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File: 163 KB, 1200x675, Blog_BBQ_GO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6725525 No.6725525 [Reply] [Original]

July 25, 2015


“If this resolution passes, we would be forced to close or move. It would destroy Austin barbecue.” says Aaron Franklin, owner of Franklin’s BBQ in Austin.

Austin, Texas has long been a destination for Americans of all stripes in their quest to find the best barbecue in the nation.

However, if the Austin City Council gets their way, food tourism may soon be a thing of the past.

Austin City Council members passed a preliminary plan in April to put restrictions on smoke from barbeque restaurants. Some Austin residents complain of the barbecue smoke saying they can’t enjoy their homes they purchased before some of these restaurants moved in.

The city council’s current proposal will require smoke diffusers and will also limit the amount of time that restaurants can smoke. These restrictions will require at least $100,000 in extra investments for most barbecue restaurants as they will be forced to buy extra smokers along with severely expensive diffusers, and in some cases will have to lease or purchase more property.

One business expert told council members that these restrictions will certainly kill all but the largest barbecue restaurants in Austin.

It is effectively a ban on barbecue restaurants in a town known for its barbecue.

Of course, these regulations are par for the course for a liberal city. Liberals claim to hate big business and love small businesses, but then they love to place so many regulations on the little guy that the environment becomes toxic to entry level entrepreneurs. The ultimate consequence of these policies is that large corporations and governments are the only entities permitted to operate.

I suggest you get your barbecue from Austin as soon as possible so you can tell your descendants how good it was before communism took over.

>> No.6725528

Kind of sucks, but there's still plenty of excellent BBQ places outside of the city limits.

>> No.6725535

Keep Austin weird bruh. BBQ is to mainstream we need more beards and legalized weed man.

>> No.6725536

>These restrictions will require at least $100,000 in extra investments

>> No.6725538

Kill yourself.

>> No.6725539

Turn your sarcasm meter on

>> No.6725540

I plan on it :^)

>> No.6725542

>get asked to be more considerate with your shit

fucking texans

>> No.6725546

got some huge tards out there in Austin. Reckon this to likes to knock boots with fellers too?

>> No.6725547

>These restrictions will require at least $100,000 in extra investments for most barbecue restaurants as they will be forced to buy extra smokers along with severely expensive diffusers, and in some cases will have to lease or purchase more property.

you want to make a profit but don't want to give fucks about the community that lines your pockets? yeah then shut down and get the fuck out.

>> No.6725548

Remember when Texas was threatening to secede a couple years ago? Yeah. They're all pretty pathetic.

>> No.6725564


"In recent years, some Austinites have also adopted the unofficial slogan "Keep Austin Weird".[13] This interpretation of the classic, "Texas-style" sense of independence refers to: a desire to protect small, unique, local businesses from being overrun by large corporations."


>> No.6725580
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The city didn't have a problem taking the restaurant's money when they granted them a license to operate in those locations.

This sounds like faux hipsters moving into the downtown area, then complaining that they don't want to see, hear or smell anything of the downtown area....

>> No.6725600


t-that picture is fake right?

>> No.6725607

Probably real and he's probably serious

>> No.6726013


I lived in Austin for a few years, this is totally plausible

They'e doing the same thing with the music venues on Red River. Buidling apartment complexes around them then complaining they make too much noise late at night. RIP Austin

>> No.6726022

>Austin existed forever as some BBQ places did
>faggy hippers from commiefornia complain
>instead of working out a real compromise they just make restrictive legislation that ups the cost of operations so that it makes it harder to start a business

Every government's goal is to reduce the number of employers so secure people on government dole.

>> No.6726026

I have a better idea. Just ban Texas. And by "ban" I mean carpet bombing until it looks like the moon.

Then we can repopulate it with something nice, like Mexicans or Canadians.

>> No.6726044
File: 49 KB, 500x370, 1344622634137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. I knew there have been a lot of California fucks moving to Austin, but holy shit.

>Hey! Why don't we turn this pretty alright place we decided to move to because it isn't as shit as where we were, into the very shit hole of shit we moved from!
God damn. You move to a fucking town known for it's BBQ, music and shit. Then decide, no I don't want that, I want the fucking garbage I had before.

I'm pretty sure the Earth's only hope is if we multi-nuke this shithole from orbit.

pic of htown not related

>> No.6726051

>implying it's California that made you suck
What is it about flyover land, it's always deflection with you guys
>b-but the south!
>b-but commiefornia!
b-but you're a shithole either way so what's the point?

>> No.6726058
File: 10 KB, 406x305, Bahnks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He puts tomato sauce on his barbecue unironically

>> No.6726059

It's actually just your run of the mill moron "liberals" that're fucking up their own city. Those happen to be all over the US, people from outside of Austin just like to pretend they came from California to turn Texas into commieland.

>> No.6726069
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>> No.6726086

By "recent years" do they mean the 1970s? Because that slogan was around back then, gained popularity in the 80s, and by the 90s was everywhere. What stupid auslander faggots think it's something new? All the fucking Californian transplants probably think they invented it. Fucking idiots.

>> No.6726093

How about we ban you instead? And by "ban", I mean a very late term abortion.

>> No.6726102

Well, if we're not going to carpet bomb, then "cultural" (sic) annihilation is the next best thing. Hopefully the grotesque Texas accent will be lost to history. And all the fat fucks, I dunno buried in a mass grave ideally. With their belt buckles melted down and made into something useful, like trains.

>> No.6726104

I thought abortion was illegal there because the God said it's wrong.

>> No.6726109
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Thats retarded

>> No.6726119

>grotesque Texas accent
You do realize there are multiple variations of Texas accents. And by the way, that's pretty hilarious coming from someone who undoubtedly has one of the multitude of disgusting yankee accents that make ya'll sound like you crawled out of satan's asshole.

>> No.6726123

y so mad bro?

>> No.6726170

lmao okay

>> No.6726222


but then who will pay for the government dole?

lets burn civilization. these people don't deserve it.

>> No.6726225

Liberals are retarded.

>> No.6726232

Austin has fell victim to what every other "cool" place in history did. It used to be an eclectic haven within larger red state Texas, now every superficially liberal yuppie and trust fund hipster in the country figured out that it was cool, and while it was cheap, they moved there. Rents go up, people with increasing amounts of income keep moving in, and then the soul that made everyone want to move there is gone and nothing but overpriced coffee, restaurants and condos remain.

>> No.6726253
File: 130 KB, 300x300, sling blade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people will fall for anything.

ONE council member, Rentaria, proposed it but it was quickly killed off at the first sign of protest.

Austin isn't banning a damn thing.



>> No.6726501 [DELETED] 

Fuck Austin, it's nothing but Californians and just absolutely retarded people.

Plenty of good BBQ in Houston. Just let Austin burn.

>> No.6726625

Lol as a fellow Houstonite I find it pretty funny that there is nobody that hates Austinfags more than Houston, we actually have to put up with them. The only people that can annoy me more is Californians and of course stinky Brits.

>> No.6726653

I lived in Houston till I moved to Austin for college. Can't tell ya'll how torn I am between the two.
Not that it matters now that I'm in bumfuck Midland anyway...

>> No.6727116

People from Massachusetts did the same exact thing to Vermont.