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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8880616 No.8880616 [Reply] [Original]

Hi all, how do i incorporate more flavor into my cooking? Also how do I get into spice? I never grew up in a spice filled home (Iowa), right now even black pepper is too pungent for me...

Pic related my mom was a retarded gen x mom, who wanted to be a strong independent womyn, that being said she never learned cooking from nana. I miss nana

>> No.8880618

Apply shoe polish on your face and it'll come to you instantly.

>> No.8880619

Something is wrong with that chicken can any anon tell me I just can't put my pinkie on it

>> No.8880621

>Hi all, how do i incorporate more flavor into my cooking?

1) By selecting different recipes. Ethnic ones are good to consider.

2) Never cook anything in/with plain water, unless you are steaming. Instead, use a flavorful liquid like stock/broth, beer, wine, etc. as appropriate.

3) Understand that cooking techniques add flavor too. Browning food in the oven, grill, in a pan, etc, generates flavor due to caramelization and the Malliard reaction.

4) If you want to get used to spices then just add more of them to your cooking. Start with small amounts and increase over time.

>> No.8880630

>Something is wrong with that chicken

It's not browned and appears to have no seasoning whatsoever on it, thus it's going be bland as fuck. It looks like it was either boiled or microwaved.

>> No.8880634
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Saw Iowa, kill yourself you fucking flyover trash.

>> No.8880638

No sear. No seasoning. Nothing. It was just plopped in a cold pan or boiled.

>> No.8880644

op sucking dicks as always.

>> No.8880666

Smell the spices before putting them in your food. You'll get to know them better, will be better able to recognize the taste in the end product, and as such will help you figure out whether to use more or less of it next time.

>> No.8882215

Considering number two what the hell do you boil pasta in?

>> No.8882220

Add bleach as a seasoning

>> No.8882233

Heavily salted water, not plain water.

>> No.8882244

Black pepper has a pungent taste. More pungent than basil, oregano, cumin, and red chili

>> No.8882258
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>live with baby boomer parents
>mother starts cooking before I can pre-empt her
>mfw she cuts every last bit of the fat off of a pork loin roast "because fat is bad", puts it in a cold dutch oven raw, half fills it with water, adds a little pinch of salt for the whole piece of meat, covers it and puts it in a 350 degree

>> No.8882264


you need to kill her tommy...

>> No.8882821

My mom just refuses to season anything properly so it all tastes bland as fuck but she can bake really well. Then when she visits now and I cook she will watch me cook and tell me I'm using too much seasoning and other unhelpful tips, she then says how great my cooking is and asks how I get so much flavor.

>> No.8882826


I don't get your pic, OP. Who is Mary Beth and why does her going in on a dieter's supper upset Kyilee?

>> No.8882839

>tfw my mom always tell me my foods are all too salty but delicious at the same time

Why doesn't she love me?

>> No.8882854

>Then when she visits now and I cook she will watch me cook and tell me I'm using too much seasoning and other unhelpful tips, she then says how great my cooking is and asks how I get so much flavor.

hahahah! As a white numale struggling with that middle class empowered mom shit, THIS SO HARD.

When I moved out on my own and discovered salt... i wanted to go back home to visit just to slap my mom in the fucking face.

>> No.8882872

Because old people can't taste anything properly. I had to cook for like 20 people for a family gathering and for the old people I just baked them chicken and asparagus and just used olive oil and garlic since they always complain about the food being too salty, spicy, etc. My grandma told me I added too much salt and it was nearly inedible, then proceeded to slab butter all over everything and pour salt on it. I'm like 99% sure older women have to critique your cooking because its better then theirs.

Don't you know that if you use salt you will literally die? Now let me use salt on my bland as fuck food to add some flavor rather than just seasoning it and cooking it so it isn't bland.

>> No.8882889

>My grandma told me I added too much salt and it was nearly inedible, then proceeded to slab butter all over everything and pour salt on it

It's called dementia, anon. Don't worry about what old people think.

>> No.8882899

I've never seen anything like that pic in my life other than in movies about the 1950s. Most people I know overdo spices and shit. They think the more accent, garlic powder, & hot sauce the better. Though, my go to is PHS, black pepper, cumin, and Hungarian wax pepper powder.

>> No.8882915
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Use those little spice packet mixes or whatever the fuck they're called from the store and follow the recipe. Then do the recipes again but this time don't use the premixed spice packet but instead do the spices from scratch. Keep going until you find a blend that either matches the storebought shit or makes the food better than it.

>> No.8882921
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>> No.8882923

I actually boil my pasta in a mix of water, light olive oil, and salt. You can try this for yourself next time you make instant noodles by mixing the sauce packet in first before adding the noodles to the boiling water. Makes for a very different flavor.

>> No.8882954

>white culture
>potatoes are South American
>carrots are Persian
>peas are from Afghanistan


When I think of "white culture" and "cuisine", I think of Italian cuisine, French cuisine (you know, the people who defined what modern high class cuisine is), American cuisine, German cuisine... I dunno where this meme about bland boring food being "white" came from.

>> No.8882968

Does boiling instant noodle in slightly hotter water really makes that much difference? I always thought that was just clever meme. Def agree your pasta boiling is based tho

>> No.8882977

Boil chicken in water or boil chicken in stock, it comes out the same, so save the stock and just use water. Same with pork.

>> No.8882981

you know water and oil don't mix in that way right?

>> No.8882997

If any recipe ever calls for just boiling something and it isn't soup, for which you will consume the boiling liquid, don't do it. Find some other way to cook it. Boiling is universally the worst way to cook anything. You're better off just tossing something on to hot coals

>> No.8883001

That's the point. Oil makes thin layer on the top of water, preventing water from boiling in normal boiling point. You get to boil pasta in slightly higher temperature.

>> No.8883004
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It is not the temperature of the water but what is in that water that makes the difference. Think of it like a white t-shirt. Simply soaking it in hot water for a length of time doesn't change much, but if that water also contained a solution of coloring dyes then the shirt will absorb those colors into itself permanently.

>> No.8883019

Okay I laughed.

>> No.8883027

Not really, man. I make tacos a couple times a month with boiled chicken or pork. Boil it till it falls off the bone, shred it apart, season with cumin and chili powder, and refrigerate. Then whenever I need a quick snack, I refry it on a skillet with a warm tortilla and it's delicious. I experimented with using chicken stock and slow cooking with vegetables and aromatics, but it made virtually no difference and is just as tasty as being boiled with plain tap water.

>> No.8883052
File: 92 KB, 589x422, FilipinoBistek_marinate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get into marinating. It involves fewer ingredients, you can let it marinate over a day or two if you don't feel like cooking it immediately, and in my opinion it is the strongest possible flavoring technique you can do without culinary education. Plus you can use it to barbecue, panfry, roast, bake, etc.

>> No.8883069

if you put salt, oil, a whole clove of garlic, and half of an onion it comes out pretty gud. I usually use this method when I'm boiling about half a package or more of pasta though.

>> No.8883089

>pasta in a mix of water, light olive oil, and salt
>makes for a very different flavor.

No it doesn't

>> No.8883097

Do you happen to like one pan pasta?

>> No.8883121

Keke at niggers who think white people eat this. In Flyoverland, maybe.

>Nugguh get det Lawry's

>> No.8883132

The nigger assumes Mary Beth is a common white name and this is her best dish.

>> No.8883139

Nigs who cover rotten meat in pure sodium and Lawry's to hide the rotten flavor.

>> No.8883153
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Nice insinuation, try again.

>> No.8883175

It's just pasta water, no need to get... salty

>> No.8883200

I don't its why I make them bland food and everyone else gets good food except the person that like well done meat they get to cook their own abomination.

>> No.8883217


>White people discovered and colonized half the world in their pursuit of more spices

But yes, tell me more about how Flaming Hot Cheetos are the epitome of flavor.

>> No.8883244

dont be afraid to marinate food (soaking overnight and letting flavours impart themselves into your food) chicken is good because it absorbs flavor like a sponge. why put up with bland chicken?

>> No.8883259



>> No.8883263

>White people discovered

Bullshit. There were already people in those places. Entire societies and cultures. And most European explorers were off-whites like Spaniards and Portuguese and Italians. Not white people.

>> No.8883280

Try some different style of foods and see which spices are used in the ones you like.

Learn to cook in broth/stock. (Fresh or ones you buy premade) Learn to cook with oils and the spices you like.

Just google/youtube some basic tutorials until you can wing it. Its really that easy.

>> No.8883299

This is literally all they have, man. They can have their one little thing, doesn't really matter.

>> No.8883308


But they don't have it so they don't get that privilege.

>> No.8884427

that one video of the nigger going off about white people only using shit like garlic and ginger and not knowing what cayenne pepper triggers me every time, like every asian recipe ever isn't chock full of ginger and garlic

>> No.8884428


it's raw bitch

>> No.8884503

reminder that if you either have good quality, fresh ingredients or fully functional non-american tastebuds, you don't have to use lashings of salt and sugar to taste your food.

OP image looks delicious.

>> No.8884516


Given the size of the chicken breast in the OP photo that looks like flavorless factory farmed crap, not "good quality fresh ingredients".

>> No.8884547

You definitely make terrible food if you think that looks good

>> No.8884553

This is retarded. Adding oil and salt does nothing. Wasting veggies on boiling pasta is dumb as well. Just boil the pasta in plain water.

>> No.8884564


Oil theoretically prevents the pasta from sticking to itself, but that's backwards because you want the pasta to be sticky so that the sauce adheres to it.

Salting the water salts the noodles as they absorb the salty water.

You could likewise cook the noodles in stock. As they expand they soak up the stock flavor. That wouldn't be appropriate for Italian cooking, but it is perfect for making chicken noodle soup, or for many Asian noodles dishes like ramen, laksa, etc.

>> No.8884643

Its boiled chicken its kinda an easter thing black ppl are stupid

>> No.8884853

I'm glad niggers and spics cook so unhealthily because that means they have a Lower life expectancy

>> No.8884943


salt and fat.

herbs and spices. Try garlic and onion first, then work up to cayenne, parsley, rosemary, thyme, oregano.

>black pepper is too pungent

oh, you're a faggot

try ice cubes and bleached flour then since pepper is too spicy, baby

>> No.8884944


you always boil pasta in salted water you absolute fuckface

>> No.8885197

I'm strictly talking pasta. Adding salt to a probably already salty dish seems overkill. I never salt or oil my water. If I don't want my noodles to stick I add a dash of olive oil after, but like you said, why wouldn't I want them sticky?
No you don't. It's literally pointless

>> No.8885210

I got INTO cooking because my mom is a good mom in very many other ways, but she always saw cooking as a chore, trying to think of new things, so I would end up eating the same thing for days and days and she will just cook everything on high temp so it's "done" faster and ends up underdone in the middle. But all I do is google recipes, if you can remember what each spice tastes like and remember exactly why you like certain foods you want to make, you can pretty much will it into existence.

Idk, with all the resources available and the ability to ask /ck/ about any details you might be leaving out, cooking a 5 star meal is easier than it ever has been.

>> No.8885212

Back seat cooking in general just completely fucking rages me to the core I understand sometimes people want to help and I don't mind a quick tip here and there but for the love of God you came over to eat my food just let me fucking cook

>> No.8885216

I am just guessing, but they might be the ones who are buying the spice 'mixes' that are all premade?

>> No.8886921

>I dunno where this meme about bland boring food being "white" came from.
nignogs are salty

that and middle america puts mayo on maccaroni and calls it "salad"

>> No.8887290

>Adding salt to a probably already salty dish seems overkill
How much fucking salt do you cook with to be worried about having any in your pasta?
>No you don't. It's literally pointless
Educate us then. Why is it pointless?

>> No.8887584

stay blinded by denial timmy

>> No.8887598

>yfw some mayonnaise is referred to as "salad dressing" right on the label

>> No.8887728

>I've never seen anything like that pic in my life other than in movies about the 1950s
My father used to make vegetables like that. The meat was usually a little better unless it was sausages, those were always fine.

Meat and three veg was dinner most nights and except for being an overcooked, unmarinated lamb chop, it was a lot like OP's pic.

Country Australia didn't learn to cook until those reality cooking shows made it a big thing.

>> No.8887753

>Just boil the pasta in plain water
Jesus fuck, I grew up in an Italian neighborhood, full of Italian supermarkets. If I told them I was going to boil their pasta in plain water, they'd probably refuse to sell it to me.

Salted water adds flavour to the pasta itself, it means you can use much lighter sauces. Which is what more traditional Italian sauces tend to be, just light coatings on the pasta, not a huge mound of meat or something piled on top until you can barely see the pasta.

>> No.8887774

Don't blame the great state of Iowa for this shit.

My mom can cook.
Grandma loved italian, bbq,and text mex.

My cabinet is overflowing with spices.
An entire shelf of my fridge is sauces.
I have at least 8 kinds of cooking oils and real butter on hand.
Garlic and onions are my best friend.
I'm slightly in love with my food processor.
Sometimes I cheat on her with the mixer.
But she's forgiving.

>> No.8887796

1. try new recipes. this is exploration
2. Slowly stock your spices while you use these new recipes
3. smell your spices while cooking. take it slow, both what you're cooking and how many things you have going on in your dishes
4. learn to smell your food
5. really smell it man. get yourself to recognize different flavors, spices, and stages of cooking by smell
6. your new recipes you'll probably come across some mind-bending dishes full of flavor
7. you develop the sense of what "smell" aka spice to add while you cook

>Western white people have forgotten what it means to eat. Western white people, we have forgotten what real food is. It is a time for us to return to the kitchens and rediscover the old ways. To feed our bellies and our hearts with real food.

>> No.8887797

You should own a real wood Peppermill with metal internals.
I use Indian tellicherry pepper corns.

>> No.8888053

"Spices" are non-white meme. Sure you need some, and they're necessary to use in certain recipes, but in the end to be a good cook you should learn how to extract taste from other ingredients -- onion, garlic, herbs etc.

That being said, most people use way too little salt, if you cook with salt it highlights the natural flavour of the food rather than makes it salty, because salt blocks the bitterness receptors in your tongue. Same could be said for pepper, it should be added to most foods, certainly to all meat and don't be shy with it.

>> No.8889033

Ceramic is better you nerd!

>> No.8889738

Adding oil is useless.
Adding salt is simply for flavour, anyone who tells you otherwise is bullshitting. You can test the effect this has by boiling two loads of pasta side by side, one in correctly salted water and one not: there will be a difference. Furthermore I can tell simply from trying a piece of pasta when I've forgotten to salt the water and so can those who I give the pasta despite them not having seen any steps of the process.

>> No.8889747

>Salted water adds flavour to the pasta itself, it means you can use much lighter sauces. Which is what more traditional Italian sauces tend to be, just light coatings on the pasta, not a huge mound of meat or something piled on top until you can barely see the pasta.
This is spot on. A lot of the reason 'Italian'-American food has so much meat is actually poor immigrants having money for the first time in their life and going crazy. Their kids then grew up thinking that was normal.

>> No.8890200

Those people didn't make any effort to explore the world and discover new culinary and cultural experiences. Not whiteys fault.