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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9463795 No.9463795 [Reply] [Original]

Do you tip?

>> No.9463808

Yes, but I only go to restaurants where back of house gets a cut.

>> No.9463810

Are you allowed to shoot someone in America if they don't tip?

>> No.9463815


Not anymore. I used to, but she always called me a fucking tease and left.

>> No.9463818

it's in the constitution

>> No.9463820


Yes. I'm American.

>> No.9463825

Yeah, unless they piss me off bad enough or I am having a schizophrenic bout and think they are out to get me.

>> No.9463826

Not frequently, because servers rarely give me an experience that would award them any extra money than the minimum wage they are guaranteed. Most of the time they barely deserve their server wage.

>> No.9463828

Of course. The amount varies by service and cost of order.>>9463808

>> No.9463833

>think waiter is out to get you
>avoid tipping them and piss them off
wouldn't tipping them make them less likely to go after you?

>> No.9463836

No, I don't live in a 3rd world country

>> No.9463868

Never make than 10%. The tipping system is nuts: employees need to be paid by their employer.

>> No.9463880

it's actual schizophrenia, it doesn't make sense that's the problem. i once wrote fuck you on a tip section at a bar in portland because i thought the waitress was trying to trick me. i then rode shirtless up belmont past zupan's. then i kicked in the door to my own apartment. i could never go back to that bar because mental illness. i have to avoid drugs and alcohol because it can make me do crazy things. they would probably lock me up if they still did that to crazies, but they abuse inmates and it would be hell with sleep inducing drugs.

>> No.9463882

I usually tip 15-20%, sometimes more when I'm drunk.

>> No.9463883

oh, i rode shirtless on a scooter i meant *

>> No.9463890
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Of course

>> No.9463893

I live in a civilised country with a "living wage" not a minimum wage

>> No.9463895

I tip on all services, like barber shop for example. But with all instances, it comes down to the individual and their effort.

>> No.9463897

Only when I'm trying to get smashed on free drinks in Vegas. If you don't tip, your next drink will arrive after the effects of the previous wear off

>> No.9463907
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lol good to know... as a pizza driver, we do that kind of stuff too. an old woman was extremely rude to me on the phone for no reason BECAUSE SHE CAN'T HEAR, but apparently it was my fault as i practically yelled her order into the phone for her, so I stopped at el pollo loco and ate on the way to her house and let her pizza cool down and took as long as possible to bring it to her. you really shouldn't fuck with servers or cooks.

>> No.9463915

I work as a skilled support worker for adults with learning difficulties ... I'm not going to tip some guy to hand out food as they will get a higher wage than me for a less valuable job

>> No.9463917
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ye u?

>> No.9463919


Ask your sister.