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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9815036 No.9815036 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/. I’m snowed in today and I was hungover most of the afternoon so now I’m finally ready to cook dinner. I’ve decided to experiment by doing a dish I’ve never tried to make myself, fish and chips. For your information I am an American, but fried fish is far from unheard of around these parts. I’ve taken a swai fillet, cut it in half, and soaked it in buttermilk. I’ve also semi-peeled these Klondike goldust potatoes and dug the eyes out, because I like a little skin on my fries/chips. My plan is to beer-batter the fish and fry everything up in some shallow oil in my skillet there.

>> No.9815066
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Fries have been cut, which I’m just going to call fries because I cut them fairly thin compared to what they call chips across the Atlantic.

>> No.9815075

>not going to britain to get your fish and chips and let your wife be fucked by mohammed

thread was over before it started. It can only be redeemed by a opposum sighting.

>> No.9815078
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Cold water rinse.

>> No.9815091
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Bringing them to a boil with some salted water, going to take them out once they cook a bit then dry and season them in preparation for frying. In the meantime, we make our batter. Some part of me is saying “no bring the water to a boil first”, but I’m ignoring it for now.

>> No.9815102
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Guest appearance by my good buddy, Al Cohol. Never tried this particular beer before, so now I’m gonna see if I like the taste enough to batter fish with it. The answer is yes, citrusy and hoppy but not overbearing. Hopefully should liven up the flavor.

>> No.9815135
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Half a cup of whole wheat flour, a teaspoon baking powder, a bunch of spices I didn’t measure(cayenne, black pepper, salt, onion powder, paprika, and parsley), 1 egg, and beer. Dry ingredients mixed here.

>> No.9815150
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Fries are boiling, gonna drain now.

>> No.9815169

Batter all mixed, and additional flour prepped to dust the fish before battering. Now to heat the oil.

>> No.9815175
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Pic forgotten.

>> No.9815200
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Fries drying, oil heating, and oven heating too. I figured since I don’t want to make a huge mess and this is only a shallow fry, I’ll heat the oil on the stovetop but transfer to the oven once everything is in. Probably going to do the fries first though.

>> No.9815276
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Fries fryin. This is a good method so far.

>> No.9815279

since it isn't wednesday i doubt the sighting of a opposum today

>> No.9815294
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Is this you, OP?

>> No.9815318
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Does this cat count? He eats out of the trashcan sometimes.

>> No.9815344
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Fries done. Cooked about 20 minutes. Adding more oil and doing the fish.

I have no idea who this is.

>> No.9815373

>Fries done.

>> No.9815388
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I dunno man I’ve never done this before, that’s why I said I’m experimenting. Looks greasy as fuck and limp to me too. Fish frying, good batter cohesion at least.

>> No.9815416
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Attenpted to flip, failed spectacularly. Batter stuck to te bottom of the pan. Fuck me in the ass this always fucking happens when I try to fry shit.

>> No.9815444

Cmon bro you serious rn? That shit has to be deep fried

>> No.9815458
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The only thing bigger than my disappointment in myself is my disgust. Especially because I’m about to eat this abortion of a meal because there’s nothing else to eat in the apartment. Grease adheres to it like glue, for what reason I do not know. Never again. Never again.

>> No.9815470

LOL that's the greasiest pile of shit I've ever seen. wtf did you do wrong? it looked like it was going to work out.

>> No.9815480

well. at least you tried. but let me tell you something. if you don't get how to deep fry even mc donalds won't hire you

>> No.9815484

Is that in the fucking oven?

>> No.9815492

What the fuck

>> No.9815497

Last time I tried that I nearly started a grease fire and coated every surface of my kitchen in a gross film of grease.

I regret everything. Never worked in food service and I don’t plan on it at least.

Last time I fried something in this much oil on the stove it coated every surface of my kitchen in a gross film of grease. I thought maybe this would be a good compromise. Fuck fried shit, from now on I only boil, bake, and grill.

>> No.9815502

>Never worked in food service
good for you

>> No.9815506
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No words, no thoughts, just disgust.

>> No.9815509

you needed to use way more oil, way hotter. do this on the stovetop next time please. your oil needs to be 350F at least.

what was your oven even set at?

>> No.9815525
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400F. I think I may have needed to cook both fish and fries for much, much longer to actually get them to crisp up despite getting about 20 minutes and 30 minutes respectively. The oven just didn’t get the oil hot enough despite appearances. The fish itself was cooked and fork-tender, but the batter was limp and soggy. Same story for the fries. I tried dumping some Worcestershire on this to make it more appealing but it literally just beaded off everything because there was so much fucking grease. Only thing left to do is throw out the remnants, clean up, get drunk, pass out, get up, and go to my dead-end retail job for 8 hours. Goodnight anons, I hope you at least got a laugh out of this.

>> No.9815540

you actually cooked it for too long at too low of a temp. it essentially poached in the canola oil.

the point of a batter, or a starchy veggie that can hold up on its own (plantain, potato, etc), is to create a barrier on the exterior that allows the insides to cook through via steam. i have no doubt you would have succeeded if the oil was the correct temperature and you'd used enough.

if it's greasy, the heat is too low. if the exterior is burning while the insides are raw, the heat is too high.

>> No.9815560

The cat counts.
Please proceed

>> No.9816917


No, OP, you fucked up so bad. Do you realize oil has to be hot before you put your food in it? Holy shit, your fries are depressing. It looks like you stuck them it room temp oil and then threw that pan into the oven

>> No.9817015

I am truly sorry for your lots OP. Get the oil up to temperature next time, and beer batter doesn’t need egg in it.