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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9154915 No.9154915 [Reply] [Original]

Stop consuming dairy!

>> No.9154918

if anon has a gif that says it then it must be true

>> No.9154921

I drink nonfat milk and eat nonfat yogurt, but I'll try the non-dairy yogurt alternative next time. I'll probably keep getting nonfat milk though.

>> No.9154944

Yoghurt is a product which has already been through a digestitive process. It's easy on the body and full of protein.

I do use soy butter though as it doesn't taste very off of normal butter and i can probably keep it around longer.

>> No.9154991

I'll stop when you stop shitposting, but I doubt you will.

>> No.9155068

Fuck you.


>> No.9155081

Fuck no it is not, dairy is disgusting.

You need to work on your posting skills though OP. You could have found hundreds or articles online or just posted a youtube video and had a more sucessful thread.

>Looking forward to your posts in the future. /ck/ will always need more vegans.

>> No.9155083

No, it's not. I eat meat though and eggs. Limit/eliminate milk and cheese. It's not for us.

>> No.9155144
File: 299 KB, 631x481, coon_cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggs are basically to birds as milk is to mammals, why would you think it's for humans?

>> No.9155157

Wait, you're telling me if you buy shit yogurt made with shit milk, that it's not good for you? Wow.

>> No.9155176

right on, brother

>> No.9155217

I want lactose intolerant shitskins to leave

Go be genetically inferior somewhere else

>> No.9155288
File: 59 KB, 318x238, lactose_belly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow so genetically superior

>> No.9155296

>Stop consuming dairy!


>> No.9155300

Did you just assume that posters preferred pronoun?!

>> No.9155937

I'll give you my dairy when you pry it from my cold, dead hands

>> No.9155970

I live in Turkey. Literally no one I have ever known is lactose intolerant. Where did this meme even begin?

>> No.9155984

>mercy for animals
Hmmmm this sounds like a totally unbiased source that will in no way cherry pick information to make their airy-fairy worldivew seem justified.


>> No.9155995
File: 105 KB, 1280x882, lactose-intolerance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people in the world are lactose intolerant. It's not exclusively a white/brown thing, though Northern Europe does have the highest rates for ability to digest lactose as an adult.

Combination of genetic factors from historical diet and factors related to the current diet in the area, there are people who will lose their ability to consume lactose as an adult if they don't eat it but otherwise could maintain it.

>> No.9156024

Dairy foods such as yogurt and cheese provide and continue to provide valuable nutrition for much of the world. It is a staple food outside your incredibly narrow western first world ivory tower where you can cobble together a complete diet from nuts and legumes found across the world

>> No.9156028

I see you're attacking the provider and not the content..maybe it's all that cholesterol in your brain that makes you dysfunctional nigger

>> No.9156122
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>Eggs are basically to birds as milk is to mammals

>> No.9156125

>He didn't take the bait made of wild claims
>Let's insult him in bad English
Herbivores. Always so easy to anger. Tsk tsk..

>> No.9156830

>Mercy for animals.
To the gas chamber you go.

>> No.9156854
File: 28 KB, 750x277, cher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9156858

Eggs are more like placentas with no baby