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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 302 KB, 1400x788, Feature-Chef-Gordon-Ramsay-Cooking-Classes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8934215 No.8934215 [Reply] [Original]

Watch them while you cant, doubt they'll be up forever.


>> No.8934309


>> No.8934347

its nice they are free on youtube but you do know you could have just torrented all these if you really wanted to watch them, right?

>> No.8934398

Got a link?

>> No.8934435

Watched them all this a.m. Not really worth the time. Here's how you use a knife. Here's a pretentious way to make scrambled eggs. Here's why you treat food as inventory if you run a restaurant. Here's how you breakdown a bird. Here's how you prepare a breast and make a pan sauce. His daughter is kinda ugly too. British face^10. Would smash his wife tho. And we don't eat sloppy joes at football games.

>> No.8934459

Was about to link'm, thanks anon. Good to know we all sti/ck/ together.

>> No.8934499
File: 104 KB, 800x600, [calculating intensifies].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks op, it's always fun watching Ramsay getting really into stuff, even if it's techniques you've seen before.

>24 portions of salmon, work that out
>$45, $50 a portion, cooked to perfection?
>is a dream

Bless him.

>> No.8934528

it's nice but food wishes etc which has been on youtube for 7 years or something is about 10000000x more informative

>here's how you make scrambled eggs with half a pound of butter in them
no thanks gordo

>> No.8934578

I bet you over cook your eggs.

>> No.8934658
File: 433 KB, 474x438, ramsay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8934735

I went to /ck/ to see if there already was a thread about this.

Unfortunately the videos aren't that special. Imagine you paid for this.

>> No.8934768

I can't fucking stand how much he says literally, once you notice it, it's unwatchable

>> No.8934793

You do also get people to tell you how you fucked up, and Gordon will answer some questions.
Still not sure if thats worth $90 though.

>> No.8934797

Bongs can't into English. Literally.

>> No.8934799

this is exactly like this regular "free" videos, but slower

I prefer fast. i dont slow kitchen videos

>> No.8934928

for some reason bongs like that word


>> No.8934930

13 episodes and "advice for life" for 14 videos total

>> No.8934973

You could randomly reorganise most of the audio from these videos and just layer it over footage of food prep to make an endless stream.

Now, LOOK, literally, just, IN, let the knife do the work, STUNNING, chef's dream, AMAZING.

>> No.8934993

That some fat juicy ham right there.

>> No.8935081

shut up you fat turd

>> No.8935099

Gordon's a big guy

>> No.8935102
File: 702 KB, 1920x1080, youtu.be-gW6uxv8H5dw (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.8935108


>> No.8935112

how is his scrambled egg pretentious? that's fucking ridiculous

>> No.8935128

Sea urchin and white truffle are literally in everyone's cupboard! Literally not pretentious at all. Literally.

>> No.8935142

butthurt poorfag detected

>> No.8935178
File: 683 KB, 800x450, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The post

>> No.8935197

damn, it's almost 1 am, i really hope the rest of the videos are still up tomorrow.

>> No.8935238
File: 966 KB, 400x261, 1452441332093.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8935334

Utter perfection.

>> No.8935916

anndd the videos are gone.
good thing i had the last video opened on another tab.

>> No.8935937

Assuming there is actually a variant of his commonly posted scrambled eggs but with white truffle and sea urchin, I still struggle to see how making scrambled eggs with different ingredients makes them pretentious. Even if you disagree on cost grounds for whatever reason, at least the ingredients have purpose.

Plus, more people should eat urchin products, particularly from fisheries that have developed as a way to combat invasive and environmentally harmful urchin populations.

>> No.8935945

Made it up to nr. 13, I think that was all anyway, besides some "life advice" or something?

>> No.8935948

>Actually defending putting truffles and sea urchin in fucking eggs on a fucking instructional series
Is gordon's cock extra hard tonight or what?

>> No.8935973

He looks tired as fuck.

>> No.8935986

>Here's why you treat food as inventory if you run a restaurant
Not sure if you're being (((ironic))) or just plain stupid.

>> No.8936311

Got up to 14, poached egg and mushroom toast

>> No.8936389

Hey poorfag,
The non-pirated version comes with a work book with extra reading that expands on whats in the video and exercises that you should do.

The book specifically says to NOT use truffle and sea urchin until you've practiced the technique multiple times and to come back to the lesson after you made your way through most of the lessons and are revisiting to refine and perfect your skills.

>> No.8936417

>puts fucking oil in his pasta water
he's not even a bad chef, but my god is he overrated to hell and back

>> No.8936469
File: 30 KB, 338x225, Gordon-Ramsay-least-season-on-Hells-Kitchen_event_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medium-Rare? Its overcooked. The scallops are so rubbery michael jordan is trying to sell them. The duck is so undercooked its telling me to shoot the rabbit. You cook like this and have been with your husband how long? 34 years?!?!? poor man! No wonder he's dead. This food is so salty its saying hillary still has a chance. No one could survive what your cooking. Shove it down your throat and watch what happens. You'll wake up in the fucking E.R. and you fucking deserve it asshole.

>> No.8936643

why wouldn't they be up forever?
>make shorter, edited versions
>upload to jewtube
>collect subs/viewer money
>promote the fuck out of your own pay-per-view/subscription website to get access to exclusive episodes and advanced classes
is what i'm predicting. If they get enough youtube money from this though they'll prob just stick with youtube.

>> No.8936648
File: 38 KB, 322x700, 1406098439605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and Americans pronounce their R's too much, and learn how to use the letter H.
>mfw a yank says 'erb instead of "herb"

>> No.8936785

Anyone have an archive?

>> No.8936788

I think it's adorable how he pronunces it with three syllables

>> No.8937180

>>mfw a yank says 'erb instead of "herb"

No American does that. You're thinking of Jamaicans.

>> No.8937184

I do it, bud, never heard anyone say "hhhhhherb" in my entire american life.

>> No.8937187

I find that hard believe.

>> No.8937192

>leg looks young
Is that his daughter? She's got yummy legs.

>> No.8937199

>This food is so salty its saying hillary still has a chance

Okay, that made me smile.

>> No.8937211


Where in America do you live? No one pronounces the "h" west of the Atlantic.

>> No.8937220


I can see him shitposting on /fit/. He's definitely on TRT.

>> No.8937228

I could have sworn he already had videos about all this shit.

>> No.8937236

I live in the South-East

>> No.8938951

And its gone.

>> No.8940218

Heres the torrent. I also have the Google docs version but i can't link from mobile.
> https://katcr.co/new/torrents-details.php?id=89112