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7539100 No.7539100 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: GOAT B&J's ice cream flavors

>> No.7539109

B&J's has a new line of dairy-free ice cream that I really like, and it's good for me and my lactose intolerance.

>> No.7539112

to add: I like their non-dairy Chunky Monkey, it's very banana-y.

>> No.7539115

recently I tried out the speculoos cookie core and it was pretty great

>> No.7539143

Banana Split LOL

>> No.7539147

B&J are anti-gun cucks so I won't support them.

>> No.7539208

>Hating food for any reason other than the food itself

>> No.7539252

He didn't even mention B&J being Jews, calm down ;)

How's the new almond milk stuff?

>> No.7539327

>cucks getting triggered at the slightest hint of conservatism

>> No.7539338

I didn't say I hate the food, retard.

>> No.7539345


Pretty good.

>> No.7539386

Where i live you can get 6 flavours top, and half of them are garbage and the rest arent that good.

Haagen daas is miles better but same price range here, infact any store brand ice cream is probably gonna be better but you wont get your quirky hipster flavour.

>> No.7539391

it must suck being a flyover

>> No.7539395

They dont even own the company.

>> No.7539399

>any store brand ice cream is probably gonna be better

No, because a lot of store brands are now 'frozen dairy desserts' instead of ice cream. Which means they substitute the lack of milk/cream with cheap sugar.

B&J is a lot better than that.

>> No.7539422


In europe We dont have frozen dairy desserts.
I guess store brands here would be a mile off anything in america, ive been to your supermarkets and everything just looks so wrong.

>> No.7539435

Half baked when i am drunk af

don't even worry about the calories cuz imma puke it up anyway lol.

>> No.7539756
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This makes my mouth feel like it's having sex. Really good, slow, sensual sex. Holy shit, this is delicious, and my go-to flavour every other month.

>> No.7539762

does anyone else microwave a pint and just drink it

>> No.7539778


>> No.7539780

it's not that I care about their political beliefs. its because the company actively funds political agendas I am against and that is the reason I don't buy from them anymore.
and its a real shame because they have a great product. But if not eating chocolate fudge brownie means bernie sanders doesn't become president then I'm just gonna have to carry that weight.

>> No.7539781

Yes. I dont drink it, but I get it as soft as I can and it will be fully melted by the end

>> No.7539842
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I stopped consuming cows milk about 5 years ago so needless to say I havent had ice cream in about that long. I saw this in the store the other day and coffee was always one of my favorites so I decided to try it. Holy shit I didnt remember liking ice cream this much, it's fucking fantastic. Hopefully they'll do a vanilla and almond something next, since that would make a lot of sense.

>> No.7539861

Good for you and your presumed dairy allergy. Thanks to quitting dairy cold turkey, you now stopped producing lactase to digest it. Enjoy the shits and restriction the rest of your life now. Non-diary ice cream doesn't measure up. Ever. I can't imagine willingly giving up aged cheeses either. Ridiculous! LOL

>> No.7539875

His campaign has been over for a month, enjoy your ice cream.

>> No.7539879

We basically get the same 8 flavours wherever you go where I live, but of the ones I've tried I liked Cherry Garcia the best.

>> No.7539974

I think its easier for men to stop consuming dairy then it is for women so dont act so surprised. Besides its an allergy, not a lactose thing, which means trouble with those fuck huge proteins, not really lactase. And since those proteins change as they change from milk to cheese, drinking milk and eating cheese dont really have the same effect.

>> No.7540058

Just had that flavor and it's honestly the best fucking chocolate ice cream i've ever had. i don't even like chocolate flavored stuff. good job OP

>> No.7540174

I tried a few and they honestly weren't that good :/
idk what I'm doing wrong

>> No.7540180

Is their new dairy-free stuff worthwhile if I already own an iceless churner?

>> No.7540256
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Dublin Mudslide (sadly discontinued) and Phish Food

>> No.7540291
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>> No.7540297

You know you can spend much less just buying the ingredients and mixing them together?

>> No.7540305

But the cuckold meme started on /pol/ when some guy repeatedly spammed pornography featuring canadians having sex with american women or some shit

>> No.7540306
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>> No.7540325

Willie Nelson peach cobbler is the shit.

>> No.7540331

desu a lot of B&J's flavors are gross to me, it takes a while for me to find a good flavor. My favorites are Chocolate Therapy, Strawberry Cheesecake, and Cheesecake Brownie.

>> No.7540332

Also, oatmeal cookie, chubby hubby and americone dream

>> No.7540469

The politics in a cooking board is the triggering part

>> No.7540507
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>lactose intolerance

I honestly feel sorry for you, and I'm glad I'm not you.

>> No.7541473

i dont eat any flavor other than half baked

>> No.7541631

Strawberry Cheesecake is pretty good senpai

>> No.7541646
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Overrated lib ice cream detected

>> No.7541823

I got a pint of the cookie butter core one for $1. It was surprisingly great, but now I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.7541843
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This is patrician taste

The Creme Brulee was also a god-tier flavor but it has unfortunately been discontinued.

Another flavor I also really liked was Jimmy Fallon's Late Night Snack, which had fudge covered potato chip clusters that were delicious.

As far as shit I like that isn't dead in the water, pic related is my go-to, mostly because of the massive chunks of Heath bar inside. Cherry Garcia is also a good choice.

>> No.7541864

I made this once. It's actually delicious.

>> No.7541996
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You have to be kidding. It looks so fucking disgusting.

>> No.7543098

This blows the other flavors out of the water.
The caramel center is just amazing.

>> No.7543215
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the creme de la creme

>> No.7543340

Not GOAT, but try their froyo some time if you're counting dem cals. You won't mistake it for the real deal, but it's actually quite good. Biggest downside is it only comes in a few flavors

>> No.7543353
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Thank god they still make Americone Dream.

>> No.7543458

the fudge chunks overpower the subtle banana flavor senpai

>> No.7543471

All that fudge packing overpowers your banana flavor senpai

>> No.7543659

source for that webm?

>> No.7543722
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I'm also a fan of the Americone Dream. They've changed the recipe a bit since it came out (it used to have real fudge-covred waffles), but it's still good.

>> No.7544163

My favourite is Clusterfluff. Sadly the places that sell it near me must let them melt and refreeze because it's always icy.

>> No.7544208
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My favorite

>> No.7544434

Doughnight show or whatever it's called
The one with Jimmy Fallon on it

>> No.7546359


I had the chance to taste choc therapy twice,absolute heaven .

It was a limited batch around 10 years ago in britland
Still the best I ever had..

>> No.7546406
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>> No.7546748

Bernie's Yearning :^)

>> No.7548628

why the fuck is it a prerequisite for your ice cream manufacturer of choice to be progunz

is your favorite flavor pralines and cosmoline or something

>> No.7548638

That jimmy fallon flavor is really good. I thought festivus was really good but it was discontinued years ago

>> No.7548646
File: 68 KB, 400x400, ben jerrys cinnamon buns NEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit was absolutely heavenly

Pisses me off that it's a seasonal flavour, I need it

>> No.7548676
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>> No.7548718


Give it 10-25 seconds and it will be semi hard. Also easier to scoop. Then put it in a cup with some soda water for carbonic reaction. Bonus points for squeezing a lemon on the pseudo-float, good for chocolate flavors like double fudge.

>> No.7548722
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Don't know why it wasn't added to the regular lineup.. Greatest flavor right here.

is a runner up though

>> No.7548788
File: 39 KB, 478x269, ht_schweddy_balls_ice_cream_flavor_ll_110908_wblog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 3 flavors that were my favorite.

>> No.7548794
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>> No.7548801
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>> No.7548812

cake batter and cinnamon bun are my favorites

>> No.7548817

Really? This'll be the last one I ever purchase.

>> No.7548822

Sorry to hear about your small penis

>> No.7548831
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>booty blasted libcux

>> No.7548852

>Go to New York on holiday
>Fall in love with Americone Dream
>Impossible to get in the UK

Just die in my sleep already

>> No.7549228

haagen daz chocolate chip is GOAT CREAM

>> No.7549740

cheery garcia and peanut butter one

>> No.7549747

How much does this shit cost in USA? Because here in Bolivia it's 10$ what it's a loot comparing to other ice creams. Average ice cream cost around 2$.

Is this actually THAT good?

>> No.7549784

it is good, though I only like some flavors as many of them have too much of stuff in it. i don't like all many things in my iced cream

>> No.7550658

The Phish food one is so damn good. It has fucking MARHMALLOW in it.

>> No.7550668
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>I'm a babby and I like shitty pieces of candy and cookies mixed into my ice cream

No. This is why I prefer Haagen-Dazs.

>> No.7550720

>05 ice cream points have been added to your rewards card

>> No.7550727

/k/ here this guy is retarded.

>> No.7550749
File: 47 KB, 350x390, ben+jerrys+hazed+confused+core+pint+2014[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step the fuck up

chocolate + hazelnut is a GOAT combo

haagen dazs has lower quality ice cream for a more expensive price

>> No.7550786
File: 1.19 MB, 2614x1098, HD vs BJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less butterfat
>moar water
>moar guar gum
>moar carageenan
>higher quality

gg, better luck next time BJ.

>> No.7551484

Is Graeters worth the cost?

>> No.7551642

you can just microwave a metal spoon to scoop it out with instead

>> No.7551675

nice image

>> No.7551936

>Pisses me off that it's a seasonal flavour.

It's not.

>> No.7551940

Graeters buckeye bltz is the shit.

>> No.7552248

It's like $4 or lower on sale.