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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 204 KB, 1280x960, 15304597_794491117357452_2337485358423215644_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8359738 No.8359738 [Reply] [Original]

They just removed all mascots on food packaging here in my country. Also banned toys and non-edible content aimed to kids (yes, we don't have Kinder eggs anymore). Everybody is fucking angry even though this is needed to fight obesity.

What do you guys think?

>> No.8359751


>> No.8359755

>needed to fight obesity
All what's needed is parents to be parents again and actually control their kids.

I noticed it happen to my younger brothers. When I grew up I was ruthlessly told what I could and couldn't have and punished for stepping out of line. My brothers would get a "I can't force him to eat something he doesn't like..." YES YOU CAN.

>> No.8359759

sounds like a good idea

>> No.8359760

Don't see what's wrong with it.

I kind of agree, but I remember buying junk at school without my parents' supervision. Kids do things on their own.

>> No.8359762

>this is needed to fight obesity
so when this fails, what's going to be banned next?
thats insanely idiotic to think this will stop obesity. Did incredibly old people come up with this "plan"? Which 3rd word country are you in?

>> No.8359765

Is fighting obesity also why cereal costs $4,000?

>> No.8359767
File: 79 KB, 628x473, MaxheadroomMpegMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You think mascots cause obesity?

Are you stupid?

Japan is the homeland of mascots, everything has a mascot, and everyone is obsessed with mascots, and most of their population are skinny as fuck.

Stop blaming you and your kid's problems on everything but yourself and their parents. Take hold of your life by the neck and force yourself to be better. Removing a cartoon tiger isn't going to get rid of your body's cravings for sugar coated corn, only you can do that, through your own willpower.

>> No.8359773

That's fine, kids are supposed to push boundaries it's how they learn. As long as the rest of the time they are kept in check.

>> No.8359786

The real problem is they have to fight poverty and retardation.

>> No.8359789


Obesity was increasing in Japan, so they made the entire population get weighed and shamed the fatties and told them to lose weight. With companies and local government getting penalties if they had too many fatties.

Fascism, it works.

>> No.8359792

>What do you guys think?

I think it's silly but then again I don't really care that much. I buy very little boxed/processed food.

>> No.8359798

>Giving parents control over children education
We can't have that. Children may learn agency and responsibility and become too smart to control

>> No.8359805
File: 13 KB, 500x332, Vincent+Bennett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1g of fat per serving cereal causes obesity
>not oily greasy mcdonalds burgers and fries
>not 70% fat frozen dinners
>not high fat high mac n cheese nugget meals
>not milk that raises insulin growth factor
I think your country is retarded.

>> No.8359807

>The government will stop alcohol consumption by banning it
>The government will stop drug consumption by banning it
>The government will stop immigration by banning it
>The government will stop rape by banning it
>The government will stop bullying by banning it
>The government will ban racism by banning it
>The government will ban obesity by banning it
When will you people learn?

>> No.8359809

Which country? Can you please link a news article about it? And what's the reasoning behind getting rid of the mascots?

>> No.8359811

>A newly released Centers for Disease Control report of a study conducted at Stanford has examined the effects of San Francisco’s 2010 “Happy Meal ban.” The ban prohibited the free distribution of toys with unhealthy meals; the fast-food restaurants McDonald’s and Burger King instead sold the toys for 10 cents. Though neither restaurant complied with the ordinance’s specific calls for changes in nutritional content, improvements have been made.

>…over the study’s two-year period, McDonald’s in particular made big changes to its Happy Meals, said [Jennifer Otten, MD,] of the University of Washington School of Public Health — first in California, then nationally.

>The fast food giant cut the amount of French fries it serves in Happy Meals in half, replacing them with apples; stopped serving caramel sauce with apples; and began offering nonfat chocolate milk to customers. Otten said those substitutions were “pretty dramatic,” — they reduced the calories in a Happy Meal by 110, and cut the sodium and fat content of the meal as well.

>Otten and her colleagues, including senior author Abby King, PhD, concluded in the study, “Although the changes… did not appear to be directly in response to the ordinance, the transition to a more healthful beverage and default side dish was consistent with the intent of the ordinance. Study results… suggest that public policies may contribute to positive restaurant changes.”

>> No.8359813

over eating carbs is what makes you fat not fat dumdass

>> No.8359821

I know you were trying to be funny and troll, but the fat shaming thing is a real thing and it works very well.

Japanese kids are some of the most massive assholes on the planet and they are never disciplined until they near high school, so they completely rail on fatties through youth.

Once in adulthood, pretty much the only fat people you see on tv are comedians who pretty much have to make fat jokes about themselves. This is especially true of female comedians. Its also socially acceptable for anyone that is more than just a passing acquaintance to constantly ask you about your weight gain if they even notice a slight increase in size, until you slim down. If they are family members they can be as mean as the school children

>> No.8359822

Actually, overeating either or both makes you fat. Hope that helps, buddy.

>> No.8359825

Fattier foods don't make you obese. I am not sure if it is still the case, but years ago the French had a much fattier diet than Americans yet their obesity rate was much lower than Americans.

>> No.8359832


We've been on a high dairy, high carb diet for centuries in Northern Europe.

Soda, overeating and sedentary lifestyle makes you fat.

>> No.8359834
File: 801 KB, 959x713, 1480294419985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paleo memes in 2016
>b-b-b-but rice and fruit stuffing kenyans are s's-super fat
>those carb stuf-f-fing asians are obese!!
This is why obesity is rising.

If carbs turn to fat but fat doesn't make you fat...why not eat even more carbs? You can't even form a coherent thought.

>> No.8359837

This. Call me when they ban siestas, you lazy spic.

>> No.8359841

Chile. Only found these news articles in English:


>> No.8359842

>over eating carbs is what makes you fat
you're retarded

>> No.8359844

that eat smaller portions and drink alot of red wine which for whatever reason seems to keep them slimmer and have really low cholesterol levels

>> No.8359845


The distinction is whether or not it's the fat in the food or fat in your body. Two separate things. The "point" anon was trying to make was:

Carbs turn to fat in your body very easy.
Fat you consume doesn't turn into fat in your body as easily.

>> No.8359847

>fat doesn't make you fat
t. i read a meme blog once

>> No.8359849
File: 71 KB, 594x412, 1348952225284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ‘black octagonal stop-sign’ warning labels will apply to all solid food products which exceed the following limits:

‘High In calories’: 275 calories or more per 100 grams;
‘High In saturated fats’: 4 grams or more of fat per 100 grams;
‘High In sugar’: 10 grams of sugar or more per 100 grams;
‘High In sodium’: 400mg of sodium or more per 100 grams.

>> No.8359851

lol what kind of logic is that?

maybe the same that has your money on the thousands for a box of cereal.

keep at it youre doing great.

>> No.8359852
File: 220 KB, 1000x1273, Gluconeogenesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what do the calories turn into? Air?

>> No.8359853

>fat is actually not fat even though they have the same chemical composition
t. 4chan health expert

>> No.8359856
File: 329 KB, 1300x944, obesfatfig6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8359857
File: 51 KB, 500x375, image_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't mention whether or not it helped in obesity
>likely no test and control group
>likely no testing at all
>just changes for the sake of changes so a couple women who likely sucked dicks for their titles can feel better about themselves

Whoa, stunning.

>> No.8359861
File: 296 KB, 1793x2160, Gluconeogenesis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8359865

uh no he is not..
he is actually very correct.
low fat diets you may have lower ldl levels
but still be an obese land whale
carbs make you fat

>> No.8359867
File: 184 KB, 1280x837, F8.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The question wasn't whether it helped with obesity. The question was whether it improved the nutrition of children's fast food meals, which it ultimately did.

>> No.8359869

Any articles in Spanish, preferentially from Chilean sites?

>> No.8359870
File: 185 KB, 1800x1460, F5.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither "make" you fat, you reductionist scapegoater. You can't demonize an entire macronutrient group. Humans survived off all four in history.

>> No.8359871


>> No.8359875
File: 46 KB, 471x623, Screenshot - 11_8_2014 , 7_09_19 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8359883

next thing you know is theyll remove street signs to avoid traffic accidents.

>> No.8359885
File: 41 KB, 660x371, fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon everything will be in plain packaging with the contents written in default text

They've just done this to cigarettes here in the UK to try prevent new smokers, when I used to work retail it was a pain in the fucking ass

>> No.8359886

Larger animals tend to have sedentary lifestyles to conserve energy with spurts of energy expenditure. Before the 16 hour work days where you only got Sunday off during the Industrial Revolution, the fields of antiquity were fallow many months in the year and people lived mostly low energy lifestyles. Only during parts of the growing season did they have anything close to the vigorous lifestyles modern people think man had in past eras.

>> No.8359887
File: 149 KB, 1800x1173, F3.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8359894
File: 269 KB, 414x480, 1417921549992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4k for a box of cereal
Damn Paco

>> No.8359901
File: 274 KB, 642x938, choca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip doggo

>> No.8359902

And voting for laws removing mascots is one of the ways parents are actually controlling their kids.

>> No.8359905


It's a really poor way to achieve that goal though, and it certainly doesn't teach their kids anything.

>> No.8359906

That garbage in OP image has 30g carbs per serving, some up to 50. Most kids I have seen don't measure out a serving but rather dump some into a bowl then bathe it with cow pus. Probably eating a days worth of a healthy carb intake in a single 'meal'. They then go on to slam multiple soft drinks a day.

Obviously eating too much of anything with make you gain mass but these products in the USA may be marketed as FAT FREE! but that doesn't inherently make it healthy.

>> No.8359912

People still believe cartoons get kids to do things like Joe Camel hooked an entire generation on cigs.

>> No.8359915

And any biology freshman would tell you that all that sugar is instantly converted into long-term fat.

>> No.8359918

>even though this is needed to fight obesity
>I can't restrain myself, PLEASE daddy government tell me what to do!
Cuck of the highest order.

>> No.8359925

>people not knowing calories in/calories out
Not gonna make it.

>> No.8359928
File: 44 KB, 383x288, 234432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, seriously incorrect. Take a biochemistry course.

>> No.8359929

>HALP GUBERMINT! Tell them to stop fucking my sexy kids ;(
No, keep your bitches on a leash and stop letting them wear lingerie as clothes. It is exactly the same thing.

When are we going to cut to the chase and just let the gubermint raise children.

>> No.8359932

god damn you are pedantic : okay smart guy
eating an excess of "carbs" and NOT doing enough physical activities to convert them into energy and burning them off, they are then stored as fat for expected later use by the body but because there is never an absence of fuel intake ..YOU GET FUCKING FAT OFF CARBS....

>> No.8359933

>Be gay
>Start smoking Joe Camel
>Thought I started due to self hatred and depression
>Friend points out camel is actually a penis

Fuck marketing.

>> No.8359938

>eating an excess of "carbs" and NOT doing enough physical activities to convert them into energy and burning them off, they are then stored as fat for expected later use by the body but because there is never an absence of fuel intake ..YOU GET FUCKING FAT OFF CARBS....

Except the same can be applied to protein, fats and alcohols. It's called gluconeugenesis. If energy is needed, energy is used; if it is not needed, it is stored. This occurs for all macronutrients.

>> No.8359940

>just let the gubermint raise children

I see you Podesta, you pizza eating, fake news crying asshole.

>> No.8359955

Everyone knows loli haets pizza. You know this. You have forgotten your roots 4chan. For shame. You can't run a pedo ring out of a pizza place when loli haets pizza. It simply can't be done.

>> No.8359957 [DELETED] 

Must be shitty living in a leftist totalitarian nanny state, you fucking babbies.

>> No.8359965
File: 181 KB, 852x1206, 17.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, this is how you can generate adipose from fatty acids. The fact is, for all macronutrients, you can utilize them to immediately fulfill energy needs but if you cannot, they must be circulated or stored as lipids or glycogen. Fats, carbs, alcohols, protein.

>> No.8359971
File: 29 KB, 352x338, time_has_come_and_so_have_I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw authoritarian statist
this makes muh dick hard

>> No.8359972

>was morbidly obese
>starting to lose mobility
>type 2 diabetic
>spend years hating myself
>realize it was actually my obsessive love of toucan sam making me fat
It was the hardest thing I've done in my life but I cut him out of it. I couldn't help it. Every time I saw that bird I had to eat a box of fruit loops.

>> No.8359977

>tfw I was that younger brother
>was a really picky eater
I'm not any more, thank god, and honestly I think besides being a little chubber in highschool and middle school, I think it was for the better.

>> No.8359984

>Liking a limited amount of food is a good thing, ever

>> No.8359998

Which is better:

A.) Being forced to eat a wide variety of foods and hating it but maintaining that diet out of routine.


B.) Eating a limited number of foods that you liked eventually expanding your diet's variety of your own accord.

>> No.8360006

>A.) Being forced to eat a wide variety of foods and hating it but maintaining that diet out of routine.
Acquiring tastes IS forcing yourself to eat a wide variety of foods.

>> No.8360012

>not realizing kids have more sensitive taste buds
When I was 14 I wouldn't have liked a 10 week fermented pickle, but now I quite literally can't get enough

>> No.8360013

Hillary go away.

>> No.8360021

Eating a food out of curiosity, since it looks or smells good, or comes highly recommended isn't forcing yourself. You don't need to force yourself to acquire new tastes unless it looks very questionable.

>> No.8360029

Really made me think

>> No.8360033

Try telling that to any parent in this shithole of a country and you will get replies ranging from "I'm literally too lazy to do parenting" to "parents here are too lazy and irresponsible to do the parenting so the government has to do it for them".

>> No.8360034

Japan is a really fucked up society, I'd rather have some ambulocetae than live in that shithole.

>> No.8360039

Imagine what that did for sumo wrestling.

>> No.8360046

wena nido

>> No.8360071

How is this /ck/ kid

>> No.8360077
File: 127 KB, 512x384, Sweets_and_Sour_Marge_90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simpsons predicted the third world. It aint gonna work

>> No.8360081

>They just removed all mascots on food packaging here in my country.
>food packaging
>/ck/ - Food & Cooking
It is always nice to meet new friends.

>> No.8360084

Kek who gives a shit about that nogger

>> No.8360089
File: 11 KB, 200x255, A9959DA8-F418-4CE7-A465-9F3A4EDC43DA-1252-000000D4C77FE7FE_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look closely you can see a man with a boner

Check with your modern pack

>> No.8360091


> When are we going to cut to the chase and just let the gubermint raise children.

If the Jews can't convince parents to go along with it (and they couldn't in the end) no one can.

>> No.8360094
File: 344 KB, 1172x1646, 1481294549574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"even though this is needed to fight obesity"
>leftycucks are actually this fucking retarded

Cartoon characters aren't the reason fat kids love high-carb high-sugar cereals, this is a bunch of do-nothing feel-good nonsense that allows the problem to continue by subverting time, money, and energy away from methods that would actually have an impact and put responsibility back on the parents even if it hurts their feelings.

If I was a tinfoil hat wearing maniac, and I am, I would theorize that maybe this is the result of lobbyists working for various cereal companies in an attempt to obfuscate so that willfully ignorant parents continue to buy their sugary cereals in large quantities.

>> No.8360113

I mean let's be real here. Part of the reason why we as children bought those cereals was because of the faggot ass animals/mascots. My dad insisted I should get the generic Walmart brand which objectively was very similar but I just wanted the damn cartoon characters on my cereal box.

Well done Chile

>> No.8360158

>Part of the reason why we as children bought those cereals was because of the faggot ass animals/mascots
No, not really. I liked the generic because it came in huge bags. That way I could eat huge bowls of not fruity pebbles.

Way to go Chile, you fascist fucks.

>> No.8360180

I think is just a relevant factor not a decisive alternative

>> No.8360187

Well you're probably a fatty. I wasn't that big into food when I was growing up to be honest, my parents had to struggle so I could eat. I sometimes just bought shit just to get the toys inside/collect stuff.

>> No.8360191
File: 8 KB, 257x275, coleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needed to fight obesity
>fight obesity

Where do you live and how fast can we get mustard gas there?

>> No.8360197


Come over to my house and you can look for a distance.

>> No.8360210

does that dog have a death wish?

>> No.8360212

What country is that? Judging by the pic I'm guessing Spain or Mexico. Over here in the Netherlands they're also planning a comparable law. Sounds good if you're a weak-ass parent.

This too. The problem with fat kids is the parents. The kids may want Tony the Tiger, but it's up to the parents to realize that Tony makes kids diabetics.

Kek, far from it. It's not so much fascism as it is social control, which still works in Japan considering it has a collectivist, shame-based culture (as opposed to the Occident's individualistic, guilt-based culture). When a Nip is called fat, he doesn't put his feefees at the center of the world and cry about HAES at the top of his lungs, he bows his head in shame and accepts he has done something dishonorable by porking out.

>> No.8360225



I don't doubt the fat shaming helps, but government steps in too.

>> No.8360228

Are there any countries which force restaurants to list the nutritional information of their food somewhere yet?

>> No.8360242
File: 50 KB, 630x630, 1389657812457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the stupidest things seen in my life, for real.

Maybe this was aimed for "fighting" obesity on kids because they like the mascot, but the responsability belongs to their parents, not the fucking mascot neither the company.

If your kid is fucking obese, educate him well, make him have better food balance treatment, stop going out there and buy every shit your kid says you to buy and stop fucking with some stupid cartoons on boxes jesus fucking christ.

>> No.8360267



>> No.8360276

>"I cant be bothered to control how much my son eats, so ill let the government parent him for me :^)"

You stupid fucks deserve 1984

>> No.8360283

Kids can't drive to the store and spend part of a paycheck. I guess the idea is that fewer kids will want the product and so fewer parents have to bother telling their kids no?

>> No.8360288

New Yorkistan.

>> No.8360293


>> No.8360307

I doubt it's whats in the food so much as the amount that people eat.

>> No.8360314
File: 290 KB, 680x680, reeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chilean here.
This is fucking awful, btw
My dad and 10 year old brother are both very obese, my mother is a little obese. I am not obese. I am thin.

They are flipped out about this. Like really flipped out and mad! My dad already went with a slingshot and killed some birds outside, and came to glue them to the new cereal boxes in the market before he was chased out.My little brother cried when he took the box and saw no mascot. My mother has spoken 2 words since the ban.

I am not fat but it isn't fair to tear my family like this.

>> No.8360330


>> No.8360344

dale posteá finlandia

>> No.8360347

Gluing dead birds to cereal boxes in the supermarket tends to get you chased anon.

We might be laughing at Chile now but I have a sneaky suspicion that it won't be long before other countries consider it too.!

>> No.8360352

>It's not so much fascism as it is social control
So basically fascism.

>> No.8360361

Fucking retards.

>> No.8360433

cold m8

>> No.8360516


It's one thing to remove cartoon characters from the packaging, it's another to remove the picture of the product you're buying and then charging them $4000 for it.

>> No.8360521


>> No.8360529

When I was a kid I could give a shit what cartoon character was on it I just wanted sugary stuff

>> No.8360544

Do you usually base your food purchasing decisions on the picture on the box? I mean, first of all who gives a shit, second of all does anything EVER look like it does on the box?

>> No.8360549

I fucking hate advertisements so much.

anything that limits its exposure is welcome

>> No.8360551

>Chile randomly limiting the markets

Pinochet is rolling in his grave

>> No.8360592

How is a parent voting to get rid of Toucan Sam controlling their kids more than the parents just telling the kid "No I'm not buying you Fruit Loops"

The cartoon character might make the kid want the cereal more but they still can't obtain it without the parent's help so no matter how you look at it it comes down to the parent being shit and weak-willed

I guess we'll have to wait for statistics and studies to come out a few years down the road and see if these anti-mascot laws actually do much but I don't feel like this is going to be an effective way to stop obesity, the shit parents are way more of a problem than cartoon characters on boxes

>> No.8360596

>even though this is needed to fight obesity.
lol at blaming packaging rather than parents. Its always hilarious when liberals come up with excuses not to blame personal responsibility and instead blame society or some shit

>> No.8360638

>What do you guys think?
I'm going to echo what everyone else is saying.
Its a bullshit idea. Parents, not the government, are responsible for their children's health and welfare.

>> No.8360664

Why don't they put pictures on the fodd products of the politicians who came up with these ideas? Maybe frowning or wagging their finger or looking pious or sanctimonious. I'm sure if they personally tell us who they are that they consider they have the right to tell us how to live our lives we'll be grateful and go visit their houses to thank them personally.

>> No.8362436

Anything but taking responsibility for one's own flaws and falterings I guess.

>> No.8362567

how do you go from helicopter rides to banning tony the tiger?

>> No.8362623
File: 47 KB, 500x375, 1448129218007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>not high fat high mac n cheese nugget meals
>Mac n cheese
There are countries other than the US that eat this "food"

>> No.8362632


Honestly, it makes sense. Fuck marketing to children.

>> No.8362633

True but if you see all the parents failing the goverment just got to do something or their next lign of taxpayers will be greasy fucks that can't move around to do a job and then all those health costs, its understandable goverments panic with this future and start lashing out in order to save atleast some of it.

>> No.8362692

Drinking a lot of red wine fucks up your heart and liver though.

>> No.8362869


>> No.8362895

>fat makes you fat
I think you might be retarded bud

>> No.8362901

The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of cereal and when the drains finally crust over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sugar and chocolate will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"

... and I'll look down and whisper "No."

>> No.8362929

>What do you guys think?


>> No.8362972

>90% of cereal names begin with Choco or Zucar
>Its the cartoons fault

>> No.8363148

Nah, sumos are respected, as sumo wrestling is a highly prestigious and respectable craft.
They literally train their kids to be wrestlers from childhood.
It's different from the typical fat fuck you see eating their heart out at mickey D's, they train and eat under extremely restricted guidelines which are routinely enforced.

>> No.8363162

>Prices in dollars
>Beaner/Huehue speak on the boxes


>> No.8363171


>> No.8363175

>people laughing at my lardass in the street is FASCISM
Even if you aren't fat yourself, you are still retarded to have said this

>> No.8363177

>>Prices in dollars
Those are Chilean pesos

>> No.8363178

alcohol is on its last decades.

>> No.8363179

Sure, whatever fiat you use in lieu of a real currency.

>> No.8363182

you shit them out.
the body just doesn't assimilate fat that well. this is why eating fast food make your shit float, and why a common constipation cure is 2 spoonful of oil. The hardcap on fat is really low in the end, especially compared to sugar at the same calorie value.

>> No.8363185

seems legit but I think this is dumb as fuck.
all the cereals left are still as bad as the ones they removed.

dumb cunts this isn't going to stop obesity.

make it mandatory for fat cunts to lose weight would fight obesity.

holla at cha boi.

>> No.8363188

If I was hungery I ate it.
Either that or got a slap on the ass for being an ungrateful little shit.
Bless the early 90's my dude.

>> No.8363190

>all those murikans that suddenly hate governments and democracy because their favorite wasn't elected, proving to their childish mind that "it does't work if I lose"

>> No.8363204
File: 35 KB, 425x283, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My dad already went with a slingshot and killed some birds outside, and came to glue them to the new cereal boxes in the market before he was chased out.

I don't even care if this is true, that's fucking gold

>> No.8363220

That's a bandaid solution, not an actual fix. Fat people are just going to buy the next cheapest downgrade.

Teach your country some fucking responsibility and stop giving so many shits about peoples feelings. Do what we are trying to do over here in Cally-if you're kid is over a certain weight and doesn't have some problem like asthma or a heart condition, you are gonna get CPS on your ass.

>> No.8363364

So people eat bad food because of cartoon characters on boxes? Okay bud.

>> No.8363378

>The ban prohibited the free distribution of toys with unhealthy meals; the fast-food restaurants McDonald’s and Burger King instead sold the toys for 10 cents.
>improvements have been made.
>they reduced the calories in a Happy Meal by 110, and cut the sodium and fat content of the meal as well.
That's nice and all but did that help in making kids less fat? Anybody can reduce calories in servings but if it didn't seem to stop, stem, or curb obesity then it did jack fucking shit.

>> No.8363384

Legislative solution to a social problem.

>> No.8363418

Do you retards not understand the reason for obesity? No, it isn't Tony the Tiger's fault your kid is fat. If you're a parent, it's your fault. Parenting today consists of buying a kid McDonald's and handing them an iPad until they shut up. Make your kids eat healthy and teach them about good food versus bad food. Don't be an asshole and tell them to never touch sugar ever, that'll just make them want it more. Be a responsible parent, and your kid will be at a healthy weight. Banning cereal mascots isn't going to fight obesity. Banning anything isn't going to fight obesity. Quit relying on your government and school systems to play mommy and daddy for you.

>> No.8363430

Yes they are, over eating anything will make you fat, not just carbohydrates.

>> No.8363728

It's stupid because kids aren't the ones buying them to begin with, it's parents doing that actual paying.

>> No.8363755

This is ok

>> No.8363759

explain to me why Japan churns out so many wonderful lewd images of THICC ladies. do they want what they can't have?

>> No.8363798

What are sumo wrestlers

>> No.8363803

Came here to post this. As much as we can pretend it doesn't work, it clearly does. Especially on total idiots. Fuck mascots and fuck advertisements.

>> No.8363810

Very old meme

>> No.8363816

Old shaped trix what is this madness.

>> No.8363817

American cereals are mostly inferior.

Just like how Corn Pops is still spherical in all countries outside the US but burgerfats get random lumps for Corn Pops instead.

>> No.8363824

>but I remember buying junk at school without my parents' supervision. Kids do things on their own.
How in the hell did you buy anything without any money or any means of seeking gainful employment, as a kid?

>> No.8363920

They are fat Japanese """fighters""" that wear thick g strings, and try to throw people out of salt circles so the evil spirits will kill them.

>> No.8363927

People don't eat that shit for toys or prizes they eat it because they want something bad for them that tastes sweet and delicious in that special artificial way that brings back fond memories.

>> No.8364640

At least your trix are still shapes where do you live

>> No.8364702

Japanfag here. This. Stop being fat fucks and take responsibility for your body.

>> No.8364707

>confirmed for not knowing shit about sumo wrestlers

>> No.8365061

Dont tell me this is mexico man! :(

>> No.8365065

Source: my /pol/ ass guys!

>> No.8365078

God, would you believe here in fucking México they actually do that shit with cigarretes!?


>> No.8365132

Babysitting cash? Watering neighbors plants? Bartering?

>> No.8365314

Removing health ticks from high sugar shit is a good start
>but its low in fat its healthy!!!

People down under are dumb as fuck. 70% of men over 45 are overweight here

>> No.8365764

This is actually brilliant, they won't be able to hop the wall if they're all fatties

>> No.8365781

>All what's needed is parents to be parents again and actually control their kids.

It's REALLY HARD to get people to do that. There's just too many fuckheaded parents around. You're never going to get them all to care.

>> No.8365785

Enjoy your demographic collapse you sexless fucks.

>> No.8365810

Christ, I can't believe the amount of idiocy in this thread. Can you retards truly not grasp anything beyond your memes and buzzwords?

Okay, imagine you're the head of a country facing an obesity epidemic. What do you do?

a. Nothing.

b. Use educational and social measures to discourage people from overeating, etc. (For the record, I highly doubt the removal of mascots will have much of an effect. I'm not arguing it's a very good idea.)

c. Yell at parents to be better parents. Not "teach responsibility", because you don't want a nanny state. Just straight up screaming at people to be more responsible.

The amount of retards in this thread arguing for c. makes me scared for the future.

>> No.8365816

>because you don't want a nanny state
Nanny States are objectively awful though.

>> No.8365991


>> No.8366080

>The government should be watching kids nutrition like a hawk instead of making parents to take better care of their kids.

Confirmed for living in the DPRK

>> No.8366175

Primer post mejor post.

>> No.8366208

>remove street signs to avoid traffic accidents.
Some cities tried that and it works!
Since the driver had to follow the driving licences rules and common sense and is more carreful

>> No.8366220

>"I can't force him to eat something he doesn't like..."

That's not the problem. The problem is stopping kids from eating what they DO like. If little Brynleigh and Kade are eating all their broccoli and then dipping into a stash of Strawberry Shortcake Rolls in their room after, you've accomplished nothing.

>> No.8366224

Why are coco pops $4000?

>> No.8366250

just make it count as child abuse

>> No.8366261

Good idea.

Toy commercials should be banned too. All marketing targeted towards children is unethical. Anyone here who disagrees obviously doesn't have kids.

>> No.8366317

Name one city that did that and when. Protip: You cannot.

>> No.8366519

Maybe if you can't say no to your kid, you shouldn't have a kid.

>> No.8366575

None of the product is zoned or place right. The labels aren't left hand justified....what piece of shit store is that

>> No.8366606


> Source: my /pol/ ass guys!

I posted the source already :


What I didn't post yet is a link to an article about it working, so here :


"Citizens must adhere to government-mandated waistline limits or face consequences. The government has established waistline limits for adults ages 40 to 74. Men must maintain a waistline at or below 33.5 inches; for women, the limit is 35.4 inches. The "metabo law" went into effect in 2008, with the goal of reducing the country's overweight population by 25% by 2015. The government's anti-obesity campaign aims to keep "metabolic syndrome" — a number of factors that heighten the risk of developing diabetes and vascular diseases, such as obesity and high blood pressure, glucose and cholesterol levels — in check, thus minimizing the ballooning health care costs of Japan's massive aging population.

Those who stray beyond the state-mandated waistlines are required to attend counseling and support sessions. Local governments and companies that don't meet specific targets are fined, sometimes quite heavily."

Fascism, it works.

>> No.8366614
File: 999 KB, 500x281, Bill_Murray_Caddyshack2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even though this is needed to fight obesity.

Yeah, it's not the nutritional content but the packaging and toys that come with the product making everyone fat.

>> No.8366768
File: 41 KB, 494x414, Capture (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't they just let the mascots fat shame kids instead?

>> No.8366899


What the fuck do they expect from Santa?!?
He has to put the kids on his lap and he gets no say on their weight?

>> No.8366996

>this is needed to fight obesity.
No, what's needed to fight obesity is some self control and - if companies were going to do anything - less sugar. But less sugar in food won't happen because then people wouldn't buy as much food.

>> No.8367074

This story really fucked with my jimmies. The Santa was joking, and that kid is fucking huge for his age, and the mother is a fat smug bitch.

>> No.8367097 [DELETED] 


>my mom always complains my brother is too fat
>"Just don't buy the shitty foods he keeps eating at home"
Mom you told me at 12 years old to not drink soda anymore. I dropped that like a rock, haven't had more than a glass per year since. And you think my """"little"""" brother is going to throw a shitfit if he can't eat gummi bears and ice cream anymore? Christ alive

>> No.8367100 [DELETED] 

>Fascism, it works.
At giving Japan the highest suicide rate in the world

>> No.8367112

>highest suicide rate in the world
not true, btw

>> No.8367114

She had a point, that man had no right to insult a child. It was a dick thing to do and she wanted an apology.

>> No.8367121 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 554x439, 123412672572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 17th. Woohoo!

>> No.8367135

>Japan the highest suicide rate in the world

Bullshit, pure and simple.

According to a December 2015 report by Worldatlas.com, Japan ranks 17th, moron.

Now try looking up statistics on gun violence by country.

>> No.8367143

did the weeaboo get upset

>> No.8367168

She has no point other than being a special snowflake, if her kid or herself can't handle the bantz, they need thicker skin to go along with their rhino frames.

>> No.8367176 [DELETED] 

>Now try looking up statistics on gun violence by country.
Why just gun violence? Why not all violence?

>> No.8367192

Because it doesn't fit the narrative, Russian hacker.

>> No.8367365

I'm sorry but which country still has an entire forest known for its sadsacks offing their selves in it?

>> No.8367441

Well riddle me this, wise guy. HOW do you make parents take better care of their kids?

Killing advertising to children would probably make it a little bit easier.

But no, we shouldn't make it easier, they should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and make America great again and meme meme meme, meme meme meme.

Fuck you and fuck your memes.

>> No.8367468

>How do you make parents take good care of their children
You don't, you give them information about it. If they want to fuck their children up its their choice
>They should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps
Yes they have a responsibility to take care of their children and deal with it
>Meme meme meme meme meme and meme
Are you upset that people should take care of their own shit instead of having the govt. do it?

>> No.8367478


The US has a bridge instead.

>> No.8367513

>Brynleigh and Kade

>> No.8367521

Multiple bridges, or really, any street corner in any city. The land of the free!

>> No.8367533

the same thing happened in my family, damnedest thing
it's been partially down to me to bring the hammer down regarding my younger sister, although usually when I remind my mom she didn't raise me like that she steps it up... for a while
what's the deal? do parents just get tired of parenting?

>> No.8367540

Santa is not supposed to give bantz, he's supposed to give presents and reassurance
literally any other figure I'd agree with you but Santa is different
although >>8366899 has a point

>> No.8367920

Santa has a naughty list, and gluttony is a fucking sin. If this kid is believing in fairy tales he's got to take the good with the bad.

>> No.8367970

The only sexless people in Japan are cucks or working too much. The smart ones are fucking the rest and reaping the benefits.

>> No.8368007

Poptarts don't have a mascot (on the box) and they're as bad for you as sugary cereal

>> No.8368015

That's not what your demographics suggest.

Aren't they outright pastries?

>> No.8368053

i think it is good, and advertising directed at children in general should be banned
parents have enough shit to deal with without corporations spending millions trying to trick their child's not fully developed brain into eating garbage

>> No.8368097

Looks like some people don't realize hispanics got shitty predispositions to obesity under western (i.e. high sugar/fat/salt) diets

But I imagine the majority of the people in this thread aren't hispanic

>> No.8368134

>There are countries other than the US that eat this "food"
That is correct

>> No.8368219
File: 150 KB, 1148x1600, blåvitt-2011-05-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those boxes still display an alluring array of colours and whimsical fonts.
This is the socialist cereal I grew up with. Time to step it up.

>> No.8368234

>mascots cause obesity

muy buena idea, jajajajaja

>> No.8368309


>> No.8368314

for what purpose

>> No.8368356
File: 26 KB, 500x445, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8368360
File: 494 KB, 850x537, 687474703a2f2f737461746963312e73717561726573706163652e636f6d2f7374617469632f3535383336363464653462303838363932643531393832322f742f3535643865383537653462303766616166616166303664312f313434303237383631373634302f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just like Repo Man

>> No.8368419

Japan is a fucked up country.

>> No.8368445

That's a store brand, which I haven't seen in so many years, Konsum used to carry it I'm pretty sure.
There was just as many typical cereal available as there is now.

It's "mugg", meaning cup, like a coffee cup.

>> No.8368448
File: 2.68 MB, 2366x1812, 20161214_073839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When everything is equal you might pour tea in the toilet paper roll or detergent in the baby bottle. The bare minimum of labels help prevent this.
Pic related, breakfast of champ.. a person no better or worse than anybody else.

>> No.8368469


is that spanish Koko Krunch?

>> No.8368588

>Choco Krisps

nigga what?

>> No.8368593

I prefer Toaster Strudel Mr.Bond.

>> No.8368688


I'm from germany and though we have pretty decent bread ourselves, when it comes to nutritional values everything i saw at the supermarket blew my local shit away (dat high fiber, high protein, low sugar goodygoody)

also quaker havre fras must be the most delicious "healthy" cereal there is, FUCK OATS SHIT TASTES KINDA BLAND.

>> No.8368792

I'm surprised that we aren't exporting more things.

Apparently Americans don't have lemon flavored fish sticks, I feel sad for them, some day I should bring them some.

>> No.8368851

And you'd blow that hard-earned cash on junk food? In amounts that would put you at risk of getting fat?

>> No.8368871

Is Ronald banned yet?

>> No.8369055

Friendly reminder that the people who push this shit are dumb single mothers.

>> No.8369257

Soccermoms in general.

>> No.8369712

Looks less kid friendly which makes me think its healthy which makes me want to buy it / eat it which in turn will make me fat and give me cancer

>> No.8371065

i wish we did this in the US. it would force a lot of companies to churn out better quality products in fear of the big black warning label.

>> No.8371066

>supporting a ban
>children don't belong to the state
Pick one.

>> No.8372261

Why not just make healthy cereal with cartoon mascots to attract kids. Obesity solved.

>> No.8372334

Un negro anda por un campo de minas y...puum se convirtió en chocapic!

>> No.8372443

I could get behind this, there's also the trafficlight system which is pretty good too.
Colour-coded nutritional information, as shown in the image above, tells you at a glance if the food has high, medium or low amounts of fat, saturated fat, sugars and salt.

red means high
amber means medium
green means low

>> No.8372467

So do I, but I feel like retards would just eat 5 servings of the 'healthy' snacks. I think part of the problem is that since Americans don't know metric and still use volumetric recipes, most serving sizes seem arbitrary

>> No.8372491

I bought some kids cereal just because of this thread, hadn't had Chocapic for years.

Also when will this law come into effect? The warning signs appeared right away, but I'm still seeing mascots on every box.