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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7133579 No.7133579[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>my wife is a great cook

Biggest lie. Women are terrible lazy cooks. They take every shortcut possible and don't give a fuck. I'm almost convinced they can't recognize good taste and technique any better than a 7 year old child. Yet they pretend to like cooking on Pinterest and Facebook when in all actuality its a failed vulva flapping contest about who has the best camera and the most friends. Women these days ruin everything they touch.

>> No.7133586


>> No.7133591

are you still a virgin

>> No.7133597

Fully agreed OP. My gf does fuck all for cooking maybe once in a blue moon.
Her mom on the other hand is a great cook.
Women in our generation are coddled as FUCK. They've had everything handed to them on a silver platter thanks to "muh equality", they have no practical skills besides complaining or whining to get what they want.
It's a real fucking shame, and I scarcely think I could resist if some pawg came on to me with homemade cordon bleu. Sorry deary.

>> No.7133600

I've bedded 19 females. I fucking hate them, yet I'm not gay.

>> No.7133601

Not OP but it's true. Sadly I've not met a single woman in my life that can cook other than my grandma who is long dead. I've also not met a single girl with any hobbies or skills. Yet i've met about 6-7 guys who were all interested in cooking and they genuinely loved it and turned out to be great cooks. Also every guy I know has at least one passion that he puts all his heart and soul into, not a single woman I know does this. They are all drones sitting on their cellphones on social media all day. I honestly don't know how they don't die from boredom.

>> No.7133605

This. It's sad when I hear people saying stuff like "girl hobbies are like shopping". I can't believe someone actually thinks a hobby can be summed up to going out and wasting a ton of money on material objects that don't mean anything and will most likely never get used or get used once and never touched again.

>> No.7133609


>> No.7133633

its fine to be ass sore that your wife's a better cook than you, all it means is that you have to get a blog rather than shit up the board, anon. it's fine, i'll hold your hand on this one, but from here on out, you're on your own.

>> No.7133659


>> No.7133660

sounds like you have some mommy problems, my mom knows how to cook amazing dishes from many cultures, don't gotta worry about GF cooking because I am gay, but you sound bitter.

>> No.7133666
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>the kitty licking up the mess

>> No.7133678
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>sounds like you have some problems
>take it from me, I'm gay as fuck

no you

>> No.7133718

>I've bedded 19 females.
I lold at this phrasing. Fucking prostis don't count. And no actual woman would touch your dick, neckbeard.

>> No.7133720



>> No.7133727

Not him but you're female aren't you?

>> No.7133733

I do think from the current generation in industrialized countries guys are better cooks than girls (just from my personal surroundings). I know at least 3 guys in my circle of friends who can cook very well while non of the girls do.

But the minimum expectations are higher from girls, some buddies of mine just grab three things they find in the pantry and call it lunch, while girls are more likely to at least fix up some pasta or a salad (generally speaking).

However I think in less developed countries the women are far better cooks, my aunt from Costa Rica is absolutely amazing, and I'm pretty sure anywhere in Africa and Asia it's almost exclusively the women cooking

>> No.7133734

I'm a 22 year old female. I love cooking. I cook all the time, and yes, I make everything from scratch. Mostly italian dishes. It takes someone with a passion for food and who wants to learn how to cook, to start actually doing it. What I find is a lot of people eat garbage and are accustomed to it, so why else would they want to find a reason to cook? My boyfriend's alot older than me and he's told me his past girlfriends wouldn't even touched raw meat. Pathetic desu lol

>> No.7133740

Hi! Few things to start off with =] 1. Yes I replied to you because you're a female channer 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D.

>> No.7133742

The only time my husband complained about my cooking was when I put allspice into my fried chicken recipe based on some usenet bitches advice. I agreed with him. The meat tasted ok but allspice ruined the skin.

>> No.7133746

Nice anecdote.

>> No.7133749

i was hoping for a legitimate response...

>> No.7133761

I guess we're just exceptions that confirm the rule (or however it's said). I agree with OP tho, most women I know also can't cook, yet they drool over disgusting sugary pinterest cupcakes and shit. I don't think it's a bad thing tho, most women who knew how to cook before, did it because it was their duty, not their with and food tasted like crap.

>> No.7133768

The problems with women is they stop developing mentally around age 12. So even an fully grown woman will have a children's taste in food.

This is why women think its acceptable to throw tantrums.

>> No.7133777

Yeah I definitely agree with you. I don't know any women under 30 who can cook. And yes, I've noticed that too. They all like disgusting sugary or fattening greasy shit. Personally I don't really like sweets that much. Have you seen all those Buzzfeed food videos? it's all greasy/sugary disgusting shit yet everyone goes nuts over it.

Shut the fuck up, you're a dumb fucking faggot. Not all women are the same

>> No.7133779

Yes they are.

>> No.7133781

Lmao you're biting the bait from an r9k autist, just chill.
I'm under 20 so pretty sure 99% of the women of my generation can't cook, which is fucking great because less competition.

>> No.7133785

Is this Tumblr: the Reverse?

>> No.7133786

But seriously am I the only one who thinks those Buzzfeed food videos are disgusting? Like the deep fried oreo churros, fucking disgusting

>> No.7133789

They're American basic bitch tier, truly disgusting, but I don't really pay them that much attention.

>> No.7133790

Generally this has been my experience as well, except my mommy issues aren't as strong and obvious as yours. I will say though, although my grandmother takes shortcuts every now and then, and sometimes I think she has bad taste, her palate is impeccable after 60+ years of smoking and is exceptional at cooking sauces and roasting whole chickens especially, for whatever reason. Bitch can make a hollandaise sauce look like a fried egg, and I'm terrified of it.

>> No.7133792

>but I don't really pay them that much attention.

neither do americans, by the way. I've never actually come across food like that and I leave my computer enough to witness it. Even at fairs I don't see deep fried candy bars and shit.

>> No.7133793

What's wrong with taking shortcuts every now and then if it doesn't ruin the dish?

>> No.7133797

No I agree, it's just that sometimes she uses packaged ingredients and tries to convince me that they are better than fresh when they are not. She gets pissed when I don't put a can of V8 in my chili for example, and its not any harder to put a couple cans of tomatoes in there, which I prefer. Maybe that's not a good example, but you get what I mean.

I occasionally take short cuts as well, just not as often. My grocery store sells pre-marinated chicken breasts behind the glass and I buy that occasionally, for example. It's just easier than doing it myself although it's PROBABLY been frozen and not especially fresh.

>> No.7133804

Actually I take that back, it's not frozen.

>> No.7133806

I see what you mean, I wouldn't call that a shortcut, just shit cooking. I consider shortcuts things like baking crepes right away instead of leaving the mix to chill, using pressure cooker for things to cook faster, sometimes vege stock cubes for risottos etc.

Another thing I've noticed, not only in women, but in everyone who cooks, both good and bad. No one can multitask and their cooking lasts longer than it should. Dirtying more dishes than it's neccessary, being too slow, stuff like that make me rage.

>> No.7133821

I know how to cook because i grew up poor and still am relatively poor. I'm lucky because my s/o will eat anything, but i do enjoy trying new things and getting healthy food into us instead of takeout. That's the difference, a lot of people my age (23) don't bother learning because they can just go buy already made food.

>> No.7133826
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Yes, another trait my grandmother has. Everything takes forever for her to finish. And it's not due to her age, she's always been that way. And this lady could make fucking....chicken noodle, soup and manage to dirty up every utensil. All the wooden spoons, the strainer, bet you could find the fucking spatula dirty somehow. And since I'm the care-taker, I have to clean all this shit up. Makes me so mad.

And yeah, those vegetable/chicken/beef stock cubes, she uses those as well. I don't get pressure cookers either. Bunch of bullshit.

>> No.7133880

This. Old ladies get up at 6 to make a lunch that has to be ready at 12. I think that's because the housewives back then had to feel important and apparently making a 1 hour dish for 2 hours makes you look busy. Mine used to do that too until we started cooking together. Luckily she's happy to take advice and doesn't do that anymore.

Pressure cookers are nice if you want to make stock, stews, stuff like cabbage rolls or stuffed peppers without having to boil it for hours in a normal pot. I make chicken and vegetable stock soup in 45 minutes with a cheap 15 year old pressure cooker, normal recipes call for 3-4 hours of cooking. That's a good kind of shortcut, unlike stock cubes/canned stuff etc.

>> No.7133882

To be fair, my hobby is a money pit (but the things actually get used).

Higher-end RC shit gets expensive, especially if you want to race RC cars competitively. A good 1/10 scale starter setup will run you $1000.

>> No.7133883

This has to be bait

>> No.7133886

>tfw mother works 3 jobs to support the family, and still doesn't have enough to pay the bills

I don't fault her a single bit if tthe chicken is a little dry one day. Infact, I'll cook for her because i care for helping her, and I don dredge up her mistakes every moment. She doesn't deserve that.

I'm sure you have a different situation OP, but try to remember: some people just don't have the time, and they work with wat they have.

>> No.7133902

Probably not bait. Questionable validity but not bait

>> No.7133903

I've done sex to more girls in their vagina than you can even hope to achieve.

>> No.7133917

I think there's more to blame. Most people buy "ready food", they either just need to warm it up or fry it just a little. And all the sauces are now available and the such.
There's also less transition. Young people suddenly leave their parents' and don't have much time to learn how to cook. In university dorms most people don't have that much time/space/sufficient equipment to do it. And then they suddenly live on their own, and it's usually for the better or for the worst.
Also, when people have shit taste and are happy enough with warmed up processed food, they just don't bother anymore.

My gf was trained by her father, grew up in her godfather's restaurant (which is one of the most regarded French restaurant in her country), and used to work in a 5 star hotel's bakery. Some days she gets very lazy but she'd rather get some take-away than eat ready meals from the supermarket.

>> No.7133918

pls be in london

>> No.7133930

>tfw mother works 3 jobs to support the family

Well, it's her fault for being a feminazi cunt who harassed your poor father out of your home and/or literally murdered him by henpecking him to death.

>> No.7133943

aren't you lucky. I feel like being gay would be super easy, but I don't like penises

>> No.7133949

respect to your mom, but I don't think that is what OP was talking about. A little bit of dry chicken is not completely shit cooking. And good job cooking for her, brother and I used to do that when we were living with parents since they were busy af.

Not sure if this thread is full of baits or real mommy issues. I hope it's baits

>> No.7134039

So here is my take on it. I started working in the food industry in high school weekends. Ive had every position from dishwasher and server, all the way up to cook. I worked Italian, take out pizza, southern bbq, Jamaican, Indian, traditional diner, Dennys. So Im a pretty decent cook and baker.

When I was dateing girls always were into the fact that I could cook and generally loved my cooking. Conversly, I had a whole lot of dinners at girl's houses that were pretty bad. Over salted or too sweet were the main thing. Over cooking was pretty common too.

Lucky, my wife is French and can cook really well and we like to trade nights or cook together. Nothing great like planning a little bbq with the friends on the weekend.

OP, find a good girl with grandma/mom level cooking.

>> No.7134051

I live in a country where people live with their parents up to 30 years old and they are usually the shittiest cooks because all their life momma cooked every meal for them and they're too lazy to learn it at 25, 26, 30 whatever. We're raising a generation of tendie eating overly attached adults. Sad.

>> No.7134065

The good news is this generation of women are such terrible cooks that the sauce probably has no onion or garlic in it, so it's no real loss ad the cat is probably safe.

>> No.7134069

Then don't mention being a girl, don't mention having a significant other of either gender, and don't write a blog instead of a post.
/r9ck/ can't stand it.

>> No.7134119

Now I feel bad for Kevin and his chili

>> No.7134122

>I don't know any girls in real life who can cook
Is this a fucking meme? Where the fuck do you all live?

>> No.7134128

>white women can't cook bcuz feminism

Fix'd that for you.

>> No.7134137

So a guy can write whatever they want, but I have to be extra fucking careful not to let anyone know my gender because everyone suddenly spergs out?

>> No.7134160

>In university dorms most people don't have that much time/space/sufficient equipment to do it.
This guy gets it. My flat right now doesn't even have an oven and a single 150cm tall fridge is shared between 5 fucking people. It's almost as if they're encouraging us to eat in the campus' overpriced cafés.

>> No.7134197
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Sorry to hear about the pleb women you tend to attract OP. At least they can warm up your tendies, right?

I make delicious food for my boyfriend. PIc related. Come home from work and want to cook. Partly because I think it's fun, but also because he's not a good cook and doesn't like taking his time.
>garlic spinach pizza, bacon pancakes, whitefish with veggies, dill salmon with shallot reduction and wantons, and a quiche
Pretty much taught myself.

Post your dishes.

>> No.7134231

>come home from work and want to cook
Bitch are you me? It's a nice stress relief + that psychological satisfacion of eating your own food

>> No.7134239

You're autistic, though there is some truth in what you say. I've noticed quite a few women despise cooking, because they've grown up being told that because they're women, they're expected to be good at it. They see it as a chore and a pain in the ass, because they feel they're forced to do it. Men, on the other hand, don't have that prejudice.

A womans' first experience with cooking tends to be "Moooooom, why do I have to do this? I don't caaaaaaaare."
A mans' first experience with cooking tends to be "Shit, I live alone and the store's out of instant noodles. How do I make the shit in this aisle into food?"

Hence why men tend to approach it with more curiosity and interest, while women tend to find it repulsive. Of course, there's a shitton of exceptions. I'm convinced the reason my mother's a good chef is because she learned out of necessity at 30, like quite a few men do.

>> No.7134251

Different anon and I agree. Shit's fun. Extra fun when you're drunk. I recently found out that drunk me makes a killer kebab, which mildly hungover me appreciated a lot. That shit was AMAZING. Turns out accidentally spilling vinegar on the kebab meat makes it a lot better. Not sure why.

>> No.7134258
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2Pac is still alive confirmed

>> No.7134262

>mom didn't know how to cook for shit
>somehow my sister turned into an awesome cook and baker though
>I turned into a semi decent one
>although my cooking got better when I switched to vegetarian

So basically I cheated, most of my normal friends eat my weird vegan food and don't know it's weird and vegan 80% of the time

>> No.7134266

>been with 6 guys
>fucking hate men
>still not gay yet

Fuck this shit man

>> No.7134275

>It's a nice stress relief + that psychological satisfacion of eating your own food
Yep, that's pretty much me sis. Not that I won't eat other peoples' food, there's just a particular coziness when eating my own.
>drunk cooking
That makes me nervous. You've never had an accident while doing that?

>> No.7134276


Typical girl cooking, all about presentation. I bet it tastes horrible.

>j/k, looks damn nice and tasty

>> No.7134280
File: 1.03 MB, 400x226, 544f9332b8745bb17680059c_bbs4e42.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm a girl and my main hobby is guns

Talk about bigger money pit than drugs

>> No.7134287

I'm a man. Not some insecure beta who needs validation from an anonyomous internet cooking forum. I hate the pansies of this generation.

>> No.7134292

Don't use triggering language!

4chan is a ~safe space~ for us pepe lovers and virgins! XD

>> No.7134295

Of course I've had accidents. Luckily, when I'm drunk it seems I still remember all my first aid skills. The time I made that kebab, I burned my hand with oil pretty badly, but drunk me reacted accordingly, doused that shit in vinegar and tried (and failed) to bandage it up. Hardly felt a thing in the morning.

You know, I think that may actually be how I got vinegar in the kebab.

>> No.7134298

My Mom is pretty good, actually. What she's actually not that good at is washing dishes. I know because I washed dishes for a hospital, sometimes by hand, when the machine wasn't working.

They have to be perfect.

The way my mom washes dishes, isn't perfect.

She's also surprisingly shit at realizing common sense stuff about treating non standard cookware gently for someone who came from a background where people regularly used stuff like cast iron.

She leaves it in the sink to soak. For a long time. Like, all day. My uncle too. I've given up trying to keep a good seasoning on the one cast iron pan they cook with because they'll just ruin it again anyways at some point. It's not terrible because they cook with grease in it once a week or so but shit, I set aside time to coat it and bake it in a oven.

That was thorough. It had a nice coating.