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8765117 No.8765117 [Reply] [Original]

How come we slaughter cows to eat their meat but dogs are magically exempt from barbarism?

>> No.8765118

Asian detected.

>> No.8765122

Dog gets eaten in Japan, Korea and China, anon.

>> No.8765125

Dogs are eaten in Asia

But really they don't taste very good, so there's not much point
Especially when the dog is more valuable as a work animal, managing your herds

>> No.8765129

Dog meat isn't good. If you want to know what it taste like. Eat a raccoons.

>> No.8765136

They shouldn't be.

Make dog great again!

>> No.8765143

We've systematically mindbroken the entire species to act like our children but eating them? EWWWWWW

>> No.8765145

Dog meat was never great.

Game and horse needs a comeback though.
Tired of white bitches saying "eww moose is too exotic" and then eating wagyu shipped in from across the planet

>> No.8765148

it's pretty obvious but:
>dogs were never domesticated for food, they were domesticated to help with tracking and be a living alarm of sorts. they're one of very few animals that can perform these roles.
>using predators for meat doesn't make sense since you need to actually feed them meat before they grow big enough to be worth consuming. cows on the other hand eat grass which is worthless to us and grows everywhere.
>when you keep an animal around for a long time you become attached to it, that's just how humans work. we can even get attached to and name inanimate objects.
>humans instinctively treat their pets a bit like family members. most people wouldn't want to eat their niece.

>> No.8765150

And why can't we use them for pleasure either? Why can't we have sex with them?

>> No.8765152
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A dog's got personality. personality goes a long way.

>> No.8765153

We have this thread every month. Can we please stop?

>> No.8765156

Some dog breeds are raised just for food.

>> No.8765158

Not until it's legal to eat dog in the US and Europe.

>> No.8765159
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>dogs were never domesticated for food

What is Nureongi

>> No.8765166

>implying it's illegal

Slaughtering dogs for food is perfectly legal, you just need to hire a food inspector to supervise you and make sure you're not killing dogs for fun.

>> No.8765167
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Cry harder, dumbass.

>> No.8765169

Lots of people eat dogs & cows but only Asians seem to beat and burn them in a torturous way so they die slowly and painfully, isn't that really what you are for? I mean that's what people are complaining about, it's not so much about eating dog meat.

>> No.8765173

yeah no kidding. lets get back to the "for me its this particular fast food item" threads.
Also, fuck off, crybaby

>> No.8765174

Commercial slaughter and sale of dog meat is illegal.

>> No.8765187

So is dealing drugs.
It happens, you are not in a perfect world you special snowflake.

>> No.8765189

"eating dog" is not illegal, stop moving goalposts.

>> No.8765194
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Back to >>>/mlpol/

>> No.8765195

>doesn't want nonsensical law on the books
>special snowflake
u wot

>> No.8765198

>cow eats grass and hay all day
>very little cost
>produces 400 - 600 pounds of meat depending how long you let it live

>dog eats scraps/dog food
>runs around all day burning calories
>produces maybe 20 - 50 pounds of meat depending on breed

>> No.8765200

Dogs you mean? You can in Leafistan. You can marry one if you so choose, so you're not living in sin anymore.

>> No.8765235

>to act like our children

majority are companions, need to stop assuming celebrity retards with dogs in their bags are the status quo of dog owners

>> No.8765238

>most people wouldn't want to eat their niece
I'd eat my niece, if you know what I mean.

>> No.8765244

>runs around all day burning calories

not if its in a cage...

>> No.8765245

that's why I wrote "most" ;)))))))

>> No.8765260

That coon meat is lousing with worms

>> No.8765274

Protip: that's not how you should treat your children.

>> No.8765312

>How come we slaughter cows to eat their meat

Because herbivores are delicious, and dog tends to taste like shit.

>> No.8765334


Meat from carnivores is terrible, for one.

>> No.8765389

>that guy who was lost in the woods for days stumbles upon a stray doggo out in the wild
>the doggo sticks by his side for days and days while the two wandered together looking for a way home
>could be a wonderful story about mans best friend
>except after a couple of days with the doggo the man decided he was too hungry to continue
>bashed the doggo over the head with a rock and ate its flesh
>the doggo meat was so bad the man ends up vomiting it all up
>the doggo was killed for nothing
>the very next day the man was found and rescued

fuck that guy. I get deeply angry every time I think about it. I wish the dog ate him instead

>> No.8765413

Cows don't make good pets, they're big, they have smelly farts, and they take a huge shit.

>> No.8765428

>eating meat is barbarism

>> No.8765431

Dogs are work animals. Cows are food animals.

It's pretty simple. That's why we don't eat horse, and why hindus don't eat beef.

>> No.8765439

Cows are delicious. Dogs are not.

>> No.8765457

because dogs aren't bred to taste good.

>> No.8765463

Jack London wrote a story like that only it was a sick wolf and they were both seriously starving and the wolf was waiting for the man to die so he could eat him, but the man killed the wolf by biting it's throat and sucking the blood. Hmm, on reflection it's not that similar. Nevermind.

>> No.8765480

>I wish the dog ate him instead
Species traitors like you are the fucking worst. I hope you get eaten by a wolf, and I hope it's slow enough that your tiny mind is able to process what a retard you are.

>> No.8765577

Dogs matter.
Cows do not.

>> No.8765600

t. Trump supporter

Cows are sacred to a large majority of people on this planet, Cletus.

>> No.8765604

eat a dog then, nobody's stopping you

>> No.8766378

My society imparted morals do.

>> No.8766389

Different cultures, pajeet. The west generally considers dogs as companions or a working animal. If you want feral dogs running around eating all the crap on your designated shitting streets, that's your prerogative.

>> No.8766391

They taste awful and they work

>> No.8766424

Cows only exist still because humans decided they tasted good, they're dumb assholes and should be extinct.

>> No.8766449

Because it was the chicken and cow that dropped those bombs on haroshima and Nagasaki. They knew what they were getting themselves into. To make things worse they framed the dolphin and whale, which resulted in genocide.

>> No.8766464


but anon, taste is subjective? are you implying that there is an objective and empirical method humans can use to grade taste?

>> No.8767285

Different animals serve different purposes for us. Dogs make great companions, cows make great meals.

>> No.8767428

I gotta thank nuts like you for making libertarianism seem completely unpalatable to the average lay-person. It's probably for the best.

>> No.8767438

because we bred dogs and cows for different reasons

>> No.8768551

They'd probably taste lean and gamey

Pigs chicken and cow on the other hand have been vettted buy hundreds of years of human experience

Try it if it was humanely killed. Humans too, I don't fall for the morality spook

>> No.8768556

Except hardly anyone uses them as work animals anymore

>> No.8768571

Civilised people make a distinction between work animals and food animals
It's why slavs and baltniggers will eat horse but not dog, western europeans and their diaspora will eat neither and gooks will eat literally anything

>> No.8768579

That's just not true

>> No.8768583

>work animal
maybe if you are a peasant slav and need to commute to work on your pack of feral fleabags yes

>> No.8768606

dogs are helpful on hunting, they have a purpose that means not being eaten for most cultures.

>> No.8768627

and cows don't? They give milk and do can manual labor. Dogs are shit compared to cows in terms of usefulness.

>> No.8768642
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ITT: meat comes from the store

>> No.8768744

You're a retard if you think cattle ranchers are going around selling all their dairy cows to butchers.

>> No.8768784

dogs = carnivore = taste like shit.
They don't naturally get fat too.
The whole "chinese eat dogs" industry literally only flourish because of famine and American tourists who want a thrill. not even ten years ago any Chinese person would bitch slap you if you dared to talk about that shit to them as part of their culture.

>> No.8768792

>large majority of people on this planet
hindus make up a majority of the world population?

>> No.8768817

Moose is difficult to make.
I personally enjoy making a stew or "Elghakk" wich is a Meat sauce similar to bolognese, but without tomato, oregano, basil and Olive oil.

I Think that humans tend to avoid predators and the like becourse it is insanely difficult to make a Nice meal out of compared to regular game like moose, rabbit or bird. Have you tried moose carpaccio?

>> No.8768831

Dogs are omnivores retard

>> No.8768952


japan does not eat dogs. korea and china do though. taiwan and vietnam too.

>> No.8769676

Fun fact! Almost all beef you eat are steers! The males!

>> No.8769688

Kinda like you that, innit?

>> No.8769694

Why is Japan so civilized and perfect?

>> No.8769735

Yes, actually

>> No.8769752

Dude, the illegal dog meat trade in Japan is massive.

>> No.8769766

yeah, they only eat larger highly intelligent creatures, like whales.

>> No.8769780

>How come we slaughter cows to eat their meat but dogs are magically exempt from barbarism?

Questions that only dumb white folk ask themselves.

>> No.8769785

Dogs have been domesticated thousands of years ago

>> No.8769854

Because dogs were created by us for working and playing, not eating. Also, their diet is almost as gross as ours.

>> No.8769859

Not much good meat on them either. Eating a dog is like racing lawnmowers.

>> No.8769865

We've systematically engineered them to not rip our throats out.

>> No.8769871

Deer Sausage is good. and I'm a food normie.

>> No.8769879

Humans can socialize with mammals easily because we are mammals. Although some weirdos keep reptiles.

>> No.8769881
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>Dog bit him, and my dad jammed his hand down the dog’s throat, ripped up his fuckin'’ stomach.

>> No.8769889

They're pretty smart, although corvids are more logical.

>> No.8769891

>tuna tastes bad

>> No.8769898

Are they especially fatty or something?

>> No.8769900

Rabbit is pretty tasty.

>> No.8769901


Do you think that a single exception somehow invalidates a general trend?

>> No.8769904

Yeah, even mass slaughterhouses use methods that are pretty damn humane compared to what I've seen of dog harvesting. Granted, it probably varies quite wildly from establishment.

>> No.8769917

There is a difference between a regulated trade and organized crime.

>> No.8769927

>taste is subjective?
Is that a question or a statement? Stop typing like a numale.

>> No.8769930

Cannibalism or child sexual abuse, which is least acceptable in Texas. The answer may surprise you.

>> No.8769934

>90 pounds
not even a big guy

>> No.8769936
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Mohammed is the most commonly used name on Earth. Read a fucking book for once.

>> No.8769937
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> why are some things different from other things


>> No.8769943

disease, bacteria... Coons aint good people. This is coming from a Canadian. There is a reason those dumpster cats aren't on our money.

>> No.8769946


>> No.8769953

Also they can kill you by accident

>> No.8769960

Underrated post.

>> No.8769963

horse is also kind of gross. Deer is better.

>> No.8769968

Being eaten by a wolf isn't a bad way to go. Being eaten by a pig though...

>> No.8769972

Dogs just aren't good eating.

>> No.8769980

For you.

>> No.8769982

Are pigs sacred to anyone? Not an argument, just curious.

>> No.8769994

Hey man, some culture did. There's pottery in serving the tribe in such a material way.

>> No.8769998

What are guard dogs. What are rescue dogs. What are drug sniffers. What are hunting dogs. What are seeing eye dogs. What is autist's only friend?

>> No.8770004


Sure, those jobs exist but how common do you think they are exactly? Those are specialized jobs that don't reflect much of what the average person does.

>> No.8770006

Ancient Egyptians thought they were sacred.

>> No.8770009

do you never get out? Dogs do all kinds of work. Most homeowners get big dogs to tear the nuts off crackheads trying to tresspass.

>> No.8770013

citeh boi.

>> No.8770015

Well they were right!

>> No.8770019


>> No.8770024

My dog loves carrots.

>> No.8770034

Then again, some dogs are specifically bred to rip throats.

>> No.8770038

>compares fish with mammals.

>> No.8770046

Dogs are a work animal.

Cows are mostly a food animal though steers are placed higher because they've been trained and it sucks carrying and pulling stuff by yourself.

They aren't magically exempt, it's just more of culture thing that got turned into a taboo. We just place them higher than cows because of their value when they're alive.

>> No.8770048

dogs eat shit. It follows.

>> No.8770050

Dogs are mostly carnivores that evolved to be slightly omnivorous due to eating scraps. They still should be eating mostly meat.

>> No.8770053

Well excuse me for living in a country that isn't suffering from mass starvation.

>> No.8770054

Carnivore meat is bad for you, you want hervibore meat

>> No.8770062

Autism is pretty prevalent.

Also dogs are often used as a substitute for security systems by most middle class North Americans.

>> No.8770068

Didn't they have a thing for both dogs and cats?

>> No.8770075

>Also dogs are often used as a substitute for security systems by most middle class North Americans.

I've lived in the US for 33 years, in multiple different states. Not a single person I have ever met--be it a coworker, friend, neighbor, employer/employee, you name it--has had a guard dog.

In fact, I've only ever met one person who did have a guard dog. But they lived down the road from my relatives in Denmark.

>> No.8770092

I've lived in the US for 25 years, in multiple states, and I've known various people who have dogs and think of them as "guard dogs".
Your dog doesn't need to be able to rip somebody's throat out to be a guard dog.
Just having a dog acts as a deterrent because most dogs bark when they see somebody they don't know. Scratch that, most dogs bark when they see ANYBODY. Anyone with any brains rattling around between their ears will pick a different house to break into if they know a dog is at yours.

>> No.8770107

>Scratch that, most dogs bark when they see ANYBODY. Anyone with any brains rattling around between their ears will pick a different house to break into if they know a dog is at yours.

Yes indeed. But that's not relevant to the discussion here. We're talking about the fact that people used to have dogs primarily for working purposes, whereas nowadays that's limited to rare and specific instances, and instead most people have dogs for pets.

A pet dog might very well act as an effective robbery deterrent but that's not the same thing as a person having an actual purpose-bred-and-raised guard dog.

>> No.8770115

Too bad for you, because that's what Americans think having a "guard dog" means.

>> No.8770131

How is that relevant to this discussion whatsoever?

>> No.8770132

>guard dogs

It's not so much a middle class thing, it's a poor ghetto thing, at least down here in the south. Many blacks living in shithole neighborhoods in memphis keep a pit bull or two chained up in their backyard. I pity the poor dogs, but it's legal as long as they keep them fed and watered. Whereas in my neighborhood, no one, black or white, keeps a guard dog.

>> No.8770141

Because to have a large meaty dog it has to eat meat. To have a large meaty cow it just has to eat grass(or subsidized corn if you're a disgusting person that likes eating disgusting and sick cows)

If dogs would just roam around eating grass and got nice and plump we would eat dogs. If cows needed to eat meat we would never eat cows.

>> No.8770148
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>why do you want to eat me anon

>> No.8770744

it's a question dumbass. read it slowly.

>> No.8770897

then don't eat a dog, good god what do you want

>> No.8772049

sleep tight doggo

>> No.8772094

this. moral arguments are perfectly valid since culture/society is something we deal with every day and were born into.

Aside from that it's shitty meat which runs around every day and consumes a fuck ton of food, much more than say a pig which eats just about any scrap you can find.
Doesn't look any bit more plump or fatty than any other dog and their meat is no better than any other dog. By cramming it into a cage and never socializing it, gooks can rationalize it as a dog for food despite the fact that chicken or pigs would be able to live in the same amount of space and consume less food

>> No.8772433

The practical reason is that dogs are predators, and it's generally not a good idea to eat predators due to biomagnification.
They also don't taste very good, nor do they yield much meat per body.

The reason dog eating is so popular in Asia is that it's a lot easier to find a stray dog in the street that you can eat than it is to find a stray cow or pig.

>> No.8772460

Because cows are faggots. Doggos are bro tier.

>> No.8772462


>why do we treat something differently than we treat other things that are different from it?

i hate this bait

>> No.8772484

Dogs are more useful work animals than cows.
Dogs are more useful alive rather than dead.
This thread is retarded.

>> No.8772501


can we stop with this tired argument? taste is subjective, even if the meat is not efficient to farm or is a texture/taste that you do not like does not mean that there isn't another group of people who do like the texture/taste.

using something as subjective as 'taste' to justify why we can't eat one type of animal is asinine.

the ease in which we can raise some animals for meat can be objectively measured and is correct, certain animals yield more meat for our efforts then others. However, that doesn't mean we can't eat animals we don't farm, we eat deer and other game animals when they are inefficient to farm as well. we do it because some people find that it tastes good.

lastly, the whole 'dogs were domesticated to do XXX so we can't eat them' is rubbish. Dogs were domesticated because we needed a tool for a job, if that job isn't there for them anymore it's perfectly reasonable to repurpose a tool. Things originally designed to function a certain way are not intrinsically bound to that role till the end of time.

>> No.8772522

>taste is subjective
Correct. However, the number of people that hold a specific subjective view is objective.
A large amount of people do not care for the taste of dog meat.

Additionally, my post was regarding why people don't eat dogs, not why they shouldn't.

>> No.8772540

Dogs are more aggressive, have less meat, are generally regarded as less tasty and are societally appreciated as social animals more than cows. Any one of those are reasons why we eat cows and don't eat dogs without going into potentially occupations dogs fill. Are there rescue cows, or police cows, or cows you keep for social comfort in your house? Only a rank dumbass would ask the question OP asked.

>> No.8772545

>police cows

Do pig cops count?

>> No.8772550

Because only a subhuman would every consider eating a dog. Dogs are man's best friend, the greatest animals to be on this earth in regards to humans. They love humans unconditionally, their brains have an entire section just to understand human facial expressions and words, they prefer being around humans more then other dogs.

Dogs are wonderful, emotional, spirited animals who will cry when you die. You'd have to be a literal sociopath subhuman to think they're food.

>> No.8772559

>How come we slaughter cows to eat their meat but dogs are magically exempt from barbarism?

They're not, we just live in a time where we have plenty of cow which is tastier and more nutritious. In WWI & WWII dogs and cats were eaten throughout Europe and Russia, same in Korea/Vietnam during their wars, and China during the great leap forward. If all meat alternatives went extinct except for dog we'd be eating Poodle burgers.

>> No.8772997


source? either way it will only be koreans in japan that eat it.

>> No.8773043

>eat the pal that will stick with you until the end and defend you when you get attacked

Seems odd to devour a dog. The one no matter how shit your day is, he will be there happy to see you.

>> No.8773111

Norse Pagans believed that a particular Boar, Gullimbursti was sacred and that eating a sacrificial pig during yule was a way of honoring the sacrifice of Gullimbursti to feed the warriors of valhalla every night. Live like a king all day, be slaughtered at sundown and cooked and eaten all night and do it all against the next day.

>> No.8773125
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>pigs are more intelligent than dogs
>torture and eat them anyway
>go online to complain about asians eating your "sacred" animals

Really makes you think......

>> No.8773143

Autist who can't socialize with humans detected.
>"I love dogs because they don't mind that I never bathe and masturbate 16 times a day!"
kys dogfag

>> No.8773159

>very little cost

lol no