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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8320740 No.8320740 [Reply] [Original]

what's the point of other culinary schools when french and similar european foods just taste better??

>> No.8320742

you can't get into french schools straight off the bat if you're an outsider

>> No.8320747

I'm not sure I understand the question. Most culinary schools (in the english-speaking world, anyway) are based in French methods and techniques.

>> No.8320752

I don't mean literal culinary schools. I mean disciplines, as in, the world of french food.
sorry if that was unclear.
ie "why do people bother getting good at mexican food"

>> No.8320755

because diversity
you can't eat the same food every day

>> No.8320760

you can eat food originating from europe for all your life though. and be happier for it

>> No.8320763

maybe you can, some have more exploratory taste.

>> No.8320805

I like Mexican and Asian better but French is good with anything baked

>> No.8320812

Which french foods do you like Mexibro?

>> No.8320818

I'm not Mexican but there is a French bakery nearby and i like the chocolate muffins a lot and the chocolate great and croissants are also good
So far the only French food I haven't liked is foie gras but I have liver

>> No.8320830

only mexicans would say mexican is better than french food

>> No.8320832

You have never had French food have you?
Never tried Foie gras either eh?
Just own up, it's nothing to be ashamed of, many Mexicans don't get to try it, the USA doesn't have many.

>> No.8320838

I did try foie gras, my aunt bought a can and my cunt dad made me eat it wich I did knowing I wouldn't like it and then he made fun of me because I looked completely disgusted even tho I was brave enough to try it

>> No.8320842

>>canned foie gras

You're doing it wrong, anon.

>> No.8320843

yeah, likely story. did you eat it uncooked?
I bet your pater pedro and aunt enchilada bought some kinda shitty knockoff product.

>> No.8320846


If it came in a can then it was cooked. All canned foods are cooked as part of the canning process.

>> No.8320848

>a can
Good Grief.

>> No.8320850

Well yeah because everyone is a snob obsessed with class these days
They would eat rotten shit if it was fashionable

>> No.8320852

My aunt lived 3 years in France I think she knows more about it than you

>> No.8320855

Where do you get your foie gras then?
Same with you

>> No.8320857

right, missed that, thought you meant a fancy glass can, not literally canned foie gras. That's retarded

>> No.8320860

french food isn't inherently fancy. it just tastes better

>> No.8320861

I didn't see the can I just noticed it was can shaped
It was a shitty dinner

>> No.8320862

Morons think it is

>> No.8320865

well don't blame the foie gras, blame your ignorant mexican family.

>> No.8320868

My aunt lived in France for 3 years tho I don't think some random moron knows more about it than her

>> No.8320870


...yet she served you canned foie gras. That speaks volumes about what she "knows".

>> No.8320874

Where do you get your foie gras then? Do you just keep ducks around and kill one for dinner?

>> No.8320877

>all people that have resided in france know about french cuisine.
I guarantee you most of the people that have lived there for a long time will not even be able to tell you what mire poix is. Foie gras is hard to do justice, it's extremely finicky.

>> No.8320878



>> No.8320880

>My aunt lived in France for 3 years tho
Not the same anon but anecdotes aren't really valid anon.

I live in England have have travelled to France many times.

Decent fois gras is hard to come by in Britain (regulations and shit) but I have eaten the Pâté on many occasions, it never comes in a tin.

It was my favourite lunch, find a Charcuterie get some bread and pate and munch away.

It's more expensive than regular Pate and is only really a treat but it's worth it.

Sorry about your experience with a tin?

>> No.8320882

I'm pretty sure that after 3 years she figured it out plus nobody goes to France to stay in a room and stare at a wall
Isnt France supposed to have great food at every restaurant? How do you know more than her?
She also studied at some culinary school even tho she never cooks so it was a waste of time

>> No.8320887

It might be a Mexican thing. Anon probably grew up in a village without electricity so frozen is not an option. Vacuum packing doesn't work either since it probably takes several days to reach to village by way of the familys donkey.
Anons tastebuds are probably also leaving something to be desired since he has lived on chili peppers and coke his entire life

>> No.8320888

Did you taste this particular foie gras? I already told you I hate liver so I hate every single liver thing it's too fucking buttery in the wrong way every time

>> No.8320891


>> No.8320893

so do you never eat food with a base of celery, onions and carrots? cause then it's almost certainly with french roots. to lessen french food to something like "foie gras, frogs and snails" is retarded, it's incredibly varied.

>> No.8320902

I like onions and carrots I never knew that my shitty grafted carrots with mayo and boiled egg and a beef patty lunch was french

>> No.8320901

>I already told you I hate liver
Fois gras doesn't taste like Cow/Pig/Lamb liver . .. .I was giving you the benefit of the doubt but I have the funny feeling that you are telling porkies.

Maybe this guy is right >>8320887

>> No.8320905

I hate everything liver as soon as I tasted it I tasted buttery meat and i had to force myself to chew and swallow
Chances are it tastes exactly like cow liver but every time you eat it you are too drunk and to full of yourself to nottice and that delicious taste is you eating your own ego

>> No.8320915

Like I said .. .I tried to be honest and patient with you but you just blew it.

You have NEVER eaten it and living in the USA it's not surprising.

I guess you should just wait until somebody rings the church bell and you can run indoors and close the shutters on the windows.

>> No.8320921

When was the last time you have ever seen a Mexican lady in france?
You know its a long way there it's not as easy as jumping a wall
You cunts are always the same French food is delicious oh they have so much culture look at how much money I throw to the ground I'm not poor look at me being not poor my French expensive duck liver is delicious I eat it with expensive grape juice that could feed a family of 6 for a month

>> No.8320924
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>butthurt faggots and peasants who know nothing about french cuisine or anything else : the thread

As a french cook, i hate this fucking place.

>> No.8320928


What's funny is that many of the dishes that French cusine is famous for started out as cheap peasant food. Coq au vin? That was when the only thing to eat was the stringy 'ol rooster in the barnyard. Cassoulet? Take whatever leftovers you can find and stew them together. The list goes on and on. Yeah, you can find those at a fancypants *** restaurant, but their origins were in cheap peasant cooking.

>> No.8320930

I don't think France is all that great either
A friend was there earlier this year for a work thing and they tried to charge him 50 euros to take the fucking elevator in the Eiffel tower
There is a disease with a fancy name that basically I went to France and it sucks

>> No.8320932

there are plenty of french CHEFS here, you feeling smug and superior is embarrassing.

>> No.8320940

Wow you are so smart is almost like all the famous foods started as present food in country's with thousands of years of culture and the only thing to eat in USA is corn because it's only 400 years old
The exact same thing can be said about Asian or Mexican or fucking Italian

>> No.8320944

>talks about french cuisine
>hurr durr i paid 50€ to go in the Eiffel tower
I'm not smug or superior you faggot, just depressed about this place. I don't even give a fuck about them shitting on french cuisine, but most of the fuckers here don't even know the very basics of cooking or even hygiene and act all smug and mighty.

If my english wasn't so fucking limited i would love to teach some of the basics to these fucks, not even joking.

>> No.8320945

>Go into an elevator
>Pay 50 euro
France sounds fucking great

>> No.8320947

I don't know why you are targeting me?

I like French Food . .. .it's like British food but not the same.
French haute cuisine is no better than British Haute Cuisine, same applies to peasant food too .. .it's the same but different.

But with all due respect, ingredients are better in Europe than they are in Mexico (or the USA if you prefer). Put it this way .. .I have NEVER seen Pate or Liver in tins?

>> No.8320948

>The exact same thing can be said about Asian or Mexican or fucking Italian

I agree 100%, though that's not relevant since we're not talking about those nationalities here.

>> No.8320951

>almost 2017
>francophiles still exist

>> No.8320957

I never had British food but if your point is you can't have French food if you don't eat it in France then you are right I never had it
But I can have Mexican food or Asian food everywhere and some shitty cheese or wine isn't worth flying to 50 euro elevator ride land

>> No.8320965

The point was pointing out how simplistic was your point and how ridiculous was to express it as this deep knowledge
People over time figure out how to use and better everything around them granted they aren't under constant threat that's medicine

>> No.8320967

Is there anywhere reputable in NYC where a burger could get some good FrogFood?

>> No.8320970

I just googled this
Minimum wage in France is 1144 euro a month
Yet if they want to take an elevator a single time it's 50 euro
Take the elevator 10 times and that's half your money

>> No.8320973

You can stop now friendo

>> No.8320974

>it as this deep knowledge

I never said it was deep, anon.

>> No.8320975
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ITT: people are angry about other people liking food

>> No.8320987

I have never been to NYC .. .Sorry I can't help.

>you can't have French food if you don't eat it in France
Not really the point I was trying to make.
Having said that, there is an element to it though, for example:
You can't get a real Haggis in the USA; Your HP sauce tastes different than Britains, as do baked beans, ketchup and Mustard.

I think it's hard to judge a tinned fois gras with something that is normally available 'fresh' - do you get where I am coming from?

>> No.8321003

well you can ship mustard anywhere, i buy german, you cant ship fresh milk
it doesnt matter anyways since i hate liver i would have hated any kind of foie gras

>> No.8321173

>You can't get a real Haggis in the USA

Sure you can. You just have to do the work yourself. It's illegal to sell lungs to the public. However, there's nothing illegal about buying a live sheep, slaughtering it yourself, and then preparing traditional haggis and serving it to your guests.