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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5882842 No.5882842 [Reply] [Original]

Another day another bottle.

Rev up your feels, al/ck/

>> No.5882847

No need to feel bro. I drink about a bottle a day and have a productive life. Keep on looking forward

>> No.5882853


I used to have an entire handle per day before I cut back

>> No.5882855

Off day and nothing to do. Feeling pretty good. Cook a great dinner while side-grading my cable and TV package. Comcast rips me off. Get none of the channels promised. Office is now closed. Good enough reason for bourbon.

I honestly enjoy heading talking a hike, going to the mall, perusing the book store, thrift stores, etc. It keeps me away from my neighbors, my bills, and the bottle. Even a bar is less destructive than isolation.

>> No.5882859

Damn bro. Same here. I was in a band for most of my early twenties and drank more than I ate. I've been there bro

>> No.5882861


>drank more than I ate.

That's when I knew I had to cut back! Fuck.. how did you have the energy to be in a band?

>> No.5882869


Bills are such a burden. You OK, pal?

>> No.5882875

In one piece. Just tired of breaking even when I try to save. Tired of some emergency happening when I do manage to save. I want to get out of here, I love my job but I hate where I live. And because of my job I know how much I'm being ripped off on bills.

>> No.5882878

alcohol i guess haha. Got to the point where the only way I could stay away was to drink

>> No.5882879

a handle a day?!?!? I do a fifth a day now, after being a drunkard for around 10 years. I can't imagine drinking an entire handle in a day.

>> No.5882880

sup bros, im down the pub. the only real social interaction for my day

>> No.5882881

*stay awake

>> No.5882884

If you're talking, you're not drinking. Interact all you can.

>> No.5882887


>Drink until you pass out
>wake up

I was in between jobs aka unemployed for 2 years.

>> No.5882900

Are you me?
So was I, cuz the only job I had was by being in a band and touring. Eventually decided to go back to school after a while

>> No.5883311


Getting my life back together took a long time. Broke up with the ex and my whole life fell apart. It was a pain explaining why I had a large gap in employment. Still chugging and chugging along, but things aren't nearly as bad as they were.

>> No.5883323

>posting from a TAB
>ausfags know such feels
>instead of sharing ur drunk habits with hipster teens, can share it with Oldmen & Vietnamese gamblers

>> No.5883326

>>5882880 >pub
>ausfag detected

>> No.5883358

that feel

>> No.5883392

Just got done with a 1 1/2 year hiatus from an 18 beer a day habit. Off the wagon again. Trying to do it right this time. Planning on only drinking on the weekend. No major binging. They say it is impossible to ever moderate once you have been a serious alcohol, but I am feeling optimistic. I don't want to go back to total abstinence.

>> No.5883456
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It's only 2:30 pm and I've already had half a bottle of vodka. I made nice sandwiches. Toasted spelt bread with olive oil, pate, cream cheese and tomatoes. Salt and pepper. More vodka.

>> No.5883481

I did it and so can you anon. Just stay away from spirits and drink good beer. Good beer is so expensive you can't afford to binge on it.

>> No.5883499

That's what I'm planning on. Thanks for the reinforcement.

>> No.5883534

My morning manager just informed me (an hour ago) that one of my more solid baristas literally walked off the bar because a customer changed their order. This on top of after two weeks of training this dumb, but cheery bitch, she calls in 10 minutes after her shift was suppose to begin on Sunday, that she'd "found a great gig" and wouldn't make it in. And my night manager will be gone from Thursday till Monday on a vacation that she asked for months ago.

Having a few drinks, going to probably whip up an omelette or frittata and mentally preparing myself for a 60 or so hour week. I hate my job.

>> No.5883712
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Another day, another doobie

>> No.5883753

This is why I just buy one strong beer and drink it fast. If I dont weaken and go back to the store it's a pleasant rush and then it's gone

>> No.5883765

>tfw strongly considering biking like fucking ten miles to the nearest liquor store because I live in the suburbs and don't have a car
Will it be worth it?

>> No.5883782

I've walked/hitchhiked further
Alternatively, liberate medicine cabinet of mouthwash and drink that

>> No.5883786

Why would you have to cover for other workers?

>> No.5883791

The medicine cabinet has already been liberated of all of its DPH+DXM. There's nothing left to take.
A bike ride might be nice, though. I just worry someone might see me and wonder what I'm doing.
I just want to be stupid drunk this entire atumn+winter and maybe I'll be okay.

>> No.5883894
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Anyone else here alternate where they buy each day to hide your problem?
Also if I'm drinking with people I know I'll make a point of drinking lightly then afterwards get blitzkriegged alone.
Things get complicated.

>> No.5883904

Pretty much except there's a select few people who are right there with me afterwards also.

>> No.5883965

I managed to go 4 days in a row without a drink a few weeks ago. Monday morning through to Friday night. I felt great and celebrated by getting smashed on Friday night. And Saturday. And I've drank every day since.

They are my hands and it is my mouth, why can't I stop them from poisoning me?

>> No.5883984


>australia is the only place that has pubs

Ameriburger detected

>> No.5883995

chewed out by an ex last night again. It made me stop and feel shitty so far, i hope itll last

I dont know why I keep telling myself that I can drink responsibly. Every time i pick it up i go till im smashed

>> No.5883996

probably more than anywhere else, even Britain I suspect.

>> No.5884095

It's all fun and games until you get signs of chronic pancreatitis at age 30. Two weeks without booze and it's a fight every night to not drink.

>> No.5884120


How long had you been drinking and how often and how much?

I've had about 10 500ml cans every night since 2008. I used to be able to wake up without a hangover and feel fine but now I just feel ill all of the time. The hour long commute to work in the AM is a nightmare when I am nauseous and verging on dryheaves. Just wondering how long I might have left.

>> No.5884123

I'm not sure what happened over the past few weeks, but after drinking for every single day for years and years I've slowly stopped thinking about alcohol 24/7 and have been about to progressively stop drinking more and more.

I've lost weight and I feel a bit better. My stomach and intestines are still kind of fucked though.

>> No.5884134

>not drinking on the way to work

>> No.5884161

organ pain and nausea are bad signs. miscolored and foul, fatty-smelling shit is another really bad sign. from 2006 until now, I progressed from 350ml of rum a night to closer to a liter. I quit a couple times, for a month or two, one time I went 6 months.

it was the constant nausea that acted as the wake up call. it felt like my organs were failing inside of me.

>> No.5884166

Haven't quit entirely, but:

>used to do a 750ml bottle of whiskey everyday
>now down to 2 drinks (2 FUCKING DRINKS!!) every week

I struggled for so long guys. 7 years of that shit. Lost 3 jobs due to it, wrecked my truck while drunk (went muddin' off road while camping; I wasn't drunk driving on the road with other people), and I put so much undue pressure and stress on my gf. I surprised she stuck with me the whole time.

It gets better guys. I had a vodka martini last night. Normally I would've had 6-7 of them. Then I would've blacked out until she came out and pulled me to bed. But after that first one, I was fine. And I'm confident it will be fine for you guys too.

We're all here for each other.

>> No.5884177

>been trying to pay off credits cards for 3 years
>end up just buying booze with the,

>> No.5884272


>> No.5884288

Good to hear it, man. I've been slowly weening myself off of it too. I think the most important thing people forget is you need to find other distractions that you haven't associated with booze yet or it's hard as fuck. Willpower is also obviously a huge factor.

>> No.5884328

Jesus Christ, how do you guys manage to drink so much? I just turned 21 and like to drink occasionally with friends, but I could never see getting drunk or even drinking more than a beer or two every day. How do even get so bad?

>> No.5884347


For me it was enjoying getting smashed at the weekends hiding in the woods and shit as a 14 year old when older kids bought us beer, was how it started.

When I hit 18 and could legally buy beer, I always bought a load and drank alone in front of video games on friday nights, and went out to a party or bars on the saturday with my friends.

Pretty much after the age of 18, Friday and Saturday nights were 100% drinking nights. I kept this up until 21 (progressively getting fatter, because beer) and at 21 I sometimes got smashed on Sunday as well because I was starting to develop a real taste for it and craved it on the sunday night. It sucked at first because of the hangover on the monday, which also convinced me to leave my drinking until the weekends, but this wore off when I stopped getting hangovers on the mondays.

At this point I realised I could now drink my "limit" of beer (about 10 tall cans) every night and not get a hangover the next morning. So that is what I did.

I'm 24 now, and I still do this. Only problem is, I do get hangovers now. Severe ones. I mean I wake up and take a shit for 40 minutes until my legs are numb (it comes out in bursts every 10 mins or so and no amount of forcing will bring it out, just gotta wait), when that ordeal is over I wipe and assume the bending over the toilet position and I wretch horribly and only manage to vomit up stomach bile which burns my throat.

Then I shower and get back over the toilet and dry heave some more.

Then I get in the car and feel sick all the way to work, and have a shitty fucking day. Then I go home and repeat the cycle.

>> No.5884358

because he/she/it owns the business. it's kidna shitty, i've been there too.

>> No.5884359


God, that sounds like hell. My dad and Uncle were alcoholics. My dad actually drank before going to work most days. I don't think I'll turn out that way, but reading that post it seems kind of easy to get in too deep with it. I'm gonna really have to watch myself.

>> No.5884360

i started drinking at 12. i didn't stop. now i polish a handle of grain spirits every three nights. it's a gradual, slippery slope.

>> No.5884361

I recently took a second job to at least slow down my drinking, im the type that doesnt really think about boozin if I have something to do. But if im at my apartment and on here I am constantly drinking. It seems to be helping. I usualy started drinking around 4. That first night on the job killed me though, and not because I wasnt drunk. I came home late and wrecked a bottle of cheap whiskey in a very short time because I was do happy to drink, usually I space it out. Woke up at 7 to my alarm with an almost empty bottle in my hand, stilll in the recliner. And I had to go to fucking work, if felt like hell. I did learn not to do that again tho.

>> No.5884369

>I just turned 21
Just give it time. I didn't start drinking heavily until I turned 21 and started going clubbing.
Ever since then I go out every night after work and get trashed.

>> No.5884387

Just be careful if you dont want that life. I started drinking heavy daily when the hangovers went away, I realzed I can feel happy n comfy every night without next day suffering. I also handle my shit nicely, its never caused me to do anything stupid and unless I really tie one on people say I act the same.

Related, I was at a party and we decided to go to a bar, I was the elected driver because I was 'sober'. Somebody there had a breathalizer they were playing with, I grabbed it, blew, and showed my friends the number. They were in disbelief that not only was I not passed out, but that I was completely coherent.

Anyway, I digress. Its not worth it but it works for some. For awhile at least....

>> No.5884391


>what is tolerance

>> No.5884421

Just overslept despite setting about 5 alarms. Was passed out. Called in sick. Who knows if I even have a job tomorrow. I'll probably get away with it but I fucking hate myself.

I used to think I didn't have a drinking problem because I managed it all in my spare time and still showed up for work. Now, though...

I have never felt less like a human being. I don't even smell human anymore. I smell like a brewery. People have noticed, so I try to avoid them.

>> No.5884422


Welcome to /alck/

Maybe this thread is better suited for you >>5882376

>> No.5884496

I began to drink at 14. One beer here, another one here. Nothing too serious, as it's pretty normal where I live. But then came the first time I have been drunk. And the second time (still 14). I found something in alcohol, but I don't know what. Maybe alcohol found something in me.
During the following 3 years I drank regularly with friends (two, three beers, wine, etc) and got drunk at parties. Still not so serious.
What I didn't know at this time was that I already put myself on the tracks leading to alcoholism.
At 18, it was getting worse. I was drinking alone, during the day, doing nothing but drinking and browsing the internet in lieu of attending courses.
I remember one of my favourite mix at this time : Martini - Gin.
Two liters of Martini for one liter of Gin. At best it could last two days. And during the evening I would go out and drink with friends, while already being drunk for the past ten hours or so.
At 19, it was the pinnacle, or the bottom. I was in another formation, half time in school and the other half at work. I didn't want to miss a day or have a hangover at work, so when i was home (in my flat) from work at 5pm I would rush the store and buy beer, whisky, chartreuse, absinthe, etc, go back home at 5:30 and drink until I felt on my floor out of drunkedness.
I wasn't eating anymore when I was home. Only drinking, playing russian roulette and chainsmoking.
Broke up with my GF because I was a piece of shit and did her a lot of harm, she still wanted to be with me but I wasn't the guy she felt in love of two years ago. Not anymore.
After that, i was basically drunk during one month (it was school period and I didn't care to be drunk at class).
I was drinking all night alone, cuving from 8am to 12, then drinking from 12 to 2pm, cuving again and drinking again at 6pm.

What saved me ? The Girl I kissed one night and who's since my GF. I quit being an alcoholic for her. She didn't ask me to, but I did it for her, because love.

>> No.5884516


Two years and half a month ago now.
I still drink some alcohol. Mostly beers, one or two per week end with my GF and sometimes wine.
But on some occasion, when I feel bad, alone (not living with her), or when I feel the need, I'll go at the supermarket or at the night shop if it's too late to buy two or three cheap strong beer (0,5L at 8,6°) and drink them in a rush. Just to be drunk.
It happened maybe 6 times last year.
Felt bad afterward, but man ! It's so good to be drunk !

tl ; dr : I'm an alcoholic but not so much now.

>> No.5884519
File: 7 KB, 280x180, lostatsea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll leave you Anon, one day you will find yourself alone again.

You will sail the empty seas of heartbreak, your ship beaten by the storms of memory and regret. You will soak yourself in despair.

>> No.5884543


Maybe, but for now she's my alcohol and I don't need the bottle as long as she's here.
If she leaves, well, maybe I'll drink the memories of this relationship, just because, and move on somthing else.

Not even mad at you for reminding me of the fragility of relationships :)

>> No.5884563

I actually found that having a girlfriend who would drink with me reduced my alcohol consumption post break-up. Now I am reminded of her whenever I make a cocktail or drink cheap red wine. Even beer brings back difficult memories.

In order to avoid the torture I try to avoid things we drank together. We drank a lot together.

>> No.5884574

hpnotiq is the only way

>> No.5884644

This. If she's your replacement for booze it's not a healthy relationship anyway. Something will go wrong, and you'll find the bottle again. I've been down that road. Never depend on a woman, because she won't be able to depend on you. The same flaw in your soul that made you drink is still there. And trust me when I say that there's nothing more pathetic than a clingy bastard after things didn't work out with his woman.

>> No.5884668

Crown/coke and Miller High Life reporting in..
Just a half of pint and one 24oz everyday for 4months is not bad..right?

>> No.5884677

>that fucking thread

Jesus, its like im in highschool again. at least they are staying there and not here, goddamn. There is a huge difference between an alcohol thread and an alcoholic thread. After reading that bullshit it makes me glad to be on this side of the fence.

>> No.5884694

Not good but you could be in much worse shape, just dont go there. Has it effected your life, work, or relations w people?

Also Crown represent, I love that shit now.

>> No.5884720

Not really except for the cash I'm spending each month on alcohol I could be saving. I could save cash by just buying a liter or something but I'm so easily tempted to keep drinking which is not good on a work night.

>> No.5884731

not bad at all my frend

>> No.5884743


>> No.5884761

>all these people who wanna quit

i'll be drinking until the day i die

>> No.5884773

tfw having to smoke while drinking.

I think its worse than drinking..unless you're driving lol. But hell a man has to get taco bell even after drinking a few.

>> No.5884780

Thank god I live walking distance from several great places, I dont have an appetite until I drink. If I lived in the woods or burbs id probably starve into.skeleton.

>> No.5884782


Do it where you'll never be found

>> No.5884784

I drink about 12-24 beers a week on weekends, but I've succeeded in staying sober during the week to keep my work life together.

I try not to get drunk, as I don't like it, so I start drinking as soon as I get home on friday, and evenly space my beers to 1 every 45m to an hour.

Keeps me fairly sober. I wouldn't drive, but I can navigate the stairs and do math just fine.

I used to forbid myself from drinking on sundays so I'd be clear for monday, but I've started getting 24 packs of my favorite beer and a couple tallboys every week, and every sunday for the past 2 months I've always had like 4-8 beers left over on sunday and just dug in.

I've been having bowel issues lately too.

I know it's the beer, because last year I went on a low card diet to manage my weight and lost like 40 pounds, and shat like a champ.

Now that I'm drinking again, the weight is slowly creeping back on and my stool is loose and painful.


>> No.5884786

did not drink for 5 days after being drunk each day for 6 months. I feel really very sad.

I feel like i proved to myself i can stop drinking, now im trying to decide if i should limit my drinking to once a week, or just get smashed every day b/c i dont think there is a reason not to

>> No.5884812
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Anyone else know this feel?


>> No.5884813

apple cider vinegar (with Mother) and water every morning helps with me + those fiber gummi bears you get at wally world. No more watery bowls for me.

>> No.5884826

Yea, but it was before drinking ironically (teenager).

>> No.5884833

I got a dui while I was in high school. Was a pretty normal drinker at the time. Just was unlucky. Anyway part of my probation was that I had to go for an analysis to see whether or not I was an addict. 100 percent of the people seen were determined to be addicts and were sent to rehab. No doubt in my mind the analysts and the rehab places were in each others pockets. Once there I was very rebellious. I bitched constantly and tried to fuck up every meeting. I was young and didn't realize the more I was squirming the tighter the noose was getting.
Then I failed a urine test for pot. Being the dick I was they forced me into an intensive program. 6 months of rehab, 2 sessions a week, instead of the 6 weeks, one session I was originally sentenced to. They also put me on anabuse which was crushed with a hammer and administered to me orally with water twice a week.
So here I am 19 yrs old, can't drink, can't smoke. Financially devastated cause I have to pay 100 a week to go to rehab to get my license back . Then a friend introduces me to GHB. Doesn't appear on drug tests, better than alcohol, no hangover... so I start doing that shit and get hooked. Start doing it several times daily. Make it through rehab. Start doing so much GHB that I need to do coke to stay awake half the time.
Then I wreck a car going to make a coke deal. Get another DUI. Have to move back with my parents to pay for legal fees. Never do GHB again but replace it with alcohol. Get drunk erry day since.

>> No.5884867

and you're only 19. the fuck, man

>> No.5884870


>> No.5884894

was only 19, I'm 37 now

>> No.5884929

Gotta love these threads, I'm not an alcoholic so it's great to be able to look down on you idiots. Just a reminder you are scum, carry on.

>> No.5884969

How are things going now?

If anyone is interested streaming Wrong Turn 6 while I sip.

tinyurl com/filmstream1

>> No.5884975

kind of getting sick of rum, is tequila any good?

if i'm gonna ruin my liver i may as well experiment when i do it

>> No.5884986

well this was me >>5883392
I have drank for 3 months out of the last 2 yrs 9 months. Just started drinking again last week. Hopefully I can keep it under control.

>> No.5885002 [DELETED] 

These threads are fucking pathetic.

This is not food.

This is not cooking.

Fuck off back to leddit.

>> No.5885014

patron is ok but persnally not a tequila fan. I get hot flashes like i'm on menopause.

>> No.5885017 [DELETED] 


Nobody cares.

>> No.5885019

i asked around and heard it's like flowery vodka whatever that means. sounds different than the bourbon and rum i'm used to

patron looks kinda expensive tho

>> No.5885020 [DELETED] 


Nobody cares.

>> No.5885029

good tequila has a caramel kind of taste that I find appealing. Try getting some semi ripe mango, salting it and nibbling with some iced silver cabo wabo

>> No.5885031

So do people actually discuss alcoholic beverages in these threads, or is it just livejournaling feels bullshit?

>> No.5885032 [DELETED] 


Nobody cares.

>> No.5885033

Did it bump your microwave burrito thread off the back page?

>> No.5885034

neither. it's usually clueless retards like yourself who don't know how to imageboard.

>> No.5885035 [DELETED] 


Nobody cares.

>> No.5885037

your parents never cared.

>> No.5885039 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares.

>> No.5885040 [DELETED] 


Nobody cares.

>> No.5885045

you care, anon-kun.

>> No.5885046 [DELETED] 


Nobody cares.

>> No.5885048

you do care, baebaebae

>> No.5885050

Livejournaling feels bullshit. And vigilante spergs.

But feel free to introduce a new topic.

>> No.5885051
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>> No.5885052 [DELETED] 


Nobody cares.

>> No.5885054


>> No.5885056

i think anon had alcoholic parents that beat him... maybe daddy was too rough with the belt... and now it's the only way that rude anon can get his kicks.... getting spanked by his "daddy"....

>> No.5885058 [DELETED] 


Nobody cares.

>> No.5885059 [DELETED] 

I'm a fat amerilard and there's pubs both in Shanghai and my home state

>> No.5885060 [DELETED] 


Nobody cares.

>> No.5885061

do you cum after a dozen belt hits?

>> No.5885063 [DELETED] 


Nobody cares.

>> No.5885065

you do =^-^=

>> No.5885066 [DELETED] 


Nobody cares.

>> No.5885076 [DELETED] 

>I get banned from this board for calling someone a nigger and this faggot gets to shitpost all he wants
Fuck you, kike mod. Do your fucking job you useless ass.

>> No.5885078 [DELETED] 


Nobody cares.

>> No.5885079

is that what you think about your father molesting you?

>> No.5885081 [DELETED] 

>autism intensifies

>> No.5885082 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares.

>> No.5885086

have a dr appt friday, already am expecting to hear that I drink too much and my blood pressure's too high

>> No.5885087 [DELETED] 

Legit autistic

>> No.5885089 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares.

>> No.5885092

nobody cared even though he put those big ham hands inside you, no body cared, nobody cares

>> No.5885094 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares.

>> No.5885095 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 500x226, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down

>> No.5885098 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares.

>> No.5885102

doo doo brown

>> No.5885104 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares.

>> No.5885105 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 970x617, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5885106 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares.

>> No.5885107 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 250x208, 1348938565269s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potato master, is that you?

>> No.5885109 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares.

>> No.5885115 [DELETED] 

>how to kill a thread: the series
You care a staggering amount

>> No.5885117 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares.

>> No.5885119


>> No.5885120 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares.

>> No.5885158

y do anti-trps have to ruin everything :(

u know u're doing the same thing they're doing, right?

craving attention?

are you some ex-trip that never got noticed so you bash every other trip to project?

>> No.5885161 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares.

>> No.5885189
File: 53 KB, 272x272, catkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody cares.

says the faggot who replied to this thread more than anybody else, responded to every post, and is sitting ITT hitting f5 like a fucking tool shed. apparently you care quite a lot or you wouldn't be wasting your evening here like some kind of jackass.

piss off wanker.

>> No.5885228 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares.

>> No.5885264

I hope you alcoholic thread haters realize that you may just be erasing the future of some anon who's somebody's father or somebody's son. It's entirely ontopic, and when u are one day crying out for help, i hope someone helps you too.

>> No.5885278

>Just explained how it's off-topic
>claims it's on topic
Alcohol-induced brain damage is a thing after all.

>> No.5885291

Dieting is on topic, so alcohol management is also on topic. Are we keeping up Forrest?

>> No.5885293

There's food in anime.

So what's your favorite anime? Who's your waifu?

>> No.5885316

Wait so some edgy kid who got banned for breaking the rules is now spamming a cemented part of /ck/ culture?

>> No.5885326

jesus christ

>> No.5885338

Currently, i tend to drink one 24 oz can of beer (8% alch) a night. I used to drink 3 of em a night or jsut 40oz but I quit those. Is that bad or should I drink less? Im trying to be "weekend warrior mode" where I only drink on my weekends. I dont have any bizarre symptoms. how am I doing?

>> No.5885368
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best grill

>> No.5885412
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It's 10pm now and I'm still sober. I passed out at around noon and woke up 4pm. The only reason I haven't started drinking again is because I felt like complete shit but the bottle has been calling me the whole time. Should I fight it /ck/ or just wash my sorrows down with another litre of vodka?

>> No.5885415 [DELETED] 


This is a cooking board not alcoholics anonymous. Seek professional help.

>> No.5885418 [DELETED] 


This is a cooking board not alcoholics anonymous. Seek professional help.

>> No.5885421 [DELETED] 


This is a cooking board not alcoholics anonymous. Seek professional help.

>> No.5885428 [DELETED] 


This is a cooking board not alcoholics anonymous. Seek professional help..

>> No.5885431

i tried, unless you're half dead there isn't much professional help out there

and AA can't do shit for underlying problems

>> No.5885432 [DELETED] 


This is a cooking board not alcoholics anonymous. Seek professional help.

>> No.5885528

so i today and it was great.

>> No.5885552
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>"I'm so miserable that I can hardly stand to wake up in the morning, but at least alcohol keeps me self-unaware enough to live through another day. I'm sure everybody else is essentially the same way." - Frank Sinatra

>> No.5885568

"If alcohol isn't the answer you're asking the wrong questions" -Confucius

>> No.5885580


"What am I fooling myself into believing actually makes things better?"

>> No.5885644

>Drink loads on nights out but have clear boundary in my mind
>Don't consider myself alcky
>Start uni
>Everyone around me is scared of my intake
>Freshers week finished 3 days ago and I still haven't had a night in
>Was supposed to stay in tonight but acting like a little bitch over a girl and drank to forget
>The boundary is gone

I-is it too late?

>> No.5885767 [DELETED] 
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It's like this shitgurgler has never fucking noticed the horrible fighting that goes on in vegetarian threads.

Alcohol recs threads and Alcoholic threads would just lead to bullshit fighting, and neither party wants that.

>> No.5885834
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Based Mods, thanks.

Now we know Janitors survive on Hot Pockets and Vodka.

>> No.5885947

How often do you guys go to work drunk? At most I'll have a beer or two before I head off.

>> No.5885961

what if i don't have any questions dealing with alcohol and I just like getting drunk?


>> No.5885983

Thank you based mods for removing reddit-tier shitposts. Long live /ck/

>> No.5885990

I posted in one of these a few weeks ago after the first time I missed work due to drinking. Basically I drank so much on a weeknight that I didn't wake up until 1pm the next day, but I couldn't even get out of bed until an hour later.

Pleased to report I have made progress. Managing to stick to boundaries on weeknights, and even managing two alcohol free days per week!

My hands are steadier and my head is clearer. Only downside is that I have been smoking a bit more weed than normal, several nights a week now. Plus, last Saturday I did get completely wrecked, which I regret.

>> No.5885995

I drink about 10 bottles of wine a week, it´s pretty good. I´ve cut down on the after wine liquor though. That, and the little sleep during the week started to become stressful for my body.

>> No.5886009

Weed will help control your drinking, but I found that it's not really worth it for me.

I wanted to decrease my consumption for the usual reasons: sick of waking up tired, not happy with gaining weight, shitting became an ordeal, etc.

I figured out (I feel stupid because it took me a year) that once you get comfortable with getting high, you'll still drink anyway, so I ended up drinking and smoking cigarettes and smoking weed instead of the first two only. Also, while you won't have a headache when waking up after smoking weed, I found that I was even more tired than on booze, and I still had this fuzzy cloudy feeling in the head, which you don't get with alcohol. And, as far as getting fat and having terrible bowel movements goes, it amounts to the same thing because of munchies. Eating a large pizza and 10 chicken wings will get you just as fat as a 12 pack, if not more, and your liver doesn't like you more either.

Weed might just not be for me, I don't know. Whiskey might be worse long term, but it's easier to manage on a day to day basis.

>> No.5886018

I´ve never liked weed... Never gotten high either.

I much prefer drinking, tastes better, gets you connected better and is just more... nice

>> No.5886033

If you've never gotten high how do you know you don't like weed? I don't get it.

I'll agree that booze is a way better social lubricant. A conversation between really high people will be 50% deep but not actually stuff, 50% non sequiturs. On the other hand, some of the best conversations I've had were at 4:30 in the morning, drunk as fuck. People let go of the bullshit barrier and actually talk to you. They might be retarded, but at least it's real.

>> No.5886072

Im not an alcoholic, but my brother is a heavy every day drinker. Not sure when it become alcoholism or whatever.

Just a reminder to just never drink and drive...

Brother just wrecked his $18k truck into a tree (he still owes a ton of money on it, we dont come from a well off family so he got loans for it)
Got a DUI, broke both arms, had minor brain bleeding, ejected his passenger who broke a few ribs and has a severe concussion.
Gonna have to pay for damages, and from what my family has been reading its going to be a long and expensive court case or he is going to be a felon (prior DUI from a few years ago, a second is a felony).

I dont live at home, and he doesnt live at home but the stress and tension between the family is phenomenal.
One lapse in his judgement just being an asshole has really fucked some stuff up. He very easily could have killed an innocent person...

>> No.5886080

I hate driving even when I am sober, so that´s no issue.

And the difference between alcoholism and alcophilia to me is between drinking two bottles of rotgut or two bottles of wine a day.

>> No.5886084

tell him to git gud at driving drunk lel

no seriously, he's probably going through some tough times or going through the #yolo life phase, idk

>> No.5886096

Heavy daily drinker here. I'm sorry for you anon, especially if you guys are close, that shit must be hard on you.

That being said, fuck your brother, he's a fucking good for nothing idiot, especially since it's the second time. It's a really simple rule. You can do whatever you want with your life, it's your business, until it starts to affect other people, and he's crossed that line big time. Have you had a heart to heart conversation with him since then? Because he needs to get his shit together, and he needs to know that there are other people in his life that aren't happy with having to deal with his shit.

Also, for future references, since you don't know when heavy drinking becomes alcoholism: a DUI usually does it.

>> No.5886103

Neither of those are good excuses for what he did though. Tough times or #yolo, you make fucking sure you can get home without driving if you're going to hit the bottle. Already being home is a good way to solve that problem.

You mean the difference between having money and not having money.

>> No.5886111

>Have you had a heart to heart conversation with him since then?

No, not yet, and I probably wont get a chance to for a while (as a facebook message or a txt wont really suffice)

We go to school about 8 hours away, he did it sunday night and I had left sunday morning to go home which is why I wasnt there with him.
He is at my parents house and they were told to watch for seizures and blackouts for the next week and shit because of the brain thing. Its going to fuck his schooling up and everything.

I had been worried about his drinking for a while but nobody thought this was going to happen.
Not really sure if we can say anything to get through to him though, especially if this experience doesnt make him grow up.

>> No.5886116

>>>5886080 (You)
>You mean the difference between having money and not having money.

>hardly. it is both a qualitative AND a quantitative difference. alcohol wise, half a bottle of rotgut would prolly equal 2 bottles of wine.

>> No.5886130

Fuck dude, I hate to say this because family is important to me and I'm sure it's important to you as well, but if you can't get through to him, there's no point. You should definitely try, but if this doesn't wake him up a little bit, you might as well cut your losses and lose the unnecessary baggage. It sucks, but it's true.

A huge part of the reason why I don't sink into hopeless territory is because I couldn't bear the sadness and disappointment it would cause my mother, father and brother. If your brother can't see that then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.5886136

Point taken. That being said, drinking a bottle of Louis XIII a day doesn't make you less of an alcoholic than drinking a bottle of canadian club.

>> No.5886140

He just got out of the marines (which is where he learned to drink copious amounts of alcohol) so he has a horrible cocky arrogant attitude too.
He is only a year younger than me so we are very close.

Only time will tell, im going to try my best to talk to him after everything settles down.

>> No.5886148

Well, best of luck man. I hope he turns around. And I don't even mean drink less or not drink, I mean walk the fuck home if/when it happens. Or you know, take the bus or sleep there.

>> No.5886971

Why can't I just not fucking drink for a night

Why does the thought of staying sober for a single night fill me with fear, even though I feel like shit constantly because I drink and I KNOW I will feel great the next day if I just dont drink for once

Why am I fucking retarded?

>> No.5887001

drinking bunspice and coke at work. some times i ask why the fuck i cant stop this shit,

>> No.5887012

It's wednesday. Where's my karaoke bros at?

>> No.5887090
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>its wednesday

>> No.5887173

>tfw living with a non alcoholic, High earning in medical field SO why says you drink too much
>tfw jobless and started selling stuff online to pay for my excessive booze expenses

>> No.5887258
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hahaha fuck no
Aus hasn't got any real pubs

>> No.5887275

hey man wednesday is my day to get extra drunk because there's actually going to be people out to talk to and drink with.
last night was the worst. I was the only one at the bar just sitting there drinking alone all night.

>> No.5887302
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Damn yo

>> No.5888452

Here again, about to slam 3 more shots and pass out in my recliner, gotta sleep so I can work at 8:00 tomm.

Who else is a filthy functional? I work 2 jobs and still kill a 5th a dZay

>> No.5888464

I'm 21 years old and I get sick every other week
talking shingles, cancer scares, operations so on
I drink cause instead of talking to me, my friends and family memembers ignore me, but when they have a bad day
there I am

>> No.5888467

For the functional alcoholics in this thread, can any of you explain to me what your life is like?
My mother is a high functioning alcoholic and has been my entire life.
She gets absolutely blasted from about 5pm onwards every night and wakes up in the morning as if nothing ever happened. I really don't understand, and I feel so sorry for her.
I just don't know how to help.

>> No.5888471

Also I have to add to my post;
What is actually addictive about alcohol?
I drink socially on a weekly basis but I have no inclination to go have a drink otherwise. Sometimes I'll have a beer with dinner but nothing more.

>> No.5888486

Nothing is addictive, you would just rather have it

>> No.5888487

I'm drunk off of belgian beer and telling my semi gf that I don't like her.


>> No.5888492

>tips fedora

Nothing is real

>> No.5888495

Rather have alcohol over what?
My mum is an amazing person when she's sober. She's lively, active and disciplined.
Then she drinks and she just becomes rude, ignorant and just completely disgusting.

>> No.5888501

Yah m8, my mom is a pain pill addict. She gets fjckin crazy when she takes drugs.

Like she thinks her phones are tapped, that my dad is stealing shit from her (my dad's a great fucking man and never stole a thing in his life), and that everyone is conspiring against her in one way or another.

Keeps me up at night thinking about how much different she is now than she was when she used to take me to the park as a kid.

>> No.5888504

It's hard to explain, but the smallest reason you think its acceptable to drink
I imagine the older you get the more reasons you get
But you get some people who would just straight up rather be drunk

>> No.5888508

It's hard to explain, but the smallest reason you think its acceptable to drink
I imagine the older you get the more reasons you get
But you get some people who would just straight up rather be drunk
I'm fairly young so I wouldn't know your mothers stand point
but from mine I feel like I need to drink even if I had a not so bad day, or a slight annoyance

>> No.5888537

I'm not an alcoholic, but what you described is my exact same situation with weed. I didn't smoke today and won't, so that's a start, but I've already pretty much decided that I'll smoke tomorrow night as a reward.

The worst for me is when I'm alone. I don't think I'd smoke nearly as much if I were with people 24/7. Being alone causes me a ton of anxiety, and my gf is gonna be at a dinner tomorrow so there's pretty much no way I won't be stoned by the time she gets back.

>> No.5888539



Is he going cold turkey? That's very dangerous anon. He could die from alcohol withdrawal. He needs to either detox medically or taper (drink increasingly smaller amounts each day). If your parents are keeping him at home with no meds and no alcohol to 'watch for seizures' (what are they going to do when he has one?) they are truly playing with his life. Get it sorted.

>> No.5888551


Oh wait, I just realized you were talking about seizures from the concussion. If he's not physically addicted he'll be okay without tapering.

>> No.5888559

Not him, but I was sitting at a diner with a friend and 2 other guys, one of whom had just gone cold turkey off of Xanax (extremely similar to alcohol in effect and withdrawals).

Long story short, I was looking down at my omelette when all of a sudden I got kicked in the leg. Hard.

I thought "what the fuck?", looked up, and there is the kid who's withdrawing flopping around on the floor like a fish.

That was pretty crazy. Got pissed at my friend for bringing me around someone like that. Funny how I got mad. As if alcoholics are any different from addicts of any other drug.

>> No.5888561



So is this some "I've seen some shit" type of drinking or he hung out with hard partiers and it rubbed off on him?

>> No.5888570


Every day. "Why do I do this to myself?" and "kill yourself" repeat in my mind all day, every day.

>> No.5888580


It's cause they know you know what it's like to be unhappy and are more expert in dealing with it and can relate. But you don't know how to be happy and can't be happy with them.

Yes, I'm projecting.

>> No.5888647
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at least you're taking initiative.
move onward!
the sincerity...
the world is crazy and a good sip makes you feel--alright.

I'm not saying al/ck/olism is alright;
but there are a lot worse types* of people on this planet.

Radicals/Extremists looking for blood, liberals, the uninformed and uneducated... etc.
This is no excuse...

We fight what we "can't" control/influence via self-induced complacency.
>sorry /pol/ has changed me

as a side-topic: What country embraces al/ck/?

>> No.5888655


Alcohol is both physically and psychologically addictive. You may have seen her or another alky with their hands shaking from withdrawal, if prolonged then alcohol withdrawal can result in seizure or death depending on how physically reliant the person is. However, this is generally reserved to people who drink all day errday. So your mom may not be physically addicted.

The feeling is what people are addicted to, deep down. When my hands were shaking from withdrawals in the past my body wasn't crying out for it, the way it does for water when you're dehydrated. There's no instinctual knowledge that drinking will make it stop, just the learned knowledge that it will because you're aware that alcohol caused it. I am very rarely physically dependent. I'd just rather be drunk than be sober. To me it's an escape from my anxiety, depression, and self-loathing, all of which predated and caused my drinking. It's a chance to feel something other than sad.

Of course, not all alcoholics drink to deal with the feels. I've known other alcoholics who just have some essential urge to get fucked up.

>> No.5888698

Fuck man are you me?

>> No.5888711


I'm glad you see in retrospect that it's no different. Summing up a whole person's worth as a 'someone like that' who got addicted to something is callous. We're just humans. And he was trying to quit anyway.

The real reason you were bothered is probably the same reason that I would be, because you were forced to deal with it in some capacity, even just dealing with being there and waiting for an ambulance or having your meal interrupted. It's human nature to get pissed off when someone foists a burden on us, even if they did it involuntarily. His seizure was 'inconsiderate' to that base animal in us. If it was a friend you might not have gotten quite as pissed because the burden would have been counterbalanced by his contributions to your life in the past.

>> No.5888787
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I stopped having fun a long time ago.

>> No.5889657
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Apparently the koreans are HARD AS FUCK.

They work 20 hour days, and then guzzle 20% Soju rice wine with Beers until they passout.

Check this site - http://www.blackoutkorea.com/

>> No.5889668
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I have a bottle of this. What do I do with it?

>> No.5889672

boil it, mash it, stick it in a stew

>> No.5889822

Hit yourself in the head with it until u realize this is an anti-alcohol thread.

>> No.5889853

>that completely wasted man infront of the TRADITIO KOREAN... restaurant

top kek

>> No.5889856


>> No.5889872

Bottle of red wine (rioja) through the morning and early afternoon. It's 6:30pm here and I'm half way through another. Shop shuts at 8pm so I might get another one.

>> No.5890046


You always get one dunce who comes in here thinking life is a party or the most retarded question "how do I bEcole an alcoholic?"

>> No.5890059
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Not so much the first part though
But then I drink and it subsides
Sometimes I think about going to a meeting but I pussy out. Has anyone been in the program?

>> No.5890502


No. Because I'm a drunk, not an alcoholic. I'll probably die of liver failure before ever consider going to a meeting. I have no issues with AA either, I just love the poison too much to want to abstain.

>> No.5890528

spent my last few buck on a steel reserve.
Is this a feel shared by others?

>> No.5890925

>walked off the bar because a customer changed their order

I've never understood this, it hasn't happened to me but a mate went up to a bar in a club and went to order a drink and simply mixed up what he wanted and politly asked if he could reorder. The bartender girl turned around and rudly said "so i guess you'll be leaving now then?"

We both looked at each other in confusion, grabbed the drink and sat back down. She then followed us and repeated the question.

Annoyed by this point we rold her to go away not knowing what she was talking about.

God forbid you show some customer service in a service related industry you dumb cow. Suffice to say we never went back to that bar after that appaling effort

>> No.5890936

Been sober since the 6th. I'm noticing some difficulty sleeping, but it might just be me.

>> No.5890961

>traditional korean

My sides

>> No.5890962

Nope that's a thing that happens. Nightmares, too.

I had a girl over recently, and I kept it civilized, 2 beers or something, and that whole night I'd wake up in sweats because of those fucking nightmares, over and over. All in all it was alright though, because there was still a naked female next to me, which is nice

>> No.5890984
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>Running errands after class
>Finally got back to the apartment to start dinner
>Everyone and their bfs are at the apartment and hogging, the kitchen stove
>"Guess I'll be eating out alone again."
>Really don't want Panera food, but I can only justify eating there because of employee discount
>Long ass dinner rush
>pass by time at the nearby Meijer
>Find Marmite for a friend who got back from studying abroad
>Tfw find skyr yogurt for less than at Whole Foods

>> No.5891068

used to have a drink every night, now i have up to 5 mixed drinks a night since i lost my job. wife is supporting me and paying the bills while i've become an alcoholic. lately i've been drinking during the day to fix my fucked up sleeping schedule as i am waiting for a positive response for a lucrative job position that will put my half of the finances back on track w/o unemployment pay.

>> No.5891104

I've been in and out for years. Try SMART recovery if you are a fedora. I liked what they had to say. Of course I am having a beer as we speak.

>> No.5891108

Anything else I should expect over the next month?

>> No.5891143

I don't fucking know man, never really tried to do that for more than a day or two at a time. "The next month" sounds kinda terrifying tbh

Maybe I just need some new friends. There's a lot of enabling going on in my circles

>> No.5891184

0930, just finished work. now its beer'o'clock.
cheers anons

>> No.5891252
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I fucking hate that man, its happened a few times.
>know girl well enough that shes comfortable spending the night, I'm I'm comfortable with her company
>go out, do some fun shit, have some good food, come back
>watch a movie or a couple shows, maybe have a drink or two (much less than I'm ready to drink :(
>wrestle around in bed and have some good sex, fall asleep

so far so good.......

>wake up at 3:30 a.m. from the hell of nightmares drenched in cold sweat and shaking
>try to discretely and carefully pry myself from QT's arms wrapped around me while I had shaking Hell-mares.
>she wakes up, tell her I had a bad dream and am stepping outside for a cigarette, I'll be right back to her
>go pound fucking liquor stupid quick so I can pass out and get some rest
>go back to my room hoping she's asleep again
>she's now horny as fuck and wants me to clap dem cheeks
>I'm suddenly obliterated on liquor and just want to pass out, she wonders what the fuck is wrong with me now


>> No.5891351

FUCK is god damn right.

The other side of that coin is kinda shitty too, though, so you can't win

>go to party, get proper drunk, having a good time
>pretty girl that's into me is there, hit it off, having a great time
>wanna get out of here?
>get home, start making out on the bed
>she goes for my boxer, this is gonna be good
>fucking NOTHING
>she feels bad because she now thinks she gives bad head
>I feel bad because I'm fucking useless at that point

You can redeem yourself in the morning provided you're not too dehydrated, but there's not a whole lot in life that's worse than turning down a hot girl that wants to ride you until she walks funny

>> No.5891518

Are heart palpitationsnormalnon the morning of a 3 day bender?

>> No.5891521
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I just don't know what to fucking do anymore.

>> No.5891534


>> No.5891548

I do this, luckily there are a few different sources for hooch on my daily commute to work, so i only have to attend any given store once or twice a week. To quote Charles Bukowski, a gentleman and alcoholic.
“I like to change liquor stores frequently because the clerks got to know your habits if you went in night and day and bought huge quantities. I could feel them wondering why I wasn't dead yet and it made me uncomfortable. They probably weren't thinking any such thing, but then a man gets paranoid when he has 300 hangovers a year.”

>> No.5891562
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>> No.5891568
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>go on date with girl
>hung out a few times but this is prolly our first "date"
>get to her apartment
>buzzer doesnt work so I call
>she's just got out of shower and in a towel
>answers door in nothing but said towel
>look but don't stare
>I'll be corrected with you wise men and scholars but no, you can not just jump the women because. Sorry quagmire but that's called rape.
>hang out in the other room while she finishes getting ready
>go on date
>eat dinner, drink drinks, have conversation, laugh, the whole fucking "game" of it.
>bartender fucked up on my third drink, added salt instead of sugar...worst old fashioned i've had so they comp the drink & apologize
>go to play, cause I'm sophisticated bunch
>alright, anon. "take me home"
>"I'd invite you in but we both have to work tomorrow"
>go home like a dope
>drink a nice nightcap
>here now
seriously things were fucking backwards. the night should end in nudity, not start that way - unless of course it ends that way also. Eh, maybe next time. Being a straight guy with too many female friends and too many of the wrong females trying to be more than friends. Everything is like Don Draper until it's not. Take a clue anons, don't do as I do.

>> No.5891572

I live in a densely populated enough area that I don't really have to worry about that I don't think. And even if the cashier started to remember me, what does it matter? You're a fucking cashier, shut the fuck up.

>> No.5891575

You know where you fucked up, though, don't you? Because I wasn't there and I know

>> No.5891582


i didn't drink enough?
I'm not creeper enough?

This isn't a beta/alpha issue. A beta would have waited outside in the car. A beta wouldn't have complained about the drink.Alpha enough to go to a play, drive, go for dinner and drinks, etc. I played the cards, it wasn't a good hand. After all, it was technically a first date, I'm glad she didn't go into whore mode and give me a HJ in the car.

>> No.5891598

Woah there, buddy. This isn't /fit/ or /b/, I wasn't going to hit you with that beta/alpha bullshit. You handled the shower thing right, that's not it.

What I was getting at was, just because you both have work the next day doesn't mean you can't get her in, get in her, have a nice little sleep, take a shower and go to work together.

I mean, unless she had work later than you did, in which case, yeah, bad hand and that's it. You don't throw a lady out of bed because you need to go. Still.

>> No.5891605

Oh shit. Is she the one that said "I'd invite you in but bullshit blabla"? If that's the case, forgive my poor drunken reading comprehension. Shit sucks, I feel you

>> No.5891650

>"I'd invite you in but we both have to work tomorrow"
I would've just been like "Yeah duh, i gotta get up early tomorrow ya dunce.What makes you think I wanted to be invited in?" Then go home and jack off.

>> No.5891665

Sure you would've. Maybe some day, when you go on your first date, you'll get to say that

>> No.5891689
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I was being humorous you dickmonkey. And I have said something similar to that effect before and we both laughed. 2nd date was win win though.

>> No.5891704

Oh my bad. To be fair, nothing about your post made it seem like you were being humorous. This is 4chan, there are a lot of retarded people here. I didn't know you weren't a fucking jackass

Glad to hear about the second date, though, good for you

>> No.5891725

Go for a 2nd or 3rd date tho at the most .usually most girls won't put out on the 1st unless they are complete whores. it's actually a positive quality if you're actually interested in dating since it says a lot.

>> No.5891806

12 light beers tonight. Job interview at 4 tomorrow.

I'm not diseased, or am I just in denial?

>> No.5891825

nah, you're fine brah. I started drinking at around noon it's 2am now and I've cleared a 6 Pack of strong beer and around 750ml of vodka.

>> No.5891827

You're right to an extent, but also, fuck saying girls putting out on the first date are whores. Do you need a first date to know if you want to fuck a girl or not? No? Then it should make sense to you that some girls know what they want from the get go too. It's not about how many dates you get before fucking, it's about how you hit it off with that person.

Girls will go get fucked by someone else if there's something better than you offered to them, same as guys will fuck someone else if there's something better than that girl offered to them. The thing is, girls get offered dick a lot more often than guys get offered pussy. The only thing you can do to fight that is to be the best person you can be and be a good fucking catch. Because then, what happens is that girls won't be looking for other dicks because you're the shit, and even if they do, you have other options just waiting for your girl to get out of the picture so they can ride the dick.

I've seen dudes being devastated over a girl (I've been one of them) and I've seen dudes making exes jealous as fuck. It's not about gender, it's about being a good catch.

>> No.5891834


Damn. I always get worried about this shit. I drink a lot of light beer, but only on days when I have nothing real going on the next day.

For example. I know I have a job interview tomorrow, but it's pretty much a formality and I won't accept even if I get it, plus it's at 4 so yeah I'll be fine. I don't drink liquor or any non-light beer. But I still love to pound away 12-16 beers 3-4 nights a week.

idk I guess everyone finds their own niche

>> No.5892007

If it means nothing then get smashed and get a story to tell out of it

>> No.5892021

Just tell them you're moving to another country and that you'll never see them again.

>> No.5892027
File: 983 KB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I pretended to want to go to bed
>wait anxiously until gf passes out
>tfw you're a grown man sneaking out of your house
>tfw I drove out of my way to a place I've never bought alcohol from to change it up
>tfw I have to buy the smallest one because I drink until I blackout
>tfw I tried sticking up for one of my favorite youtubers by making a video response to someone making fun of him and my favorite youtuber uploaded the video to his channel
>tfw when the more popular channel is sending his minions over to the page and I'm getting trolled and ridiculed

>> No.5892226

Tell someone about ur problem tomorrow. Ask for help. We all need it.

>> No.5892250

We are your army bro, link us to the videos.

>> No.5892424

Just look up Ryan boundless. It's the most recent video he put up. Gimmeaflakeman and his army of man children are out of control. I was just sticking up for a really depressed YouTuber. I'm the guy wearing the marine shit and sunglasses. If you'd like to try to balance the shit show, by all means. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3JQqgn6TM1M

>> No.5892563

He was probably asking that so he could laugh at your videos, anon. Sorry.

>> No.5892580

jesus christ

>> No.5892585

I'm drunk but still...aware.

More aware of how much of a failure I've turned out to be. I've spent thousands of dollars and months helping friends going through tough times and now that their life is all sorted. I sit alone, nursing my last drink of the night.

I have trouble sleeping at night, I lie awake for hours thinking of every mistake I've made in life.

I don't like myself anymore. The lack of sleep is making me forget things. I forgot to eat today. Not that it matters, everything tastes the same by now.

I just want to feel again.

>> No.5892690

>buy these shit $1 margarita in a pouch on a whim
>taste like shit

why was I surprised like an idiot

>> No.5892750

These are fucking boss for your buck
I got 4 for 10$ (NZD) 2.8sd each.
Topping them off with some cask wine, back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks leave. Literally all I've done is drink sleep eat watch movies jerk off.

>> No.5892754
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>> No.5892873


I know this feel. 1 week sober today. I'm depressed. Paranoid. I don't know what to do.

>> No.5893109

Were here for you bruh. We all strggle here but it can get better for us. Dont be so hard on yourself.

>> No.5893113

IPA evening at my place, 8 Double/Imperial/hoppy as fuck IPAs in one night. number 3 being pliney the elder going down now, starting to feel the buzz. going to be one hell of a night!

>> No.5893926

NZ represent.

>> No.5894035


Are you alone or with people?

>> No.5894044

ITT: pussies

>> No.5894101

What difference does that make?

>> No.5894152

Sweating a ridiculous amount, getting winded easily, feeling hyper/unable to focus, feeling paranoid, feeling super depressed.
Insomnia and nightmares are the worst part though. Every time I managed to get an hours rest, I'd dream my bed had been dragged into a public place, and everyone could see how pathetic I was, or that I'd failed out of university, and my parents were standing over me, judging me, and I couldn't move, or some other soul crushing scenario. I felt like I was on adderall for a week straight.
Essentially, when you're brain is used to being flooded with depressants, it produces stimulants to counter them. When the depressants suddenly stop, you're left with a load of stimulants, and a very confused and angry brain. In really bad cases, the brain gets so over-stimulated your hands shake, and you have seizures. This is why withdrawal kills people sometimes.

>> No.5894174

Kiwi bros! Yay.

I'm in Auckland.

>> No.5894181


Because if you are with people you are a social drinker.

>> No.5894249



keep drinking. at this point it's good for you.

>> No.5894262
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>tfw day drink

>> No.5894513

>They might be retarded, but at least it's real.
How is it any more "real"? You do know that a high doesn't make you a retard, right?

>> No.5894515

>What is actually addictive about alcohol?

Jesus christ, just google it.

>> No.5894517

>She gets fjckin crazy when she takes drugs.
>Like she thinks her phones are tapped, that my dad is stealing shit from her (my dad's a great fucking man and never stole a thing in his life), and that everyone is conspiring against her in one way or another.
Pain pills (opiates) do not make you paranoid. You sure your mother isn't a schizophrenic?

>> No.5894518

>Greene King
>Real pub

>> No.5894519


withdrawal kills people because of dts

>> No.5894532

If you wake up with a hangover and start drinking again is the hangover the next day worse then the one from the previous day?

>> No.5894545

>If you wake up with a hangover and start drinking again is the hangover the next day worse then the one from the previous day?
Well probably. A hangover is basically alcohol withdrawal, your body reacts to the alcohol dissipating.

>> No.5894575

wow you are FUCKED

>> No.5894578
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This shit right here is why i go to /ck/ at night. I drink about a liter of vodka each day for the past 6 years, washed down with a 12 pack of natural ice. I don't eat much, i either make a special meal with ideas from /ck/ or i drink until im hungry and walk to the 24/7 diner and get some food. The nice lady at the diner knows im a drunk and is very nice and knows what i want to eat before i even get through the door. I think i have something like 20 bottles of empty vodka bottles and an entire closet full of empty natty ice boxes i don't throw out because i don't want my landlord to see them. When i go to work i chug a strong coffee and slam 3 beers just to stop the shakes and get on with my day. Since i do day labor most of the time im out in the sun, and i can literally sweat if i just think about doing work. The drink makes me sweat like a fucking fish and its hard to explain to my coworkers. When i get my jobs i have to buy like 6 bottles of gatorade just to get through an 8 hour day because i sweat so much. I can literally feel my right side in pain from my god damn liver feeling the pain of what i did the night before and i probably haven't had a solid shit in years. I'll wake up after a 12 hour sleep and still be drunk from all the shit i drank earlier, most of the time i don't even know what day it is.

The sad part is im only 27. Judge me as you will.

>> No.5895030
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>tfw dad buys you a VIP ticket to a beer festival that comes to your town on your birthday
>no friends to go with

T-thanks dad

>> No.5895036

Go with your Dad, I had a great time with mine at a beer festival.

>> No.5895067

girlfriend broke up with me yesterday and I already picked up 2 bottles of bourbon, guess we all know how this ends

>> No.5895096
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Festival is today. Tickets are sold out. Fuck everything

>> No.5895102

>look at me and feel sorry for me guize

please stop

>> No.5895103



>> No.5895109

what city you in bruh?

>> No.5895197


Fuck off pal. We don't need this shit in al/ck/

>> No.5895239

Wilmington, nc

Where muh beach bros at

>> No.5895243

Meant for >>5895109

>> No.5895324

No judging here (no homo)

>> No.5895334


We don't need his kind of "look at me am I damaged enough to join in guize" bullshit either.

>> No.5895465

>join in
What the fuck man it's not like a secret club.

>> No.5895633

>my god damn liver feeling the pain
Liver doesn't have any nerves in it and does not generate pain as well as eyes. You'd better visit a doctor, it may be an appendicitis or even more serious shit.

>> No.5895662
File: 312 KB, 768x1024, the-last-bottle-of-jagerm[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it OK if I drink Jagermeister at room temperature? I don't have a fridge in my room to keep it chill.

>> No.5895668


It's not like it's going to kill you.

>> No.5895676

Absolutely not. Fill a small cooler with water, ice, and a bit of salt.

>> No.5895681

lol I know but am afraid if it will taste horrible

>> No.5895844

hangovers are mostly dehydration

>> No.5895847

It's going to taste horrible no matter what temp it's at.

>> No.5895848

it will taste a lot more herbal and bitter

>> No.5895887

so if I jabbed a sharp stick in your eye it wouldn't hurt? Iktf this dude is talking about. Maybe it isn't the liver itself it is the surrounding tissue or something

>> No.5895910

I just got some Allagash Curieux bourbon ale from the store, going to have it tomorrow. Anyone ever try it? I've heard good things about it.

>> No.5895914

I'm aggressively emptying a bottle of Havana Club 7, it's getting harder and harder to get a buzz with each week, damn tolerance.

>> No.5895942

No, it will cause shock, but not pain. Eyelid have nerves. Ever thought about why in winter your eyes don't feel cold at all?

>> No.5896006

So what do you do when you want to get further more drunk but your stomache quiets on you?

>> No.5896013



Drink like 10-20 minutes later

>> No.5896031

I'm in Auckland too. East.

>> No.5896072

I feared that this would be the answer.

I hate to vomit every time i puke once i cant stop till I am empty and even then i have to drie hive at least one more time.

Well gotta do what you gotta do

>> No.5896087

Anyone else have problems getting sleep?
Not like actually falling asleep but getting "rest".
I get up to 8 hours of sleep every night but I feel like I'm too drunk for my body to actually recharge.
I've been extremely sleepy lately.
I drink every night btw.

>> No.5896105

A mini bottle of whiskey usually run about $3.99 in my area. Vodka is usually cheaper. Patrón costs $9 fuckin DOLLARS!!!! Arrgh.

>> No.5896107

well shit what do you expect your body has to fight the toxins, also your breathing gets weakend trough the alc

>> No.5896118

Tonight I'm drinking a Young's London Ale and a Wells Bombardier.

Maybe a cheap whisky later on the night

>> No.5896122

It's new wave night at the bar tonight. Time to get wasted and listen to New Order. Maybe find some new wave qts.

>> No.5896141

Try cazadores. Good enough without breaking the bank on a fucking don julio or patron

>> No.5896154


I second cazadores

I personally prefer the reposado, I actually like it more than patron but that could just be my personal preference.

I know there was some expensive as fuck shit that had a number in it that was delicious, but I can't remember what it was.

>> No.5896387

This is fucking awesome

Nothing about this is a disgrace to the USMC

>> No.5896524

I lost my best friend from my childhood today. He told me I was dead to him. I don't even know what I did to him. I feel like I am losing all of my friends nobody ever wants to hang out with me. Its time to break out the shitty vodka tonight

>> No.5896572

What happened anon?
*pours glass and crosses leg*

>> No.5896647

you didnt lose him if he isnt dead. i mean fuck.

>> No.5896676

I wish I knew.
Well he told me I was dead to him so I think its safe to say I lost him

>> No.5896685

Why not ask his family or friends why he's so upset with you. He must've bitch about you to someone.

>> No.5896701


Why not just go punch him in the fucking mouth instead of being bitches about things? After a few vodkas, personal relationship problegms get a lot easier.

You don't solve these things by talking to his family to see why he fucking acte like a cunt, youve been watching too many daytime talk shows. You go up to him and you say oi you you're a cunt and you're my best fucking mate so why are you being such a fucking cunt? and if he carries on being a cunt you try and spark the fucker out and then you resolve things, like men. like drunken men.

>> No.5896854
File: 32 KB, 600x401, Bacardi-151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/alck/ you seem very depressing, I feel at home even if I'm a filthy cross-boarder.
I took a break for a whole month when one of my only friends and I each gulped down pic related after some margaritas. This was not a good idea.

Ahora mismo estoy con una botella de Rioja - Reserva (2007).
TL Note: I like Rioja wine and I'm getting a little buzzed.

>> No.5896884

Rioja is good, had some Campo Viejo Reserva 2008 the other day that was tasty, but I'm on the rhum tonight.

If only it would quiet my thoughts.

>> No.5896925

>If only it would quiet my thoughts.

What thoughts? I bet you don't have any thoughts.

inb4 oh but I do and other mysterious shit. I'm not going to dance around you like you're a girl. tell or fuck off.

>> No.5897090


brb packy run stores close at 11 i tried to hold out but i cant fuck my life

>> No.5897111

Since a teen I've struggled with anxiety so my dick can be unpredictable. In situations like this I dive for the clam and eat her out like a dog munching peanut butter off a clam shell.

>> No.5897131

this sounds unnecessarily dramatic. you aren't providing details, just a vague cloud. real people don't talk to each other like that, btw.
hope this helps!

>> No.5897150


welp, I just got back with a bottle of Burnett's and some wine.

came in the door holding my two year old babby gril on one hip and the bag on the other.

>i'm a bad person
>I can't stop

seriously I'm so close to done with everything it's not even funny. Now I have to cram enough booze in me to be able to sleep and try like fuck to get up in the AM and make a Sunday breakfast for everyone like verything is OK

>it's not
>so fucking exhausted
>Burnetts and Grapefruit juice is GOAT doe

>> No.5897160

>Burnett's and some wine.

I used to work in a likka sto

You're female

>> No.5897243

I'm 19 and I have serious problems with social anxiety/overthinking things until I burn myself out. I find that a few shots of rum help me chill out and be normal. I feel like I'm in a perfect position to become an alcoholic within the next five years. Is it really that bad? It feels so good being able to relax my mind and feel normal, and talk to people in a normal way.

>> No.5897256

8th Night sober, pals.

>> No.5897275


olo nope but i understand that.

My usual buy is a fifth of brandy, a 40 and pork rinds

>but I'm actually white, niqqa!!!!

currently on the the three drink euphoria, about to hit the slurring stage but fuck me if I don't get up and make eggs and pancakes like everything is A fuckin OK.

>I will do it

>> No.5897328

I like brandy too

>> No.5897373

Me too

>Gf cant drink cuz she thinks shes going to get alcohol plus drug testing for probation
>stops drinking for a couple weeks, admits she has alky tendencies; cant stop drinking once she starts
>Lets me drink the rest of her booze, I think if she stops drinking ill be able to cut back considerably
> turns out she doesnt have to stop drinkinh
>weve been hitting the sauce hard ever since

>> No.5897375

>3 drink eurporia
I hope those are strong ass drinks, It takes at least a pint of hard liquor to get me there. a full fifth to actually get me drunk.

>> No.5897454

It doesnt matter the actual number of drinks, I dont think, the message is the same. The base number of drinks it takes to get the endorphins kicking and keeps you chasing the perfect drunk all night long

>> No.5897469

Just peed in a cup(two cups) instead of going to bed


>drunk asf

>> No.5897506

I'm in the CBD. I'd say drop by and drink, but it's Sunday.

>> No.5897545

Yeah, I can say I never get a good night's sleep, and I do drink every night. If you were to stop drinking somehow, and stay off it for a good time like a couple months (which I haven't been able to do either) it really would help your sleeping and resting.

>> No.5897549

Yeah dude I can tell you that it's really bad. I'm 25 and have to be seeing doctors and psychiatrists and shit. I know it feels good now and helps you loosen up, but I would really recommend that you be careful and don't start up daily shit. It can happen bro and it's not to be taken lightly. Good luck man and seriously think about it and be careful.