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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8779228 No.8779228 [Reply] [Original]

I was 87kg since last year when i bacame 60kg. My life is awful, i can't eat pizza, pasta, sweets or anything that contains kcal.
I eat only fruits, vegetables and chicken . The last pizza that i ate was the 16 march 2016.
In your opinion a suicide is preferable?

>> No.8779232
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What are you trying to say Anon

>> No.8779236

Celiac or something? I'm sure there's food alternatives and such to improve your diets enjoyability

>> No.8779242

I cant eat anything else or i increase my weight. One evening i ate pasta and my weight increase of 1kg. My metabolism catch every kcal possible.

>> No.8779247

Life without the joy of food is terrible.
Life without girl because i'm fat is terrible.
Suicide only solution.

>> No.8779248

Did you eat a kilo of pasta Anon

>> No.8779258

beans man. Beans. they will save your life.

>> No.8779270

are you exercising?

>> No.8779277

yes, if you eat a kg of pasta, your weight goes of a kg. that is science

unless you have a very rare and very serious physical disorder, that I assume you would have been seen by a doctor for and mentioned, you're retarded or this is a very bad shitpost

>> No.8779289

No if i eat pasta that 1kg won't go down. yes i have a physical disorder

>> No.8779291

>eat tasty things in moderation
>fucking move once in a while so your body does something other than store all carbs as fat

>> No.8779294

Learn how to cook and learn how to properly count calories.It's not hard at all.

Or just fucking off yourself

>> No.8779301

is your physical disorder that you are quadriplegic?
If no, you are still capable of moving. And if you move you will burn calories. If your body can't burn calories, you would just die.

>> No.8779307

So your body exclusively metabolizes all carbohydrates?

What's the name of your disorder, because of that would be the case the same thing would happen with fruits and vegetables too

>> No.8779311

That's bullshit. Losing weight is about eating less calories than you burn. That's all it is. No fad will get around that cold hard truth.
That said, you also want to feel full and not be hungry all the time. And it just so happens most fat asses prefer food that has a lot of calories in a tiny bite. But I lost 30 pounds and ate pizza several times a week. I counted the calories. If I hit my limit in a day, that's all I ate that day. So if you are on a 2000 calorie diet, then you could conceivably eat two small pizzas a day. You could eat nothing but chocolate but your daily allowance would fill quickly and your stomach would feel empty. So you would still choose healthier options to keep from being miserable.

>> No.8779462
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>or anything that contains kcal
all food contains kcal. you need it to power your body.

>> No.8780374

Hope to see you on /fit/. You'll get plenty of support over there. I'm currently 96kg, trying to cut. Buy a kitchen scale, weigh your food, count calories. Aim for 500 calories below your sustaining level. There is alink for a calculator on /fit/sticky.

I just came home from a hard days work, steamed up broccoli, boiled chicken, zapped some brown rice + hull. Quartered it out into 4 totes = 4 meals. 400ish calories each

>> No.8780397

I know the feeling. Look into intermittent fasting. I skip breakfast, eat a late lunch, and then eat a normal dinner. If i want to get pizza and calorie dense stuff, I just eat dinner.

Also keep your diet high in fat and low in carbs, keeps you full way longer.

Look up Dr Jason Fung and watch his speech on YouTube about the two compartment model.

>> No.8780435

congrats you crash dieted. your metabolism is in disrepair.

lift weights and start eating protein, sissyboy. you'll get there in the end

>> No.8780880

Yo most fruits are high in kcal. And 86kg is tiny.

>> No.8782290

If you go for a run few times a week you can eat a pizza every other week, no problem. Why are you so autistic?

>> No.8782369

how tall are you?

>> No.8782375

>Pita bread (124 cals)
>Tomato sauce
>Basil leaves
>Salt, Pepper
>Lowest fat cheese you can find
I also like some spring onion on mine
There you go, tasty low fat Jameme Oliver pizza.

>> No.8782386

The problem with all the fatties is they don't have any imagination, or common sense for that matter.
Replacing mayo with yogurt, ketchup with tomato sauce and condiments of your choice, any other sauce with mustard for example, does wonders.
Chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, all the vegetable and condiments in the world shouldn't make it hard for you ore anyone else to diet.

t. Diagnosed obese as a child

>> No.8782404

>what is thermodynamics?
>what is flexible dieting?
>what is whole foods diet?
>what is low carb diet?
>what is keto?
>what is exercise?
>what is avoiding highly processed foods?
>what is avoiding added fat and sugar?
>what is staying away from pop and juice?
>what are fibrous veggies?
>what is drinking water?
>what is intermittent fasting?
>what is fasted cardio?
>what is moderate weight lifting?
>what are cheat meals?
Sort yourself out, bucko.

>> No.8782405

>r anything that contains kcal
Fruits, vegetables and chicken contain kcal

>> No.8782411
File: 74 KB, 670x510, IMG_2052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried...


>> No.8782518

so OP weighs 147kg? I am confuse.

>> No.8782574

Fucking this
>had to be diagnosed to know he was extremely overweight
Amerilards, everyone.

>> No.8782603

> this whole thread

> If I just do as much as eat 1 kg of pasta I'll weigh 1 kg more than before
> I don't know how to step on a scale AFTER taking a shit
> I don't know how to run
> omg how can I live with all this

Have you become a human only in march 2016? What the fuck are you even on about anon?

>> No.8782612

Yes i vote for suicide by overeating pizza.

>> No.8782613

Add some pepperoni extract and you have a very decent meal.

>> No.8782826

I'm Yuropoor, friendo
>have to be diagnosed with depression to know someone's sad

>> No.8782883

> i can't eat [...] anything that contains kcal
Holy shit you're a scientific miracle! Since march 2016. Unbelievable.

Anyway you're a fucking idiot, you can diet and still enjoy food. Actually you might enjoy it even more because you finally get rid of that addictive sugary and fatty taste they add to any refined/processed shit. You have no idea about nutrition or health, everything you said plain didn't make sense. Unless you actually have some incredibly rare and weird disease which I doubt.

>> No.8782892

Only that /fit/ has a lot of dedicated retards telling people carbs are bad, keto is the savior and meat is the healthiest food.

>> No.8784854

Learn to count calories you fat pice of shit. You can eat every thing you fucking want if it fits your Daly calorie intake (it doesn't mean that you are eating healthy btw).