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File: 80 KB, 1024x557, prime-chicken-chicken-cordon-bleu-1024x557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6259085 No.6259085 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this such a perfect sandwich?

>> No.6259126

that actually looks good

>inb4 pleb

>> No.6259139

where from

>> No.6259170

OP knows what's up. I treat myself to one about once a month.

>> No.6260380


I remember Jack in the Box used to have one of those too. But with a real chicken filet instead of a patty. This was around 2004 or so.

>> No.6260414

>prime chicken chicken cordon bleu
why is chicken there twice?

>> No.6260425

That's a hamburger, man.

>> No.6260824

Because there's no disgusting green crunchy shit in it.

>> No.6260853

>no beef

>> No.6260878

Eating cold and hot meat together doesn't sound that appetising.

>> No.6260885

why would either meat be cold>

>> No.6260887

ham is normally cold

>> No.6260890
File: 486 KB, 526x700, 1367211153520[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. i've never seen this before but it looks good.

>> No.6260898


Because your taste is poorly developed.

>> No.6260907


>> No.6260914


>> No.6260919
File: 131 KB, 300x300, ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you never had a dinner ham?

>> No.6260924
File: 55 KB, 312x312, PUKING[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating at arbys

>> No.6260926

Just because you develop a taste for refined food doesn't mean you have to forget about junk food.

>> No.6260933

Depends on where you live I guess. I'm currently in the hell hole that is Monroe, Louisiana, and I would never eat any fast food around here. It's not bad in Metro Atlanta though.

>> No.6260950

I'm generally a health faggot who doesn't eat fast food, but Arby's and Wendy's are the only fast food places that has actually semi-decent food that isn't made of 80% salt and synthetic beef.

>> No.6260961

Not him, just saw this browsing page 1.

You're an asshole. You know VERY well that anon wasn't talking about dinner ham. He was talking about the ham in OP's picture, which is CLEARLY deli ham. Fuck you. I hope you die a horrible death.

>> No.6260965

sorry you can't appreciate a good seasoned curlies

>> No.6260972

Curly fries are shit

>> No.6260979

You forgot to say "the"

>> No.6260980

The curly fries are shit

>> No.6260986


>> No.6260987


who in the actual fuck doesn't like curly fries?

>> No.6260992

Me. Theyre shit compared to real fries

>> No.6260999


were you dropped on you head repeatedly as a baby, to the point that it destroyed your ability to enjoy flavor?

>> No.6261001

Curly fries seasoning is bland and theyre rarely crisp. Theyre garbage

>> No.6261005

>arguing with trips
The balls on this guy

>> No.6261025



Are not those soggy, bland limp pig dicks that the old lunch hag used to serve you in HS while you sat alone in the corner of the room.

>> No.6261029

Nice pic you dumb curly fry faggot

>> No.6261034
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>> No.6261037


>> No.6261045

Yeah those are awful

>> No.6261056
File: 3.86 MB, 4608x3456, chilicheesecurlyfries3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah but did you ever try the chili cheese ones?

>> No.6261061

Nah, the plain ones were pleb enough

>> No.6261062
File: 378 KB, 300x345, 15.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you would probably like then better if they were gayer, maybe adding some guy pumping in his boxers will help.

>> No.6261068

You were right. I like them now.

>> No.6261069


What about Ham and Cheese Melts, then? Or hell, even Grilled Ham and Cheese?

>> No.6261074

Are you suggesting Arby's uses grilled ham (that magically doesn't have any browning)? Or are you rather suggesting that Arby's fried chicken and ham sandwich, itself, is grilled?

>> No.6261080

I used to work at arby's and I can confirm that the ham on the CCB is heated before it is put on the sandwich

in a microwave.

I still think it's the best thing at Arby's by a longshot.

>> No.6261107


he was talking about grilled ham and cheese, of which a simple inference can be made that it is a hot sandwich of cheese and ham like a croque monsieur.

to think that deli ham is always going to be cold no matter how it is served is fucking infant-tier rationality

>> No.6261118

And yet we were discussing the sandwich in OP's pic. I don't give a flying fuck about dinner ham, croque monsieur, or the ham you shove up your anus on a regular basis. >>6261080 this anon already confirmed that they microwave that shit to avoid the "hot meat cold meat" palate dilemma that would arise from such a monstrosity. So fuck off and go start an internet fight on youtube, jackass.

>> No.6261137
File: 399 KB, 871x607, ccb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I remember that thing. It was pretty good. Real swiss cheese too

>> No.6261155


does that man have gigantic hands or is that a sandwich for a baby?

>> No.6261171

So... is Arby's any good?

I've tried it twice, both times it was so disgusting I literally took just a single bite and tossed the rest out. But I have to assume that's the just the one that was in my town, because it never got a rating higher than 2/5 on yelp and closed down after just a year. All the employees were greasy, rude teenagers. I honestly wonder whether they made the food shit on purpose so that there'd be less customers, then fucked themselves out of a job.

>> No.6261183

You looked up Arby's on Yelp

>> No.6261196

>So... is Arby's any good?
The roast beef is garbage. They only have like two good things on the menu. The Chicken Cordon Bleu and the mozzarella sticks.

And the Jamocha shakes.

>> No.6261198


>> No.6261206


what about the GD curly fucking fries?

>> No.6261209

Curly fries are shit

>> No.6261211

>what about the GD curly fucking fries

sometimes they're ok. i usually fuck with potato cakes but when i mix it up and get curlies i make sure to get plenty of horesy sauce and spicy three pepper sauce to dip them in

>> No.6261213

say that to my face, fucker

>> No.6261217

Theyre soggy shit faggot

>> No.6261222


The Mushroom and Swiss thing was good, but I think it was a promotional item and is gone. Same with the Gyro.

Their fish isn't bad either. One of the better fish sandwhices, IMO.

>> No.6261228
File: 1.22 MB, 245x127, django my nigga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>horesy sauce and spicy three pepper sauce

Shit, thought I was the only one. I like mixing them 1:1, kinda like a spicy version of Fry/Fancy sauce.

>> No.6261236


>not requesting your fries well done

what kind of faggot are you?

>> No.6261239
File: 15 KB, 300x380, bisuit debris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>broz 4 lyfe

>> No.6261244

you forgot a "the"

>> No.6261257 [DELETED] 

You looked up Arby's on Yelp

>> No.6261261

I like the market fresh sandwiches at Arby's. They're huge and the bread is usually fresh. The bread on those is so much better than generic buns. Also, they usually pile the meat on...they're normal sandwiches would be considered double meat anywhere else.

>> No.6261270

Perfect for you, because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.6261273

It wasn't funny the first time, buddy.

Next time try samefagging "underrated post"

>> No.6261277

Underrated post

>> No.6261346
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I always wondered why Arby's was able to pull off the fresh deli sandwich thing and Wendy's couldn't with their "Frescata" sandwiches.

>> No.6261388

>Same with the Gyro.
Read that as Gyno.

>> No.6261411
File: 56 KB, 500x326, manningerfishing5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you are

this mad

the fact that we were originally discussing arby's doesn't change the fact that you couldn't figure out what a grilled ham and cheese meant in the context of this discussion, which is pathetic, and that incapability is why you are

this mad

>> No.6261432

You're just a retarded cunt.

I already said (multiple times) that I don't give a shit about other sandwiches in the context of THIS conversation. Of course I fucking know that a grilled ham and cheese has warm meat. If you REALLY think your vast intellect has revealed this to you, while my simpleton mind shields me from this fact, you are denser than fucking osmium.

If you want to argue semantics, fine, but not with me. Want to know why? I don't give a shit.

>> No.6261438


the guy mentioned a grilled ham and cheese and you said 'does that look like they grilled their ham?' well no, you shitmuncher, it doesn't, as it wouldn't in a grilled ham and cheese. they don't grill the fucking ham, they grill the sandwich. you didn't engage your brain and now you're paying the ultimate price. one day you'll have children and they'll ask you for help with your homework and you'll put all your effort into it and they'll still have shit grades because you're just too stupid to raise a child that can climb out of the working class gutter on which you and your household subsist.

>> No.6261457

I also said "are you rather suggesting that Arby's fried chicken and ham sandwich, itself, is grilled?"

Looks like your reading comprehension isn't quite up to par. Please do us all a favor and kill yourself.

>> No.6261474


thereby showing that you'd completely failed to accept the simple implication of his post - that a sandwich with a cold ingredient can transfer heat to the cold ingredient, in a number of ways. it is laughable that you are trying to joust him on this subject.

>> No.6261506

You're literally retarded, aren't you? >>6261080 said they fucking microwave it. You're plain wrong, and just keep arguing... for what? Just to argue on the internet? Get a life, shit head.

>> No.6261523


plain wrong about what, exactly? i said you were mad as fuck because you couldn't conceive of deli ham being warm in a warm sandwich, and you are.

>> No.6261536

>>6260887 here

glad i could be of service in finding inconsequential shit for autists on /ck/ to argue about

>> No.6261541

Again, your reading comprehension leaves a lot to be desired.

I responded to an asshat pointing out that dinner ham is hot to someone who was commenting on cold deli ham being slapped on a hot sandwich.

The fact stands that no matter how fucking hot your "hot sandwich" is, putting cold deli ham on it will be unappetizing. If you think they fry the chicken, apply the ham, and then let it sit and get warm and wonderful, you're fucking deluded.

>>6261080 answered the question fucking 3 hours ago, and you're still sperging out over it, because you have a superiority complex. Do you REALLY believe anyone on planet earth thinks ham can come in any form but cold? Do you REALLY believe anyone on planet earth thinks that, given enough time, cold ham will never become warm next to hot chicken? Use your fucking brain, moron.

>> No.6261549


there are ten thousand ways for the ham to get warm, including being microwaved, and the guy you got in a bitchfit with was just giving a couple of examples of situations in which deli ham can be warm. the fact that someone suggested microwaves doesn't change anything - you got insanely fucking mad about it because your imagination was far short of what's required to function in society.

>> No.6261551

I was the guy you replied to in that post of yours and I was just thinking the same thing

>> No.6261569

No one suggested it. You just didn't fucking read.

He said he worked at arby's, and that they microwave it before adding it to the sandwich, because (implied) eating cold ham with hot fried chicken would be nasty as fuck.

I wasn't entertaining the ideas of grilled fuck, because the sandwich in question OBVIOUSLY isn't grilled. It has nothing to do with my imagination. Anon could have suggested the aliens from War of the Worlds used their heat rays to heat up the ham, and it would have had the exact same amount of relevance to the topic at hand as grilling.

You're just a little bitch who feels like posting "u mad bro? lelelele" after something has already been resolved.

>> No.6261629


you might want to look up what 'suggest' means, and also reevaluate your personal development and decisions in life.

>> No.6261641

Define it for us, would you, asshole?

Then point out how I misused it.

>> No.6262057
File: 43 KB, 1050x1050, sad-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did a thread about a fast food chicken sandwich turn so ugly?