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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5716632 No.5716632 [Reply] [Original]

Did you know?

If you go to a restaurant minutes before they close, you're a big musty twat!

>> No.5716636

i can confirm this

>> No.5716639

Hey man, it's just one last order.

>> No.5716640

As long as my twat is tight enough for my big dick.

>> No.5716646

We used to scrape the "fromunda cheese" off of our balls and spread it on peoples food when they came in right before closing, but usually only if they ordered something time consuming.

>> No.5716647


go fuck yourself

>> No.5716648

Sorry you had to do your job, Batman. I'm also sorry you had to stay a little later than you were supposed to, it sure sucks having a job, I'll bet. I'm most sorry that you stewed about this the entire time you were there, just thinking of what you were going to say on 4chan, thinking of the perfect image to go along with a perfectly perfect insult to help you start getting over this tragedy.

>> No.5716664


they start prepping for closing before the store actually closes so that they don't have to be there for an excessive amount of time after closing, since people typically do not come in RIGHT before closing.

I understand the whole hurr durr do your job mentality, but I still can't imagine that anyone who has actually worked in the industry would say anything like that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a dick and I'll always still serve people food if they come in right before closing, but if you work somewhere that closes late you end up staying really fucking late.

>> No.5716672

We called it nut butter.

>want some nut butter on your toast?
>what kind of nut?
>sorry, trade secret

>> No.5716700


>but I still can't imagine that anyone who has actually worked in the industry would say anything like that.


what REALLY sucks is when you've got a family of four come in 5 minutes before close, and then they take their sweet ass time figuring out what they want, and then they SIT DOWN because they know we can't technically kick them out, even though we're officially closed and can't let anyone else in.

>> No.5716750


yea exactly

I go to school full time and I have to commute an hour or more (horrible highway, notorious for CONSTANT wrecks) and work at a restaurant that closes late. I'm not going to be a dick to people but it's a real bummer. I look like a fucking heroin addict at this point due to how little sleep I get.

>> No.5716764

>I'm not going to be a dick to people

What's sad is that you don't want to be an asshole to the customers, but they seem to have no trouble being an asshole to you and the rest of the staff.

>> No.5716773


They just have never worked in the service industry, some of them are dicks but some of them are just stupid or ignorant. Often times they seem to be very polite so I guess they're just retards.

I always go out of my way to be as nice as possible to anyone at any sort of customer service place after working at coffee shops, as a waitress, and as a line chef (granted less customer oriented but I still see some of the interactions with our waitstaff). I'm so miserable, and I know how miserable working customer service is, so I don't want to make their day any worse. Unless they're a dick that is, then you can fuck right off.

>> No.5716785

So what's the cutoff?

I generally don't go in any later than a half-hour before closing. Not only because I know they're trying to go home but also because I know they're going to make my order shitty and rushed.

>> No.5716798


half hour is fine, it's when a group of people come in 5 minutes before closing and want to sit down that I want to just jump off a cliff

>> No.5716814

Underrated post here folks.

>> No.5716853


ive worked in retail/customer service for like 8 years and thats why i AM a dick to people. Used to work for Verizon... and customers would come in and we would lie and cheat them. Everyone did. Its the company mantra.

Then they would complain and the phone customer service ladies would give them everything and then they would come back to the store... and then CS would call our manager and bitch that were lying, but our manager encouraged it so he just told them to fuc koff.

KNOWING WHAT goes on in the sales and service industry most of the time - how you talk shit after every call
> man this bitch stroked me for 30 minutes after i took care of everything... its not like i can hang up...
how you guys are paid to lie and addd-on stuff and how 95% of you are just stupid.

So, im that asshole customer. If my phone dont work, im not gonna let you finish your little LIE to get me out of the store... im gonna escalate the situation immediately, get what i want, and if you dont stfu get you in trouble too.

sales burns you out man.

>> No.5716861


of course if i can see you've got the right attitude - like this post:

miserable people stick together!

>> No.5716863

Wait a sec, no trolling for a moment.
Here, there is a time when clients can't come in, and another later time when clients are kicked out.
And sometimes a time where you can come in but only to order something quick (like a pizza but not a full home made menu, because "this part of the kitchen is closed".)
Nothing really official in most restaurants. Depends on the mood of the staff. I've had been offered drinks by friendly staff after legal closing time, and been kicked out because fuck you.

>> No.5716873

no you didn't.
neither did you.

>> No.5716878


it doesnt depend on the mood man, it depends on very specific things.

that period of time where people are not allowed in but not kicked out is because crew starts shutting down for the night. they power down all the "pizza oven" type shit taht wont be used anymore, and start cleaning. they leave some basic sinks and grills open so people can still order, but theyre not letting people in because theyre in the process of shutting down.

They start kicking people out when they're basically DONE with cleaning... and all the grills are off, the only thing still on are the lights. So... why would you let people in? You can't even serve them coffee because you've already washed the machine for the night?

get it? A restaraunt kitchen is a giant conveyor belt of shit and takes hours to power down. (its kinda same reason for mcdonalds stupid breakfast rule)

>> No.5716895

Reading more of the thread : here legal closing time (mainly for bars, less used by restaurants) is 2am (unless they have a night authorization, and unless they have a licence for earlier). It means before 2am, they can kick the shit out of any customer, because it's illegal for them to still have any customer after 2am.
After 2am, if it's a private party and if staff can name people here, then cops can close their eyes. (And while it's forbidden to smoke in public places, private parties can be smoking. Some bars use this trick on occasion.)

>> No.5716898

Did you know?

If you complain about customers entering a business that's still open and expecting service, you're a whiny cunt!

>> No.5716902


But it's not expecting service. It's too close to closing time.

>> No.5716903
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>bringing your family to eat overpriced italian food at 11
>we are literally just about to finish shutting down

fucking owls

>> No.5716906

The people are expecting service, not the business you fucking dunce.

>> No.5716910

Yeah, depends on the restaurant. Some places have a 4 guys staff and less kitchen places to shut down at night.
Ordering a prepared salad may be more OK than a pizza if they shut down the pizza oven first, but in more "family owned" places, adding a log in the oven and airing it turns the oven back on more easily than the grill.
For the mood thing, sometimes the staff can invite you for the drinks they have after work. If they're not in a hurry to catch the last bus.

>> No.5716911

Then maybe they should close earlier instead of saying they're open.

Or maybe the cooks and wait staff should stop being shitty employees.

>> No.5716912


I call this " 'bout-that time"
because when the black girl cashier announces to the rest of the staff that "...It's about that time" (with a perfect, indescribable cadence) you know, you're not getting served.

>> No.5716925

I promise you we did. Kitchens are not always a very civilized place. We did it regularly to the owner of the restaurant. He always ordered a steak and it was the kind of thing no one would notice on their food.

We also peed in the 5 gallon bucket of pickles on rare occasions.

I don't think it's common, but in shit restaurants with horrible working conditions people do stuff like that to let off steam.

>> No.5716936


it sounds a bit extreme... but you never really know, do you?

>> No.5716938

Confirmed for white collar office faggot who gets to go home at 5 every day and has every weekend off.

>> No.5716949

Not how it works. Grow up.

>> No.5716954

2/10 made me respond. You can't really 'close' until people who've already ordered have finished their meal.

>> No.5716957

So get a different job if you hate your current one?

>> No.5716962

You make that sound easy.

>> No.5716963

Restaurants should be able to kick out customers. Closing time means it no longer operates.

However, I was breddy buttmad when I ran to the corner store for a 5 minute purchase 15 minutes before closing and the fuckers already closed the door.

>> No.5716967

if you're a popular restaurant this doesn't matter, and if you're an unpopular restaurant you need to work harder

quit being such faggots

>> No.5716971
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>> No.5717013

NEETs detected

>> No.5717035

You're whining like a child. "Waaaaaah, I had to stay late at work, people expected me to do my job, booo hooo!". And I'm supposed to grow up?

Jesus kid, what are you, 18, maybe 19?

>> No.5717038

>Restaurants should be able to kick out customers. Closing time means it no longer operates.

That would be fine. I'd have no problems at all with a restaurant that said "last seating at 8 PM, restaurant closes at 9 PM and you will be expected to leave at that time".

If they don't say that though, it means they're accepting customers until closing time. And if you work there, don't bitch about it, you knew that was the case when you took the job.

>> No.5717076


>close at 11
>people come in at 10:55
>now you "close" at 11:30 or later if they feel like taking their sweet time

get a job please, you don't understand


not that guy but a lot of people who food jobs like these are also full time students, I don't have a problem with doing my job but it's a real shame to go home an hour later when I get no sleep as is

>> No.5717083

priviliged white boy whose CEO uncle landed him a position detected

>> No.5717172

>check ur job privileged!

>> No.5717297

>not that guy but a lot of people who food jobs like these are also full time students, I don't have a problem with doing my job but it's a real shame to go home an hour later when I get no sleep as is

It sounds cold, but that's just not my fucking problem. If the restaurant is open to 11, and accepts new customers until 11, you're going to have to stay later than 11 sometimes. You knew that going in (or you should have). There are parts of every job that are shitty. If you can't deal with the shitty parts of your job, find a different job with shitty parts you can deal with. Bitching about it on the internet just makes you sound like a whiny, spoiled child.

>> No.5717319

I can't think of a single job in the world that doesn't on occasion need employees to stay after official hours.
Why does everyone in the restaurant industry think they have the hardest job in the world?

>> No.5717334

If you say you're open till 9PM you take orders till 9PM. That's how business works fags.

>> No.5717337

because 90% people who work in restaurants are either kids or complete fuck-ups.

>> No.5717345

it's actually really hard to get a decent job even if you're vastly overqualified where I live at least, unless you just mean the worst of the worst jobs which are not enough to live on

>> No.5717353


I'm not whining, I'm just saying. Also I don't know how working and going to school full time makes you sound like a whiny child. I doubt most people on this site do either of those.

This is true.


We don't, I think it's just that because it's such a stressful job that people are more likely to go over the edge and complain about things that otherwise wouldn't really annoy them. Although tbh people do that at every job, I cringe when I hear supermarket employees complain about HURR DURR THE OLD PERSON DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO USE SELF CHECKOUT LEL

>> No.5717356

If you can't find a job better than working in a restaurant, then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.5717435

Why don't they just mark the closing time 20 minutes earlier?

If a restaurant is open and I want something, I'm going to fucking get something.

Threads like these just remind me why I never tip.

>> No.5717440

they do. they typically close the kitchen and refuse customers after a certain point, or close the kitchen but serve at the bar until lock up. depends on the place, staff on that shift, how well they're doing... some places might take a $15 take-out order at 60 seconds to close out of desperation.

>> No.5717485

>they do
Then why is everyone complaining?

>> No.5717503


Guess the job market is different where you live then, I have friends who have 5+ years managerial experience who can't find anything other than entry level jobs, and I don't just mean dipshit fuckups who are completely inept and never should have been a manager to begin with.

I have a legitimate job now but I worked in restaurants full time while I attended college and while I hate people bitching unnecessarily I can empathize to some degree. It does feel really crappy to work your ass off and still only barely be able to live in the cheapest POS apartment in the sketchy part of town.

>> No.5717508


not all places do this, it varies greatly

I've only worked in one place that did this and the manager was a raging alcoholic and would drunkingly yell at people, so I'm not even sure if that was supposed to be the protocol.

Not complaining although yeah it sucks to get home really late, but I knew it came with the territory. Just saying.

>> No.5717520

because some managers suck ass and will let a 20 top in at 5 minutes to close, and then those people decide they want 3 courses
not the customer's fault, really, but still, if I was looking for a place to eat or shop or anything like that, I would not just waltz in right before close and then hang out for an hour or two. Seems like common sense to me.

>> No.5717665
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>fucking with people's food because you have to do your job
What a bunch of petty immature faggots, and you wonder why rich people don't give a shit about a bunch of passive aggressive entitled babies.

Just stay at home and be NEET and watch Fight Club instead of doing customer service if it hurts your feelings that much to have to put effort into your work.

>> No.5717688

operating hours is hours the doors are open, not "be sensible to the employees near the end" hours.

fuck off, expect to be there two hours after closing. If not, then congratulations, you get to leave early.

>> No.5717693


>scheduled to be there an hour after closing
>have to stay there 3 hours

yes, how dare I be disappointed

>> No.5717695

Meh it's the equivalent of some asshole trying to roll out a production change on Friday afternoon.

It's really fucking dumb and inconsiderate, regardless of how much "right" you have to do it.

>> No.5717700

>rich people
>passive aggressive entitled babies.

>> No.5717701

>tfw want to go out to eat but don't want to go alone

>tfw no one to go with

everyday my gun looks tastier and tastier

>> No.5717718
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I can pretty much guarantee that all the people saying "if you are open 'till 9, then you need to take orders until 9, grow up!" have never worked food service in their life.

I really think people should be forced to do some form of customer service for at least a year of their life. Pretty sure that would spawn less assholes.

>> No.5717720

Fuck em if they are too oblivious to notice that the restaurant is emptying and it's within 30 minutes to close but they expect an entree-style sit down meal

It's the risk you take

>> No.5717732

>spawn less assholes
>people contaminating food because they have to do their job
>not assholes
>"B-But you need to work customer service!"
I have and it sucks but I would never fuck with someones food just for ordering it within time of closing, its annoying as fuck sure but I highly fucking doubt the person doing it is just doing it so spite me. They wanted food and they got here late but within business hours WAHHHHHHHH! WOE IS ME!

>> No.5717737

I am in no way saying it's ok to fuck with food, And I would never do this, I'm saying that by coming in 5 minutes to close and expecting a full sit-down meal, you are breaking a social code, and you are an asshole.

>> No.5717739

>fucking with people's food because you hate your shitty job but are complacent and unwilling to put in the work to get a new one
>"Risk they take"
Grow up you lazy faggot.

>> No.5717740

>restaurant is open
>want to get the service that restaurants provide

Are you retarded?

>> No.5717756

I'd go out to eat with you. D:

>> No.5717758

don't make me cry anon

>> No.5717760

The point is that service is not a single point of contact right when you order, it is over a period of time. If the standard customer takes 30-45 mins to order and consume a meal, why do you expect the service up to 30 mins after the place closes?

>> No.5717764


>operating hours is hours the doors are open, not "be sensible to the employees near the end" hours.

congratulations, you can follow rules but you have no human decency.

>> No.5717766

why not just, like, lock the doors

>> No.5717771

>you hate your shitty job

lel, yet at a "high end non shitty cooking job" they wouldn't even let you in the door regardless the stated hours

>OMG I'm paying for the food I should be able to order whatever I want too

Both of you would get BTFO trying to pull any of this shit at a restaurant worth its salt

a la


>> No.5717774

I no longer work food service, but when I did, the door was certainly locked after closing time, and the people holding up our process got a front row seat of seeing us close down the shop around them, eye daggers and all.

>> No.5717776


the start of service ends when doors are closed. that is the job you took.

>> No.5717780

Like McDonalds? Breakfast hours my ass. If you really don't want customers in the morning fine.

>> No.5717788

Look I don't give a flying fuck if you work at some 3 Michelin star GOATOTY Noma 1k a plate restaurant or a fucking dive. You work your hardest and you do your best regardless because its the right thing to do and no one really owes you shit beyond what you earn. Same thing with being a janitor or a fucking brain surgeon, stop tying to excuse your lazy entitled faggotry and do your fucking job without whining like a high schooler.

>Gordon Ramsay
I don't care, not even going to bother watching this inane shit, get fucked.

>> No.5717789

yes, lock the current patrons in you fucking autists

>> No.5717790


if customers are still seated in the shop after closing time we can lock the doors, but they can stay

>> No.5717791

Translation: wahhhhh I am a massive faggot

Arguing is fun when you already have your mind made up

Enjoy the shit in your food for being "technically correct"

>> No.5717793


i should add that they can also leave when they please

no torture fantasies fulfilled today

>> No.5717796

>what is a hostess at the front door

Have you never been to a restaurant before?

>> No.5717797
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Yes you are a massive faggot, I'm not arguing with you I'm telling you that you have too much unwarranted self importance and are a massive entitled millenial who thinks the world owes them everything without having to work.

No matter what you do, you will never do anything of value or anything that can't be phased out with a machine. Just kill yourself and stop wasting resources please.

>> No.5717798


>> No.5717801

At least you're getting paid for the extra two hours.

>> No.5717809

not if i have to waste them at work where I hate my job that my parents make me keep while the assholes couldn't give less then a shit about me all they do is pay for school which I don't even want to go to anyways.

>> No.5717815

>you are breaking a social code, and you are an asshole.
A social code that only exists amongst people who work/have worked in food service, and that most customers aren't even aware of.

>> No.5717820

not just people who have worked in food service, people who look around and are aware that service doesn't end when you order.

If a friend of mine tries to pull this sort of shit, you can be sure that I will bitch them out about it.

>> No.5717822

kid kek

>> No.5717830

So what, you clock out at closing time? Because I'm pretty sure you're still getting paid for the extra two hours even if you hate your life.

>> No.5717847

I used to work at Chipotle (inb4 shill), and we closed and locked the doors promptly at 10. Of course, we'd occasionally get people coming in at 9:55 and ordering a burrito. Was it annoying? Sure it was. Did it make me freak out and hate the customer? Of course not, because the restaurant was still open. We'd serve them their burrito full of old food that was cooked an hour ago with a smile, and when 10:00 rolled around we'd lock the go about our closing tasks. If you're on a closing shift you never know what time you're going to get out. This is just a basic reality of working food service (and for that matter, healthcare, my current field). Anyone who denies or resents this fact needs to get their shit together and toughen up.

>> No.5717849

I'm 23 asshole

I have my own apartment but the money I make at my hellhole job goes to "funding my hobbies" which is bullshit my parents say that basically means "we don't give a fuck enough about you to give you money to go out just stay at your apartment 'we got you' and rot in there". I don't even make enough to get what i want but my parents still make me wait until holidays to get me big stuff I actualyl care about like upgrading my studio for /mu/ related things (I'm a singer/song writer).

My job doesnt define me and every hour i have to spend there making fucking nothing that my parents force me to stay at and wont let me go into music instead is another hour i just want to fucking die. Its not worth it and your god damn right if some snot nosed fat retard comes in 15 minutes before closing time and I have to bust my ass more when I should be going home Im going to make it the worst dinner they ever had whether they know it or not...

>> No.5717856

would be nice if places scheduled like that
they don't
many places don't give overtime, either
an attitude like yours is a similar attitude to what I refer to as managers sucking ass
could you make that rule as a manager? of course
would you suck ass for letting a 20 top in for 3 courses 5 minutes before close? of course
some places also have a separate designation for kitchen closing hours and door closing hours, which generally works better as far as not screwing over your staff
some managers just don't give a shit, and the restaurant industry is one of the worst when it comes to that
and those same people wonder why there's a revolving door

>> No.5717862

Let me get this straight. You live in your own apartment, you work a job, but you let your parents dictate how you spend your money? Do they pay your rent or something?

Your entire post reeks of self-inflicted problems and persecution complex.

>> No.5717876

>20 top 5 minutes before close

That's a lot of money, and a manager would let it walk out the door because the employees want to leave early?


>> No.5717877

Its my apartment but they pay the rent, I moved out last year when they started giving me bullshit about "we pay for your school that you didnt want to go to in the first place! Fuck your dreams you have to get a job to help pay for your 'hobbies' to make it easier for us to force you to live in your shitty apartment and crush your dreams".

Fuck you do you have any idea what its like wanting to be a musician but having your parents constantly hold you back and force you to become there wage slave? I want to be free but instead theyre forcing me to go through college because 'I started it' which is bullshit because I changed my mind first semester and have wanted to follow my true calling as a musician instead. I love food too dont get me wrong but music is my calling and my parents are trying to strangle it out of me to just be another red pilled sheep following the herd.

>> No.5717886

stop fixating on that alone, moron
the point is that it would not be an issue if the manager had one functional thought or consideration in their life
there are plenty of ways to make things work and have a profitable perfectly functional establishment without requiring your staff, which has typically already been working 11 hours to stay another 3 hours because you can't be bothered to manage instead of slave drive
if you could pay attention for the time it takes to read a post, you would realize it's not people complaining about not leaving early

>> No.5717887

Holy shit, I haven't read this level of immaturity in a while.

Once you achieve financial independence, then you can do whatever you want. Bitching about being a "wage slave" while living off mommy and daddy -hell, living off AND being given free further education is fucking asinine to the highest degree.

Child pls.

>> No.5717890

>Its my apartment but they pay the rent
>I moved out last year
If your parents pay your rent, you never really moved out.

>we pay for your school that you didnt want to go to in the first place
If you don't want to go to school, drop out and pick up more hours at work. Then you can start paying your own rent and use whatever you have left over to put towards your hobbies. You're 23 years old, a legal adult. Your parents can't force you to do anything.

>music is my calling
You have to realize that in order to follow your calling, you must be able to live comfortably. Priorities, anon. You can't expect to make it as a musician if you can't even pay your own bills.

>another red pilled sheep following the herd.

>> No.5717893

>open hours are only open hours unless the employees are tired
>implying wanting to stop working during open hours is not wanting to leave early

>> No.5717897

if you're not a troll, you're a fucking imbecile

>> No.5717902

>waaah, why must I serve customers who came in when we're open

>> No.5717917

Did you know that if you work a crappy job and someone forces you to do said job and you then go home and baaaaawww about it on 4chan, you have slipped right past beta and gamma territory and are now a delta?

>> No.5717920

I'm actually Alpha as fuck perosnably speaking, if any customer pisses me off I give them the wrong drink order on purpose and sometimes I even switch up their meals to fuck with them.

>> No.5717921

If you work the closing shift in food service, and expect to leave at the same time every night, you need a serious reality check. Besides, every additional hour you stay is just one more hour's worth on your paycheck. Get over yourself, keep your mind on your work, and you'll be out of there before you know it.

>> No.5717923
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Welcome brother

>> No.5717925

>Alpha as fuck
>engages in passive-aggressive behavior
Irony: the post

>> No.5717947

No, that's about as passive-aggressive as I can think of. Alpha would be confronting them. What you're doing has slipped you straight down to epsilon territory. Kifflom.

>> No.5717965
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How is it ironic? Doing it on purpose retard...

And oh yeah, you asked for medium rare? You're getting well done send it back you say? You just got well done again, oops just spilled something in your drink, wash my hands? Not for you...

we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances, we guard you while you sleep. Do NOT fuck with us.

How am I not confronting them retard? They took the risk they came to me and they disrespected me and they got fucked over for it. No one fucks me over twice and gets away with it. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're just another asshole who came into my restaurant and gave me attitude.

>> No.5717971

holy shit, he's actually serious

I'm dying

>> No.5717977

And they figure that you're just inept or stupid. Good job anon, you sure showed them. See, when you confront someone, you engage them. In this case, you communicate clearly and assertively what it is that they have done to annoy you and what they can do to remedy that situation. No bullshit. No hints. Do you have some kind of condition or something?

>> No.5717981

My god, and he even quoted Fight Club...Bro, do you think he owns fingerless gloves, too?

>> No.5717991

I think we've been trolled.

10/10 m80, you really had me going until the Fight Club quote.

>> No.5718000

I really hope this is trolling, too. If not, this cat is like mass-shooter-tier pent up rage.

>> No.5718333

I just started reading through the thread, and this took me a second to get.

I had a sensible chuckle.

>> No.5718346

>We also peed in the 5 gallon bucket of pickles on rare occasions
You are fucking disgusting. I don't really have anything else to add—I hope you have moved past that part of your life.

>> No.5718361
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Why are American food staff so desperate?

In every thread they make on /ck/, they exude bitterness and contempt.

Is it because of the low wages? Shouldn't the customer make up for that?

>> No.5718366

>from under


Seriously, I've heard this joke since I was a child.

>> No.5718368

It's because bitterness is the safety blanket of losers too chickenshit to take personal responsibility.

>> No.5718372

Tell me... more

>> No.5718382


They are EXPECTED to start closing before they actually lock the doors. Most service industry jobs, especially any business owned by McDonalds, have a very specific time in which they are expected to accomplish tasks. If those tasks are not performed in that time consistently it usually means the loss of a job.

>> No.5718384

Not just food staff, and not just American. Go to any board and ask about retail experiences. Minimum wage jobs are staffed by people of minimal patience.

Myself included. Clothing retail, but I had it easy because even though we weren't allowed to kick customers out, managers didn't care. I would always tell people to get out once gates were shut.

>> No.5718385
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Dunning–Kruger effect in action, if they couldn't delude themselves into thinking they were Tyler Durden or some such fuckery where they were actually the top dog while serving people they hate, instead of reality, they'd probably blow their brains out on the spot

>> No.5718387


very high cost of living and very low pay, at least that's why the people at my restaurant complain

I live in one of the most expensive cities in the country though (only because I was born here) and I still don't bitch, I'm fucking miserable but I don't want to be a whiner.

>> No.5718392

Restaurants should have a last call just like bars do.

>> No.5718395
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I worked at a pizzaria for years, one particular manager was a real stickler jew and would take orders after we were technically closed and trying to clean up the place, just to fuck us over and make closing shop more difficult. The place was filled with cameras, for the most part no fuckery happened but in a couple of these occasions when he took orders when all the toppings and sauce containers had already been put away in the walk in freezer, and so we'd have to make pizzas IN the cold ass freezer where there was no cameras, i would pluck a single pube off my crotch and push it deep into the dough of the pizza i was making.

>> No.5718402


So, you fucked the customers over instead of your boss?


>> No.5718414
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I felt like destroying something beautiful.

>> No.5718415

Becuase of my job I tend to occasionally visit restaurants close to their closing times, though I do try to avoid doing so the best I can. I always ask them to suggest whatever is easiest for them to make at that time so I dont cause too much trouble and they're always really cool about it. I dont think I have ever been declined or been treated badly just because I came in near closing time.
Then again maybe they're spitting in my food in secret, who knows? Does it help to ask them what would be easiest for them to make? Or is it that if you order anything near closing times it's going to be a problem? I always take the food with me, I would never eat at a restaurant near closing time because I'll just assume they'll kick me out at closing time.

>> No.5718419

>I can't think of a single job in the world that doesn't on occasion need employees to stay after official hours.

Which already happens though. People showing up right before closing just means you're staying after even longer.

At which point management can hold it against you for taking too long to clean up and clock out. At the same time though it's also illegal for you to clock out and keep working so there's another thing that can be held against you. Or you can just leave at the allotted time and get into shit for not having something done. Basically you're fucked regardless of what you do.

>> No.5718429
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>Biting the hand that feeds you: The thread
>Being a manchild: The thread
>Being so beta that it hurts: The thread

>> No.5718435


God you are a spoiled brat.

>> No.5718440

This was the most entitled shit spilling I have ever heard in my life.

You are sitting on a golden fucking cushion, and you resent it. You are like a fucking princess sitting on top of 15 mattresses and bitching about the pea underneath the second one.

Either learn to appreciate what your parents are doing for you by babying you so much, or fucking leave the situation. You can reject their school funding, you can reject their apartment choice, you can even reject the job you have, although good luck finding one in this economy.
But don't fucking sit there like you have it rough because I would eat my own balls off to be in your position.

>> No.5718446

You're a fucking faggot and your music is probably shit whiny indie folk.

>> No.5718456


Self-entitled. The god damn phrase is self-entitled. When you believe you're entitled to something you actually aren't, that's self-entitled. To be entitled means you have a legitimate claim to that thing.

>> No.5718458
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Boo fucking hoo.

Grow up faggot.

>> No.5718477

You sound like a considerate human being

would lock doors and sit and eat with after cooking your meal and close again when you're done/10

>> No.5718479

I'm pretty sure most staff would think you're a hypocrite and probably still spit in your meal or put pubes into it.

>> No.5718484

>its my apartment
no it isnt
make your own money and youll be free to do what you want, you should feel bad for making your parents pay for you.
secondly you dont need to go to fucking college to learn music. i play 4 instruments at exceptional level and all it took was youtube.
appalls me how people can be so ungrateful.
if troll then 8/10

>> No.5718488


lol maybe at some hole in the wall diner staffed by dipshit teenagers, I've worked in plenty of restaurants and while we might get annoyed we're not gonna fuck with your food. It MIGHT be prepared more hurriedly than normal but that's it. And I even work with raging alcoholic chefs who are out of their mind by the time we close.

>> No.5718490
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>10 minutes to close
>"hey guys, an 8-top just walked in"
>mfw all they order is a basket of onion rings and some wings

>> No.5718491 [DELETED] 

r u lidgen?
anonymus hax XD

>> No.5719163

Really, are restaurants by law forced to serve?

I mean they can even ban whoever they like at their whim, it's their private business and they're not obligated to have anyone. People eating there are just guests, after all.

Here in Germany, I'm pretty sure they would tell me they're not serving new guests at this time anymore, if I were to show up less than 30mins before closing for anything but drinks.

>> No.5719172

It is private property. You get to determine who stays and who goes, but the parent company and franchise owner won't like it if they find out.

>> No.5719218

You're going to invoke your rights as owner of the property just to kick out people obeying the signs that you put up?

>> No.5719316
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I'm so sorry you had to do your job, crybaby, but I'm hungry.

>> No.5719346

>they can even ban whoever they like at their whim
>You get to determine who stays and who goes
Not really. The Federal Civil Rights Act mandates “full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin.”

>> No.5719878 [DELETED] 

private businesses can refuse service for any reason, except for that bullshit law.

So you can kick out niggers, but you can't let the excuse be because they're foul, dirty beasts.

>> No.5719936

I know what you mean. We made it a point to start cleaning about 30 mins before closing. We also would turn off the fryers and move move the hotdogs from the warmers onto the stove. People would still come in and we would tell them that only hotdogs and taverns were available since the kitchen was closed.

>> No.5719962

We turn off the open sign, darken all the lights in the front of the restaurant. While we were cleaning we still had people coming in and asking if we were open.
Te same goes for menu items when people come up to order they always ask what certain things are. It's like we have signs all around the store that describe the menu and there are signs when you order.
I mean like WTF why is it that people don't read signs.

>Tldr people coming in after we are closed, not reading signs and being incompetent

>> No.5719972

>discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin
Okay, but you can still kick them out for being a cunt.

>> No.5719984
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>be 10:20 we close at 10:00
>have open signs off and lights out
>just locked front doors and am heading back to help clean
>hear a knock on door behind me
>turn and see a group of 10 adults standing at the door
>guy continues to bang and yell something in audible
>head over to door
> hear him say you guys still open because the door is locked
>I point to the hours sign on the door and say we are closed
>guy again asks if we are still serving
>I just walk away leaving them there
I mean wtf I cant believe people do this

>> No.5719990



close earlier, faggot.

If management won't do it, then your beef is with them.

>> No.5719994

That's a little different than what OP is talking about.
OP means customers arriving right before they close. In other words, when they're open.

>> No.5720011

I did food service for three years, retail service for two years, and I've done customer service on the phones for the last six years. I say businesses should be open when they say they're open. I'm not going to hang up or treat a customer like shit just because they call around closing time. I regularly get off 30+ minutes after my shift and don't bitch about it. Grow up, or grow a pair and quit your job.

>> No.5720017

In the future none of this will matter. If you wish to compete then you'll be open 24/7. You see this already happening.

>> No.5720019

I know you pain we had a group of 20 come in like 5 mins before we close and order nothing fried stuff. Chicken sandwiches, fish sandwiches, pork tenderloins, chickstrips, fries, onion ring, cheese curds.
These people then had the nerve to complain after 10 mins that there food wasn't ready. One lady bitches at me that they should get everything for free and wants to speak to the manager
>mfw I am the manager
The look on her face was priceless knowing she had just pissed off the prson that would have given her free free

>> No.5720067

Not every restaurant aims to please white thrash high on pcp like you anon. Nor is every restaurant jack in the box.

>> No.5720146

Maybe in America, but not in many yuro countries.

>> No.5720152

i do it all the time when im lazy to cook and come back from work, if the staff not bitchy about it i usually give them a 30-50 percent tip.

>> No.5720163


>> No.5720574

The world is becoming more 24/7 and restaurants are compensating to keep up.
Europe is irrelevant to the competitive, industrious world.