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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6848010 No.6848010 [Reply] [Original]

without BBQ American food is shit. Everything thats good here literally came from other countries.

>> No.6848013

Corn dog shill

>> No.6848014

The same can be said of basically every other country too.

Herbs, spices and cooking methods have passed around from country to country and culture to culture for thousands of years.

>> No.6848015

Everywhere in the world has barbecue

>> No.6848018

>culture to culture
>culture to

That's what america is missing

>> No.6848023

Not really. The US is a melting pot of many different cultures combined due to a diverse heritage.

>> No.6848026

not it can not. Even East European countries have decent if rustic food. Name any country and they have some really good shit. Some states in the U.S. have some bomb ass brisket or ribs but other than that its a culinary waste land.

>> No.6848034

post a pic of you in your fedora pls

>> No.6848035

exactly. There is no 'American culture' except artificial stereotypes on tv (baseball, hamburgers, muh military).

>> No.6848043

>There is no 'American culture'
what about buffalo hunting and torturing white pioneers to death? sure they have fallen out of fashion, but they exist

>> No.6848044

Its people who ACTUALLY wear fedoras who have shit mt.dew, cheetos, hot pockets god awful taste. Im just a normal dude you sees the truth about American food culture. Compared to Italian and Spanish ham american ham is shit. Compared to literally any culture that uses beef hamburgers are shit (a bland meat patty with a salad between two buns) compared to german sausage hot dogs are shit. i think it goes back to the puritan ethic of purposely not enjoying life in favor of 'god's kingdom'. If no immigrants came here after the english it would be bland city.

>> No.6848046

The really funny part is all the good food here that originates from other countries taste like shit in it's land of origin.
America: making sub par food good for over 200 years.

>> No.6848050
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the modern day American pioneer.

>> No.6848064

I am sure you think about pizza when you said that... and you think that you are right...

>> No.6848099

I just hate america so much that I literally can't think about anything else

>> No.6848105

No one's stopping you from leaving bud. I doubt you'd be very missed.

>> No.6848107

>we have better pizza reeeeeeeee!
Chicago style is admittedly good in a fun house, unbutton your pants after the meal, kind of way. As far as the actual flavors go Euro pizza and American are comparable. But the larger issue it that pizza is pleb tier food (bread, cheese, sauce). Its the equivalent of an appetizer. In terms you would understand a more satisfying cheeto.

>> No.6848108

"came from other countries" is pretty much the definition of the US, dude. Funny that we have shitty immigration policies though.

>> No.6848111

>Everything thats here literally came from other countries

>> No.6848117

>lives in moms basement
>mad she won't cook him the amazing foods he's read about on the Internet
>is socially inept
>hates the people around him because they are normal
>projects his anger on American culture

>> No.6848118

there is stuff that was made here and no where else that we export and people around the world know it as shitty American slop (pic related).

>> No.6848123

>hates the people around him because they are normal
>projects his anger on American culture

these are the only ones that are true. When i lived with my mom she would cook food from other cultures. Also American food is genuinely not good and has flat flavors.

>> No.6848149

Here you are on an American site talking about American foods, how ironic.

>> No.6848226

Pizza is an appetizer...
Fedora AND morbidly obese

>> No.6848546

this bait is retarded and you should feel bad.

>> No.6848953
File: 1.14 MB, 400x225, Murrica fuck yeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


America is has the widest and best selection of food on Earth, literally every kinda food from every culture on the planet can found here, (in addition to our own developments and variations) even in podunk towns out in the middle of nowhere.

I don't know where this meme that "America has no food culture" comes from, I can only assume from wet-behind-the-ears college kids getting brainwashed into self-hatred by their commie-pinko professors.

>> No.6848991

Do Euros have nothing to do but to talk about America?

>> No.6849004


>this bait thread
>the Italian coffee bait thread
>the second (major) thread shitting on flyovers
>the Jack thread about his TV shit
>other thread shitting on Americans

Can't you faggots leave? Please?

>> No.6849022

Our board wasn't even this bad 6 months ago. Fucking Joey threads seem like a godsend in retrospect.

>> No.6849496

>compared to blah blah blah insert another jab at America
I'm glad I can get those German sausages and that Italian ham right here in 'Flyover' America.
My deli counter is fucking awesome and we have an Italian family that's been here since the civil war making authentic Italian ham.

That's funny.
I probably wouldn't spare 2 seconds hating wherever you're from, though I might hate you if you're a smelly fuck that can't behave like a decent human being in public. Which seems likely.

>> No.6849508

Culture is history. We don't have a food history of any substance. Its all stolen/borrowed/brought here.

>> No.6849520

Why are other countries have their dicks worried so much about culture?

US is a mix... while you were worried about "culture", the US was winning the Olympics, putting men on the moon and inventing cool shit like the computer.

>> No.6849527

>the USA has been a county for almost no time relatively
> the USA is literally the largest exporter of culture in history

Thanks yuros for using our websites and watching our tv and listening to our music :)

>> No.6849534

yeah but also so were all the people. therers only a couple million native americans, pretty much everyone who lives here came from somewhere else in the past 400 years but mostly in the past 100 years after world war one.

>> No.6849536

> yfw when euro culture is kebab and allah ackbarr
> mfw that was 10 years ago

>> No.6849543
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>> No.6850224

Do you have nothing to do but read Euros talk about America?