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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9317958 No.9317958 [Reply] [Original]

Hi Fellow Vegans!

I'm a mixed race vegan and have been on a mission to convert the uneducated, African American side of the family to go vegan.

The problem is, every time I tell them how bad their ghetto food is bad for them, they just laugh at me for, like, 5 straight minutes.

How to I get through to these unhealthy, animal murdering savages and help them see the light and become better people?

>> No.9318053

You don't.
Let them be, or make them good vegan meals maybe. Exemple should always ne the best argument..
Just be vegan like me. Not a vegan..ist

>> No.9318054

Wow... what happened to all my dedicated vegan friends? No help at all?

>> No.9318059

>Deep fried okra is healthy
>It's a vegetable so it has negative calories
>You can eat as much as you want

I knew a fat vegan. She at fried tofu like it was her job and waddled about proclaiming her superiority.

>> No.9318071


>> No.9318073

>Let them be, or make them good vegan meals maybe. Exemple should always ne the best argument..

No fucking shit... I've tried cooking them vegan dishes using soy gluten as a protein substitute but they just tell me it tastes like nasty mushy glue.

And good luck trying to drag my black grandma into a hippie vegan cafe...

Maybe I can trick them into eating less meat somehow?

>> No.9318080

If ya want help, try stop trying to convert others to your religion.

>> No.9318083

>>Deep fried okra is healthy

Oooohhh, I need to try this. Blacks love okra.

>> No.9318084

lol you fucking post on 4chan and waddle about proclaiming your superiority

>> No.9318088

>If ya want help, try stop trying to convert others to your religion.

It's not a religion. I'm just trying to save the shameful souls of these ignorant, cow murdering Niggers... literally the dark side of my family.

>> No.9318091

>taking that personally
>it's current year

>> No.9318095

>they just tell me it tastes like nasty mushy glue.
Because it taste like ass.

Listen, don't try making meaty recipes without meat. It's technically possible, but requires alchemy skills.
Go for a recipe that's originally vegetarian. Look, meat is more expensive than vegetables everywhere in the world but the US. It means most recipe from poor country, like the whole continent you and your family comes from, are vegetarian.
Make some god damn African cuisine, and stay the fuck away from "soul food". Maybe you can save them.

>> No.9318100

Pursue your efforts
I still have to try that seemingly stunning vegan pulled pork https://youtu.be/uIFP3z7f8mc

>> No.9318104

Tell them pizza is a vegetable

>> No.9318114


Your African grandma probably built her culture and habits through decades & decades of living the African life and eating shit she's used to.
You need to tell her that Niggers are too dumb to understand what's good for them and whip her every time she eats a murdered chicken or cow.

>> No.9318159

Niggers don't belong in the vegan society and will never join the vegan society... that's half the reason vegan clubs even fucking exist, fucking retards trying to ruin one of our last great bastions.

>> No.9318255

You make a strong argument but there are better ways to discriminate against them.

>> No.9318268

Yams, red beans, black eyed peas, cornbread, and if you're willing to compromise your values a little bit, collards can be prepared with butter instead of ham hocks or bacon. In the great big black cook book of traditional negro victuals, you mean to tell me you cannot make one vegetarian meal they'll accept? Ain't buying it, OP.

>> No.9319642

soul food is incredible and anything in moderation wont kill you
just stop being a giant fucking faggot
if anything teach them how to exercise or add vegetables to their diet
but stop trying to spread you gay faggotry, your lucky enough to have people who actually know how to cook and use spices in your family and you pull this cuck shit??? c'mon N you're better then that

>> No.9319650

they're all too busy sucking dick on this dreary friday night

>> No.9319656
File: 725 KB, 1512x2016, IMG_20170819_095212-1512x2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's Saturday morning anon
I'm at the local shopping mall

>> No.9319659
File: 204 KB, 683x797, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop trying to change people you fucking pest

>> No.9319874

vegans are fags and don't belong on /ck/