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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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>> No.8244157

>no tomato

>> No.8244164

If that's their bread and butter and it has zero veg it's literally McDonald's tier at that point, and not in a good way. The bit of pickle I see doesn't count.

>> No.8244180

Glad to hear it. When you make politics the focal point of your business and market to idealistic young people who share every aspect of their lives online, then you deserve to fail. How about next time you don't isolate more than half the country with this shit? I'm tired of all these restaurants trying to bank on the fast-casual, locavore, organic, instagram, dragon dildo fad. I'm looking forward to its demise. Liberals are dumb.

>> No.8244187

>thin, completely undercooked patties
excuse me?

Now I'm not saying that's anything close to a good burger, but that bitch wouldn't know a good one if it bit her in the face.

See, burgers are all about proportion, and on that burger there's actually too much meat already. Look at McDonalds, the most successful restaurant on the planet. Their burgers don't have giant slabs of meat, they're thin, but the appeal is that they'll stack them and put cheese between each thin patty until you get a burger with proper proportions of meat/cheese/condiments.

That burger is god awful, but not because the meat patties are "thin"

>> No.8244191
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>> No.8244197
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This is a view of the kitchen and how the employees look.

"Let's be In-n-Out with none of the charm and work ethic. People will visit us because of how smug we are about our sustainable food practices."

>> No.8244198

I like the italian chipotle called Piada.

It's actually really decent.

sucks to suck I guess.

>> No.8244199


>> No.8244200
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>uncooked patties on the first day
Didn't they just have a huge salmonella issue?

Really if a place isn't getting great reviews on their first days when everything is perfect and all attention is on the quality, it'll fail.

>> No.8244209


>> No.8244219

what a messy and shitty kitchen layout

>> No.8244231

I agree that Liberalism is a terrible plague but what about Chipotle makes you say that? The only real reason I despise them is because they made guacamole a trendy food which makes it harder for me to procure avocados.

Besides, Freebirds is better.

>> No.8244235
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did someone say undercooked

>> No.8244239

Yeah they had a big thing with Salmonella a few months back, enough so that the whole reason Chipotle expanded was to create a new source of income and turn the business into more than just a gimmick.

>> No.8244247

I used to eat Chipolte back in college ('04-'08) and it wasn't bad. Burrito bowls and such were good and they did a lot of business. I wouldn't call it a gimmick, the place was pretty good.

>> No.8244248

>1.51 MB

>> No.8244254

Chipotle can't be saved. They'll never be able recover.

>> No.8244277

Agreed. It's all downhill from here. They'll just hang on trying different things but eventually will be empty shells of their former selfs.

>> No.8244281


Nah nigga.

That shit has always been mediocre at best but definitely overpriced. Throw in the salmonella shit that was there fault that they tried to bury being there fault in. You can't trust those social media grasping chucklefucks.

>> No.8244284

Let it burn

>> No.8244287

>but what about Chipotle makes you say that?
crippling autism

>> No.8244291

>When you make politics the focal point of your business

I don't deny this in any way, but how did they do it? I've heard about it but I'm not totally up to speed with it

>> No.8244295

i'm sure you're fun at parties

>> No.8244304

There are better places to get a burrito. Hell, there are enough illegals in America that you could probably find a restaurant or two who can give you a burrito to go and it would be twice as good and a dollar or two cheaper.

The only thing going for them is that they appeal to a young "hip and cool" crowd and they have artsy paper bags with 2deep4u writing on it.

>> No.8244306
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Stay tuned folks

>> No.8244356

Agreed. Those thiccness of those patties seem appropriate. Everything else about them is wrong.

>> No.8244375

Why do you even grind the meat so it becomes completely smooth slime?

>> No.8244412

People are skeptical of fast food because of uber-liberals and scaremongers like Michael Pollan. Chipotle presented their business model ("food with integrity") as the answer. Fast food isn't perfect, but if you think about the scale in proportion to the relatively small amount of food-borne illness, they are definitely doing something right. Chipotle was cocky and abandoned safe food practices, and a lot of people wound up getting sick. Quit telling people that they should eat local and organic. We abandoned it in favor of factory farms and GMOs because it's much easier to keep the public safe that way. Liberals have become the most regressive part of society, and it's costing lives.

>> No.8244420

>they are definitely doing something right.
And by 'they', I'm referring to the juggernauts of fast food like McDonald's. These guys have been around forever and have spent millions in food research and safety. Maybe instead of labeling them as the anti-christ, Chipotle should pull their head out of their asses and seek their advice.

>> No.8244427
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>> No.8244428

Oh, I understand that, then. I agree, but there's nothing wrong with organic foods and stuff that is homegrown.

My main issue is people who aren't smart enough to gauge things properly. People over-eat because bad food is cheap so they take away the bad foods instead of teaching people self/portion control.

They try to demonize fast food while accepting money from corporate sponsors.

On top of that, the public tries to shun any food processing in an attempt to live healthier forgetting that a lot of advancements to make food edible and healthy is thanks to the industry creating standards and things like pasteurization.

>> No.8244429

Why is this autist crying?

>> No.8244437

what's funny is that chipotle advertises themselves as the "healthy" choice that isn't subway, but their burrito is literally the size of a football and over a thousand calories

I mean it's decent, I'd definitely eat one but I probably wouldn't pay for it. I got a free coupon from a friend who worked there and got a steak burrito with everything. Was tasty, but not $9 tasty

>> No.8244473


>> No.8244477

What's wrong with being concerned about your place in society? Sure, some are obnoxious about it, but the concern is perfectly valid and important.

>> No.8244492

Yeah, eating fresh, locally grown food is a nice idea, but trying to effectively manage that in a fast food chain restaurant is problematic.

Chipotle also had too few staff members working on food safety, according to one article I read.

>> No.8244502

How many of these do they have now? I thought this was the second one after chophouse which is basically the worst southeast Asian food I've ever had

>> No.8244503

>a thousand calories
Are calories bad nowadays, is this some new idea?

>> No.8244517

When people think "oh, all I had today was a burrito for lunch, yeah I can have that tub of ice cream no problem"

1,000 for one burrito is a lot. A big mac has half that

>> No.8244519

Excess calories are bad. As in, people go to Chipotle because they're conflating the concept of a healthy lifestyle with eating healthy. You can eat a meal that's as organic and free of as many buzzwords as possible, but if you're doing nothing except eating and retaining those calories then that's no good. Unless you're active all day or bulking there's no reason for 1k calories in a single sitting.

>> No.8244521

Yeah eating local and sustainably grown livestock and produce is so dumb

>> No.8244541

I guarantee nobody thinks that. Fuck, a Homewrecker from Moe's just fucking LOOKS like 1000+ calories.

Have one of those and you won't need to eat anything for 12 hours.

>> No.8244546
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>I guarantee nobody thinks that

>> No.8244547

Wow who would have guessed a mediocre burrito place that overexpanded would suck at a market it has no place of being in.

Seriousl chipotle needs to add more variety to their existing chain and I might go back.

>> No.8244557
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>Nobody thinks this way

Anon, I hear this shit at work "Hey, let's go to chipotle it's healthy for us, besides we are going out drinking tonight so I am going to balance it out" or "I had chipotle for lunch I can spurgle tonight".

Mean while the only thing they leave out is brown rice because obv that's the worst thing you can put on it. Not the loads of sour cream or gauc

>> No.8244575

I know tons of people who eat a salad with tons of dressing, croutons, ham/chicken, and cheese and then say "Wew look how healthy I am today I guess I can treat myself later."

>> No.8244586
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>"I had chipotle for lunch I can spurgle tonight".
>"Wew look how healthy I am today I guess I can treat myself later."
I hate this.

The fat people at my office always say shit like this. Then they wonder why they are fat. Even if they have a decently healthy lunch, they think they can "spurge" at dinner and so they just offset any benefit they had from the reduced calorie lunch.

It's mind boggling to me.

>> No.8244594
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Even worse
>get salad
>load it with ranch
>add bacon
>drink it with a "healthy (((sweet))) Tea" from Starbucks

"Wow I am really going to shed the weight now!"

Worst of all is "week diets" people do in my office. They'll go one week eating some small stuff just for lunch, then the next week constantly eat out.
It's always
"Yup gotta trim down this week only 400 calorie lunchs this week"
followed by
"I was good last week so I can go out with everyone this week!"

>> No.8244600
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>Personal responsibility is not a thing
fucking liberals.

>> No.8244605

I don't get how they're still hungry after a burrito if I get something from chipotle I'm usually full for the rest of the day.

>> No.8244610

neither of those people said "BAN CHIPOTLE BECAUSE IT'S MAKING US FAT"

>> No.8244616

back when I was fat I could easily down 2 chipotle burritos in a day and still want snacks and shit

>> No.8244622

They probably just eat by the clock combined with being used to eating large quantities of food.. A 5' 10" male that weighs 250lbs has to eat 2500 calories to maintain being that fat, with a sedentary lifestyle. So really 1000 calories for lunch isn't that big of a deal for them.

>> No.8244715

"We" adopted factory farming methods because it keeps costs down. People don't care about the quality of the meat or the conditions where it was produced if they can afford to eat steak multiple nights a week. Look at FDA and USDA food recalls. You won't see many products from organic or small farms. Factory farming doesn't keep contaminated and adulterated food off peoples' tables.

>> No.8244719

>I'm tired of all these restaurants trying to bank on the fast-casual, locavore, organic, instagram, dragon dildo fad. I'm looking forward to its demise. Liberals are dumb.

And they're fickle as shit.

Libtard oragnic veegmales have tendencies to abandon their past and move on completely...

>> No.8244720

Is that just because there are less small farm and organic food getting produced? I mean doesn't it make sense that the biggest producers have the biggest recalls?

>> No.8244722

how fat?

>> No.8244758

So they hired Jack? Glad to see he could find work.

>> No.8244765

6' 270

>> No.8244779

yeah i could see you being able to do that pretty easy, 2700 calorie sedentary TDEE. Two burritos and some snacks would just be maintaining you at that size.

Congrats on the weight loss.

>> No.8244780

The problem is the kinds of food our system keeps cheap: meat, dairy and sugar. A diet heavy on those things makes people obese. It's bad policy.

>> No.8244790
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>believing that food is genuinely 'better' and more 'authentic' because illiterate criminals with no education and a distaste for proper hygiene made it

That said, I get pic related from the taco truck a block from my house on a regular basis (sometimes multiple days in a row).

>> No.8244870

The fat people at the gym, who attempt to kill themselves doing speed cardio, but keep the same fucking diets thinking they'll lose weight. I just stare in amazement while they try to swim upstream.

>> No.8244895

>illiterate criminals with no education and a distaste for proper hygiene

I have no idea if you're talking fast food employees or roach coach employees

>> No.8244953


>> No.8245008

>Won't need to eat anything for 12 hours

Just cause they don't need to doesn't mean they don't

>> No.8245063

I hate the trend of undercooking meat.


>> No.8245312

400 calories sounds like a pretty normal sized lunch tho

>> No.8245324

We've made advancements in the past 200 years that allow us to have virtually parasite-free meats

>> No.8245336

Not the guy you're replying to but a strong point

>> No.8245421

>Expecting a facebook food reviewer to be logical in their analysis

She just didn't know how to say the burger was bad without just saying "it's bad I didn't like it". So she tried to pick some kind of detail about why it was bad (too much meat + no veggies/condiments), but could only come up with "Hmm something about this tastes off, something about the meat. Oh! Burgers are always supposed to be thick and juicy! This must be too skinny or something. Yeah, I'll use that."

In fact, if the burgers weren't so damn thick, they probably would have been cooked more thoroughly.

It was just a randomly-chosen, token central point to make her review of a popular new food item seem legitimate in a desperate attempt to be relevant/famous on the internet.

>> No.8245436

I have a gimmick restaurant in my town whose "thing" is having large patties. Their regular burgers are in excess of 1lb just in the patties alone. As a result, they have to cook them until the water content is less than 1% so they can serve them.

I absolutely hate the place, would rather eat at McDonalds any day of the week but everyone in town thinks it's the hottest shit on earth.

>> No.8245462


It's the fucking diet pill scams of the '90s/'00s all over again.

People just want the quick, easy fix. They just want the magic pill or "secret" diet that will make them skinny and toned and sexy like all those doctored-up people on magazine covers, whom they whole-heartedly believe are the ultimate ideal goal for everyone (without ever thinking of why marketers use those models), without having to do any actual work for it.

And now that we have the internet, now that we can see/hear/watch/buy/have anything we could possibly think of, with just a google search and a few clicks, people are lazier and more entitled than ever to the belief that they can and should be able to get anything they can imagine/want when they want it. Including a sexy/healthy body.

So now they're latching onto this idea of a "healthy, pure lifestyle through what we put in our bodies" and "toxins" and how to "cleanse the body of toxins" just by sitting around and eating less-greasy, organic, locally-grown sandwiches, without actually getting the exercise a healthy lifestyle requires, because that's "too hard" and "I'm already taking care of my body".

It's pathetic. Like, if a "good"-looking body mattered so fucking much to you, don't you think you'd actually put in some fucking effort to achieve that goal instead of swallowing a burger and crossing your fingers?

I'm pretty sure >>8244600 was referring to the people that the quoted posters were talking about.

>> No.8245481

Chipotle is fucking gross, so i'd say they did live up to their brand.

>> No.8245706

That looks like a veggie patty. Why is that patty so....pureed?