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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9137838 No.9137838 [Reply] [Original]

Well? What'll it be, /ck/?

>> No.9137841


>> No.9137846

italian unless it includes pizza

then chinese

>> No.9137848

Isn't Soulfood just a mishmash of old English and African food with American ingredients?

>> No.9137857

It's just a catch-all term for American fried food, and I can honestly do without it. Plenty of other cultures have fried foods that don't fit into that group.

>> No.9137858

what's wrong with chinese food? i mean true authentic chinese food and not the 2 dollar shit you get from some run down hole in chinatown.

>> No.9137870

Definitely "soul food".
Catch-all term for over-cooked crap.
Doesn't include BBQ, mac&cheese, etc. so fuck it.
Just "mom" food and "pot-luck" trash.

>> No.9137882

chinese tbqhfam

cant live without pizza, street tacos, or any soul food in general

>> No.9137883

Chinese. It's varied and great, but I love the others too much.

You two have clearly never actually been to the south.

You gfs fucking black dudes doesn't count.

>> No.9137884

Soul Food easily. Greasy tasteless slop for the most part. Not a fan of Southern BBQ either, pretty much the same thing I guess. I could pretty easily give up Chinese too, Thai is better in every way. I couldn't live without Mexican. I wouldn't want to live without Italian.

>> No.9137885

Definitely Italian, then 'soul food'.

>> No.9137899

Hahaha look at this shit. "An African-American cuisine" HAHAHA


>> No.9137907


chinese without hesitation

>> No.9137917

Soul food.

>> No.9137921

soulless heathens

enjoy hell you degenerates

>> No.9137934

Italian by far

>> No.9137958

If you don't pick italian you're fuckin scum, Chink food is shit, Soul food is just greasy american food, and mexican is... Ok at best.

>> No.9137962

Chinese of course

>> No.9137968

Are you even comprehending the image? Read it again.

>> No.9137970


>> No.9137974

pig assholes and bitter greens boild in the same pot.

>> No.9137988

And Americanized Italian food is all pasta, sauce, and too much cheese. BORING BORING BORING.

>> No.9137997

"soul" or italian. soul should be considered American cuisine, not some mystic outlier. probably italian since i predominantly have pastas

>> No.9138008

Enjoy your grits. Nobody else will.

>> No.9138013

It's basically just southern food labeled as quintessentially black after black people brought it north in the mid 20th century

>> No.9138019

kys phoneposter

>> No.9138028

Italian. I hate most of the seasonings they use, I hate tomato sauce, I hate noodles unless they're in an asian dish

>> No.9138048

This is a lot like me

>> No.9138053

>all these poorfag southeners jacking off to soul food

didnt knew IHOP and DEENYS were such an advance gourmet restaurant

>> No.9138054

Mexican gotta go. Back.

>> No.9138099

Soulfood, easily. it's just a garbage heap of random shit

>> No.9138108

the nig nog food

>> No.9138143

chinese easy.
havent eaten chinese on my own in years and years.

>> No.9138149
File: 101 KB, 590x590, Is5Mk3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scottish please

>> No.9138164

its bland and boring

>> No.9138167

this, i really hate how shite modern Scottish food is.

>> No.9138172

soul food
Also no offense to anyone, this is my first time browsing /ck/ but most threads seem to be from an american point of view.
Personally i've barely had mexican food.
I rarely eat anything deep fried, never deep fry anything at home.
Chinese is alright but again, rarely ever have it.
So in my life pretty much 3 of them have barely any presence.

Now i cook Italian and Mediterranean often so yeah, couldn't get rid of those.

>> No.9138181

soul food is shit. I live in the south, and I can say with complete confidence that real chinese, mexican, and italian food are infinitely better than real soul food. Soul food is shit.

>> No.9138190


Most seasonings? and tomato sauce doesn't have to be present, it's just very common on world-spread versions of Italian food. you can cook italian style using seasonings from other things. Also Noddles are generally asian, Pasta is italian, they can be cut into similar shapes but the main difference is that pasta is mainly wheat flour and eggs (and salt ofc), and noodles have a larger egg-to-flour ratio and use different flours (never made noodles from scratch myself though)

Anything can be made bland, the blandest rice i ever had was prepared by an indian restaurant owner, i wouldn't call indian food bland.

>> No.9138193


>> No.9138196

Soul Food

>> No.9138200

>no offense
anyway, the reason is this an American website. i dislike the narrowness on /ck/. its all American fast food shitposting and people pretending to be black talking about seasoning

>> No.9138205

yeah, what is that anyway

>> No.9138215

I didn't study the demographics, but yeah everything looks like it's being viewed through a narrow slot sometimes, i know there's lots of things i haven't tried all around the world but damn.... :P

>> No.9138218

I don't know what "Soul food" is but it looks like cheap chemical american fast food rubbish. That. That has got to go.
On the other hand, it's killing ameritards so that has got to stay.
Fuck Mexican food then.

>> No.9138221

Soul food kinda sucks in my opinion. Overcooked garbage and I always feel bad after eating it, likely because I consumed twice my daily caloric value in one meal.

Cajun food on the other hand is what soul food should be. Hearty and delicious, but requires a little bit of skill to make just right.

>> No.9138232

Mexican "food". It's just a form of laxative.

>> No.9138239

Welcome then mate. But this website, or at least the boards I mostly frequent like this and /o/ and /mu/, consists of mature, intelligent and knowledgeable people have conversations however very open and sometimes hostile - and Americans spreading their cancer onto us.

They're fat little trolls. They know that they're stupid as fuck and can't get anything right. So they post pictures of eagles and pretend they've beaten you despite not having provided a single argument. But just hope that you see it as a loss. Their entire existence consist of trying to make you believe the image of the US they've been indoctrinated to believe. Because they hope that if you do, they might as well.

Do not feed American trolls. They're overfed as it is

>> No.9138252

Well yeah there's these kinds of trolls everywhere, it's just that they usually don't have as much.. self righteousness.

Personally i'm not against any one country, but against blind nationalism in general. Many examples of that around the world. (still same person)

>> No.9138253

>If you don't think Kendrick Lamar and Future DEADASS BUMP IN THE WHIP F*M it's just your white privilege talking and you need to go back to /pol/
Boy get yo dumbass

>> No.9138265

what did you expect from trump voters

>> No.9138266

Asian food is terrible, could easily go without that shit

>> No.9138283


Soulfood is the byproduct of classical American slave food: The bits and pieces that the slave's masters didn't want to eat. Primarily the parts of an animal that were still edible, but considered inferior quality, as well as cheaper and inferior quality grain products.
It has long since evolved over the generations into a more savory fare, but still uses some of the "Old" ingredients in several dishes, including the parts of pigs and cows that most people wouldn't want to feed to their dogs.

Modern soul food is actually really good from a flavor standpoint, and the overall quality of ingredients and cooking methods have come leaps and bound from the days of slaves making do with what they could just to survive... But it's also among the unhealthiest shit you can eat on a regular basis. And many Black families eat it on a regular basis. Like making fresh fast food in your home...If that makes any sense.

There's a reason why the most consistent leading cause of death in Black males over the age of 35 is heart disease.

>> No.9138288

Hard call, but it's gotta be Italian.

>> No.9138316

Italian, Mexican, Soul Food, Chinese.

>> No.9138493

Have fun with your fried chicken and ocra.
I'll be eating food.

>> No.9138676

Western Chinese food because honestly it tastes like literal goopey shit that is nowhere near actual chinese food not even a chingchong.

>> No.9138681

Can we keep soul food without needing to keep niggers?

>> No.9138695

Soul Food, it looks disgustingly american and doesn't even exist in my country. Never cared too much about the mexican stuff either. I love both chinese and italian cuisine though.

>> No.9138751

I mostly eat Italian and Chinese. I guess I eat some kinds of Soulfood but never actual full course meals like in that image if that makes sense.

I'd get rid of Mexican food. I prefer Puerto Rican food anyways.

>> No.9138872

>an american tries to define foreign cuisines
Most pasta is not made with eggs. It is yellow because of the particular type of wheat flour used, semolina, not because of the addition of eggs.
Furthermore, salt is not used in making pasta. Salt is added to the water in which the pasta is boiled, not to the dough itself..
Finally, most noodles are also not made with eggs. The yellow shade of lamien/ramen/ramyun, for example, comes from lye, not egg.
>never made noodles myself from scratch
Then why are you trying to guess how noodles are made? You armchair "experts" really steam my beans.

>> No.9138934

>the board in which the principle that more obscure=good is deeply rooted in the psyche of every 15 year old poster

fuck outta here with that shit

>> No.9140890

Soul food.

>> No.9141023
File: 55 KB, 640x480, 'Merican Obesity is Sexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soul Food, it looks disgustingly american

'Mericans are often proud of things that disgust other countries.

>> No.9141042

Chinese. And it's not even close

>> No.9141084

Chinese food and Mexican food. Indian cuisine, Japanese cuisine, and Spanish cuisine don't seem to be affected at all.
I'll keep "Soul Food" (even if it's just for the beans, rice, and collard greens) and Italian (not fake-ass Italian-American) cuisine.

>> No.9141104

More like club bounce amiright lmfao

>> No.9141228

Remove Chinese as long as it's THAT kind of Chinese only.

HK-style food is better anyway.

>> No.9141235

Soulfood. Easy.

>> No.9141237

Probably Mexican. I enjoy it, but a lot of it tastes the same imo and I feel like there's more variety in every other group listed.

>> No.9141254

I would fuck the one on the left out of sheer curiosity.

>> No.9141255

Chinese needs to go as it is

>> No.9141281
File: 76 KB, 800x450, duck (2017_03_01 08_25_26 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HK food is fucking overpriced. Literally not even better than mainland and 8 times the cost.
I lived in Hong Kong for years and used to cross the border over to Guangzhou for decent dimsum.

>> No.9141348

chinese cuz i have like one or two ingredients and they need a bunch that nobody has heard of.

>> No.9141371

Soul food of course, how is this even a question?

>> No.9141506
File: 34 KB, 635x623, 1497946876792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On quite the contrary, /ck/ appears to have more anti-american asshurt than any other board on this site. Americans will hardly make their presence directly known here, or at the very least will not often take shots at the food of other cultures, but any time a poster speaks of a certain food ignorantly or displays what is perceived as poor taste, somebody will undoubtedly reply, just KNOWING they're American. It's an obsessive resentment I've seen nowhere else, and it's really quite embarrassing.

>> No.9141518

>Not soul food
I bet you're a nigger

>> No.9141541

This isn't even hard ching Chong food is disgusting. Muh baby boy piss eggs and msg.

>> No.9141543

Mexican or soulfood. Both have their high-points but neither have the depth or tradition of the other two. Soulfood is the obvious one but I wouldn't really miss mexican either.

>> No.9141582

soulfood ez since it's a lot of meat and i'm a vegetarian.
all the other foods have great vegetarian options

>> No.9141592

chinese cause any other asian food is better

>> No.9141622

pretty much this

>> No.9141630

Im not sure i get it. Am i suposed to swear off one of the four?
Chinese i guess because in the US its ju
st meat and sugar.

>> No.9141682

soul food. ill miss fried chicken and southern slop but the rest is so much better and varied

>> No.9141807

bye bye 'soul' food. Fried chicken is just a waste of perfectly good meat.

>> No.9141814


>> No.9141826


I could live without the Chinese. Mexican food is God-tier, Italian is second, and "soul food" sounds like fried chicken to me. So Chinese can go. Cabbage and cornstarch anyway.

>> No.9141834

Soulfood baby can you see your out of your league
... please get out and never come back

>> No.9141852

Odd way to spell desperation, senpai.

>> No.9141870

>implying I wouldn't have tried already if I were desperate
>implying the typical Shaniqua even gives a shit about some lame-ass whiteboi like me

>> No.9141955
File: 4 KB, 127x119, Yourmomsawhore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grits are fucking delicious and versatile, you heathen.

>> No.9141971

definitly chinese

I could eat thai, vietnamese, korean bbq, and japanese all day

also those images suck the italian looks gross and the soul food is all fried chicken

>> No.9141982

soulfood whatever it is
doesn't looks like much on the images

>> No.9142112

Chinese, because the Chinese in that pic is NY Style, and while good, pales compared to real Chinese food, which would stick around because it's not the same. Safest bet, desu. Not to mention all the Chinese would start making it again due to demand anyway, since college kids would whine for it. Or would it just get replaced by actual Chinese food? In that case, fucking win. If not, and it actually takes away ALL Chinese food, then Soul Food. Sorry Southern US, but I can get fried chicken and shit from Koreans, and it's good as fuck. Only thing I'd miss is dem grits and dem greens, cause Belgium got dem waffles and mac n cheese is white people food too.

>> No.9142160

Anyone saying Chinese has only had American "Chinese". The only true answer is mexican, has the least to offer of any of those.

>> No.9142357
