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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6321734 No.6321734 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we need liquor this potent?

>> No.6321741

why wouldn't we?

>> No.6321748
File: 1.11 MB, 288x220, lightshow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because without it, we wouldn't get light shows.

>> No.6321751

Efficiëntly spiking drinks

>> No.6321753

Most efficient way to get drunk.

>> No.6321754

I mean, isn't alcohol positioning enough of a threat to frat boys with regular shit like PBR and vodka?

>> No.6321758

Great. Now I've got a boner

>> No.6321760

You'll get more replys and it would be better bait if you would have said, "Why is this allowed?"


>> No.6321761

culling of the weak my friend

>> No.6321765


>> No.6321768

Apple pie, dude.

>> No.6321789
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Why do we need liquor this watered down?

>> No.6321794

At a bar it's mostly just for the aesthetic of having the top of your drink set on fire. At home you can make extracts and liquers with it, like limoncello. And any other uses for a neutral grain alcohol (solvents, cleaners, disinfectants, etc.)

>> No.6321795
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That boner wouldn't have happened without Everclear.

>> No.6321823

that stuff isn't legal where i live. sucks man.

>> No.6321829

For making trash cans of party liquor jungle juice

>> No.6321832

That's what vaporizing alcohol is for.

Alcohol position guaranteed.

>> No.6321834

for making green dragon

>> No.6321845
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so you can threaten to kill a child and shoot yourself in the eye.


>> No.6321913

Bushwick Bill is a fucking savage

>> No.6322054

half a shot of everclear 190 and half a shot of 5 hour energy. shit will get you through the night

>> No.6322055

holy shit

>> No.6322068


>> No.6322079

its college thing man. the nice thing about everclear is despite its harshness, its easily masked by flavor. and 5 hour energy has a lot of it. we did a fuck ton of them in vegas and cancun

>> No.6322163

With this being a supposed cooking board it is suprising that the culinary applications of such a high proof liquor have been overlooked thus far.

>home made infusions
>meat tenderiser

>> No.6322167

I mixed 5 hour energy with that stupid black/dark purple vitamin water and took some promethazine pills one time, then went to a party.

I got dizzy and had to lie down, and dozed in and out of a fever dream state of consciousness, none of which was fun.

Five hour energy a shit confirmed.

>> No.6322172

Because we can.

>> No.6322195

What's the highest proof alcohol I can buy in the UK ?

>> No.6322196

more proof is more better

>> No.6322201

for making limoncello and other infused liquors. takes time but is worth it

>> No.6322202

>you should shitpost the exact same way other shitposters do

>> No.6322203

overproof rum (around 65%). I think there are some brands of absinthe that are higher but can't confirm.

>> No.6322213

Any brands ?

>> No.6322216

>With this being a supposed cooking
I feel like you should know better.

>> No.6322219

Are you serious? UK sounds lame as fuck.

>> No.6322222

shoenice could slam that in seconds

>> No.6322223

Everclear is for the mentally retarded. And I say this as someone who in my college days drank straight absinthe.

>> No.6322225

But only with a sulfur and cement chaser.

>> No.6322256


Sterilizing lab equipment

>> No.6322301
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Its like extended dubs!

>> No.6322308

Evercleaar is for those who demand efficiency out of their alcoholic beverages. Seems smart to me.

>> No.6322325


Need? Who said anything about need?

>> No.6322352

Because it doubles as a floor cleaner and that really comes in handy when I'm violently ill from drinking so much.

>> No.6322353

Because I've got demons, son.

>> No.6322362

I drank that shit once. Once. I lost all color vision for three days......Never again.

>> No.6322370

What till it's powdered :-)

>> No.6322379

fuck, i think you just convinced me to get some of that shit. sounds fun

>> No.6322392

what I do is use it to extract the alkaloids from dried poppy heads then evap it down to a powder which I then add to coffee or tea (dissolves) or smoke in a cigarette

>> No.6322394

It's perfect for lazy mix drinks at home. It doesn't take much to make something sufficiently alcoholic, it is low calorie on its own, and since its so close to 100% it doesn't take too much extra math to try to get a mix drink with the proof you desire.

>> No.6322403

I had a buddy who did that by boiling the shit out of them or something in water, then using that goop for his sweet sweet opioids

>> No.6322416

on the drinking front tho we all drink @ 13

>> No.6322483

this ligthey cunt started at 13 ey what a queer bruv

>> No.6322491

Y'all all retarded as fuck. There's no need for super high proof alcohol. When I want to drink, I want to drink for a long time. I'll take low abv beer any day and drink it day long.


>> No.6322496

I've mostly seen it used in the making of other drinks, we used to use it when making our own kaluha in a big 10-gallon glass jar.

>> No.6322567

This interests me. Care to expound?

>> No.6322577

if you make tea from the poppy pods and let the water evap youll end up with cooked flake opium. look it up on bluelight or something, no alcohol necessary

>> No.6322584

Mostly for cleaning at a bar.

>> No.6322696


Shoenice is the reason the world fears white people

>> No.6322701

Fun if done rarely. It will get you blitzed drunk at light speed. It also happens to be pure rot gut and will tear your insides to shit if drunk regularly. Keep in mind it is almost to the point where alcohol becomes chemicaly unstable and explodes on contact with oxygen.

>> No.6322817

Are you retarded? Ethanol is not reactive with oxygen. Everclear is certainly flammable, but even 100% ethanol isn't "chemically unstable".

>> No.6322844


you're wrong my friend. also, lsd will make you think you're a glass of orange juice and also my friend could tell the future while on ketamine

>> No.6322884

cleaning wounds
start small fires

>> No.6322893

for making lovely marijuana tinctures

>> No.6322921

I used a salvia tincture once. it burned the fuck out of the underside of my tongue since you have to keep it there for a long time

>> No.6322935

>I used a salvia tincture

that's the only thing I can think of that would be worse than smoking it

>> No.6322936

responsible people use it for infusions. take a big batch of fruit and juices and let it sit. soon you have 40% fruit liquor, basically homemade flavored vodka.

>> No.6323065

Jungle juice idiot

>> No.6323087

The only time a girl let me put my peepee in her pooper, she had some stuff made from everclear. She shat all over me as soon as I made it in the back door.

Everclear: not even once

>> No.6323097

You sound like a liberal.

>> No.6323253

What if you slammed the tincture?

>> No.6323255


Back the fuck up my friend

That is my daily "I fucking hate myself" drink don't you be bashing it

>> No.6323273
File: 444 KB, 1854x3144, laudanum 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To make Laudanum with, you fool.

>> No.6323289

I've never watched him, is this what he does?

>> No.6323352

You sound like a mongoloid.

>> No.6323360

Too high an ABV and more expensive that absolute ethanol diluted to 60%

Though I keep a bottle in the lab anyway for those dark times

>> No.6323371

You're wrong, actually.

With pure ethanol, you have to be careful with decanting it from container to container as there is a chance that the potential energy of pouring from too high a surface will ignite the liquid

Blew my mind when my PI first told me

>> No.6323376

how to make ????
>heroin addict would really like to know for weening reasons.

>> No.6323473

Well, why not? There's literally no reason to consume alcohol other than to get drunk.

>> No.6323491
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> potential energy igniting falling ethanol

That's the most retarded explanation I've ever heard.

You know why that's actually a thing? Because any electrostatic charge building up (or existing) cannot equalise until the stream of liquid from the top container hits the lower. Also, when you have two containers far apart, the stream can break into drops. You're basically creating a series of spark gaps. And THIS can ignite the fumes.

That's why in the industry you handle flammable liquids with metal containers (jerry cans or what-have-you) that are grounded with a wire before you even open them, let alone start pouring.

Potential energy. Lrn2physics.

>> No.6323520


to forget her.

>> No.6323548

For making big ol' barrels of jungle juice.

>> No.6323560

0/10 bait
it's a cleaner, fuel, and concentrated mixer

>> No.6323668


You tryin to trigger me son?

>> No.6323675

would I die if I drank that?

>> No.6323702

A whole bottle? There's a good possibility it would. There's more alcohol in a fifth of everclear than two fifths of typical vodka.

>> No.6323704

It would extremely painful.

>> No.6323706


for you

>> No.6324279

This shit NEEDS to be used responsibly. The reason anyone makes a big deal out of it is because college students don't know how to drink responsibly. Then everyone has a hissy fit when someone dies of alcohol poisoning after chugging a few mouthfulls of it.

And it's flammable, so that just adds to the fun/danger

>> No.6324294


>I'm a pussy

>> No.6324303


>frat boys

[SJW intensifies]

>> No.6324306


>> No.6324313

best for mixing.

that being said i used to drink it out of the bottle, as its good for nipping until you're blasted.

until one day i took a breath with some in my mouth, and i nearly suffocated when my throat swelled shut. that was scary. after that i mixed it.

>> No.6324345


Alcoholic that hates the taste of all alcohol here.

A few shots of Everclear, chased by... anything is enough to keep me lit all night.

Meanwhile, all my friends spend the entire night sipping on 10-12 beers, which I hate the taste of, to achieve the same effect.