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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6604449 No.6604449 [Reply] [Original]

In honour of my new sauce related injury, what are some of the worst ways you've ever hurt yourself while cooking /ck/?

I've cut myself a few times before, but they were just little nicks. Tonight I managed to burn myself pretty badly while stirring some noodles. I guess one of the noodles got stuck to the bottom of the pot, and the spoon I was using sort of skipped off of it and catapulted a rather large amount of thick boiling sauce onto my arm and melted a good layer of skin off.
I've never burned myself so badly that the skin just fell off instead of becoming a water blister before, its pretty neat. Hurts like a bitch though and has been oozing healing fluids for hours,

>> No.6604462

I had boiling water over my two forarms and burn them so badly that the blisters had the sizes of half mangos... I continue to work for hours after the accident

I heard about a guy who had to clean the celling of a kitchen after the work and accidently slip and put his feet in the hot fryer... His shoe and sock melted....

>> No.6604496
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my most recent burn. its been healing well

>> No.6604531
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don't think i need to explain this one.

>> No.6604536

shit, that sounds bad. i had someone slip and put his hand/arm into the fryer but at least they didn't have anything melt with them.

>> No.6604557

A friend put his finger in a meat grinder during a sommet job in a restaurant.... He loose the last part of his middle finger.. He was 16 when this accident was, so the insurance payed him a monthly rent ( but on the bank account from his parents because underage) after his marriage ( he was 25) the insurance asked him if they still had to use the bank account of his parents so he discovered that his parents took the mony for years without telling him about....

>> No.6604573

When I was 13 I was boiling noodles to make Mac and Cheese and spilled the water on my stomach by accident then broke my arm when I hit the ground. I was home alone so I was just writhing on the ground in pain from being scalding and my forearm just flopping around; traumatizing shit.

>> No.6604576
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>> No.6604854

Had to share a convection oven with someone, on mark 9, was reaching into it to check some of my stuff, they reached in to check theirs, and out of habit closed it (one of the kinds where both doors close if you move one). Caught it along the inside and outside of my elbow area. Inside healed. Outside is always bleach white looking.

>> No.6604860

>being a wuss
not even once

>> No.6605154

I've got a little inch long burn on my wrist from touching the oven grill while baking, scar still there years later. Got some boiling water burns on my foot but those healed. Mainly just little cuts and minor burns otherwise.

I'm naturally pretty clumsy so I'm extra careful in the kitchen and do a lot of safety bullshit.

>> No.6605183

I was using a shitty bent chef's knife to slice potatoes and the knife pivoted and came down on my thumb slicing the tip off.

>> No.6605273

I'm currently nursing a scald wound very similar to OP's pic, spilled tea on myself. I don't really have any proper stories but I do have one concerning my foodtech teacher some years ago:
>class of 14 year olds, they're cooking omelettes
>some dumbass is burning his, somehow
>teacher goes to flip it
>the reveal: it's brimming with oil
>goes all over her hand
She had to go to hospital for that shit, it was necrotising and shit

>> No.6605275

Time to sue!

>> No.6605284

I have an omelette pan that's oven safe and i seared then baked a chicken breast with it. Left it to rest and came back and forgot i'd put it in the oven and just grabbed that sucker. Shit hurt. Also had bacon grease splatter into my eye twice

>> No.6605293

I have two twin burn scars on my wrists because I've tried to lift things up and out of the oven instead of straight out. I kinda like them because one is darker while the other is lighter than the rest of my skin.

>> No.6605418
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kinda wish we had spoiler images for this but here.
brand new ceramic knife (it was a gift please don't judge) and chopping a bit carelessly while drunk resulted in this.
it's pretty exactly a year ago today, last swedish midsummer eve. it's healed up nicely, although my nail is slightly skewed now

>> No.6605425

what does it look like now?

take pic pls

>> No.6605431
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haven't clipped my nail, pardon that

>> No.6605433

wow i would've thought your finger would have had some weird angle to it now

the human body is amazing

>> No.6605445

the thing is, if i had cut "through" it wouldn't have healed as nicely. i just lost one quarter of the are, seen from the "front", a wedge if you will.
my mother had a accent with a band saw where she lost a similar size but all the way through and her finger is weirder than mine

>> No.6605457

Surprised it grew back that fully.

>> No.6605469

my dad chopped off like half of the front part of his finger once
told he just wrapped it up and taped it together and it connected and healed up perfectly

>> No.6605497
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Only time I really injured myself was the first time I tried making chicken katsu.

The recipe was all in imperial and I don't know what the fuck 3/4 inches of oil is supposed to look like, so I put way to much. It started sizzling and I dropped chicken in and...yeah.

It was slightly painful, to say the least.

>> No.6605626

Ran the tip of a finger through oil trying to get shit into the pan. Didn't hurt immediately, I thought "oh shit that's incredibly hot", went and doused it. The pain came a minute after, and it was excruciating. Had to keep it in water to control the pain. Eventually stopped hurting, and blistered, which I accidentally smacked off at work a day or two later. I can still see where it was, it's just really feint. The pain though was unforgettable.

>> No.6605700

Ayy man, since when do burns and paper cuts not hurt like a bitch? I'm missing like a cm of skin deep in an area about the size of a silver dollar, just woke up and its still leaking fluids, I'll admit it still stings like a bitch, I can feel it in my finger tips.

>> No.6605707

>working at Montana's
>incredibly busy like always
>working the pans
>have salmon on pan in oven for ten minutes
>take it out, put at station
>do something else really quick
>turn around and grab pan tightly and lift it up
Worst burn ever. Did the rest of my shift with my hand behind my back and only using my left hand.

>> No.6605709

>tfw 27 and never cut myself badly or had a blistering burn from cooking

I'm so scared it's going to happen any day now. Hold me.

>> No.6605747

I have a horrible habit of leaning into hot cookie trays. I have a line across my left boob from that.

Thats why they named me sugar tits years ago. When the first scar went away, I accidentally did it again.

>> No.6605769

>tripping on the slowest board

>> No.6605798
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I do this about once a month on a pan.

>> No.6605801

i bought dollar store oven mitts.

the fabric and stitching quickly wore-away, leaving giant holes. i burnt the shit out of my thumb when removing a casserole from the oven.

>> No.6605840

im not sure how you are supposed to obtain this, but my nurse grandmother gave me a container of Silvadene.

When you show up to the ER with a serious burn, its what they put on you.

If you can handle the gore, look up the treatment photos of it.
It will literally take a second degree burn and (if applied immediately) will not blister, and itll heal twice as fast.

No clue why its not over the counter, because its not dangerous unless you have a really obscure allergy to it.

>> No.6605843
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>> No.6605852

It can stain skin pretty commonly.

>> No.6605888

all the burns you shouldve gotten over the years are building up and you are going to get one huge injury eventually
write your will while you still can

>> No.6605961

>not buying a dozen bar towels and then using them as oven mitts as needed
It is so much more useful and easier to handle than a big dumb glove.

>> No.6605969

If you can get a hold of colloidal silver, chugging as much of it as you can stomach will make sure that burn heals in a matter of days.

>> No.6606219

>I don't know what the fuck 3/4 inches of oil is supposed to look like
Maybe it looks like 3/4 of an inch. People never cease to amaze me

>> No.6606252

>Ayy man, since when do burns and paper cuts not hurt like a bitch? I'm missing like a cm of skin deep in an area about the size of a silver dollar, just woke up and its still leaking fluids, I'll admit it still stings like a bitch, I can feel it in my finger tips.
For 3rd degree burns, might wanna go get some medication and properly dressed kid. It's more serious than you think, esp if you get some staph in there.

>> No.6606258

I burnt my apartment down

that hurt my wallet pretty badly

>> No.6606259

>esp if you get some staph in there.
W-whats that?

>> No.6606266

>doesn't know what a staph infection is
holy fuck i hate 4chan. superiority complexes on some of the stupidest people i swear. a fucking cesspool of idiocy and despair

>> No.6606268

Why would there be staph in his home anyway?

>> No.6606269

Just wondered, if I reached down into the blender, and held the blades REALLY tight, and turned it on, what would happen. Am I strong enough to stop it? Turned out, no.

>> No.6606272

Then fuck off to leddit or 9fag, no one's forcing you to stay retard

>> No.6606273

like 20+% of people carry it

>> No.6606276

What about tetanus? Is that up to date?

>> No.6606279


>> No.6606280

Medical science isn't my strong point, and I've never heard the term "staph infection" before, I don't get injured very often.

>> No.6606282

It was a scare awhile back

>> No.6606299

Staph isn't MRSA, it's common. It's on every surface everywhere, including your ass. Just stop.

OP, you're on here whining about oozing and severity. Is there any inflammation? How many hours has it been since, and did you stop the burn with cool water or nothing? Go google it right now. Get it defined as 1st, 2nd or 3rd? Or somewhere in the middle? At some point your bloodstream is pretty vulnerable to skin infections, and just the air alone carries problems, why we cover wounds, and you can not only reduce a scar and speed healing by getting professional help up front, but you can avoid a horrible, and not uncommonly, lethal problem.

Goodbye. Go get your information.

>> No.6606302

mrsa is a strain of staph..

>> No.6606319


Americans / seniors pls.

>> No.6606402


>Is there any inflammation?

>How many hours has it been since, and did you stop the burn with cool water or nothing?
roughly 24 hours since the burn and yeah I cleaned it under warm water immediately after. The sauce was stuck on my arm so I had to wash it off anyway before the burn got worse.

>Get it defined as 1st, 2nd or 3rd? Or somewhere in the middle?
based on what google says its a second degree burn

Thanks for the warning though man,
I usually just let my wounds heal on their own, guess its part of growing up in the middle of nowhere rural Canada, but if it could be that serious I'll clean it up again with soap and water and try to get into a clinic tonight to get it properly dressed

>> No.6606504

Sliced off the tip of my fingers or knuckles multiple times with peelers and mandolines
Quarter-sized burn on arm from splattering hot oil

I think that's all the notable ones right now.
Four scars that look like cutter's scars from leaning on hot oven trays on four separate occasions.

>> No.6606544

>>Get it defined as 1st, 2nd or 3rd? Or somewhere in the middle?
>based on what google says its a second degree burn

Guess I was wrong, just got off of the phone with Telehealth ontario and he says its a 3rd degree burn and I should have been at the hospital last night

>> No.6606559

Damn, good thing you didn't go into shock or anything.

>> No.6606724


Sliced a chunk of skin off of my fingertip with brand new porcelain knife. Didn't even notice until it began bleeding all over.

>> No.6606748

Now that you're rested and ready, pack up the overnight bag, snacks and coffee thermos and go camp out in the ER until seen. Wanna know how fast bacteria can mess you up? 24 hours can be lethal if it gets bloodborne. Like 20k people die every year in the US. When you get treatment, you MAKE them wash their hands in front of you that you can see. Don't be timid or embarassed, you make it known you care about your health. They're already going to be concerned you didn't go in fast enough.
Hope it gets better, anon. Ask about scarring, or they might not give you the silver cream.

>> No.6606768

I burned myself in a laboratory when a technician let liquid nitrogen overflow out of a flask, rolled off the table,and right down into my sock in my boot. Sock stuck to my skin in a burn patter of elastic ribbing. That burn was like a 1x1in square and took a full 11 months to heal. It was another 10 years to lose the scar. It was a purple square of skin for half of that time. It's 20 years later now, and it's fully gone, but it was wicked. I had at least 4 courses of antibiotics when healing slowed and got inflamed and red streaking happened.

As a child I got a hot water burn that was 2nd degree on my ring finger and pinky, when top of a kettle flipped off when making tea. It was treated right immediately (sister physician), from cool water to ice pack and doctor visit. Had full blistered set of fingers, which blistered over twice. A big tub of silvadene slathered on each day. No scar. Good as new.

All my little oven and turkey basting injuries left no scars. But, I really hate burns!

>> No.6607012

when i was younger and didn't know how to cook pretty much at all, i tried to saute onions in olive oil and when i put the onions in the pan the hot oil basically splattered and patterned my left arm

i think it was a second degree burn? anyway i still have the marks to this day