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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 198 KB, 407x559, GodfreyKneller-IsaacNewton-1689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7917394 No.7917394 [Reply] [Original]

I'm preparing for Armageddon, I'm working on a plan to build a survival shelter I already have a pretty good idea of where and how I'm going to build the shelter.

I'm expecting to shelter as many as 15 people (including myself) for about 7 years.

So my question to you is...

How much will rations for 15 people over seven years cost?

>> No.7917400

Consider eating the other 14 people

>> No.7917401

penis hair

>> No.7917469
File: 1.54 MB, 1000x1879, DIY MRE (Ration Pack).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>17 people, the fuck - are you sure OP?

Saw something earlier somewhere about $900+ for 6 months of rations for like 4 people or whatever.
Get your water out of the way first and expect to trade with other survivors if you need food. Have purification tablets ready.
You'll want to hunt if the possibility exists. If you can, scout and make note of other survivors. Regularly check in on them to see if you can't scavenge what they leave behind.
You can make your own rations, and you can make the food that you put in your homemade rations.
Otherwise, just use Google.

And be prepared for this, know what you can and can't eat. Couldn't hurt. I recommend trying monkey first just to prepare yourself mentally - maybe?

>> No.7917470
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Thread to complicated for /ck/ fags

>> No.7917479
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Shut up

>> No.7917485
File: 1.73 MB, 480x270, ckvsk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ would spank /k/'s ass in Armageddon
>accept this

>> No.7917487

I thought people who believe in Armageddon also believe they'll be raptured into the sky before then or something? Or are you starting cult?

>> No.7917492

People who obsessively prepare for something improbable have had some kind of traumatic event happen in childhood. Go see a psychologist.

>> No.7917494
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It's mutual, but the idea sells guns, supplies, and leftover rations that never leave the conveyor belt or make their final destination. I like to imagine these manufacturers receive a shit ton of supplies and ingredients to make their accessories to war so that they can prepare their countries for Armageddon while still making a profit for serving a self-righteous cause.
There's morale - some kind of code or principle in their somewhere.

>> No.7917498
File: 35 KB, 542x456, thats why.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bold statement. Maybe you should narrow down that generalization a little bit.
Nukes actually exist, and countries own nukes who actually hate other people.

>> No.7917504



>> No.7917513
File: 79 KB, 663x468, underground green house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bullet resistant glass
Why do I get the feeling /ck/ would do alright in an apocalypse or Armageddon?

>> No.7917516

I know the movie was bad but you don't need to prepare a shelter to survive it, sheesh.

>space dementia

>> No.7917518

How the fuck did I mix up 15 with 17...
Anyway OP, how the fuck are you going to support 15 people?

>> No.7917533
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>> No.7917537

I live 40 miles away from Washington and I actually think our trillion dollar military budget is gonna keep me pretty safe from a nuclear holocaust.

>> No.7917567
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You better learn to get along with people like myself because if we all just decided to go crazy and revolt, then what?
Social unrest - unmanned energy and communications facilities.
There's actually a heavy philosophy behind anarchy and just what would happen wouldn't be that chaotic. If police, paramedics, and firefighters suddenly stopped working for a 'day' that would give anywhere over 50 people enough time to systematically destroy a city that takes no longer than 10-20 minutes to get from one side of town to the other.
This just has to happen almost simultaneously across the nation in counties surrounding the larger cities of some of the smallest states, and our soldiers have to be on the people's side.
>Here's a hypothetical - I'm one of the President's leading war generals. I would make a plan to protect the innocent during some cataclysmic event. And I would seek to neutralize the threat at it's core if I could.
But as a normal everyday person, I (for the fun of it) like to plan around these precautions.

>> No.7917596

I don't think anything you've written is impossible. Hurricane Katrina is a good example.

>> No.7917759
File: 62 KB, 420x317, 1340434780240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets assume 15-25$ for 3 days of quality MRE's from a reputable site that include breakfast, lunch, and dinner giving 1,800 calories a day for one person.
Times 15. So you're looking at 225-375$(+) for 15(~) people to eat for three days without missing a meal, getting 1,800 calories a day.
>Now the fun math
$225-$375 for 3 days worth of rations for 15 people - 30 days in a month (plus those other 5 days, fuck February)
>225*10 and 375*10 = $2,250-$3,750 (+tax) a month
>2,250*12 and 3,750*12 = $27,000-$45,000 (+tax) a year
Now multiply those results by the number of years you expect to feed these freeloaders.
We're going to find the median of these numbers because the gap is too substantial. Spoiler, it's $252,000.
Not to mention prices may vary for other suppliers. You may lose some people between now and then.
I recommend you spend $200,000. And don't forget that most rations apparently last anywhere between 5-7 years. So keep your supplies safe and cool.

>> No.7917785

disable and murder them over a an evenly spaced amount of time over the 7 years, calculate in to keep 'em fat etc etc

tl;dr: lure them then eat them

>> No.7918197

Some of us are both. I'm not one of the obese so I feel I could do very well.

>> No.7918723

How did you come up with 7 years?

>> No.7918810

739665 5oz tins of Vienna sausages at 79¢
per tin is $584335.35.
Also, that would leave you with a surplus of 394488 tins of Vienna sausage. You can open a post apocalyptic catering service with them since you'd only need 345177 tins of Vienna sausage to feed fifteen people for seven years.

>> No.7918825

76650000 calories would be a moderate estimate of how much food you'd need.

>> No.7920453
File: 75 KB, 669x499, Pam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7920590
File: 767 KB, 1071x707, Deer Hunting Guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming the planet doesn't play host to Fallout animals and Red Forest disfigurements and the animals of the world aren't too fucked up to multiply. I guess /ck/ should know how to hunt and skin. Gotta know how to tan as well..
We can dehydrate foods, preserve, jar, and pickle. Etc.
>You would be a fucking idiot not to grab both a /k/ and /ck/ devotee for your group
>Not these stupid pizza and appliance moderators

>> No.7920640
File: 50 KB, 400x282, dry urbz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dry your herbz

>> No.7920643
File: 116 KB, 653x490, ck-prepared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a way to vent the smoke and smell. You could make food to trade.

>> No.7920650
File: 286 KB, 1067x800, Ghillie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a suppressor and gas mask with extra filters. A nice chem-suit would be useful as well. Get some /k/ approved cooking knives and kitchen supplies, in fact, /out/ could know more about this shit than we do.

>> No.7920809
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>prepper status
Save your bottle caps

>> No.7920847

He needs a 30% surplus too, compensating for the food that will degrade and spoil.

>> No.7920872

you need lazersharks for a Post Apocalyptic Vienna saussage catering

>> No.7920876
File: 587 KB, 1920x1080, Romantically Apocalyptic (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keeping an interesting thread alive
I recommend you not open a ration or MRE until you are hungry, and if you are hungry, in the morning or when you wake. Conserving energy is the focus here. Which means knowing when and how to exert the energy you take in.
Which means 15 people need to know this same shit.
People are going to start hoarding, overeating, eating because they're bored, and waste the food or act like picky eaters.
OP how the hell do you plan on disposing of all the excrement from 15 people?