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File: 11 KB, 194x259, Okami_sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8602972 No.8602972 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post the best sushi, worst sushi, and everything in between.

>eating Okami Surimi rolls rn
>imitation crab is meh
>sesame seeds add a nice crunch
>how did they manage to fuck up the rice?

>> No.8602982

>eating non-freshly prepared sushi

>> No.8603014

See, I think a lot of people who try sushi for the first probably try the pre-packaged supermarket stuff like OP's photo, end up hating it and don't realize restaurants serve way better sushi.

>> No.8603032

I'm waiting on a call to tell me whether I'm getting hired at a jap restaurant

So if they give me a job they best sushi

>> No.8603055
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Negitoro temaki is best sushi.
Still love some sashimi, though.

>> No.8603064
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based sushi poutine

>> No.8603077
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>> No.8603082

Yeah, I know it's lower than pleb-tier, but it's what I got. Truth be told, I could have gotten something a bit fresher (made two hours ago, instead of two weeks ago) if I were willing to walk an extra 200 yards.

Best sushi I've ever had was at this local joint called Ichiban. The rice was sticky enough to not fall all over the place, but dry enough to not make a mess. Pretty based spicy tuna and eel rolls.

What the fuck?

>> No.8603086

the longer I stare, the more repulsive it gets

>> No.8603235

>fucking love philly rolls
>shunned by sushi snobs

fuck you guys cream cheese is good in sushi.

>> No.8603255
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Going here friday, not sure what I'm gonna get yet. I think I want something fried, something raw and 2 other rolls.

>> No.8603261
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>> No.8603282


WOOF I remember this stuff

It's real bad. It's too sweet and the rice is the worst rice I've ever had. I used to get it for lunch and I'd throw some smoked salmon on top to balance it out. Looking back on it that probably made it worse.

>> No.8603323


>shrek roll

this can't be real

>> No.8603330

It's not, they have a shreck roll though.

>> No.8603345
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>> No.8603346


>registered trademark

>> No.8603765
File: 247 KB, 600x467, egg_sushi_by_lava_tomato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always found egg sushi disgusting. It always has this slight sweetness to it that I found unappealing which is a real shame because I like eggs.

>> No.8603824
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>> No.8603832

>this slight sweetness
That's because they put sugar (and soy sauce) in it, you dope.

>> No.8603836
File: 5 KB, 145x144, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8603845

I fucking know that retard.

>> No.8603884

actually sickening, especially for that price.

>> No.8604576
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>Nearest Kroger like 10~ miles away
>Only place to get packaged sushi is Kroger
>Haven't had sushi in years
I want to die

>> No.8604764
File: 191 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-02-19-19-33-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw land locked and have to wait a few days for sushi.

>> No.8604835
File: 2.19 MB, 900x1536, sushi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8604849




>> No.8604906

>work at japanese restaurant
>people constantly refer to nigiri as the blanket term "sushi"
>try to correct me

I've given up even bothering to be subtle in correcting them. Now I just assume they're idiots and don't bother, but Jesus some people need to fucking expand their vocabulary.

>> No.8604975

True Nips eat makis and nigiris

>> No.8605013

I like eel roll. Eel tastes good.

>> No.8605064
File: 180 KB, 1000x563, PicsArt_02-22-03.14.09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8605075



>> No.8605079
File: 120 KB, 1000x563, PicsArt_02-23-12.44.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8605125

i stick to these when want sushi in a pinch and avoid the fishy fish that taste like slime and stick to cucumber and avocado sushi

>> No.8605444

This sushi will always remind me of Pokemon Stadium

>> No.8605661


>> No.8605810
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>> No.8605994

do americans actually do this!

>> No.8606014

poutine is canadian, friend

>> No.8606027

Did you get it?

>> No.8606065
File: 128 KB, 334x300, 1487626057006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are these?

>> No.8606124

sushi, pleb

>> No.8606356


>> No.8607026

This sushi looks pretty good.

>> No.8607039

>order nigiri at sushi restaurant
>nip sushi chef does a smug laugh and says "u mean sushi?"
>dont tip

no pleasing nips i guess

>> No.8607050

Okami rolls are perhaps the worse food I've ever tasted. Literally nothing good about them.

>> No.8607060

>I always found egg sushi disgusting. It always has this slight sweetness to it that I found unappealing which is a real shame because I like eggs.
It's called "tamago" and it in fact sugary scrambled eggs. Think of it like custard without the dairy. Flavorful mirin can be kind of sweet, so the sugar added kind of takes the place of more expensive mirin, and so now sugar is just included.

>> No.8607077

>>work at japanese restaurant
>>people constantly refer to nigiri as the blanket term "sushi"
>>try to correct me
>I've given up even bothering to be subtle in correcting them
Are you saying nigiri-sushi isn't sushi? Or did you mean to type sashimi instead? Sashimi has not sushi rice in it, so would fit your error theory. If not, well, then you're wrong. You can in fact refer to nigiri sushi as sushi, technically.

>> No.8607092

>things that never happened

I'm saying "sushi" is a term to refer to vinegar rice with fish/meat/veggies/whatever. It literally says on the menu "sashimi," "nirigi," and "makimono." If you say "salmon sushi," that can refer to many things depending on the person. My point is people try to correct me when they're in the wrong and sometimes give an attitude with it. Sure you can refer to nigiri as sushi, but that would be like ordering "red wine" and expecting me to give you a shiraz when you mean pinot noir.

>> No.8607095

Sounds to me that he's gettin mad people aren't being specific enough for his taste when referring to nigiri dishes. It's every bit as dumb as a steakhouse waiter complaining his customers keep referring to NY strip as steak.

>> No.8607113

same here. the minigame with sandshrew was my favorite, i always won.

>> No.8607885
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Tfw land locked but live in a city that gets fresh fish daily via UPS hub

>> No.8607902
File: 39 KB, 736x490, c2eae35c22a15a904b4db46956c8b2c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a tuna roll. It's a shitty but tasty little thing made with scrapings from the tuna after they make the expensive sushi. It's good for a lunch box. Stop trying to make this fancy.

>> No.8607905

I preferred the stadium 2 games because my friends and I were all about the same skill level at the minigames, but the I always won the quizzes they give in the event of a tie because I'm autistic when it comes to pokemon. Also, the coins being taken away and die rolls and stuff really spiced it up for drama if you had 3 friends playing with you.

>> No.8607907
File: 48 KB, 637x445, hand_roll_spicy-tuna-roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a hand roll. It is also made from cheap and tasty scrapings. It is literally a Japanese burrito. Stop trying to make this fancy.