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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6626598 No.6626598[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I've got the day off and after finishing mowing the lawn, decide that since I've got a coupon, I'll hit the local Burger King and get a 10 pc chicken lugnuts with fries for $3.00 and two corn dogs.

Arriving at the squawk box, I place my order and notice there are several cars ahead of me and that the line is moving pretty slowly, despite it being the tail end of the lunch rush (roughly 1:30pm).

I pull up to the window and pay, then I wait and I wait and wait some more, before the cute White gal running the drive-thru window comes back and politely apologizes that the corn dogs are delayed and asks me to pull forward and they'll bring my order out in a bit.

Being a civilized White man, I do so and wait.... and wait.... and continue fucking waiting as two more vehicles (slowly) go thru the drive thru but when the third car pulls up, (after I've been waiting over 15 mins) I've had enough of this shit and march into the joint to get my food.

I point out to the Black gal at the counter that I've been waiting forever and still haven't gotten my food but she has no idea WTF I'm talking about and my order is apparently no longer up on the video screen, so she runs off to get the drive-thru gal, who freaks out that I'm standing there in the restaurant and starts barking at the niggers in the kitchen, asking where the nigger employee is who she told to bring my food out, but being niggers, they just shrug their shoulders and roll their eyes while babbling Ebonics at her.


>> No.6626602
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The drive-thru gal now has to leave people waiting at the drive-thru while she hunts around thru the food that's on the rack and find my chicken lugnuts and corn dogs (they were sitting right there of course) and scoop up some fries, while profusely apologizing to me the whole time.

Now this is hardly the first time in my life that I've been asked to pull forward at a drive-thru (despite always making completely normal orders) and had to sit around waiting while people behind me have gotten their food but...


From this day on, if I'm ever asked to pull forward, I will absolutely refuse and put my car in park right in front of the fucking drive-thru window and hold up the entire fucking line, until I get MY food.

I've waited my turn and my food has already been paid for and I should be the #1 priority and the people behind me can kiss my ass and wait until my order has been completed.

Also; the corn dogs were burned to fuck.


>> No.6626613

ITT: I'm the most important person in the world.

>> No.6626634

Yea dude, OP should be GRATEFUL they sacrificed quality food for fast food and still got it slower than at a fucking sit down joint.

im the same way, I get that shit happens sometimes and you get fucked over but to then go in and have the only person apologizing to you be the only person who actually did their end of the bargain and have nobody else care at all isnt acceptable.

I live in a town of 2,000 so i dont have this issue. Almost no niggers to boot. However if I lived in a populated area with niggers id just avoid fast food tbh.

>> No.6626650

>paying for your chicken lugnuts with a mix of money and corn dogs
Sort yor loif out, m8

>> No.6626663
File: 106 KB, 1024x682, where is my shit, bitch!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: I'm the most important person in the world.

Not at all.

As I had the day off, I went there after the lunch rush, calmly waited my turn in a fairly long line, made a perfectly normal order and paid my money, so MY order should be their first priority.

Now if it's a ding-bat soccer mom with a mini-van full of squalling brats ordering a dozen specially made items, then absolutely she should be told to pull forward and wait but for a regular order for a single person?

No, the other people in lane can wait or the restaurant can fire the dumb niggers they've got working there and hire competent employees.

I don't know if I should send off an e-mail to Burger King, as I don't want to get the drive-thru gal in trouble, as it was not her fault and she even offered me additional fries as compensation (I was already walking out the door) but this practice of having customers "pull forward" has got to stop and it will stop, with me at least.

>> No.6626669

>with a mix of money

It was $6.34 and I paid with a $20, a quarter and a dime.

>> No.6626670

Poor you. You had to wait 15 minutes for your discounted food. How sad. It must've been the black people's fault. It couldn't have been that the white lady just forgot about you.
If you don't want to run the risk of waiting longer than 10 minutes for your food buy some frozen meals instead.

>> No.6626674

I agree with you.

Tired of getting stuck behind minivanmom with a fuck huge order and having to wait.

You shouldnt have to be treated like a second class citizen just because you have a smaller order.

>> No.6626689

It was a joke, autismo. The way the sentence is structured makes it seem like you paid with money and corn dogs also >lugnuts

>> No.6626691

>It must've been the black people's fault.

It was, the drive-thru gal was bitching and asking where Lemonjello was, who she had told to take out my order out but he was nowhere to be found (probably shooting up weed in the bathroom) and the kitchen niggers just stared at her like morons.

>> No.6626702

Managers never pass the buck

>> No.6626711

I appreciate that you shared your story with us all.

Dealing with people can be a hassle in general. In my opinion it doesn't warrant some kind of special crusade on your part. I'd never waste my energy on such a trivial ordeal.

To each their own I suppose.

>> No.6626716

Ha ha, good for you OP.

You're the hero we need to start this revolution, from this day on, no man shall pull forward.

>> No.6626717

>shooting up weed

Is ironically pretending to be unhip a meme?

>> No.6626738

There was a Burger King near made me pull forward no matter what I ordered or if there was even a line....thought it was weird.

Drive-thrus are really awful things. I'll never use one again for many reasons.

>> No.6626739


>> No.6626777

>it doesn't warrant some kind of special crusade on your part.

There's no "crusade" going on here, I just will no longer pull forward when asked.

I don't do fast-food that often, preferring to bring my own lunch to work, which tastes better and saves me from wasting my limited lunch time on driving back and forth but when I do, I'll order the #2 or whatever off the fast menu and never ask for special treatment (no pickles, extra ketchup, etc.).

There should be no reason to have me pull forward.

>> No.6626778

>I'm an AMERICAN and I have RIGHTS

>> No.6626803
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> mfw europeasants meekly grovel for their vegetarian Malmöburgers served to them by surly Somalians and never say a word, lest they be shipped off to the SJW reeducation camps.

>> No.6626805

Where the fuck do you live that BK sells corn dogs. Also, although I know it's a "loss leader", can you imagine how bad nuggies are gonna be @ 10/1.49?

>> No.6626809

>can you imagine how bad nuggies are gonna be @ 10/1.49?

10 @ $3.00 with a coupon, the corn dogs are $1.50 each

I'm in the metro Detroit suburbs, by the way.

>> No.6626810

I don't like it.

>> No.6626837

>"Chicken lugnuts"
>Corn dogs at Burger King

What backwater third world nation are you living in?

>> No.6627136

lol you remind me of my mom. she wouldnt move no matter how many times they asked. joke was on them though cus their semen was cash

>> No.6627145

The Rosa Parks of the drive thru.

Don't stand for injustice.

>> No.6627231

wait you ordered 10 chicken nuggets two corn dogs and fries all for yourself? Are you obese?

>> No.6627271

OP why have you not addressed "chicken lugnuts" yet??

>> No.6627322
File: 45 KB, 600x600, My pepe A 5-15-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you OP and I like your idea of no longer pulling forward. I don't know how the "please pull forward" thing even became the norm. If their menu is too big to be able to prepare each order in a timely manner then I think they should pare it down.

McDonald's in my area started posting a sign on the drive thru window that says something like "You're order will be ready in 30 seconds or less. If not you will get a voucher for a free item". Since they started posting the sign my order hasn't been ready in 30 seconds once. They never offered the voucher. I got tired of it and asked for said voucher the next time it happened. It's for a free small soft drink on your next visit. Seriously, the item of the cheapest cost for them. Fuck McDonald's.

>> No.6627330

ITT: Irish Stew Guy tries fast food for the first time

>> No.6627368

this !

>> No.6627411

>wait you ordered 10 chicken nuggets two corn dogs and fries all for yourself?

The chicken lugnuts were for later (I just ate five of them. They're not very good.)

> Are you obese?

No, I'm normal sized.

>> No.6627430

That's because their times are based on the movement of the vehices and they were cheating the system, trying to get good times by having everyone pull forward. This girl at work does that shit all the time and brags about her times, but they're all forged anyway.