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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 50 KB, 300x230, Sabra-Hummus[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5580641 No.5580641[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I love hummus, hummus of all kinds--store bought, homemade, whatever. So lately I've been thinking about what I would like to call the "Sabrification" of hummus in grocery stores.

A long time ago, there were a few big brands of hummus--Tribe of Two Sheiks (now simply known as "Tribe"), Athenos, Cedars, and eventually Sabra. The first three in this list were thick and hearty, but Sabra was more like a chickpea mousse--a texture I disliked.

Fast-forward 10-or-so years, and Sabra has taken over the hummus market. How do I know? Tribe has dropped it's sheiks and adopted the same texture and packaging of Sabra. The same goes for the other brands, and I don't even see Athenos hummus around anymore (I loved their Mediterranean style hummus).

Does anyone else remember the time when hummus was not that well-known in the States? Pre-Sabra, or P.S.?

>inb4 "just make it yourself"

>> No.5580647

I've only had Athenos once and it tasted really bitter. Did I get a bad batch? It's still sold in my stores.

>> No.5580648
File: 58 KB, 499x496, 1395290164095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont buy sabra, its an Israeli company and part of a European colonizations effort to steal Arab culture.

>> No.5580652
File: 59 KB, 400x400, sabrasweepstakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone else remember the time when hummus was not that well-known in the States? Pre-Sabra, or P.S.?

Sabra remembers. They hate it. That's why they're paying money to become "the official dip of the NFL"

Millions of football fans' shekels > your shekels

>> No.5580658

Maybe...I haven't eaten it in years. To be honest I don't even remember what it tasted like. Just remember enjoying it.

>> No.5580677

This isn't a universal phenomenon; there are plenty of good options in US cities that have a decent-sized middle eastern population or middle eastern grocers, or that have a reasonably global food culture. I've been to cities that only have national brands of foods like this, and yeah, they suck. I remember one baba ganoujh made out of baked eggplant and mayonnaise, like no tahini at all. I don't recall Sabra's specifically, as I avoid it for political reasons.

>> No.5580747

>dont buy sabra, its an Israeli company

>> No.5580748

But I like Jews more than I like Arabs.

They at least make sitcoms instead of shitty bombs.

>> No.5582784


I have to agree with this guy, and I'm part jewish. it's not that jews don't make good hummus (for the most part they do unlike other arab dishes that they fucking ruin), but I find the cultural appropriation distasteful. it's one thing to say the jews need a homeland or whatever, quite another to push revisionist history.


I remember, also grocery store hummus is pig disgusting. vinegar? carbonated water? canola oil? WTF?

>> No.5582792

Hummus is really fucking easy to make and it's cheap after you buy the tahini. The premade stuff is pretty garbage compared to homemade too. What I'm saying is you don't have to support the hummus jew to have good hummus.

>> No.5582797

What he said; I don't eat halal arab islam shit.

>> No.5582805
File: 95 KB, 640x480, baba1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


eating that dung goop and not Superior baba ghanouj

>> No.5582823

Some of us do support Jews and Isreal. Fuck your bullshit claiming that they took over parts of your shit nation, that wouldn't have happened if they hadn't attacked Isreal in the first place, so they took over some land to make a buffer zone.

You really can't blame Isreal for making a buffer zone, you palastinians attacked them, not the other way around. They're not looking for war, but you're bringing it to them. Idiot islamics.

>> No.5582845


You do understand that the land Israel is on was literally taken from others to form the nation, right? I mean, there's a reason people are pissed at them. fuck, the country didn't even exist until 1948, upon which the land was taken from others to create Israel.

>> No.5582854


shush you, Jews have been living there for 20,000 years, it even says so in the King James Bible so you're religiously required to support every single thing the IDF does by definition, or you're anti-semitic

>> No.5582861

Bullshit, it was a desert that nobody wanted, then Isrealies, that is Jews made something of it, then shits from arabland wanted it all of a sudden. And 1948 is a UN treaty, so deal with it. You don't have to really, they're quite capable of making you deal with it.

You're deflecting, the land taken over was because of an attack on Isreal, so they took over the land which was being used to attack them to make a buffer zone between them and the savages.

>> No.5582864

>the land was taken over because of an attack on people who were taking over the land

what kind of logic is this

>> No.5582872


I didn't say it was a legitimate gripe, anon. But surely you can see how someone might be mad that their land was taken away.

And I'm not talking about a "buffer zone", I'm talking about the state of israel itself. The whole thing was created from that treaty. And the "losers" were pretty pissed.

>> No.5582895

sabra is boss, dude. it was actually introduced to me by my jew friend from jew-land over in israel. not trying to troll, but he says it's the most authentic brand here in the US. He spent two decades of his life there.

>> No.5582898


i totally posted this only after reading the OP's post. didn't realize this thread would take such a jewy turn.

>> No.5582902

Well, if the arabs had won, that is the so called palastinians, then they'd be happy to have land that the Isrealiates had cultivated and made into something other than desert. They shouldn't have attacked Isreal, that was their mistake.

>> No.5582903
File: 23 KB, 600x338, Mount-stupid-%E2%80%93-Borgerlyst[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I have an international studies degree
>mfw I'm having PTSD-style flashbacks of undergrad
>mfw everyone is on Mount Stupid
>mfw my face is a graph

>> No.5582913

Israilies and USA folk are friends, and niether of us take shit from fucking islamics or so called palastinians.

>> No.5582926

i've never met someone from either side that i disliked. i've got no dog in that fight. but I sure as hell will use derogatory terms towards both sides, as i'd expect them to do to me. IMO it's somewhat affectionate, like when you call your friend a faggot.

at least that's what I think, you fucking faggot.

>> No.5582929

>Israilies and USA folk are friends

yeah we just send them terabytes of uncensored raw warrantless captures of our internet that they can use as they see fit to gather intel on terrorists, politicians, citizens, activists, oh sorry I mean terrorists. does it matter that they have a multi billion dollar lobbying force in our capital? nah. they promise they won't use it to subvert our democracy. wink wink.

>> No.5582932

You sound like a Brit where we can nail each other with words and have fun doing it and it's not somthing to nail nations over. HA!

Most people don't understand banter.

>> No.5582946

I thought it was a Mexican brand and they were doing a play on the word 'sabor'

>> No.5582962

Europe or anyone doesn't need to steal anything from arabs, we got 0, that's good enough. But you did try to attack Europe through Spain which led to a lot of shit.

Don't try on me, you'll lose.

>> No.5582965

They can piss off, they didn't pass in the World Cup. Obviosly GOD!!!!! didn't support their drug dealing ways.

>> No.5583079
File: 312 KB, 1080x720, olgaskitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can actually remember the first time I had hummus. It was at an Olga's Kitchen, that looked much like the one in the pic, at Barton Creek Mall, back in the late 80s or maybe early 90s when I was a wee little kid. I remember thinking it was magically delicious. That was also the first time I had a gyro. I was only maybe 4 or 5 years old, and I totally fell in love with that food. I'm sure it tastes different now, but I'd love to go to an Olga's again just for the nostalgia factor, but they don't have any outlets on the west coast, it's mainly in the Midwest I think.
Anyway, yeah, I remember when hummus was a totally foreign concept for most people here in the US, and you could only get it at middle eastern or Mediterranean restaurants or make it yourself.
Also, I can't stand Sabra. I either make it myself, or order a large container of it from my local Lebanese restaurant.

>> No.5583217

>cultural appropriation
>not knowing there are millions of Arab Jews

You're all a bunch of idiots.

>> No.5583240

Sure we're idiots, and you go jihad over a cartoon or so that's what obama what's you to believe. OK... keep believing that. I hope that get's you to where you need to be.

google shit: alishv had

>> No.5583249

#1 rule is, don't be a chump to a government

>> No.5583250

#1 see #1, it's your life, not some governments or some religions

>> No.5583252

You sound like those white Anglo Americans who claim to be native Americans because they think it sounds cool

It's not cool

>> No.5583261

>jihad over a cartoon
Wait, what? I'm not Muslim.

You're ignorant of history.


My god, Americans are really dumb.

>> No.5583271

Are you even Jewish?

Just because there are a tiny number of Arab jews doesn't magically make all the Levant fetishists magically Arabs.

You fucking moron, you can't even grasp a simple analogy because all you know is propaganda that tells you you're anti Semitic if you don't accept revisionist history

>> No.5583277

How come israelis colonizing Palestine is bad, but mexicans colonizing california is good according to leftists?

>> No.5583280

We're all african americans and we want reparations from suckers. Shit man, according to your asshole scientients, there are no native americans, they came from a land bridge and everyone is from africa... where are my reparations bitch!?

|Take that to your socialist class in school and try to make some money from it, maybe you can be a "fellow" on CNN spouting socialist bullshit.

>> No.5583286

California was originally Mexican if you're not trolling...

I have relatives who were there since before the area even had English speakers

>> No.5583293

>part of a European colonizations effort to steal Arab culture.
>implying chick peas grow in the desert

>> No.5583297

There is no palestine, those who claimed that attacked Isreal which was agreed to in a treaty after WW II. If you don't like it, talk to the treaty holders.

They attacked Isreal from areas, and Isreal took over areas making a buffer zone to prevent attacks on them. If the so called palastinians didn't want to play with the big boys they shouldn't have attacked... now they lost territory, that's the way war works, GET THE FUCK OVER IT YOU WHINEY FUCKING CUNT!

The so called palifucksterrorists lost, and now they want that land back so that can attack Isreal again. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!


Same with Mexican's here in the USA, they lost, it is what it is. DEAL WITH IT!

>> No.5583298

>California was originally Mexican if you're not trolling...
exactly the parallel I was drawing, as jews used to live in the Levant just as once mexico nominally was in control of California

>> No.5583302

So what? Eventhough California is full of faggots, they're our faggots and you have no chance of claiming it. Just be glad that we don't annex the whole of Mexico.

>> No.5583304


And then we conquered Mexico in a war, so fuck any spic who wants to complain about how parts of the US belonged to them. If they don't like it they can try to take it back with their military.

>> No.5583307

out of africa has been disproved also reparations are b/c they are black but b/c their great great great was a slave.

dunno why we should pay since only like 16% owned slaves in america at its peak, africa and middle east owned more slaves than US ever did

>> No.5583311

So what? some tribes were in control before that? That means shit now. Now we're just bigger tribes.

>> No.5583317

>So what
Exactly. I think its funny that leftists get all up in arms about jews settling in the middle east, and then support mexicans settling California. Its an amazingly hypocritical stance

>> No.5583324


It's not too surprising, the Democrat party gets a little browner each time another beaner hops the fence so of course they're gonna be in favor of muh Aztlan

>> No.5583327

>Are you even Jewish?

Yes, and Israeli. What does that have to do with anything?

Not tiny.

I never implied that the entire population of Jewish Israelis are of Arab descent, rather that a large majority are Arab Jews - individuals who grew up with this cuisine and culture, who did not appropriate it as you have suggested. Even if others (non-Arabs) integrated it as part of their culture - so what? Is food off limits now?

Relax a little, Americunt. Boycott Sabra if you want to, nobody cares. It's not even that good.

>> No.5583331

It's not so much that they settled there, they were always there in the first place.

>> No.5583332

Lol, like I give a damn about "arab culture."

A European effort to destroy something arab?

>> No.5583334

which one? Or both?

>> No.5583335

If anyone should pay, it'd be the dutch slave traders anyway, imho.

Don't forget about the continuous Christian population. Bethlehem used to be 80% arab orthodox christian.

>> No.5583339

what about the africans who made them slaves in the first place

>> No.5583348

The real sorry thing are people voting for either of the two so called major partys. Democrat or Republican, once one votes that way or becomes a party member, then they know that you're a sucker and can be manipulated, a sucker.

Vote with your heart and mind, not with some stupid party, that shit went out two centuries ago and it's legacy has gotten us 13 trillon dollars in debt.

>> No.5583349
File: 144 KB, 1536x2048, 1397614586683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Being a non-practicing part-jew gives my opinion importance!"

>> No.5583354


Oh I know. I stopped voting in presidential elections long ago. I vote on local ordinances and things like that and I still vote in Congressional elections but only to vote against the incumbents because fuck career politicians.

Revolution when?

>> No.5583356

>I use a shabbos elevator and have bigoted opinions and anyone who doesn't is a Self Hating Jew(TM)

>> No.5583357

We all enslaved each other, the islamics monitzed it, so really the blacks should be looking to the islamics who they seem to love so much for their reparations since they started selling black slaves to the Romans and others.

The islamics were the first to start monitizing slavery. Blacks seem to not like history too much.

>> No.5583361

You need moar HFCS

>> No.5583362

Please don't support Sabra. They help fund Israels incursion into Palestinian land.

>> No.5583366

JIDF pls go back to Reddit.

>> No.5583369

land isn't owned by cultures, its owned by individuals. Who the fuck are Palestinians to says jews can't move in next door. Imagine how people would react if a white person did that about a black moving into their american neighborhood

>> No.5583374


Imagine being kicked out of your land by "people" who haven't lived there for 2000 years.

>> No.5583375

Rightful Palestine clay doesn't belong to Israel even if you plop a house on it.

>> No.5583378


Except that's not what happened. The British told the Palestinians to gtfo and kikes proceeded to bulldoze and demolish the homes belonging to Palestinians. Israelis play the "woe is me why do they persecute me" card and pretend like they don't know why they are getting shelled with mortars when the Palestinians fight back against this.

>> No.5583380

I vote when there's someone I agree with. I'm registered Independent and have always been that way. I'm not tied to some pathetic party bullshit designed to keep themselves in government at the expense of the People of the United States.

>> No.5583384


Jewish logic.

>> No.5583387

>Imagine being kicked out of your land by "people" who haven't lived there for 2000 years.
like all the white people in midwestern and northeastern cities when blacks who's ancestors had never even been there before came from the south moved north and took over most urban neighborhoods forcing the previous residents to form suburbs?

>> No.5583396

Voting in the US is a sham that only serves to maintain the illusion of democracy (and choice) and give legitimacy to this corrupt system.

>> No.5583399

what about all the jews born there after that (which have to be a large majority of the population at this point)?

Should they all be subjected to racist violence from arabs because some british people were assholes a long time ago?

>> No.5583400

What does that have to do with Israel?

>Two wrongs make a right
>Jewish deflection tactics

JIDF pls go back to Reddit.

>> No.5583406

>What does that have to do with Israel?
just pointing out how people have such ridiculously different attitudes toward such similar events because white guilt

>> No.5583407

Only on the federal level.

>> No.5583413

Throwing casual racism into a comment always helps your argument, and earns the respect of those around you.

Keep up the good work, my racist, most likely white and angry, basement dwelling friend.

>> No.5583414


They don't necessarily deserve it, just like the Palestinians didn't deserve to have their land taken in the first place. As long as Israel exists that region is going to be a fucking mess. Jews and Muslims have been killing each other for eons, they can't live together peacefully. It was a fucking stupid decision to place a Jewish state directly in the middle of a ton of people who despise them.

>> No.5583418

That's what they agreed to after WW II treaties and then they reniged on those treates as islamics will do. So attacked Isreal and the so called palastinians got fucked for it. The so called palastinians can piss off. The so called palastinians have no claim to anything except blowing people up in cowardly ways.

>> No.5583421

>As long as Israel exists that region is going to be a fucking mess.
To be fair, it was a mess before Israel

>> No.5583424


Casual racism is an integral part of 4chan, so are ad hominim attacks because you can't find a flaw with the other person's statement

>> No.5583426

It's not a sham, voting for the two party system is the sham. You can vote and vote out the morons... nobody is stopping any of us that can vote from that.

You sound like a black spouting shit, one that doesn't really know anything.

>> No.5583438

Pretty sure "blacks moving to midwestern cities and scaring the white folk" isn't analogous to the Semitic conflict. But nice try.

>> No.5583441

I see. so how about your neighbours down the street vote that you don't deserve to live in your home anymore, then force you out a gunpoint, bulldoze what you own, and build a new home for themselves, and a wall to keep you out too?

hey, they've been living in the area for a long time, and they're the majority too! obviously you should just move on and get on with your life, this isn't your home anymore

>> No.5583442

>white guilt
Wait, you think Israelis are white?

>> No.5583444

>yfw no one gives a fuck

>> No.5583448

White guilt over what exactly? If you're capable?
I'm white, tell what I should be guilty over?

Please tell me.

>> No.5583450

>Wait, you think Israelis are white?
Liberals consider them more white than Palestinians. It doesn't matter what they actually look like

>> No.5583454


Asian here. Just jumping in for a moment. You people are vehemently opposed to affirmative action until we start edging you out of the good schools. You should feel guilty for having self-serving double standards.

>> No.5583455

>Liberals consider them more white than Palestinians
Wait, isn't Hollywood and the media run by liberal jews? How does this fit in your, ahem, world view?

>> No.5583460

Yeah, thats shits complicated

>> No.5583461

Well, the point of affirmative action is to bring people up to the norm. Once they get there, affirmative action has served its purpose and should be removed from play.

>> No.5583467

I went to Stuyvesant in NYC, the majority of folk there were asians, that was never a problem. What's the double standards? Pass a test get in, there's no racial quota there.

So please, don't tell me about double standards, you can stuff those where the sun don't shine.

The funny part was that Chinese and Koreans hated each other and I had friends on both sides so stayed out of that level.

>> No.5583470

... Actually now there's a race quota in the new Stuyvesant, apparently they needed more blacks and muslims in the mix.

>> No.5583475

What? White people let a shit ton of asians into their school

>> No.5583476

>there's no racial quota there.
Was there a check box regarding visible minority status? I bet there was.

>> No.5583484

>this thread


>> No.5583487
File: 69 KB, 899x366, hummus_img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really a huge fan of hummus and i don't like this Sabra brand,
but when i do eat it, i like pic related
i don't know if this is available outside of the greater SF Bay area .. it seems kinda strong to me, but this is the brand i usually get from the healthfood store.
my kids like hummus and i do end up getting some brand at Safeway sometimes .. Fresh Choice? or something? it's 'ok' but not that good
also Wildwood is kinda meh/ok

>> No.5583489
File: 280 KB, 500x500, khan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boasting about completing an arts degree

>> No.5583491

I don't think he was boasting. Your defensiveness over his mentioning of a degree is telling.

>> No.5583498

It's based on a test, pass it you're in, fail and you're not. Simple. Before quotas.

>> No.5583507
File: 70 KB, 183x283, hey.monkeeyou're.a.faget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5583511

>visible minority status
hahah yeah, I'm from German, Prussian, Swedish, Dutch descent, I'm a minority now.


>> No.5583520

Is there any case ever of white people kicking out asians to put more whites in?

Im sure it happens all the time to put mexicans or blacks in, but that seems really far-fetched. Usually it seems like whites and asians are lumped together in any of those stats

>> No.5583538

Maybe because whites and asians aren't lazy sacks of shit?

To answer your question directly no, I've never heard of that, Mexicans really are smart folk, I had neighbors that were PhDs and stuff when I was a little kid MDs all Mexicans, they were really cool.

It's not Mexicans, it's blacks, never trust them in business if it can be avoided, never trust those that trust them. Just sayin' it's your money and use it at your own risk.

Most folk are pretty honorable in business, but blacks, I'm just 'sayin, trust them at your own risk, and crack head whites too that trust them.

>> No.5583545

>Most folk are pretty honorable in business, but blacks
Martin Frankel, Samuel Israel III. Rick Causey, Nick leeson, Allen Stanford, and Bernie Madoff stole billions.

>> No.5583580

Want me to list those that you worship in africa that have murded millions, how about one, Equatuaorial Guinia, that fucker chops off the dicks of his "ememies" and eats them to get their "POWER MAN." How about raping little virgins to cure aids, that's the black african black thing?

Shut up.

>> No.5583590

You are right though, they should all be calld forth to their crimes. White and black and evreything in between. Corporations shouldn't be considered persons and get away with murder.

Those reposible for crimes should be held accountable. I have no problem with that.

>> No.5583602

Those hiding behind a corporation for inderection should be held accountable. That's a lame part of our laws, that assholes can just put crimes on shareholders when there are actuals responsilble and should be held accountable for crimes.

>> No.5583613

What about those who hide behind governments and immunity? The africans seem to be good at that.

>> No.5583632

What does this have to do with business ethics in America?

>> No.5584243

Someone didn't get good grades I see

Lots of competitive undergraduate institutions have "too many Asians" so the whites are crying foul and want special treatment to restore their default position of dominance.

>> No.5584251

ITT: People that don't know how to correctly blend ingredients and make cheap but delicious hummus.
Enjoy your cheap replica hummus.

>> No.5584319

Sabra is the most disgusting Hummus i have ever tasted.
Its not hummus its glue.

>> No.5584463

>buy Israeli products
>support Israeli apartheid

>> No.5584471
File: 192 KB, 905x603, -905x603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're being fed garbage
<- this is hummus

>> No.5584483
File: 195 KB, 575x431, hummus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not hummus, that is diarrhea.
This is hummus.

>> No.5584488


>> No.5584492
File: 123 KB, 905x603, --905x603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not hummus, that's bland, processed junk food
This is hummus

>> No.5584510

How can it be bland, processed junk food when it's homemade?
Anyway, your pic looks way too chunky. Hummus should be smooth and creamy. It's fine to add chickpeas to the top, and seasonings and herbs, but the base should be smooth, creamy and rich.

>> No.5584524

lrn2 Msabbaha you hummus pleb

>> No.5584579

Learn to enjoy finer things, fucknut.

>> No.5584602

Didn't read thread but I tried Target's/Archers Farm sun dried tomato and basil hummus. It was fucking delightful for a white people brand.

>> No.5584665

All three of these are hummus

>> No.5584720

oh fuck off

>> No.5585752
File: 960 KB, 1276x1720, coolfreshman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>he didn't read the thread

>> No.5585767
File: 46 KB, 604x471, anita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Is there any case ever of white people kicking out asians to put more whites in?

yes, and it very closely corresponds to the treatment of jews in the early 20th century. look up Asian quota at Harvard if you don't belive me.

>> No.5585890

El Chombo - Macarron Chacarron / Best song ever

Fuck harvard and their "Fellows"

>> No.5585896

Don't need to read. It's arab hummas shit and I don't give a fuck about arabs, therefore reading the read is meaningless to me and to any normal human being.

El Chombo - Macarron Chacarron / Best song ever