delete every other post and then archive this thread for that phrase alone.

>> No.5443884
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>mfw people come to England with the impression that jellied eels is anything other an a gimmick dish

I've lived here my entire life and haven't even seen it on any menu, let alone eaten it. It's like people who hear about surströmming and then think it's a staple of scandinavian diet.

>> No.5443889

This sounds like it has been left a while since being cooked. If you really like fried chicken then perhaps give it another go.

>> No.5443890
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Isn't it all horsie meat in the UK?

>> No.5443892


It was in a aluminum tray, I baked it in the oven. I had a kitchenette in the Cotswolds.

>> No.5443898

Horse meat was(is) used everywhere. It was only Britain that detected its use, though.

Result: higher food standards in Britland than anywhere else.

>> No.5443899



this and rhubarb tart are my two favourite things my mum makes

>> No.5443901

yes, because the infant mortality rate of the US is famously lower than the UK.
We're also famous for our TV dinners...

>> No.5443904

Which town?

>> No.5443907

Dunno, in Denmak a certain generation and locale more or less eats fried eel by the buckets, more or less inhaling the meat off the bones.

>> No.5443908

Flaccid tasteless pink tubes that have more in common with sea squirts than pigs?
Even the British don't touch ready made toad in the hole.
Should have gone for faggots, much better.

>> No.5443910

Horse is used as a red meat substitute. But I wouldn't be surprised if we got like pheasant instead of chicken.

>> No.5443914

moreton in marsh

had to have frozen faggots, too. Forgot about those. A lot of the british cuisine I was looking for was easier to find frozen than in a restaurant.

>> No.5443915

Hence the outrage when the chinese visited a non-exporting cheese dairy and then banned all uk cheese exports to China. Hypocrisy or what.

>> No.5443916

You're dumb

>> No.5443920

Surströmming is fermented herring, not eel. I was just making a comparison food of something that people seem to think is massively popular as a staple food but is really more of a gimmick to the majority and only regularly eaten by few.

>> No.5443921

>>>5443874 (You)
>>tastes like satan's perineum.
>Delete every other post and then archive this thread for that phrase alone.

Oh, if you insist...

>> No.5443925

>implying that decision had anything to do with food safety

>> No.5443930


reported infant mortality rates are bullshit, because of differences in acuity between populations, and what newborns are considered viable. The USA has the best medicine in the world, which is why the rich generally choose to come here when they're really sick.

>> No.5443932
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>preferring pork belly bacon over back bacon

>> No.5443934

>had to have frozen faggots, too. Forgot about those. A lot of the british cuisine I was looking for was easier to find frozen than in a restaurant.

British cuisine is ill suited to a la carte or short order dining - hence why it's not common in restaurants and why it hasn't spread well. The good stuff is remarkably local.

>> No.5443935
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>> No.5443938

Danish chicks are cute, I got a bone they can inhale off of.

>> No.5443939

>implying that decision had anything to do with food safety


>> No.5443941

Whats the differance between English food and a big bucket of shit

The bucket of shit would at least have flavor

>> No.5443943
File: 48 KB, 500x373, 96 McNugget Burger Pizza - With Fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American version coming through.

>> No.5443944

>reported infant mortality rates are bullshit, because of differences in acuity between populations, and what newborns are considered viable. The USA has the best medicine in the world, which is why the rich generally choose to come here when they're really sick.

You do have very good end of life care, but your primary care sucks - hence why you spend more than most european countries for middle eastern level outcomes.
But as a biotechnologist in oncology, I thank the profligacy of the american healthcare system for keeping me in a job making cancer treatments for the over eighties.

>> No.5443945

Why must you make me hungry. I could eat that every day of the week and be a very happy person.

>> No.5443947

>moreton in marsh
why were you there? That part of the UK is a sterile nothing. Relatives, I presume?

>> No.5443950

Eel is awesome I just prefer it Japanese style. Grilled with some sauce then put over rice. Unagi. Unadon I think is the term.

>> No.5443952

fedora post

>> No.5443953
File: 110 KB, 949x513, Pot-au-feu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where this boiled food crap comes from, especially as the only time I have ever seen anyone just boil meat and veg was in France.

But as it's got a French name, no doubt people like you will cream himself over how it is a "rustic" masterpiece.

>> No.5443954


Convenient by train. Used it mainly as a base to explore the rest of the Cotswolds. I like splitting vacations into a slow half and a busy half.

>> No.5443956
File: 5 KB, 195x241, No.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gravy on a Cornish pasty

>> No.5443958


these are breddy cool

>> No.5443959

What's the difference between American and Ethiopian food?

One will leave you dead of obesity and malnutrition, the other of starvation and malnutrition

>> No.5443960

Eel is great meat.

>> No.5443962

As long as it's not "sewer eel".

>> No.5443963

Same here, most British meats are either roasted, grilled or pan fried.

>> No.5443964

awwww... thats cute.

>> No.5443967


Why don't the British add salt while they cook?

<spoiler> They know they're going to cry into the food while thinking of the Empire</spoiler>

>> No.5443968

It's a bit like the best wine and whisky, as determined by international competition, coming from England a few years back.

>> No.5443970

>japanese eat eel: my god, these people are culinary masters.
>English eat eels: Jesus, these people are eating fucking river snakes. what scum.

>> No.5443973

I like a good Manchester egg.

>> No.5443975

>explore the rest of the Cotswolds.
God, that is so tragic I almost want to adopt your children...

"I visited America last week"
"Oh really? New York?"
"No. I went for a sightseeing trip in Iowa."

>> No.5443979

Pls stop! I love kippers. You are making me hungry.

>> No.5443980


Visiting a country only to see the major city you flew into is a shitty way to travel.

>> No.5443982

Yes, because french wine and scotch whisky are notoriously inferior to american. As every competition conducted outside the US confirms.

>> No.5443986
File: 603 KB, 2592x1944, Scotch Eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scotch eggs are better when the eggs are less done.

>> No.5443987

Fuck off fagget

>> No.5443990

Wasting time in the Cotswolds when you are less than three hours travel from London, Edinburgh, Wales, Cornwall and the Lake District is far worse.

>> No.5443992

No, fuck the japs, they come up here and trawls our seas with fine mesh nets catching the eels before they can spawn, and the spawn before they can mature.

The Japs should be banned from any ocean going buisness, fucking irresponsible gooks.

>> No.5443994

i spent half the time in london, basement dweller. Half rural half city is the best way to vacation.

>> No.5443996

Brit food seems pretty easy to cook. A lot of boiling or deep frying. Then add salt.

>> No.5443997

>Eats frozen ready meals
>Why was the food bad?

This is what you just said. This is how retarded you sound.

>> No.5443999


top lel

>> No.5444000

Just sayin', spoiler tags don't work on /ck.

>> No.5444004


The restaurant meals i had were of comparable quality. Your food is shit, third worlder, accept it. I enjoyed the architecture.

>> No.5444006

sorry, forgot to add

>> No.5444007


>> No.5444009

I wasnt encouraging japanese fishing practices. I was more making fun of the fact that america considers everything japan eats to be gourmet and sophisticated. England eats horse? Lol, ignorant scum. Japan eats horse sashimi? Wow, that sounds so delicious and cultural.

>> No.5444011
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>deep frying

wat, try roasting and grilling. :)

>> No.5444017

I've visited more countries and continents than you have, I don't doubt. And I can honestly say I have no desire to recommend the cotswolds to any traveller, however long their stay in Britain.

I would probably recommend going to the cotswolds before Essex or Bedfordshire. But that is literally it. Deathly dull place.

>> No.5444020

no, i'm pretty sure nothing in fish and chips with pea slop is roasted or grilled

>> No.5444022


>I've visited more countries and continents than you have, I don't doubt.

Are we going to have an Internet dick-measuring contest next? Plan your own vacations, I'll plan mine.

>> No.5444023

>not grilling your fish

>> No.5444026

Unless you go to Dubai, where everything outside of the city is just sand

>> No.5444027

So similarly all american food is microwaved?

>> No.5444029

The UK has more michelin stars per capita than the US. A greater area in square miles of the US has been surveyed by michelin surveyors. Suck it.

>> No.5444031

>per capita
lel brits

>> No.5444033

michelin star ratings are heavily politically influenced. Believe this, or believe that the French are actually the masters of world cuisine.

>> No.5444040

>Be American
>Visit England
>Be brash and annoying. Say "Y'all" far too much
>Stride into quiet village pub like it's the OK Corrall
>"Yo! Hit me wid some of them hotdogs in the hole and some fries to go lady!"
>Kitchen staff are confused
>They have heard about Americans and their gluttonous appetites
>Don't have enough food in the whole kitchen to fill an American's plate
>Head chef says don't worry, just empty the slops bin onto the plate. He's been to America one time, and their food was all terrible, so they won't notice the difference.
>Microwave on High for 3mins
>Disgusting American gulps down entire plate full of leftovers
>Asks for second helping
>eats that too
>Goes home
>complains on imageboard that Britfood is not as good as food back home
>die of heart disease, aged 28.
>buried with beloved bottle of mountain dew in hand.

>> No.5444041

refusing to award stars to comfort food and "worlds most gratuitous waste of meat" is not necessarily political influence.

>> No.5444042

Speak for yourself, I just like Unadon, it doesn't mean that I want to be Japanese or idolize them. Piss off on that.

I like Thai food as well, it doesn't mean anything more than what I wrote you fucking TV idiot.

>> No.5444046

>Thai food
What is there to thai food beyond lemongrass, ginger, coconut milk and green ball pepper?

>> No.5444047

I'm warming my tub o lube

>> No.5444050

The french are notoriously fond of england, right?
We win per capita, per restaurant, and per metre. By every measure, we produce better chefs, according to the michelin guide. Unless you think the french have some historical love of the british.

>> No.5444055

Wow, I can't imagine you went to good places because many of those things are heavy in flavour. Scones are buttery, clotted cream is highly fragrant, jam obviously is sweet and fruity. It's odd to consider a bland full English - for example, sausages use herbs and frying tomatoes strengthens it's flavour. Welsh rarebit should certainly be flavourful too, what's not flavourful about Worcestershire sauce or cheese? I do think British cuisine does require good quality ingredients, though, which a lot of cheaper places ignore.

Yeah but it's less easy to make since you have to soft boil the egg, then ensure you fry the scotch egg long enough to cook the sausage through. But of course you're right. I also especially hate a dry scotch egg and you can pretty much only get a good one by making it yourself.

>> No.5444056

yeah that's it, don't come here.
verif: eng itsweha

>> No.5444059

Historicity they do
They used to swap royalty like STD's at at Queen musical.

>> No.5444061

>Are we going to have an Internet dick-measuring contest next?
It looked that way. You initiated it, then seemed to suffer from shrinkage.

>> No.5444064

>americans mock jellied eel
>unagi is high cuisine

>> No.5444066

Heavens no, wouldn't want to get shot for being foreign and then sued for emotional damage and bleeding on someone.

>> No.5444072

not like we had literally hundreds of years of war or anything. Or the British royal family is german.

>> No.5444073

When done properly it's really good.
There's a lot more to it than what you posted.

>> No.5444074

Every country has good foods.

The British just have less of them.

>> No.5444077

I live in Birmingham; go to the Morrison's at 5 ways; they have god-tier veg selections

>> No.5444080
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Everybody hates America more than every other country, because America reminds the unwashed masses of their inferiority.

Scones with clotted cream and jam were the only really good thing. The sausages were grey, had a mushy texture, and were weakly flavored. The welsh rarebit was okay, but not as good as the one I make at home. Maybe a competent home cook taking their time with high quality ingredients would make these dishes great. I dunno.


"I've been to more countries" is a meaningless brag. I've been to a lot of countries, but what the fuck would be the point of listing it out on 4chan? I could just make it all up. It's stupid. You're stupid. Especially since the crux of the argument -- how much time to spend in a city on vacation -- is completely a matter of personal preference.

>> No.5444081

Ligthly fried eel is a fair bit more "high cuisine" than speed-eating eels in congealed fat.

Is there any without the "big four"?
Oh isn't thai cooking also where they have that "fermented" fish sauce?

>> No.5444084

You fucking troll cunt, I didn't say anything was "high cuisine." I just like unadon if I'm eating eel. In your commie shit world you'd all be eating made in Moscow cabbage rolls.

>> No.5444086

Yes, the great culinary traditions of russia, germany, switzerland, norway, sweden, finland, denmark, austria, canada, iceland, and greenland.

>> No.5444087

Again, you brought the dickwaving up to begin by calling people basement dwellers. So go ahead and call it childish. I agree.

That said, your food experiences do not sound like you have really ever set foot in Britain, but more like you tried to extrapolate experiences from pictures you saw on /ck/ one time.

>> No.5444090

>Venison, wild boar, guinea fowl, and duck

Oh God, yes

>> No.5444091
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Fucking poor people.

Picture related: it's the only supermarket worth shopping it.

>> No.5444092

I don't need some homosexual aids blood on me.

Say that in the UK and you'll get arrested.

>> No.5444094


>> No.5444099
File: 237 KB, 1280x1140, thisslutissomad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh, go fuck yourself you butthurt samefag

>> No.5444100

m8, that is top quality

>> No.5444103

"moscow cabbage rolls". What?

>> No.5444104

>The sausages were grey, had a mushy texture, and were weakly flavored.

Cheap. British sausages made in the traditional way tend to be coarse or even chunky (cumberland) and are also highly seasoned with herbs or pepper.

>> No.5444109
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>> No.5444113

ignore that guy's posts. If he even set foot in England at all, it was while being dragged around by his cheapskate parents, who only stopped in Little Chefs along the motorway.

>> No.5444125

That's a good point about varieties of meat. I talk to American friends not in big cities, and they find it hard/impossible to source even the most basic cuts of meats (pork tenderloin, beef brisket), as they have no proper butchers there, only warehouse-sized supermarkets. Getting any amount of game from a shop is almost impossible for suburban Americans, from the sound of it.

>> No.5444127

>Little Chefs along the motorway.

I thought they were only on A-Roads....

>> No.5444129

Why? Both are delicious. the term "jellied" has been pretty much ruined by american desserts. Both contain fresh, flavourful river eel. Whats wring with serving them in beef cartilage?

>> No.5444134


Game is difficult to buy from grocery stores, but if you live in a place where people hunt it's easy to get it from acquaintances. Butchers have been largely replaced by semi-skilled big grocery store meat departments.

That being said, if you're willing to overspend at the hippie-gourmet shops you can get pretty much anything.

>> No.5444136

"Flavourful" indeed, but river eel will never be fresh.
It'll always taste of sewage and stale aquarium.

>> No.5444146

We have Price Chopper here in the NE, and Publix in the SE. Those are both really cool.
Ukrops in the middle east USA. They all run impressive companies.

Price Chopper here has some nice fried chicken, it blows the fuck out of kfc and other places. Americans do this a lot better than some fucking indians or pakis who bought into some kfc franchise.

>> No.5444161
File: 53 KB, 620x387, cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hum of garlic

bashed up pink slime, in the oven FULL WHACK!

Easy Peasy, luvely jubbly

>> No.5444162

"Flavorful" is what your mama said after I shot a load in her mouth last night!

>> No.5444167

You ever fished in the themes? Its full of shit and old condoms, but the fish are okay.

>> No.5444175

Dude! You forgot the crack baby abortions, pipes and heroin needles.

What the fuck is this board coming to?

>> No.5444225

I find Scotch pretty disgusting and boring, while I really enjoy good Irish

>> No.5444233

>A place where bored middle class people come to argue.
I'd wager a fair bit that we have less than 5% crack/heroin addicts.

>> No.5444263

I remember an article from a journal somewhere that found out on a relative scale comparing the major waterways that ran through big urban sectors, the Thames was the cleanest or 2nd cleanest in the world.

Don't quote me on that but apparently, it raised some eyebrows. Some people raised a huge fuss over the scientific method being 'wrong' and the data being analyzed also being 'wrong' but couldn't exactly point out what was wrong about it.

>> No.5444346


>lists "meat pies" 3 times
>lists boiled eels
>obligatory "full english breakfast"
>toad in the hole under convenience food

So you did what, list everything you could think of that people think british people eat on /ck/ and made some bastardized fake list out of all of it, ignoring the fact that just like any other reguar country we have cuisines of other nations available here and we can't exclusively as a nation live on meat, potatoes and pastry.

You're a parasitic poster, but at least your tripname is accurate.

>> No.5444364

pick one

>> No.5444399

>So you did what, list everything you could think of that people think british people eat on /ck/ and made some bastardized fake list out of all of it

He made a list everything tried while in England, sperg.

>reading comprehension

>> No.5444415

For you British at /ck/, which book should I get to start learning about authentic English food?

>> No.5444470
File: 25 KB, 383x243, ahwonsummoah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because our real chefs don't all sell out to TV at the drop of a hat.

>> No.5444472


that's rich

>> No.5444476


waz it up

>> No.5444493

Oh God, as someone who lives in Leigh-on-Sea, with family from East London, I am salivating like fuck right now

>> No.5444520


You misunderstood my post, he is clearly fabricating his list of foods

>> No.5444536

There are quite a few butchers near me but I live in a mid-size city. I could see if you lived in some suburb of a city like Atlanta where there was really nobody there before they started developing mcmansions there wouldn't be any butchers. However, if you live within the city limits of a city like chicago there are loads and loads of butchers.

>> No.5444590


venison pie is potentially the goat

>> No.5444685
File: 81 KB, 294x165, whammy burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No black pudding

>> No.5444692

Anyone who hates mushy peas hates life.

The chip butty, however, is the dumbest food I've ever seen.

>> No.5444696
File: 84 KB, 640x400, retards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this any different than a hamburger besides these pies having about double the meat of a burger?

>> No.5444999

I would think they're not expected to be one serving

>> No.5445014

you would think

>> No.5445021

british food is just as good as any other food from any other nation, it all depends on your own taste, american food seems to be to much excess where as british food is about the local area and keeping to tradition, to me there is nothing better than roast chicken with home-made gravy and assorted veggies coupled with crunchy roast potatoes that are fluffy as hell inside

>> No.5445023

>Pick one nigga

Are you seriously saying that French food is shit?

>> No.5445029

>american food seems to be to much excess where as british food is about the local area

>big cities everywhere seems to be to much excess where as small town/rural food is about the local area

>> No.5445098

It's generally bad. Bland and boring, a few good desserts and stuff, and even some somewhat decent main courses. But overall it's probably one of the worst in the world.

However, Irish/Scottish/Welsh cuisine manage to be worse somehow, and Finnish or Estonian cuisines are still at the absolute top of the list for shittiest cuisines.

>> No.5445111

The closer you go to the equator, the greater the diversity in local flora and fauna. This makes their food generally more flavorful. However, they didn't have quite the same urgent need to preserve so much food for the winter, so their smoking and curing techniques never evolved as far.

That's why the british wept for joy when they discovered indian style curry. Here was a seasoning blend that could withstand overseas shipping, and it made their cuisine palatable for the first time. The french at least had tons of butter all along, and the mediterranean countries their herbs and olives. The brits had fish and sheep. Can you even imagine?

>> No.5445372

gordon ramsay's sunday lunch.

>> No.5445373

what, like guy fieri?

>> No.5445394

You mean like the way people think all Americans eat Kraft singles? Yeah....

>> No.5445412

>roast dinner
>bland and boring

The flavours of true English cuisine (aka not chip butties, fish & chips) are more subtle and refined than that of other cultures that someone who blasts their food with ketchup and ranch wouldn't be able to make out. That or you've eaten so much spicy food that so much capsaicin has destroyed your ability to taste anything that doesn't contain it.

>> No.5445432
File: 15 KB, 200x229, 27543_101447903236049_8592_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roast dinners, pub fare and fish and chips are all good when done well. It's basically comfort food, like most Northern European food.

Due to climate they can't grow the same variety of plants but they can grow some things well and the meat/seafood is good quality.

>> No.5445473

Oh please. Whilst I would say that English food sometimes receives undue amounts of criticism it's still pretty fucking bad compared to 90% of the world and the stereotypes exist for a reason.

>roast dinner
>bland and boring

It is. Just generic meat and potatoes with some unimaginative sides. Edible, but not good cuisine by any stretch of the imagination let alone "subtle and refined". Why does this make you so butthurt?

Fish and chips is fucking shit.

>> No.5445508

>Just generic meat and potatoes

Just like any food if you don't cook and season it correctly. I bet the only "roast dinner" you've had was made with some unseasoned/unrubbed, unbasted chicken along with some frozen oven potatoes and gravy made from granules.

>> No.5445511

I used to live in Atlanta. "american cheese" was actually pretty common on menus, and available in pretty much every supermarket. Jellied eels are pretty much impossible to find. Even in london, I havent seen them for sale. The only eel I've seen on menus has been in japanese restaurants.

>> No.5445525

Where have you been eating? Rost dinners usually include a lot of herbs. Beef and lamb are usually crusted or stuffed with rosemary, sage, and garlic, roast potatoes are often roasted in goose fat, and usually sprinkled with herbs/spices, and the gravy is usually made with red wine, meat fond, garlic, herbs, and shallots/onions. Sides vary, including spring greens, spinach, peas, roast/honey glazed carrots/parsnips.
I've had beef with mustard glaze, balsamic glaze, and lamb stuffed with anchovies. Its a flexible meal.
The stereotypes come from rationing. WW2 ruined our cuisine, and it only really recovered in the 90s.

>> No.5445609

Have you noticed it's always Americans in these threads? Europeans, Africans, Asians, countries with actual culture are happy enough to leave well alone because they actually know British cuisine and their own cuisine.

Then you end up with dozens of Americans confused at the sight of actual culture, shitposting like they've never shitposted before. Overcompensation, maybe?

>> No.5445613

its all the kind of food you'd either eat as your castle is under siege, or if you owned a bit of land. baed.

>> No.5445624

Aw shit yeah, this is making me want to make a roast but it's such a high effort meal. Combined with the fact that I went to a farm just to see and pet the animals because I like animals is giving me the imagine of these chickens when I go to buy some. There was one particular chicken that had escaped from it's pen and was following us around which are adorable. They had pretty nice living conditions as well but now it makes me feel sad for the poor thing if I go to buy one for eating.

I should probably just become a vegetarian but making the transition is hard, especially since my SO doesn't want to.

>> No.5445654

Nope, although that is how a lot of British Isles people make it regardless.
Nigga, I am from Britain. I enjoy my mums roast as much as anyone (perhaps since she's a chef who's worked at restaurants her whole life). But every roast I have had at friends or cousins houses has been fucking dire. What you are describing makes a decent meal, but even at it's best it's very average. And that's not even very typical of how 90% of people do it because most people in this country lack any culinary sense.

>beef with mustard glaze, balsamic glaze, and lamb stuffed with anchovies.
Complete middle class foody stuff that's not representative of your bog standard roast at all. It also wouldn't be anything more than "not bad" or "pretty good" most cuisines have something much better.

>The stereotypes come from rationing. WW2 ruined our cuisine, and it only really recovered in the 90s.
The idea of "British cuisine" barely existed before the 1950's. It would never have been good. It's just not inherently in the culture to pay much heed to food, in the same way it is in French or Italian culture.

>> No.5445708

What do most cuisines have better than doesn't consist of taking some plain and boring meat or vegetables and making it great through some kind of seasoning and mixing of ingredients?

You can't judge a countries cuisine based on the common rabble, because as you said they don't know how to cook. It'd be like saying American cuisine is ready meals because that's what the common rabble make.

>The idea of "British cuisine" barely existed before the 1950's.
Someone doesn't know their food history.

>> No.5445717

edible but boring.
its a cuisine built up on what they had.
and salt.

>> No.5445729

What is it about food that brings out the most pretentious, elitist snobs?

>> No.5445753
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>> No.5445824

It's amazing how pretentious a single post can be.

>> No.5445829

If you've got time I'd say Mrs Beeton's Cookbook

>> No.5446277

Only on 4chan could a vacation to england seem so outrageous that it inspires conspiracy theories. It's not like I claimed to go to the moon.

>> No.5446286
File: 494 KB, 499x375, temple-laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I-it's not bland, it's subtle

oh, britbongs.

>> No.5446646

It is subtle compared to all the ketchup and ranch you Americans coat your "food" in or all the myriad of overpowering peppers the Mexicans use. Flavours don't have to be in your face you know?

>> No.5446820

2 spooky 4 me

>> No.5447348
File: 35 KB, 600x432, vomit-6(7)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Commonly, the faggot consists of minced pork liver and heart, wrapped in bacon, with onion and breadcrumbs. Often, the faggot is cooked in a crock with gravy and served with peas and mashed potato. The mixture is shaped by hand into small balls, wrapped with caul fat (the omentum membrane from the pig's abdomen), and baked.