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7230914 No.7230914 [Reply] [Original]

2 days sober

How are you doing anons

>> No.7230915

4 days without fapping

>> No.7230919

Currently enjoying my thirteenth shit for the year.

Pretty sure I'm winning.

>> No.7230922

7 days. Still having trouble sleeping / keeping a sleep schedule. Feel great, though. Also stopped smoking.

>> No.7230923

Four minutes sobering up.

Think I'll have another drink.

>> No.7230925
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You keep track?

>> No.7230926

Never drank. About to take my 4 a.m. shit.

>> No.7230932

Just in my head but I don't know why. Usually three a day but I had the pleasure of four yesterday. You know they're good when you go wipe and the paper is completely clean.
Can life get any better?

>> No.7230935

Been sober since Nov. 10th.
It's gotten much easier now. I only really think about alcohol maybe once or twice a week now, and if I just bear with it for about 10-20 minutes, the feelings go away. I'm going to make it this time. Yay.

And on the above note, I fap like fucking crazy now. My sex drive is through the roof since I quit drinking. I'm in a long term relationship, and even though we have sex at least every other day if not every day, I still fap at least twice or three times a day. I can't even think about having sex with my girlfriend without getting a boner and having to rub one out. On the other hand, she's loving it. Apparently the alcohol was preventing me from becoming a sex addict, lol.

>> No.7230962

Heh, that's actually part of the reason I started drinking again last time I was off the bottle. All those erections and nowhere to stick them. It got depressing.

>> No.7230974

No wonder you have to count time of being sober, you have to go to that shithole tom's.

I'd be pretty fucked up too if I thought that was a decent place.

>> No.7231002


Wow, that's great anon. Good job.
You deserve a reward. Hey, since it's been a while, why not have a drink. Just one glass.
A single glass couldn't hurt. Everything in moderation, right?

>> No.7231035

I took your advice and ended up following my beer with five shots of cooking brandy. I think I'm going to drink the rest now.

Fuck you.

>> No.7231071
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>> No.7231075
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>> No.7231159

Man and here I am doing my 9th and thinking I was good, I got work to do

>> No.7231165

i'm drunk at eating jalapeno poppers at 6:25 am

>> No.7231186

if you frequently binge drink, you should get prescribed naltrexone from your doctor. it is super effective in reducing binge drinking. don't listen to that aa b.s.-- you complusively want to drink not because you're bad, it is because your brain is messed up and craves opiods any way it can get them. naltrexone (and other medications) fix this. good luck. (if your doctor won't prescribe you the medicine you need, find one that will).

>> No.7231307
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same. 2 days. puked yesterday.
terrible dreams. dont know why but i fell asleep listening to creepy pastas on you tube.

could actually eat today. thank jebus for codeine and effexor.

my eyesight is starting to go.

>> No.7231762
File: 44 KB, 480x384, Sober.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3.25 days sober

I quit beer and cigarettes cold turkey, previously I was having 6-10 beers a night 7 days a week for the last 5 years and around a pack of smokes a day...I really fucking want some of both, having trouble sleeping at night and am irritable, but im determined...how are you anons holding up?

>> No.7231771

Still bulking, want to start cutting the 12th but I don't even have a meal plan yet.

Not sure how I'm gonna tackle losing 25lbs of lard.

>> No.7231783

I'm afraid if i quit I'll die from withdraws and I don't go to doctors.
Bottoms up, I suppose.

>> No.7231797

It's still in the a.m. here and I'm pretty drunk. Woke up with some minor withdrawl symptoms at 7 and started drinking again at 9. I'm going to die.

>> No.7231800

How much are you drinking daily? Beverages? Quantity?

>> No.7231803

>he thinks alcohol is an opiod

>> No.7231818

Same happened to me when I cut my drinking back from my undergrad days, all boners all the time. Still happening, too. I don't understand how I can generate enough semen to still be able to plaster my fiancee after fapping 3-4 times during the day.

>> No.7231831
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>> No.7233141

it isn't. however, the mechanism of action is that alcohol causes you to release dopamine. people with alcohol use disorders are addicted not to alcohol but instead to the dopamine. drugs like naltrexone interfere with with the opioid receptors in your brain and so continuing to drink past a couple doesn't really give you much effect. it isn't widely prescribed because it doesn't stop people from drinking, it only stops them from binge drinking. (and it is also effective for other drugs.)

aa people won't talk about it, becuase they think that "battling" alcohol is an unwinable endless battle against a "mystifying opponent."

people who take naltrexone usually do need therapy-- for example, some people want to get drunk so bad that they'll stop taking their medicine. but doctors who won't prescribe it are like essentially telling really sick people to "tough it out."

>> No.7233147

I had a beer... I did not purchase this beer, and I did not let this beer detract from my productivity.

I am not a unique snowflake; I am the same decaying organic matter as everyone else, and so I must work hard to stand apart.

>> No.7233149

1 day.

this sucks.

>> No.7233174

This is how i feel but might just be an excuse to not stop

>> No.7233190

its been a whole year since i gave up soda

feels so good

>> No.7233192

You need prompt medical attention, anon.

>> No.7233202

You missed the point of fight club.

>> No.7233220

I never developed alcoholism, so I'm allowed to enjoy things I like when I want to.

>> No.7233232

That people are too prone to following psychopaths?

As much as the story is satire, it definitely hits the target, and I'd rather be the psychopath who works in his sleep than the guy with bitch-tits on the table.

>> No.7233241

So you didn't even read the last paragraph? Or read any other Palahniuk?

>> No.7233253

Show some respect. His name was Robert Paulson.

>> No.7233257

5 days no alcohol, 5 days no tobacco, 5 days no weed, 4 days no fapping, 3 days no sex. The sex thing is just because girlies with her parents but yeah.....the no drug thing feels good. I'm kind of ancy and snippy but i know it's for the best. This is after at least 250 consecutive days of having at least 1 drink or 1 smoke. >Feelsweirdtobesoberman

>> No.7233338

I have been drunk every day since december 17th because of various holiday events

tomorrow will be the last one, but i think i will have to taper off after that, seriously worried about the DTs if I stop all at once.

>> No.7233456

You don't have to. Trust me, you can get out of this. It's much better on the other side. Trust me.

>> No.7233567


Haven't smoked or had a drink in 2 days, difficulty sleeping, it's 5 AM here and I can't wait for the shops to open so I could get a pack of smokes, I keep my liquor shelf stacked with empty whiskey bottles just so I would feel like I don't need to buy more, it's weird but it helps. Also pissed off everybody after new years and kept drinking non stop for days... Going to turn on my phone later and deal with the shitstorm.

>> No.7233622

If you didn't stay drunk days in a row, you should be fine if you taper off. It shouldn't be too difficult and you shouldn't have to go too slowly either - I like to halve mine every day when I can. I went through a period though where I drank so much for so long, at the end I stayed drunk for several days in a row, stopping only when I passed out. I almost couldn't drink enough to keep the shakes at bay. I haven't been that bad since and I'm glad. Now alcohol is just for social occasions, but I still find I have to taper off sometimes after getting heavily drunk on a night out, even if it's the first time in a couple of weeks.

On the other hand, my dad has been a heavy alcoholic for at least 15 years now and has quit cold turkey several times.

>> No.7233846

4 months sober after drinking every day for over 10 years. The stomach pain and fear of death was enough of a motivator to make me quit cold turkey, though I did taper a little in the last few days.

Now I'm a pothead. I still miss alcohol hugely but I'm not going back to it, not yet anyway.

>> No.7233897

Taking a tolerance break for 2 weeks because I was smoking too much wax. Drinking a 12% Evil Twin Even More Jesus right now. It's delicious.

>> No.7233905

I've been sober since new years eve, it's been pretty easy. But I'm one of those drunks who go through long periods of binge drinking and then short periods of sobriety. I'm planning on not drinking all january and I think I'm gonna make that okay, but if I know myself right my drinking isn't gonna be any more controlled when I start again.

>> No.7233929

I'm not starting any "resolutions" until the NFL season has finished. I know that the temptation of going to drink with the bros will be too much. Starting Feb. 9th, it's back to pure sobriety and the diet I was doing so well on this summer.

>> No.7233948

Keep it up.

>> No.7233950

pretty drunk..not as much as i wanted ..but pretty drunk

>> No.7233955

Tapered it off the past few days, going cold turkey tonight. Only had a couple of light beers last night.

It's nice waking up and not feeling like shit and having anxiety during the day.

But, without alcohol I find myself craving food. With alcohol I would eat less, now I'm starving and just want food food food. Calorie deficit maybe?

>> No.7233957

theres a lot of calories in beer, plus you get bloated

>> No.7233960


Yeah, so my body is going through calorie withdrawal?

>> No.7233961

Had a cocktail earlier.

I'm essentially coming off of 10 years of (prescribed) benzo addiction. I had a doc that just continued to up my dosage and I wasn't gonna tell her to stop. She retired a couple of months ago and instead of finding a new pill factory Doctor I just decided to taper off. It's been about 3 months I think.

I have a wife and 2 kids and my wife is now getting to know the actual me. It's kinda weird. I've been avoiding any sort of affection but I think that's because of the withdrawal symptoms, which are getting much better. She had no idea just how addicted to the pills I was. Sorry for rambling.

>> No.7233965


Awesome man, good job.

>> No.7234013

0 days sober. I was going to kill myself sometime after Christmas, but Persona 5 got delayed to summer 2016 so now I have to live an extra 6 months.

>> No.7234031

Seek medical attention friend-- get medicine. (hug)

>> No.7234037

Drinking rye.

>> No.7234067

kill yourself faggot -- do it now

>> No.7234079

had my last beers on new years eve just before midnight. at one point i didnt drink for 9 yrs been drinking craft beer for the past 4 getting old so i wanna take some time off and recharge for spring. also to broke to get anything good for awhile.

>> No.7234141

Like 6 months sober. Really miss smoking crack desu.

>> No.7234169

I'm no doctor

>> No.7234208

you sound upset, anon. have a hug. (hug)

>> No.7234215

I've been sober 3 years.

And, I never had a problem with alcohol.

I just one day decided to stop drinking completely because it was messing with my sleep (drinker's false dawn).

>> No.7234296

Thanks anon. At this point I think I don't care. Not attention whoring btw.

>> No.7234300


shithammered atm

>> No.7234323

Different anon but hey anon drink water and stay alive-- then, when you are up to it, seek medical treatment for your binge drinking. check the radiolab (wync public radio) episode called "the fix" -- there is a medicine you can take.