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File: 135 KB, 670x445, meatloverpizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7719007 No.7719007 [Reply] [Original]

Is meatlovers the shittiest pizza you can order from a pizza place? It literally just tastes like fucking salt every time.

>> No.7719012


Way too much meat, too many toppings. All of them meat. Best pizza has no more than three toppings, as in one meat maximum.

Like Sausage, onion and mushroom. Classic.

Pepperoni and anchovy.

Ham and pineapple if you're... different.

Onion, bell pepper and mushrooms

>> No.7719015


please dazzle us with more tales of your vagina.

>> No.7719016

Yeah, and it's usually so greasy. One or two meat toppings with onion and mushroom is better.

>> No.7719017

This is now a favorite pizza topping thread.

Mushroom onion and jalapeno reporting in.

>> No.7719019

pepperoni, salami onion mushroom masterrace

>> No.7719020

>real men eat a lot of meat
fragile masculinity bro

>> No.7719026


the problem is that other meats aren't pepperoni. If it was 5x pepperoni it would be much better.

>> No.7719027

>Is meatlovers the shittiest pizza you can order




>> No.7719030

pepperoni pizza with anchovies, deal with it.

>> No.7719033
File: 88 KB, 750x563, enginebay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I do not enjoy meatlovers pizza. There has to be a balance between meat and vegetables. Supreme pizzas are usually just right for me.

That said, I can totally scarf down pizzas with nothing but vegetables and more often than not I find myself liking those weird pizzas with like artichoke hearts and pine nuts.

I think it was triple D where he went and had pizza with clams on it....damn I wish I could try that. By the way, if any of you have a Godfather's pizza near you, try the taco pizza. I know it sounds retarded but it's fucking delicious.

>> No.7719034

Meatlovers is fucking terrible.
Pepperoni, pineapple and jalapeno a best.

>> No.7719041

yeah you definitely need some of the flavor and consistency of vegetables.
i love jalapenos, but any pepper works
onion too
i dig pineapple but i understand if you don't

>> No.7719046

Also are people really so fucking retarded with their:

>le everything is better with le bacon xD

that they fail to see that adding pure fucking salt to salty meat covered in salty cheese is actually not making anything better?

>> No.7719050

for me pineapple only works if you have a salty meat to go with it

>> No.7719053

Maybe all you faggots ITT should order some tampons to go along with your veggie pizzas, buncha Mary sues

>> No.7719058


>> No.7719067

>Best pizza has no more than three toppings, as in one meat maximum.

Agreed 100%. I usually go with Ham, black olives, and green peppers.

Also the fact that it tends to overpower everything else by a large amount.

>> No.7719072

i-i mean why not

>> No.7719249

I agree, however I've had a really really good meatlovers from the local place that somehow has achieved a balance in the flavours of the different meats so you can actually taste them individually.
I was blown away

>> No.7719258

Don't bother, anon. Look at the thread. They've already clustered and formed their little support group like the women they are.

>> No.7719289



kill yourself nigger

>> No.7719308

low test Nancyboi Nu-Kuck detected

>> No.7719324

>Order a pizza covered in heavily salted meats
What the fuck did you expect?

>> No.7719327

For me it's the pepperoni that throws it over the edge. But generally I go for Italian sausage, g p3ppers and onions; maybe Canadian bacon too if I'm drunk.

>> No.7719509

Sausage mushrooms and black olives or sausage mushroom peppers are usually my go to orders

>> No.7719532

I enjoy meats pizza, but I tend to not order meat lovers because it ends up being too fucking much meat. I'll order a pizza and select 2 or 3 meats at most if I want a meats pizza.

>> No.7719563

>Mary sues

>> No.7719711
File: 579 KB, 679x1024, king-and-queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're getting pizza from a place that has "meat lovers" on the menu, then your hopes of getting any good pizza at all are slim.

>> No.7719750

No, "chicken alfredo" """pizza""" is infinitely worse. God I fucking hate this memefood shit.

>> No.7719757


>> No.7719760

almost everywhere has some variation of a meat centric pizza

>> No.7719762


alfredo is disgusting to begin with. It's practically macaroni and cheese for someone who wants to pretend they're eating adult food.

>> No.7719770

Shittiest is Supreme.

>Let's ruin a pepperoni pizza by adding sausage and barely cooked scraps of bell pepper and onion. Don't forget the can of black olives!

>> No.7719777

I genuinely enjoy meat lovers pizzas for bothering the flavor and saltiness

>> No.7719779

You're absolutely correct. The fact that people willingly put it on pizza and then go on to dip it in fucking ranch dressing is especially revolting, though.

>> No.7719797
File: 18 KB, 500x332, 1361210151164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, this is usually my go to except I like to add 'peno

>> No.7719799


yes my bother, I agree. except when you started talkng about my freedom to put ranch on food.

>> No.7719882

I like supreme
and olives

>> No.7719963

>inb4 the shitty forced chicago meme

>> No.7719996

yeah meatlovers sucks. I've had a good one before though, but its rare as fuck. I've never ordered it myself.
pizza i make homemade is usually: mushroom,onion,green pepper, and 1 meat (not bacon, it ruins pizza) here we call it "the works"

I also do some with italian sausage, onions, yellow and red pepper.
I've made a pretty decent plain cheese with a few varieties of cheese. I might lose credibility but i don't hate pineapple on pizza, it has to be the right kind and chopped the right way though.

>> No.7720049

>. I've had a good one before though, but its rare as fuck.
me too, how good was it though
its a rare place that can actually pull it off >>7719249

>> No.7720070

Except for good pizza places.

>> No.7720273

Pepperoni, anchovies, and black olives master race reporting in.