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6491642 No.6491642 [Reply] [Original]

Are there really people on here who dont drink soda?

>> No.6491757
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are there really fat fucks on here that find it difficult to imagine life without soda?

>> No.6491761

I've got too much respect for myself to defile my body with soda.

>> No.6491768

Yeah people who think they're better than us. Fucking uppity assholes.

>> No.6491769

Its called moderation fag lord

>> No.6491783

the pleasure your mom got from my dick is moderate, you fucking faggot

>> No.6491790
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I only drink water.

My water contains only the deuterium variety of hydrogen. Far superior to the regular, common, more simplistic sort, clearly intended for more garden variety simplistic people.

Indeed, it is only those of higher class and thus of better blood who may attain and appreciate such elixir. You know what your Plebeian Poland Springs says, "Born Better". Only I actually am of better blood. Born better. And your "Coca-Cola", what are they saying now... open happiness? Heh... you know what they say about commoners and happiness.

Truly, get on my level. I need something soft to stand on, for at such heights residing on your knees will be the most familiar stature you can manage. With luck you may glimpse a drip of this beverage of the gods, as your feeble mind struggles to comprehend the intricacies of the vast wonder before and beyond you.

>> No.6491792

I had some vanilla Coke yesterday after maybe half of year of not drinking it. I drink soda maybe six times a year. I love it on a hot summer day with lots of ice but I can't imagine drinking that on a regular basis.

>> No.6491800
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>Drinking fizzy sugar syrup

Enjoy your liquid obesity.

>> No.6491903

if I buy soda I have to carry it back from the store, and it's quite heavy

it's really that simple

>> No.6491907

I don't like the prickly sensation and it always leaves a sour aftertaste.

>> No.6491921

It's like candy, maybe I buy a bottle when I'm at a store and the choice is between soda and mineral water.

I don't really like it enough to have it in my fridge though.

>> No.6491923

I don't drink non-diet soda

>> No.6491953

Not everyone on here is a teenager like you.

>> No.6491984

I only buy a can when I'm somewhere I don't trust/have access to the tap water.

>> No.6491987

i dont drink soda because i fucking despise carbonation and drinking anything with it tastes like im downing cyanide

>> No.6492013

i knew a guy who had to drink 2 bottles of dr pepper every day when he woke up. like im saying it was on his nightstand ready to go the second he woke up. he also was one of those fat guys that had small sunglasses to make him look every more ridiculous

>> No.6492020

I keep like one or two cans for nostalgia, but I can never get through more than half

>> No.6492091
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Soda's really fucking bad for you, and i feel better not drinking it, i felt lethargic and gross when i used to drink soda, now i feel fine.

>> No.6492103

I was never into drinking the stuff on a regular basis, and haven't bought it in years.

>> No.6492110

yes, they're called adults

>> No.6492114

I only drink one if it comes free with a takeaway meal or something. I drink coffee when I'm in college, and tea when I'm at home.

>> No.6492174
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Me, here. No soda.
Coffee, wine, sparkling water, beer, tea.

But I think I can remember that I drank a glass of Coca-cola, last year.

>> No.6492175

I honestly dislike the taste of soda. I used to drink it, then I cut it out for like a month when I was 15 and getting chub, haven't drunk the stuff in years. I don't eat candy, or dessert, or really anything that's too sugary. I don't even miss it, it's by choice and by taste

>> No.6492187

Exactly, so I am moderating myself by cutting it out completely.

I actually have picked up drinking soda again lately and I feel like shit. Hopefully this is the last bit of it I drink in a while.

There are so many good things that aren't soda in the world, I don't know why everyone NEEDS SODA

>> No.6492195

>There are so many good things that aren't soda in the world, I don't know why everyone NEEDS SODA
can you name some examples for everyday use? i drink like a can of soda a day just because i get tired of drinking water during the day.

>> No.6492201

I like my soda but drinking the carbonated more than once in a while (read once a week minimum) is silly.

People really don't think there's a problem drinking it daily. The carbonated Jew is insidious.

>> No.6492212

Yes. Soda tastes like shit and it's fucking terrible for you.

>> No.6492258 [DELETED] 

I have a can of diet coke maybe once a month.
I don't see the attraction of soda really, I was in a BK in SoCal last year and the kids were filling their cups up guzzling it down and refilling. It was pretty obscene watching them try and get as much as they could. They didn't even look particularly poor.

>> No.6492262 [DELETED] 

I knew a kid who got through a litre of full fat coke everyday.

>> No.6492297

This is retarded. Anywhere you can buy a can of soda, you can buy a sealed water bottle.

>> No.6492300

Is that a glue gun?

>> No.6492309

Glad to see I'm not the only one who hates soda. I don't understand how people can drink soda with a meal, totally ruins the meal.

That being said, I do enjoy an occasional canada dry ginger ale a few times a year. That's my only soda intake. If I go to a take out restaurant and get a drink and find out they don't have iced tea, I would rather fill it with water than soda.

>> No.6492310

>I don't trust the tap water. Better drink soda instead.

>> No.6492314

>once had a clogged drain that drano wouldnt unclog.
>hear coke inclogs drains and is used to clean stuff sometimes
>dump a couple liters down my drain
>worked temporarily, still better than drano
>4 liters later my drain was unclogged

and thats when i stopped drinking soda
the only time i touch the stuff is when ordering takeout or something

>> No.6492599

im 28 and have a glass or a can with dinner every night

>> No.6492607

here's your reply

>> No.6492614

They are called "adults".

>> No.6492642

Don't need the extra calories from liquid sugar

>> No.6492647

I hate shit like this.
Cola is a mild acid. Surprise! If you dumped a shit ton of vinegar down your drains it would have the same effect. Unless you're going to keep a mouthful of Coke in your mouth for hours on end, you don't have a lot to worry about. P.S. Brush your teeth.

>> No.6492651
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>He drinks children's sugar water

>> No.6492652

There is no reason by drink soda with sugar in it. Drink the diet version.

>> No.6492673

Coffee for the morning
Soda for the afternoon
Beer for the evening


>> No.6492677


what if this was a thread about not having pasta doofus?

Its a pretty fucking big deal with 2 ruthless corporations having a minor war.

>> No.6492678


If I'm paying over a buck for water, its going to be juice or soda.

You are buying a fucking bottle.

>> No.6492679

Guy I work with brings a 2 litre of coke to work everyday and is a skeleton.

>> No.6492688

lemme guess, he's 30+?

>> No.6493117

Soda destroys my teeth. I like it but if I drink it two times a week I develop caries every 2-3 months. I'm religious about mouth hygiene but nothing alleviates the effects of soda.

I learned this when we started getting free drinks at work, before that I'd randomly get caries but I also randomly drank soda so I couldn't make the connection.

>> No.6493137

it's a single shot gun you can 3d print

>> No.6493144

I don't drink soda.

I'm also 5'9" and weigh 120 pounds as a male though

>> No.6493184

>If I'm paying over a dollar, it better be bad for me

>> No.6493208

I can't stand soda. Way too sweet. I don't know how people drink it, or eat most sweets, to be honest.

>> No.6493225

I only drink soda when my dad buys it for me, which is maybe twice a year.

>> No.6493234

Soda is gross. Anything with carbonation/fizzy taste I can't stomach.

>> No.6493247

Haven't since I was a young kid.
I think here's the story of what happened, actually
>quite young
>wonder wtf is saliva
>ask mom why my mouth keeps making annoying wet watery stuff that I have to keep swallowing
>she replies "it's juices" or something
>think she means "it's because you drink juice"
>stop drinking juice
>stop drinking soda
>stop drinking anything that isn't water
It didn't work, but at least I'm not a landwhale from drinking a litre of liquid diabetes a day

>> No.6493255

Literal autism.

>> No.6493262


It's pop, retard.

>> No.6493280

I only drink soda with pizza & I don't eat a lot of pizza. It's black coffee, water, flavored seltzer, & unsweetened ice tea for me. Oh and beer.

>> No.6493293

Okay, thanks.

>> No.6493298

How is that autism? I was like 6, maybe 7

>> No.6493314

I don't drink it anymore. Neither does the guy in your photo. He's been dead a while now. I'll be he drank soda.


>> No.6493315

thread hidden with the rest of the shitposting

>> No.6493325

>How is that autism?
If you're on 4chan, assume that no one actually knows what autism is.

>> No.6493334
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> a can a day

>> No.6493347

>people have a can of pop, sometimes two every day

I have about 2, maybe 3 glasses every week, on the weekend. I'm thinking about cutting it out of my life entirely though

>> No.6493369


My roommate drinks exclusively diet coke and eats atkins.

I am concerned about his impending death.

>> No.6493373
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> I'm thinking about cutting it out of my life entirely though

do it. there are way too many good drinks, with real depth of taste, that conjure up great memories and feelings when you drink them, to waste your time and health on sugar water.

i drink a lot of chamomile tea right now to alleviate my anxiety, looking into vanilla as well, but my favorite drink right now is soy milk. its sweet, milky, nutty, and quite comforting. i had this amazing nutty almond tea or something, it was asian, i'm not entirely sure what it was but again it felt so comforting, the aroma and taste brought up images of some last samurai type shit, just sitting on a wooden floor, in an open house while it softly rains outside and i sit, feeling like everything is at peace.

>> No.6493394

nah.. like 22 or 23

>> No.6493397
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Coffee all day.
Beer when the sun goes down.
Soda is for fatfucks and children.

>> No.6493401

>you will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18

>> No.6493408

Just bought 2 cases of Baja Blast

>> No.6493418

>i drink a lot of chamomile tea right now to alleviate my anxiety
I heard if you munch on activated almonds, it helps too.

It's not just kids that drink soda all day, every day. Most the people in my family only drink regular soda or diet soda with everything. It's gross. How can one eat pasta with Coke?

>> No.6493435

How can so many people not understand something so basic as soaking almonds.

>> No.6493461

It's a meme m8. C'mon though, if chamomile tea really worked to alleviate anxiety, more people would be drinking it.

>> No.6493470

Tea can be very relaxing for some people.

>> No.6493479

>implying beer isn't just as bad

>> No.6493487

That's called a placebo

>> No.6493500

It's called you not knowing anything about pharmacology, or medicine as a whole.

Kindly stop abusing the word "placebo". Even if their experience was of the basis you're implying, it's no less of a placebo effect than walking out in the woods or revisiting a childhood location.

It never ceases to amaze me how philosophically bankrupt our species is. People not know what they're saying is to be expected however.

>> No.6493520
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If you eat well and exercise, it's fine. I do some moderate lifting and lots of cardio. Eat protein and drink carbs.

>> No.6493526

You can't get hammered on soda alone.

>> No.6493553

>It's called you not knowing anything about pharmacology, or medicine as a whole.
Yes, there are certain things in teas and other consumables that may have an effect on the one who eats it. But, you'd have to consume more than the normal amount to even feel the effects. The effect is so minimal that it's all in your head.

>It never ceases to amaze me how philosophically bankrupt our species is
>>talks about philosophy
>>presents ad hominem argument saying I don't know anything about pharmacology or medicine

>> No.6493580

>The effect of caffeine, theophylline, and L-Theanine is all in your head.
>GABA agonists in chamomile yield no meaningful effect relative to my idea of a "normal" dosage and an average physiology
>I have access to enough knowledge and a deep enough perspective to control for all these sources of error. My quantization is not me talking out my ass.
Yeah, alright. I bet valerian is all "in people's head" too. Going back to philosophy, it's difficult to define a difference between self and environment, and it's also difficult to say which does which via which and what mechanism. Your claims of tea hinging on a placebo effect are nonsense.

Ad hominem isn't inherently invalid, which is is why in the realm of informal logical fallacies, they cooked up the "fallacy fallacy". People who cite logical fallacies with little other substance likely deserve the initial ad hominem.

>> No.6493614


I said relaxing, not healing.

>> No.6493622

>Muh active ingredients are always consistent
>I know how many mg i need for effects to be felt
>Muh active ingredients will never build tolerance in me, two cups a night 4lyfe

All I did was make a joke about activated almonds and you got assblasted. Also, in this case the ad hominem isn't deserved. You know nothing about me

>> No.6493658

Tea tends to be clustered as far as its psychoactive ingredients go, relative to the strain and part of its growth cycle / location on the plant. Granted there's an inherent degree of uncertainty, but I'd say there's a reliably tested and defined range to expect. The bigger problem is fluorine and heavy metals in the cheap bottom leaf stuff.

Chamomile... Chamomile I don't know as much about. I do know it doesn't mix well with certain drugs, something it has in common with skullcap. I also know sometimes it makes me feel very relaxed, and sometimes it makes my head feel raw inside, the latter experience is a function of individual physiology though. Don't really know, as far I could imagine, if harvested in similar ways the benzodiazpine receptor, and other GABA components should be fairly predictable. Even if it isn't overdose levels suddenly being in the plant in an average cup of tea would be pretty unlikely. Shit is "random" as far as our perspective can go, that's just the way it is.

Dosage in mg is only relevant because it exists. Body is many co-regulating factors at once. You can consume roughly the same dosage of a drug on two separate days and experience very different effects.

Tolerance is negligible when it comes to methylxanthines. It's very rapidly gained and lost and withdrawal tends to be short lived. I drank a lot of tea for a while (we're talking a very lot) and my experience was in line with that. Not really sure why you're bringing it up to begin with, "tolerance"-like effects are just a part of pharmacology.

I know all I need to about you. I think a lot about people, and having an outsider's perspective tends to make you quite honest, you see things very clearly others often cannot. Over time we all build very finely tuned heuristics to account for ambiguity and uncertainty. In your case, I'd be relatively surprised, but not unhappy, to be wrong. You probably deserve anything I say to you and more that I do not.

>> No.6493690

Whoa, calm down

>> No.6493692

No, you.

>> No.6493698

I drink soda very rarely, but when I do it's usually ginger ale. I drink sparkling water regularly if you count that, but otherwise mostly tea, coffee, water, milk, and the occasional fruit juice or beer.

>> No.6493718
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>> No.6493753
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In my head it's positive, negative, positive, negative.

>> No.6493787

you sound really annoying

>> No.6493801

his, albeit relevant, wall of text reminds me of reddit

>> No.6493813

You sound like someone who wouldn't say anything in person.

>> No.6493946

soda is
A. always sugar saturated, it has so much sugar in it you can't even dissolve more in there
eight tablespoons a can, what the fuck man

B. comes in artificial flavours
C. is acidic as all fuck
D, because it replaces water, it's the single unhealthiest thing you can add to your diet

>> No.6493969

I've never liked it. I think it's the carbonation, but I also just don't like the taste. It's not appealing to me at all and I think it's kind of gross how much some people consume daily. Like I enjoy fruit juice, but I can't guzzle liters of it a day, I enjoy it occasionally. And being an American citizen everyone around me treats soda like water and HAS to have it with every meal. It's weird as fuck.

>> No.6494023

I haven't had it regularly for so long that if I try to drink it, the carbonation is quite literally painful for me.

>> No.6494057

like maybe once a month if I get fast food or somethin

you really don't even think about it if you don't drink it regularly

the only reason you would miss it is if you drank it every day and became addicted to sugar

>> No.6494064


>> No.6494143

>Watches anime

Sure you do weeb.

>> No.6494158

This is a poor policy. If you're only drinking water, you are getting 0% of your daily alcohol requirement to stay placated in this shitty world.

>> No.6494181
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wrong, vinegar wouldnt have worked because it lacks carbonization, which drano lacks as well.

>> No.6494183

yeah well i only drink hand crafted 100% organic non-gmo activated rain water from the french alps

>> No.6494184

Who is this idiot man with ugly face? I would like to punch it

>> No.6494190

wrestler Undertaker's manager

>> No.6494219

dissolved carbon dioxide isn't dangerous

>> No.6494392

I don't really drink soda
Might drink one if someone offers to buy me one or if I buy a meal and it's complimentary with it, but aside from that I really don't.

>> No.6494402


I did when I was a kid. Now I view it as a dessert item, and have it maybe once a month or less.

Still fat though. Oh well.

>> No.6494563

Cutting out soda alone won't magically make you lose weight. You need some portion control too.

>> No.6494564

Yeah, but think about how fat you would be if you did drink soda.

>> No.6494575

I only drink soda if it's with burgers/hotdog/fries/onion rings.
That's only if I don't have a strong ale or lager to wash them down

>> No.6494578

Grew out of it like 4 years ago.
These days I only drink pop when I use it as a mixer.

>> No.6494583
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My last soda was half a can in the summer of 2009
>Soda has zero nutritional value
>your body has to work harder to process it
>your body will be feeling lack of energy quicker due to the overworking
soda is just trash

>> No.6494587


We call them adults.

>> No.6494590

only coffee , water , beer and whisky strait here
cheers m8

>> No.6494594

>your body has to work harder to process it
>>your body will be feeling lack of energy quicker due to the overworking

it's liquid sugar, what the fuck

soda makes you a fat fuck, there's 0 energy expenditure

>> No.6495113

It's called l-theanine among many other molecules found in certain teas.

>> No.6495153

Sorry about your self-control deficiency.

>> No.6495164
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>There are people who drink soda instead of vastly superior sweet tea, which you can control the caffeine and sugar content of to fit your diet when you make it yourself, or simply add as much sugar as you want after ordering unsweet

>> No.6495204

>Can a day

That's not as bad as some people I know, who go through entire 2 liter bottles of Mountain Dew a day, but it's still pretty bad for you.

Just start drinking sweet tea and slowly reduce the sugar levels until you're comfortable with them.

>> No.6495291

i drink water, alcohol, and coffee. soda is for americans.

>> No.6495623

As a kid I used to like to drink soda more often. As an adult I just drink sparkling water to have the bubbly feeling so I don't feel like drinking soda(including diet soda)

>> No.6495681

America is the only country in the world where soda isn't considered a drink for children.

>> No.6495692

It's a bit gross that there are people who drink soda every day.

>> No.6495695

I drink a can here or there, but mostly no.
I do like my iced tea though, have that once a week or so. Mostly drink water or milk.

>> No.6495706

I have some on hand to make mix drinks with. And I'm usually a beer guy, so it doesn't get used very often.

>> No.6495711
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calls pop soda

this is soda

>> No.6495730

>fallacy fallacy

>> No.6496029

It appears you made an error in your post.
You said, 'Beer for the evening', when you meant to say, 'Beer as my primary form of sustenance'
Don't forget it.

>> No.6496281

soda is too potent tbh. all the sugars and acidity is jarring if you go back to it after abstaining for a while. I can live with out it since there's a million alternatives like flavored sparkling water. It's also about 140 calories a can which can easily be replaced with actual food as opposed to sugary syrup water that bloats you.

>> No.6496299

Dean Ambrose should have ended the streak.

>> No.6496302

why would you drink the liquid jew?

>> No.6496666

I only drink water and tea. Not even fruit juice. If I want to taste friutiness, I'll eat some fruit. I don't drink alcohol either; I became an alcoholic and mustn't touch a drop. 3 years dry now. I've tried soda and it's fucking revolting - far too sweet with a nasty chemical flavour.

>> No.6496701

I'll probably stop drinking Coke now that they are changing the formula in Canada. I do love fountain sweetened ice tea though. Though its not carbonated so I guess it isn't soda.

>> No.6498251

I drink two cans of coke a day and I'm a skinny fucker.

>> No.6498556

I'm not really a big fan of sweet drinks. I have water most of the time, one or two daily teas/coffees (no sugar) with breakfast or after dinner and that's it most days. Alcohol, I tend to have beer, greyhounds or gin and tonic. I'm not a fan of mixing with soda, with tonic water being the exception because it's bitter and doesn't have that syrupy taste.

The closest I get to soda is pouring sparkling water over a slice or two of fruit and some soft herbs, then muddling it. It's really refreshing with dinner and I honestly prefer the tart herbal/citrus taste without any sugar.

>> No.6498633

>fruit smoothies (muh gainz)

Really it is just about experimenting with more exotic things if plain orange juice seems boring.

I used to squeeze up some blueberry orange juice once a week, was gr8.

>> No.6498710
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>brother has bbq
>ask him if I should bring anything
>specifically ask him if I should bring soda, beer or anything to drink
>"not necessary"
>show up
>nothing to drink except tap water
Turns out he doesn't drink soda anymore and nobody else should either in his home. I would have settled for unsweetened iced tea.

>> No.6498774


Nope. I hate the shit, always have. The only thing I will occasionally drink is Dr. Pepper, and that is over really good vanilla ice cream.

>inb4 fattie

The last time I had that was 11 years ago.

>> No.6498808

am partial to a can of coke or sprite when its hot or I'm hungover. some diet orange drinks are okay too

the 'only drink water' argument is kind of silly iyam. its like telling someone who likes coffee or tea that they should instead just drink hot water

>> No.6498849

I don't drink soda or juice unless I'm using it with liquor. But I drink every day in one form or another so.

>> No.6498958

>My water contains only the deuterium variety of hydrogen.
Haha. No, you don't. It's actually toxic when consumed in those sorts of quantities, because it messes with the hydrogen bonds in your body something rotten. I think it's the only example known where changing one atomic isotope for another changes a molecule to be chemically toxic. (At normal concentrations it's no big deal.)

>> No.6499038

This. If I'm at a party and it's up for grabs I'll get one but it's not something I feel the need to spend my money on as an adult

>> No.6499112

Rarely, except I drink diet coke when I'm on a long road trip, to add a steady dosage of caffeine for added alertness. I used to be hooked on it, but gradually shifted to coffee/tea if I want caffeine, or water.

>> No.6499127

I drink about 8 cans of this per day. Thats 80 calories. Come at me, aspartime illumati fags.

>> No.6500721

Yes, soda is for overweight man-children.

>> No.6500739
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You're already coming at yourself.

>> No.6500758

whatever nerd

>> No.6500774

Cog gnobblin' fog cobbler.

>> No.6500926

> drinking your calories

>> No.6500956
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I pretty much cut out soda and any other sugary drinks from my diet and I lost tons of weight from it. Now if theres a special occasion or I'm gonna mix rum or whiskey I'll use soda most likely it will be root beer but on an average day Water all day everyday. I do love me some beer though thats my fucking weakness

>> No.6501751
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>knocks on soda
>drinks beer

>> No.6501761

Seems reasonable for a beer drinker to knock your precious HFCS water.

>> No.6501762 [DELETED] 

>implying beer has an equal or greater amount of sugar than soda

>> No.6501766

Same shit go's for beer bud I had to cut that shit out also

>> No.6501785 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6502856

Not sure what I'd do without my morning diet dr pepper. I've tried coffee but it's just not the same.

>> No.6502862

never liked soda ever since i was a kid
probably only have had soda maybe 3 times in my entire life
i just dont like it idk

>> No.6503345

>cavities in the evening

>> No.6503405

i dont drink soda. its all sugar. its not good for you. also if you drink a lot of it youre probably a fatass.

>> No.6503947

I don't drink it if don't like the stinging it creates in my mouth

>> No.6504460
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>mfw alcoholics think they can judge people who enjoy soda

>> No.6505229

juices are as bad as soda because of the lack of dietary fiber

>> No.6505234


>> No.6505252

sweet stuff just doesn't do it for me anymore. I used to love sugary everything as a kid, but now when i try to eat a milk chocolate candy bar or drink the average soda it just makes my teeth feel gross and my throat all thick and phlegmy. Shouldn't stop you from enjoying it in any case.

>> No.6505279

>sparkling water
for real? i had some perrier once and it was the most god awful shit i ever tasted.

>> No.6505288

drinking pop as a child wrecked my teeth so now i only enjoy it as a treat when it's offered (at a friend's or a restaurant). i don't buy it from the store anymore and water is my main beverage at home.

>> No.6505488

My nigga!

>> No.6506022

I cant drink to much pop because it does things to me. Mountain dew makes me spit and have to clear my nose alot like im drinking milk, coke makes me cough for some reason, root beer makes me burp fizz in like wads of fizz, pepsi taste gross and makes me taste a really strong mint. This might be a result of me drinking three of those 2liters a day during childhood untill fifteen.
>tfw childhood obesity
>tfw overweight as an adult with a ripped meniscus and destroyed shoulder joint.

>> No.6506260
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I used to drink it regularly (25 cent dr pepper machine) at my last job.

I got a new job and don't have access to that cheap pop any more. As such, I have witched to pic related.

I never realized how beneficial it was to cut just that sugar out of my diet. I lost 20 pounds doing literally nothing but stop drinking pop.

>> No.6507070

Please don't.

>> No.6507080

water fucks are pathetic.

2l of coke a day are just fine for anyone with a healthy body.

>> No.6507091

I've had a good laugh at this thread and all pretentious fucks who pretend to not enjoy soda.

>> No.6507121

>I never realized how beneficial it was to cut just that sugar out of my diet. I lost 20 pounds doing literally nothing but stop drinking pop.
two cans of soda have almost the same amount of calories as a big mac

>> No.6507148

If you leave soda, it's really hard to go back to it. It doesn't have a good taste that makes you want to drink more.

>> No.6507181

My drink of choice is sparkling water with squeezed lime. 5/5 on hot summer day. I drink soda yearly but not monthly, mostly Dr. Pepper.

>> No.6507182

Teeth? It goes inside your body dude it's not just about teeth. Everyone worries what happens to teeth when you drink soda but forget that after your mouth it gets inside of you. jeez

>> No.6507218

I don't that one works man

>> No.6507238

>replying to a post from last sunday

>> No.6507419

I go through phases where all I drink is water.

Sometimes I go on a "soda binge" but that just means I might drink like 4 or 5 sodas in a week and then I fall back into drinking water.

I used to drink a lot of different things when I was a kid, but I kinda grew out of flavored drinks.

>> No.6507454

Definately a 5/5 choice friend!
Sparkling water and line is an amazingly refreshing drink. I typically just place a slice of the lime in, rather than squeeze the juice in, as i prefer a less strong lime flavour. Its a great drink to have if you're hungover too and want something soothing.

>> No.6507591

This now makes me wonder if there might be a market in selling retards heavy water as a health thing.

>> No.6507596

I don't but thats because I'm a student and therefore can't afford to waste money on drinks that aren't beer.

>> No.6507613

I can't drink a can of soda without feeling sick.

I used to drink lots of pop when I was younger and once I learned exactly how much sugar went into a can of fizzy drink I stopped drinking them excessively. Nowadays I drink it in moderation. I had a glass of grape drink last night and it was awesome. I drink at least 600 ML of water daily. Usually 1200 ML though.

>> No.6507636
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>I can't drink a can of soda without feeling sick.

so if you're not feeling sick, you can't drink a can of soda?

it probably helps settle your stomach

>> No.6507836

I cut out soda about 8 months back.
Now I drink a wide variety of teas, the occasional coffee, and about once or twice a month a small bottle of carbonated water for that delicious fizz (only thing I liked about soda in the first place).
Plus alcohol, but I don't actually drink that often.

>> No.6508583


>Drinking sweetened sulphuric acid


>> No.6509138

soda is an over sweet beverage that only children should be able to tolerate in their mouths. it strips paint off cars, rots away most things left in it, and doesnt taste good. its literally syrup and carbonation. people who mix alcohol with it are wasting good alcohol. unless of course you buy cheap shit alcohol then, ya know, youre a fuck up anyway. water (best thing for you, cheap on tap), alcohol (obvious), 100% juice (tastes better than soda, better for you)

soda is literally like eating garbage

>> No.6509204
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Back in high school I used to drink soda all the god damn time. I was pulling back at least 4 cans a day. That's a lot of fucking sugar.

I decided that I wanted to change my health, so I switched from dark sodas to clear sodas and eventually over to carbonated beverages and juices and then flavored waters and now I'm a huge fan of just normal cold filtered water. (Perhaps an occasional wedge of lemon or lime for flavor.)

When I drink soda these days, after not having it for so long, I find the flavor to still be good but over all it's way way too sweet for me drink more than one. Diet Soda's have too many other issues that honestly aren't even worth bothering with - so fuck those.

>> No.6509399

The unfortunate part is, beyond the carbonated water itself, soda in no way has to be so shamelessly terrible for you. People buying this crap support someone overcharging them and lacing their stuff with garbage because it's cheaper. It's maddening. Things become and stay shit because people simply will not, and cannot, just say no.

My experience parallels your own as well, and I think most people would say the same. Once you stop eating sugary things, you can't really go back very easily. The taste becomes sickly and far too strong, at best. If I wanted to feel like I was eating raw refined sugar I'd just do that, because there isn't too much for finesse in the flavor. Much rather eat a medjool date or something.

>> No.6509433

>drinking water at a BBQ

Should have done a run to the store.

>> No.6509489

You're so far up on your high chair I think you've lost sight of things

>> No.6510174

To be honest, I'd rather waste my Calorie intake on solid foods than drink, and given the choice between 2 cans of soda or a dessert or seconds, the choice would be obvious. I'm Australian so my experience is probably different.
How much would you americans consume daily?

>> No.6510178

Juice has all the same problems as soda. It just happens to also contribute a few vitamins along the way.

>> No.6510184

>Juice has all the same problems as soda.
Not really. I don't know why people want to believe this.

>> No.6510208 [DELETED] 

Incorrect. You need to research different types of sugar.

>> No.6510212

I really don't. Remove the fluid and fructose from the fibre, consume it as a liquid, and your body isn't dealing with that sugar in the same way it would be if you were eating fruit.

>> No.6511303

>if you change something it's not the same anymore
you don't need to fear change, anon

>> No.6511577

Yep. I don't really enjoy it anymore. Did as a kid. I'll have an orange soda or a Fentimans ginger beer every once in a while, but that only happens a few times a year. Often when I'm hung over.

>> No.6512108


>> No.6512197

i haven't had soda since i moved out of new england and couldn't buy moxie anymore.

>> No.6512440

>no beer, soda, coffee or wine

You're one boring fuck

>> No.6512550

nice reading comprehension

>> No.6512671

Dissolved carbon dioxide takes the form of carbonic acid, which adds to the acidity of the drink.

>> No.6512707

Of course. I drink coffee, tea, water, milk, and beer on a daily basis. There are far tastier beverages in my life than soda.

>> No.6514210

Only drink soda if I'm at a fast food place, water otherwise.

>> No.6514221

I chose not to drink soda because I'm not 12 years old

>> No.6514244

>Drink the diet version.

>> No.6514273

Who is the gentleman in the picture you selected for this thread OP and why does he have such a clever expression on his face?

>> No.6514278

Wow what a big thread.

Anyway thought I'd chime in. I don't typically like fizzy drinks however there are exceptions, I absolutely love ginger beer (not ginger ale) it's like the one fizzy drink I actually enjoy to drink. I've tried root beer awhile ago (not really common in my country) and it was alright, I'd choose it over a coke or pepsi but it didn't hold a candle to a good ginger beer.

>> No.6515169

I don't. No particular reason for it, though. I just stopped for a while and never went back. This was many years ago. I don't like anything with too much sugar, really.

>> No.6515705
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>regularly drink at least 3 bottles of coke per day
>stop drinking it for two days
>now I can't even finish a 355mL bottle without feeling awful
What happened?

>> No.6516419

There's nothing else to fucking drink. Water is just boring shit. I'll have it at night, but having it the whole day is hell. I'm in Southern California too, so the tap water is crap. Milk is disgusting, nobody should like it. Green tea and all that other shit tastes fucking weird, I don't know how people like it. Gatorade is vile, but I'm pretty sure most people agree on that. Juice is always too tangy or has a weird aftertaste. So please tell me what else there is to drink.

>> No.6516604

You sound fat

>> No.6516607

Stop buying garbage fruit juices.

Green tea is not the only tea. I recommend Irish Breakfast, it is one of my favorites. Water tastes fine if it isn't fluoridated and chlorine doped tap shit.

>> No.6516618

you are normal now.
>being this manipulated by sugar
just as bad as people with coffee and caffeine

>> No.6516620

>buttergolem getting defensive about his poor dietary choices

>> No.6516845

I don't, probably because I didn't have shitty parents that bought it for me every day and never got addicted to it as a child.
It's just overly sweet and sticky shit, why not just have candy instead?

>> No.6518161

If I had to choose between alcohol and soda, I'd pick soda every time.

>> No.6518518

I actually like NY's chlorine/Flourine tap stuff, but Poland Spring sparkling water is my addiction. Lemon and Raspberry lime especially. Even if the filthy Swiss Krauts at Nestle tried to take over all of New England's water supply

Do any of you know what Nestle calls their poland-spring-alikes in different parts of the US/world?

>> No.6518540

Just found it myself, my google-fu has gotten better.
Poland Spring in the Northeast
Deer Park (I knew this one already, must have been from when I was in DC since it's apparently from the Maryland area)
Ozarka the South Central United States, including Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, portions of Tennessee, Missouri and Kansas.
Zephyrhills Florida.

>> No.6518554
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I got a fucking KIDNEY STONE at 20 because of the amount of soda and energy drinks and HFCS I was shoveling into my trash body, so I had to drastically cut that shit down. That was April of 2013

now I have a soda occasionally when I'm really craving it or its something special I like (baja blast, cherry coke, some weird good shit like jones etc)

I really only drink the holy trinity now

>can't go wrong

>> No.6519173
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holy shit I never thought of that

>40+ grams of sugar per can
makes perfect sense though

>> No.6519183
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try Earl Grey

>> No.6519203

same here it is like we are brothers, but i had to have a tube in my bladder because my kidney stones were so big.
apparently lemon juice is good for preventing them and not drinking soda has helped too. basically we need to cut our calcium consumption down and drink more water.

>> No.6519234
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>I'm in Southern California
>nobody should like it
>I don't know how people like it
>I'm pretty sure most people agree on that

I bet you're an SJW liberal who tells everyone how to think and check their white privilege despite having no black friends, protests on tumblr for a $15/hour "liveable wage" for Womens Studies graduates working at Starbucks, protests capitalism on Twitter/Facebook/Reddit from your iPhone in your parents' basement, and will vote for Hillary Clinton simply because she has a vagina and a D by her name.

>> No.6519326

I drink water, tea, and coffee about 95% of the time. I don't like sweet things so I've never had an issue with this. The other 5% is drinks when I go out.

Juices are expensive and have too much sugar.
Soda is terrible for you.
Milk is expensive if just used for drinking.

There is absolutely no reason to ever drink soda in my life. I haven't in probably 5 years.

>> No.6519341





>> No.6519368

Everything is okay in moderation you faggots

I drink a can of dr pepper every day or two and I'm fine. The packs last me like two weeks because I'm economical

>> No.6520248

This, except diet coke is my vice

>> No.6521350

I'll drink a can of Lilt if i'm hungover but that's it

>> No.6521766
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Enjoy passing a goddamn katamari through your dicks, soda junkies.

>> No.6523082

Have you heard of "moderation"?

>> No.6523088

People don't moderate. They are very bad at it.

Typically they overconsume and call it moderation. The reality is their brain is very bad at accurately gauging quantity over a long span of time.

>> No.6523092


I suppose you don't know what a "junkie" is.

>> No.6523099


there's no real correlation between kidney stones and soda

>> No.6523102

I drink one Mexican coca cola or one cherry limeade per month as a special treat. I don't think it's terribly unhealthy and it sure does taste good.

I used to be addicted to soda and it made me fat. I enjoy it more just having one every once in a while.

>> No.6524564

alcohol a shit

i haven't had soda or juice in a month because i need to lose some weight before i balloon up in summer

its so hard but at least im saving money ;__;

>> No.6524570

Holy shit, I though this thread was new copypasta but I forgot that threads can survive for weeks on here.

Also, I've done without soda for about 4 months now, and I feel great. Also stopped eating mcdonalds over a year ago.

>> No.6524575

The less I drink of it, the less I want it. It's almost addictive. I still enjoy one every now and then.

>> No.6524619
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>> No.6524630

ive given up soda in order to lose weight

>> No.6524631

How is this thread still going?

>> No.6525676

Popular subject? Most people like soda, despite what the hipster cu/ck/s want you to believe.

>> No.6527233

sodafags enjoy your rotting teeth

>> No.6527235

It's called "tonic," you son of an immigrant factory worker!

>> No.6527239
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We must not break ranks, popfriend, until the masses calling it coke are utterly routed.

>> No.6527267
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Only pure clean water for me. Gotta replenish your bodily fluids, fluoridated soda's never gonna do that. Rain or distilled water only.

>> No.6527276



Flyover genocide literally when?

>> No.6528964

If I'm at home, I generally only drink distilled water, mainly because when I was on a big health kick for a while, I bought a $700-ish water distiller and I'll be damned if I'm not going to make it count. I take bottles of the same water when I go on trips and to the gym as well.

I do drink soda on occasion, mainly if I'm out with friends and eating unhealthily anyway, or if I'm feeling lethargic and want some caffeine as a pick-me-up. Mountain Dew, especially Code Red, and Dr. Pepper are my go-to sodas, but on the rare occasions that I find myself at Roy Rogers, or at a few select food joints on the boardwalk in Ocean City, I can't resist some Birch Beer. God-tier soda right there.

>> No.6528983

Don't like soda? Cool, good for you, it's pretty bad for you. But the second you say it in a self satisfied tone like it means anything I immediately tune out whatever else you're saying to fantasize about force feeding you ghost peppers. Smug pricks.

>> No.6529077

I wonder what the "other" terms are

>> No.6529215

Ausfag here. I drink Coke Zero. I'm not obese, but i'm not stick thin/athletic either. I just don't like sweet tasting drinks, and I like it's acidic, artificial taste. The Australian version doesn't contain the really horrible shit the Amerifag one does.

I also drink carrot juice, water and coffee (black, 1 teaspoon of sugar). Standard Coca Cola actually makes me vomit.

>> No.6529307

I drink only foreign sodas because each one is a different flavor. Also, even if that whole high fructose corn syrup thing is bullshit, I always love a glass of Orange Soda from Belize. I don't drink alcohol, so this is my vice kinda.

>> No.6529319

>not having caffeine addiction
If you drink decaf, I'll have to kindly yet firmly ask you to leave.

>> No.6529333
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Can somebody give me a good list of non-soda non-alcoholic beverages? I've been looking for some good substitutes.
So far all I have are orange juice and coffee (but coffee is more of a treat for me)

>> No.6529672
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>ghost peppers

>> No.6529677

non-alcoholic beer

>> No.6529713

Russian-style tea. Very convenient if you want to drink tea all day long.
1. Brew really strong tea in the teapot (at least table spoon of leaves), this is called "zavarka"
2. Boil some water in kettle
3. Mix zavarka with hot boiled water in cup or mug, around 1:5 (find your own proportion)
4. Add sugar and lemon, if you're into that kind of thing.
Don't drink straight zavarka, only criminals do this and it will fuck up your teeth and heart. Also don't put milk or cream into it, this will turn you into gay british faggot.

>> No.6529931

Yes. And you're fat.

>> No.6529946

Yes, coke is an acid, just like vinegar. It also has the added benefit of having carbonation, which helps to lift and move particles. Drano is a very strong base. It sometimes can't break down the fat that has filled your pipes one way or another. It is also safer for most pipes since it probably won't affect the copper/PVC pipes that your drains are attached to.

>> No.6530017

When I was a kid my parents never let me have any soda or took me out to McDonalds.
Instead my mother cooked every day something nice (she was working from home) and I helped her, learning to cook this way at a young age.

As a kid I was sometimes mad at them for not letting me drink any soda like all the other kids in school, now I couldn't be more happy that I'm not addicted to that trash

>> No.6530187

careful not to cut yourself on that edge

>> No.6530358

I can only assume the people defending soda in this thread are Mexicans.

Why do they love those CocaCola products?

>> No.6531891

I like soda.

>> No.6531988

>work at bakery that only keeps bottles of coke in the fridge for employees
>drink coke every goddamn day for 2 years
>no cavities, lost 5 pounds and stayed at this weight since then

I like to drink coke still but I tend to choose sparkling water now.