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File: 246 KB, 1500x843, dough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9752505 No.9752505 [Reply] [Original]

Dough general

So yesterday I made some dough while being hangover as fuck, and it didn't raise a lot, which surprised me. Then today I remembered that I forgot to add sugar to the yeast solution, which is why. Is there any way to salvage the situation apart from resorting to flatbreads?

>> No.9752511

you are pretty fucked
trying to work in the sugar now is gonna do you some good but it'll never be like you would hope
either make shitty bread or go with a flatbread
Hell, go ahead and try to work in the sug just so you can try something different and maybe get so esoteric knowledge out of it

>> No.9752512

you don't need sugar to raise dough anon. the yeast will be active as long as there's water and not a fuckton of salt.

just put it somewhere warmer and be patient.

>> No.9752517

Fuck it, I'll just knead it in now.

Will post reuslts.

>> No.9752518

don't listen to this guy, he's retarded.

>> No.9752520


You don't need to add sugar to yeast for it to work. You might've just had dead yeast, or not enough yeast in it.

You can fix this by adding more yeast and squeezing it into the dough and trying to wait for it to proof again. Don't use the same yeast that didn't work if you're using fresh yeast.

>> No.9752521

shhh, let him have his fun

>> No.9752641

what this anon said

>> No.9753052

This, I don't get why retards believe that sugar is necessary.

>> No.9753064

because that's what people have been taught when they make basic white sandwich bread. tons of old recipes (think Betty Crocker) say to "activate" the yeast with warm water and sugar.

>> No.9753094
File: 613 KB, 498x498, thinkgin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is dough pronounced "doh" or "doff"

>> No.9753179

"doh". Are you ESL or just retarded?

>> No.9753228


>> No.9753238

you could always try dropping it from ~10m into concrete

>> No.9753279

do you say cough like "couf" or "coh"?
don't make me duff you up m8

>> No.9753455

Haha okay so ESL. You should learn to read IPA and use wiktionary, eg https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cough
If you tell me your original language, I might be able to find a way of explaining these with your writing system. Otherwise, here:
Bough = dow, b with a short o sound and a w (IPA /baʊ/)
Cough = coff, c with a short o sound then an f (IPA /kɔf/)
Dough = doh, d with a long o sound (IPA /doʊ/)
Rough = ruff, r with a short u sound then an f (IPA /ɹʌf/)
Tough = tuff, t with a short u sound then an f (IPA /tʌf/)

>> No.9753476

only thing I can think of is to age it a bit, and use it as a starter to add to other dough that's been properly made

>> No.9753843
File: 2.17 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got drunk last night and mixed up some high hydration sourdough with caraway and sunflower seeds. i'm pleasantly surprised with out it turned out after baking today, but i'm still striving for a more open crumb.