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9563487 No.9563487 [Reply] [Original]

Spicelet reporting in. tell me what i need to get to change my ways

>> No.9563504

Actual fresh spices in glass containers.

>> No.9563511

thnx fampai.specific suggestions? w2c?

>> No.9563529


>pretty solid core spices desu

>> No.9563532

Get a grinder for larger chunked salt as well, or buy coarse salt (one of my favorite things). Tumeric. Cinnamon sticks.

Ditch onion powder or anything that's powder and you can get in granules. I use fresh garlic 95% of the time but if I want/need to use the dried version I'll use granulated rather than powdered. Much better.

Use fresh ginger when possible instead of powdered. Low cost and so much more potent.

Get some smoked paprika (hungarian style).


>> No.9563540

>liquid smoke

kys yourself

>> No.9563558

really? How tall would you say my spice rack is, 5'8?

>> No.9563561



>> No.9563563

>Get a grinder for larger chunked salt as well, or buy coarse salt (one of my favorite things).
You're a goddamn retard. The *only* purpose for coarse salt is if it's part of the presentation like on a salted pretzel. Any other use for it is an idiotic waste of money.

>> No.9563566
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>sriracha seasoning
fuck me

>> No.9563571

It adds a scant crunchy texture to non-textured or differently-textured food (scrambled eggs, popcorn etc) which I really like.

>> No.9563576

real good in chili, you should try it

>> No.9563584

yeah, i felt like i was getting meme'd as i bought that

>> No.9563585


try seasoning your steaks with morton's, then get back to me

>> No.9563589

Some things benefit from a bit of smoke flavor.

>> No.9563594
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trust me

>> No.9563597

Get normal garlic/ginger. I'd have half a million spices to suggest, but that's just my palate. Some good vinegars are always welcome.

>> No.9563604

This is photoshopped.

>> No.9563621

first of all get rid of everything that isn't pepper, cumin, oregano and chilli powder. you can keep old bay and ground ginger too if you've ever used either.

then procure the following. turmeric, coriander seeds, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and cardamom. all whole apart from turmeric and cinnamon because they keep well in ground form (neither is indefinite though). also buy a parsley, basil, rosemary and thyme plant. the last two can be used dry the first two absolutely not.

optional extras (unless you're french) tarragon, herbs de provence, (unless you're indian) amchur, hing.

>> No.9563634
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Is it true that dried "winter" herbs like parsley are useless because their flavors and oils evaporate immediately, unlike "summer" herbs like oregano?

I dont want to keep wasting money on dried useless herbs

>> No.9563638

Sometimes you need garlic powder or onion powder specifically, for making your own blackening rub for instance.

>> No.9563641

Probably. A bunch of fresh parsley is dirt cheap anyway, and you have the choice of flat leaf or curly.

>> No.9563655
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>sriracha powder
100% memed.

Your cabinet needs coriander, Cardamom, paprika, cinnamon, nutmeg, turmeric. Trader Joe's, Badia and local "ethnic markets" are the best deals in spices, fuck McCormick overpriced meme spices that taste like potato chip seasoning.

>> No.9563657

Take all those bottles with green dried up shit and throw it in the garbage. Especially parsley and basil taste much better fresh.

>> No.9563666

lmao stop being white bruh

>> No.9563674

>idiots who think that fresh herbs are always the superior option

>> No.9563681

my mom was that meme. Shes always been a vegan so when she made us dinner she would literally take a shop rite steak/chicken breast out of the package and put it straight onto the grill. I'm trying to reverse a childhood of actually not knowing what spices were

>> No.9563692
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I didn't even mention fresh herbs in my guy fieri pictured post, asshat. Fresh herbs are definitely *not* always the best choice. Take blends like herb de province, fucking amazing on fish and chicken. Can't get that kind of flavor from fresh alone.

Which, by the way, Trader Joe's is selling a bunch of for $4. Great deal if your TJ's isn't out already, it's seasonal for Fall.

>> No.9563703

My bad, intended to hit the post below yours.

>> No.9564026

>idiot who can't read
oregano is better dried and rosemary and thyme are as good. which is what my post said. dried parsley or basil is never better than fresh.

>> No.9564154

I had to post it on imgur since I'm on my phone and the file is too large. But this is my spice collection.

>> No.9564275

I keep dried basil on hand. I almost never have to use it but but I always have to have basil at work and sometimes fresh basil goes on shortage. And there's no fucking way I'm growing as much as I need, not a chance.

Also fresh basil is really expensive at grocery stores and often out of stock so to the snobs saying always use fresh basil, go fuck yourselves

>> No.9564301

it's literally a completely different herb at that point though. and in my opinion it's worse. if fresh basil isn't available i'd say forgo it. or use another herb completely. you may like dried basil but then you like dried basil, you'r not substituting anything.

>> No.9564329

I make 15 to 25 gallons of marinara per week

it's fine with the dried basil, and I definitely wouldn't forgo it

>> No.9564363

Coriander (though I suppose it's a matter of preference since you already have parsley), thai basil (try it; it's a tad more delicate), nutmeg, crushed rosemary, thyme, sumac, pimenton (Spanish; don't bother with paprika), mint, ginger, turmeric (if you are sensible in the kitchen), and tarragon.

Oh, and stop buying memes.

>> No.9564480


>> No.9564872
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>he doesn't have pic related

>> No.9565095

I recognize those dollar store spices, fellow poorfag.
I've always wondered if it would be awesome or shit if I bought one of every spice at the dollar store and ground them all together into powder, like either the world's most awesome or shit Mrs. Dash.

>> No.9565672

about tree fifty

>> No.9565772

oh look it's someone who doesnt have a collection of luxurious rare chunked salts, how embarrassed I am for you tbqh

>> No.9565776

Lawrys seasoning salt and garlic granules/powder, anything Lawrys that you get is a bit more expensive but its quality shit

>> No.9566246
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>> No.9566673

Where's the MSG?

No, its not a joke. Also hot curry powder. Any yes you do need garlic powder, for certain applications its better than fresh. Rosemary. Nutmeg, but fresh grated is better.

>> No.9566979

Buy inexpensive coffee/spice grinder.
Buy whole spices at an Indian store.
Laugh as you see people spending $6 on a jar of ground cumin while you got a massive bag of whole cumin for $4.