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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9203344 No.9203344 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most disgusting food concoction you've ever made, whether drunken, high, or just plain bored or curious? Bonus points if you threw up, double bonus if you actually enjoyed it the concoction.

>> No.9203365

I cant think of anything
One time i got high, smashed up a bunch of nature valley granola bars and poured milk over them
Actually the best idea ive ever had

>> No.9203371

I've done this too, except with Chewy Granola Bars. It's not even good, but I've done it multiple times.

>> No.9203391

Good with all sorts of shit like this. Granola, cookies, pop-tarts, certain crumbled candy bars, etc

>> No.9203396

Fuck, it was chewy bars. Even better

>> No.9203397

I tried making breakfast dessert pasta from Elf when I was drunk.

>> No.9203412

I've done worse but a scoop of peanut butter in milk+cereal can be good or really disgusting

>> No.9203430
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I got horribly drunk and made the triple fried egg chili chutney sandwich from Red Dwarf just to see if I could hold it down

It's legit the best drunk/stoned sandwich you'll ever eat. I always make myself when when I'm under the influence.

>> No.9203438

thats genius-tier

>> No.9203443
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>> No.9203452
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>> No.9203455

smashing up a shit ton of hot cheetos and mixing it with crushed brick ramen, then cooking that together

its jail tier food (i literally learned it in jail) but goddamn if it isnt the best drunk food ever, even better for a hangover, something about all that sodium and msg just fixes my shit right up

>> No.9203456
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>> No.9203458

>well done steak
>some sort of salad with only pickles and olives
>removed the oil from cheese and fried the proteins into a crispy thing, the crisp was fine but i used the oil to fry and egg and it was horrendous
>a giant pressure cooker full of plain chickpeas which i ate over three days with nothing else
>my own semen because i was too lazy to clean it up

>> No.9203463
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>> No.9203465

Nutella + Corn Flakes + Spoon

>> No.9203506

I do this but with preserves or ice cream as the binder.

>> No.9203511

"Energy boner"

My gf was tired and so I went "Ok, I'll make you an energy drink" and proceeded to mix a bunch of random crap together in a cup.

I don't remember the exact recipe, but it was like, mountain dew, coca cola, some sort of fruit juice (i want to say it was cranberry juice), and nutmeg. I know I have to be missing some ingredients for reasons that will become apparent as I continue the story.

So I dub the concoction "Energy boner" and give it to my gf. It was mainly intended as a lame joke and she wasn't really supposed to drink it, but the fucking madwoman CHUGS THE ENTIRE GODDAMN THING IN MERE SECONDS. She then proceeded to puke her fucking guts out for an entire hour, which is what makes me wonder what ingredients I'm forgetting were in it, because looking at the list above hardly seems like it would warrant such a violent reaction.

She still gets really displeased when I bring it up.

>> No.9203515

Stewed cow hearts? I thought I was ready for it since I love cow tongue, tripe and liver but nope, absolutely disgusting.

>> No.9203564
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Once I got drunk on vodka and scotch, and made myself a grilled cheese. It was slightly undercooked (the cheese was still a bit solid) but I enjoyed it. About 5 minutes later when I got hungry again and the booze started kicking in, I decided that using the pan took too long, and that it would be fine to make one in the microwave. I used white bread and kraft singles to make "grilled" cheese in the microwave, cooking it for about 20 seconds. I did this twice. While I ate, it tasted really fucking good. About 30 minutes later I remembered the sweet, humid moistness of the soggy microwaved bread and the american cheese. I spent about 5 minutes over a toilet before I managed to keep it down, mainly because I was afraid of how it would taste a second time. I fell asleep about 10 minutes later. Waste of good booze and a disgusting experience. Would not dp again.

>> No.9203568

Barley and canned crab
I have a very solid stomach yet I nearly puked.

>> No.9203667

let it sit for 48 hours and this is how you make homemade acid

>> No.9203709

i watched red dwarf growing up and made this shit all the time

probably one of the best sandwich recipes and i've never even seen it as a recipe other than from the show

>> No.9203986

Peeled an orange. Separated the slices. Squeezed out the seeds in the slices. Replaced seeds with M&M's. Ate.

>> No.9203994

When I was a kid, I learned the concept of "Two great tastes don't always tase great together" when I tried eating Fritos while chewing Double Bubble. It also turned into a foamy slush in my mouth.

>> No.9204032

peas bacon and blue cheese in a bowl

>> No.9204040

I once made tuna helper with chocolate milk. I started out cooking for myself in college, and only drank chocolate milk. So I was hungry, and had some cheddar tuna helper in the cupboard and all of the ingredients. Okay, I don't have milk, but hey, what's one cup? Ended up with a pan of chocolate cheddar tuna noodle. Not very good...

>I still ate it all

>> No.9204055

Once my friend offered to make me lunch. He gave me a bowl of ramen noodles (without the seasoning packet) with chicken nuggets, eggs, and provolone cheese completely drowning in sweet and sour sauce.

Provolone and Sweet and Sour sauce should never be mixed. My friend does not understand that sandwich cheese isn't the same as crab rangoon cheese

>> No.9204103

Ambien made me do some awful shit back around my college days, and one time trying to get high was stupid.

>weed eggs
No ambien here, but wanted to get baked with my stoner roommate, and I hate smoking, so I normally go with edibles. Figured I could do something like making cannabis butter/brownies, but with eggs. So I bought a gram or two from him, and whipped up scrambled eggs. I ended up with ridiculously watery/kind of green eggs that tasted absolutely godawful, and choked them down. Didn't even get high.

>bearnaise adventure
I don't remember this one, but my roommie told me about it. I burst out of my room one night at about 10:30, and get to immediate work, whipping up a bearnaise sauce from scratch. My roommate had no idea I could cook anything past the microwave, so he's amazed and talking to me as I craft this shit. I finish it up, and pour it directly into a container of Cup Noodles, wait two minutes, eat it, and pass out on the floor.

>potato adventure
After college I had to move in with a friend, and we'd just gotten a new female roommate. Everyone's asleep, so I finally take my ambien and finish up on my computer. I have some hazy memories of the night, but here's what goes down when I wake up.

>wake up to screaming
>new roommate had bought a big sack of russet potatoes
>i had scattered them around the house - on top of the fridge, on the couch, in the yard, in the turned-off oven, garbage disposal, in a house plant, just like 24 potatoes strewn everywhere
>her cream cheese is also gone
>left the fridge open, the dog has eaten everything it can reach from the bottom two shelves
>the dog has thrown up in his bed, all around the living room
>i investigate my room
>puked in my bed
>puked in my trashcan
>find the culprit

I'd taken a raw potato, dunked it into cream cheese, and took a HUGE bite out of it, like it was a delicious burrito. I remember vomiting in the trashcan in my room like it's some kind of awful dream.

>> No.9204200

I was out of milk so I ate raisin bran cereal with lemonade

It wasn't horrible but it was pretty disgusting

>> No.9205001

Mushrooms, vegan cream substitute, onions, oregano. Boil for almost an hour. Add sriracha.

Tasted like a slimy calzone.

>> No.9206719

I was hung over like a motherfucker. Made this fucking shit-stack:

Teriyaki spam pan fried and melted pepper jack cheese in quesadilla form.

I never throw out food because I was raised properly. I HAD to toss that shit after the first bite.

>> No.9207409

I don't find this disgusting but you guys might

Special Ramen
>Boil Ramen with season packet or if not with seasonings of choice
>Add some type of meat (sausages of some sort are best)
>Drain, but leave about a fourth of liquid
>Add cheese of choice
>Let melt into cheesy goodness
>Remove from pan and place in bowl
>Add honey until sweeten to taste

Best fucking thing You'll ever eat.

Also, when I was in High school my friend and I got into drinking milk tea, then I got the bright idea to start adding chocolate. Chocolate Milk Tea, sounds terrible was delicious.

I did this as a kid with not just Pepsi, but also Dr, Pepper and on other occasions Fruit Punch.

>> No.9207426

Vegemite and strawberry jam sandwich

>> No.9207451


>> No.9207469

I do the same cheese sandwich thing when i'm really desperate, it's not bad, halfway to decent if you finish it in the toaster oven for a toasty outside.

>> No.9207480
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>> No.9207495
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>someone posts sleepytime chicken

>> No.9207750

My cousin and I also used to eat Ramen with Ketchup and Miracle Whip when we were younger. Tried it again when I was a Teenager, tasted terrible.

>> No.9207809

An egg and peanut butter sandwich

>> No.9207835

As a crippling alcoholic ive got a million and one stories, one that stands out was i made a burrito with refried tendies, asian zing sauce from buffalo wild wings, iceburg salad, ranch, chile lime hot sauce, angel food cake, strawberries, and a shit ton of whip cream. Shit was so good i made like three i think

>> No.9207852

Love to eat a sandwich with Nutella and Pickles when I'm high. It tastes like heaven but the taste you have after is pure cancer. Washing it down with Soda makes it go away easily tho

>> No.9207867

>disgusting food concoction

Cool Whip on stale bagels. May have had the munchies at the time.

>> No.9207894
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>have ingredients to make something decent
>drunk/high or both
>eat ingredients raw and individually
a classic was raw pasta

>> No.9207895

That actually doesn't sound that bad.

>> No.9207908

When I was a younger stoner I attempted to recreate Spongebob's 'sundae' with vanilla ice cream, ketchup, pickles and onions to see if I could poison a room with just my breath.
It wasn't terrible.

>> No.9207984

>tuna helper
>tfw you actually put Provolone and sweet and sour and many sandwiches of your's.

>> No.9208280

i made a shot with tequila and various hot sauces / condiments in my fridge when i was 13 or 14 and home alone. i didn't throw up, but i was close.

>> No.9208950
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I tried to make a rootbeer float type thing out of some blue moon and orange ice cream... worst idea I've ever had

>> No.9209298

>blackout drunk on homemade blackberry wine
>decide to make shrimp risotto
>pour a bunch of the wine in
>wake up to huge mess and uneaten risotto everywhere

>> No.9209560

I made grits but put too much water, threw in garlic and herb flavored bread crumbs to thicken it. Too many calories for what it's worth.

>> No.9209634

Orange and chocolate goes great together but that sounds like a process

>> No.9209665

I kind of want to try this now