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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 107 KB, 736x490, 412F4DAC-0AFD-4C3C-900B-89AFDBE10014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9833883 No.9833883 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone been confronted with blank stares while ordering your favorite classic cocktail at, what you thought, was a fine eating establishment? Sometimes, I think it’s just a lazy waiter not wanting to take the next step in asking the bartender. Once I had the bartender come out and ask me how to make it, which I did. I think the main problem is youth. Young wait staff and young bartenders, but honestly what are they teaching bartenders to make these days? What’s your favorite old school cocktail that elicited a “what” response? Pic related.

>> No.9833889

>old school cocktail
Nobody knows what you're talking about because nobody has ordered that shit in 60 fucking years, you hipster faggot.

>> No.9833904

what kind of flyover bar doesn't know how to make a negroni? It's a very basic cocktail. This has never happened to me and I order these all the time.

>> No.9833909

>hey can i get a rum and coke
>uhh i dont know how to make that sorry

>> No.9833913

On the off occasion when I order a cocktail I go for a Manhattan, and usually make it dry because they add too much sweet vermouth to it.

>> No.9833949


>> No.9833971

I live in hipster faggotville, but not a member of meme clan. You would think hipster faggots would be steeped in the knowledge of all things COCKtail.

>> No.9834014
File: 367 KB, 700x700, 98DD7087-F453-4EB0-8504-4F6990138859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love a Sazerac, but I never order it outside of NOLA...

>> No.9834043

Sorry the bar you're a regular at is only frequented by dumbass frat boys who do fireball shots and white girls drinking vodka sodas

>> No.9834047

Negronis are my favorite summer drink other than gin on the rocks.

>> No.9834054

>fireball shots
More proof Idiocracy is real.

>> No.9834065

>steeped in any actual knowledge


>> No.9834105

Negroni is pretty damn common. Its a meme drink like Aperol Spritz or a Moscow Mule in a copper cup.

Hipster it up by ordering aviation or last word.

>> No.9834124

Luckily I don't have this problem since literally nobody working in a bar hasn't heard of a gin and tonic.

>> No.9834192

I asked for a black Russian once & was told "we don't do any of them fancy drinks here." That was the it though.

>> No.9834255

>I'm cool because I just drink to get drunk no matter if it tastes like horse piss, i'm dead inside because my uncle touched my no no spots for 8 years and my family is disappointed that I'm a worthless wine-o failure

>> No.9834266

Why not?

>> No.9834275

I only drink straight bourbon or whiskey when I drink liquor so it's just a matter of what brands they have available

>> No.9834347

cause hes a cunt who thinks "they just dont make it right any where else"

>> No.9834356

its not that bars dont know how to make it perse, its just about weather bars in flyover shit dick collage towns have the stuff on hand for it(or good quality shit), or that theyre the kind of bars that have no sence of ballance and eigther water shit down or boooooooze it p with well and its gross(in my home town if you order a gin and tonic you get a gallon of siiiiit gin ad an eye dropper of tonic)

>> No.9834362

>It has to be old and obscure to be good

>> No.9834364

I only drink alone at home because I don't like going out to do things, so I just wing it with whatever I happen to have on hand. Don't really do anything fancy because I only have one kind of liquor at a time. Don't think the local grocery store has much of what I'd need either.

>> No.9834368

>If it's old and obscure it can;t be good

>> No.9834371
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Son I think you might need to spend some time in those flyover shit dick "collage" towns, you might actually gain some education by proximity.

>> No.9834373

Anon it's time for you to stop drinking for the night.

>> No.9834374

A lot of places don’t have absinthe on hand. Even when I see some behind the bar, it’s been hit and miss on how they make it. I saw one bartender google the recipe one night and then when the drink was served it had absinthe poured in it, instead of just rimming the inside of the glass.

>> No.9834375

>What do you MEAN you don't have bitters that were only used in a small region of new england in the 1890's? What kind of podunk shit bar is this?

>> No.9834388

look, if you got what i was trying to say then good, if your just gonna be a nazi about it then fuck off

>> No.9834392

>I was only pretending to be retarded!

>> No.9834400

you can comment on the content or be a grammar nazi, fuck off

>> No.9834404

Already: Your content is directly condescending towards others you perceive to be flyover and uneducated, but you can't even use the right homophones yourself. You're a hypocritical, self-righteous retard.

>> No.9834409

>Negroni is pretty damn common
I know this, and you know this, but look at how many have posted in this thread who have no idea what it is or think a simple 1-2-3 recipe is somehow “hipster”. I starting to wonder if the name of the drink is scaring off the youngster waitstaff and bartenders. Is it because “Negroni” is being mixed up with “negro” and their little PC antennas go up?

>> No.9834415

i live in a flyover, bourn in a flyover, shit sucks here, im not being mean or shitty, flyover land is not a good place for nice drinks...great place for cheap and getting drunk, but not for anything fancy(every drink or food trend than hits the costs hits us 2 or 3 years late and end up being a bunch of local douches being condescending and unoriginal.....realy great bars are far and few between(unless your in chicago)

>> No.9834416

Get the FUCK out of here with your racism.

>> No.9834418

Honestly, probably that yea.

>> No.9834422

...and there it is.

>> No.9834426

I only really drink cocktails at home so as not to inconvenience bartenders in busy establishments. I'm a bartenders bar fly.

>> No.9834427


aviation is far and away the worst classic cocktail. it tastes like handsopa. last word is deez but chartreuse is not really my go to.

if it's hot, I usually go with a cognac french 75 or a jungle bird. but if I'm trying to stay warm maybe a rum old fashioned or a sazerac. Last time I was asked what a drink was by a waiter (at a really nice place in FIDI NYC) it was when I ordered a fancy free. I explained and got a pretty good expression. Or Maybe when I ordered a tom n jerry but I can understand if a nice place still can't make it.

>> No.9834428

So you're just a cunt, good job.

>> No.9834433

i prefer dick, but thanks...pardon me for being honest about the state of bars i the midwest

>> No.9834437

The state of the shit bars you attend, apparently. I live in fucking Montana and don't have that problem. Stop visiting cheap biker bars and you might get the "quality" drink you're looking for.

>> No.9834439

>i prefer dick
yeah, we can tell

>> No.9834441

>cognac french 75
I like those. I’ve had success with a Kentucky 75 as well, made with bourbon instead of gin.

>> No.9834448

i dont drink at biker bars, i tend to drink at industry spots, im not saying that there is no good drinking, just that 70+% of the bars are craptastic at mixed drinks in the fly overs

>> No.9834449


i haven't tried that but sounds kind of vile. not a huge fan of whiskey desu. More of a brandy guy in general.

If you like whiskey, have you checked out a lot of the manhattan variants? I like red hook and brooklyn the most so far. Black manhattan is really good too tho.

>> No.9834471

I've heard this happen eating next to a couple one night.
I had to stifle a laugh

>> No.9834474

The kind that gets normal people instead of faggoty urbanites and soyboi's.

>> No.9834482

>Negroni is pretty damn common.
It's not.

Campari tastes like shit, and only faggots order some bullshit cocktail with that garbage.

>> No.9834485

>I keep drinking at biker bars and they're terrible! Wah!
You're clearly too stupid to recognize dive bars when you see one.
I've had to explain more drinks in metro bars than I ever have in bumfuck nowhere bars. You're retarded.

>> No.9834486
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spoken like a faggot that has never tried a well made drink. Maybe try a negroni sometime before you accuse someone who drinks them of being a soyboi

>drinks miller lite
>accuses someone who drinks high proof bitter cocktails of being a soyboi

pic related is you

>> No.9834487

You are using a group of people in this board for your double blind study on how many people know what a negroni is?

>> No.9834491


if you think campari tastes like shit, what do you think tastes good?

>> No.9834499
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>whiteknighting for faggot drinks while accusing others of being a faggot

>> No.9834501
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>tried to order a mint tulip
>bartender laughs at me

>> No.9834505
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Bourbon whiskey.

>> No.9834511


bourbon is just okay. cognac is where it's at tho. admittedly, whiskey is often better had neat than it is in cocktails.

>> No.9834533

>go to highest rated Italian restaurant in the city
>ask for negroni
>waitress looks at me weird
>"What did you say???"
>"Could I get a uh...negroni?"
>She walks off before anyone finishes ordering
>manager comes over with two dudes in black t-shirts
>He says they don't tolerate racism and we have to leave

>the "best" Italian restaurant in town didn't know what a negroni was and thought I called the black waitress a little negro

Fucking nuke this place.

>> No.9834564

well I guess not everyone in this thread is an hard-on alcoholic maybe

>> No.9834580

>aviation is far and away the worst classic cocktail
yeah nah get fucked cunt

>> No.9834597
File: 108 KB, 308x463, 8D6F6E42-4135-45C3-8864-F92DF0E31AB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an hard-on alcoholic
I think I know what you mean. Someone that dependent on alcohol isn’t going to be into cocktails; they’ll be into a handle of Taaka.
The thread is classic cocktails; if that’s not your thing, that’s fine, by why post here? Go find a thread about nachos or pop-tarts. Something you know and appreciate.

>> No.9834616

Fuck. Off.

>> No.9834637

My old uni bar banned negronis because they felt it was racially charged. You could still order them under a different name.

>> No.9834652

>your double blind study
No study. This is a discussion about cocktails that have been around forever, what people like, and the experiences they’ve had ordering things they love. I thought that bartenders would have a shared knowledge of certain drinks, because many have histories and their origins and evolutions sometimes overlap. Drinks like Old Fashions, Manhattans, Martinez, etc..if you’re into to it, add to the conversation.

>> No.9834665

Pleez tell me this is bait. It’s a guys name. The drink is named after an Italian dude.

>> No.9834667

That's fucking retarded but also genuinely disrespectful in its own right. Glad my unis weren't infested with seppo sjw idpol bullshit

>> No.9835238

Even if you say that, I can totally see some retarded frat boy ordering this because it sounds like niger.

>> No.9835361

Last time I was in Ireland, some backpacker type guy came into the pub and asked for a Black and Tan. Resulted in a "what", but not the kind I think you mean OP.
That was an interesting experience.

>> No.9836235
File: 48 KB, 600x322, BA3BE540-F8AC-4CFC-9435-79E8BF6FBFDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because it sounds like niger.
But it doesn’t. It’s pronounced NEH-groan-EE. Maybe if the retarded frat boy read it off the drinks menu, but that’s a big gamble he’s reading the drinks menu.

>> No.9836240

Could’ve been worse. I had a similar backpacker friend that made the mistake of ordering an Irish Car Bomb in Ireland.

>> No.9836244
File: 3 KB, 300x168, Suck My BBC Baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Campari is supposed to be bitter, retards. It's a mixer, not a drink.

>> No.9836352
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>Thinking Negronis aren't common.
Maybe at Chuck's Fuck and Suck Dive Bard, but in any city cocktail bar, they will know how to make them.

>> No.9836360

>Order a Martini
>What kind of Vodka do you want?
>Turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.9836367

I ask for a Cuba Libre because I like the little bit of lime juice they put in, but at most places I have to say "Rum and coke" like a pleb.

The lime juice is the best bit

>> No.9836389

That probably didn't work out well.

An old Irish bartender friend of mine's response to that is "Christ, I dont go 'round ordering a 9/11 when I'm in america, now do i?"

>> No.9836409

When I'm working I usually ask them gin or vodka, followed by what kind of granish.

Personally I love a good Dry Gin martini 2-1 with a lemon twist.

That shits classic.

>> No.9836429
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Holy shit a cocktail thread? On my /ck/? I'm amazed.

Recently ordered a sidecar in a self labeled chic cocktail bar. Saw confusion on the bartenders face. Then I saw him get out his phone and Google it.

He actually made it though and it was pretty good. And now he might know it for future orders.

Pic unrelated

>> No.9836438

Christ. The response I saw was a broken nose. Wasn't the bartender, granted. But he didn't look too happy either.
Maybe it was just the wrong pub.

>> No.9836462

Cognac is to Brandy what Champagne is to Sparkling wine, no?
Is it really so different that it's worth grabbing a bottle over the "anywhere else" stuff?

>> No.9836486


Was at a restaurant the other day (Supposed to be a sort of pub), and when I looked at the cocktails menu I saw "Manhattan, Old Fashioned, Negroni, LongIsland IcedTea", and that was it.
They sold daquiris by the bottle and the only straight whisky they had was "shots: Glenfiddich" for $6.50 each.

Also the Cocktails were $9, for maybe 2, 3 ounces at most, served in a tumbler crammed with ice.

>> No.9836518

Pearl Harbor is a drink on a lot of Asian restaurants in the US and no one really seems to get that worked up about it. I'm half Irish and I think Irish Car Bomb is an amusing name for a drink

>> No.9836528

I had to make a bloody mary in a pub once, and it cost me £7

>> No.9836545

If you don't want to sound racist, pronounce the first syllable more Spanish-like. Nay, not knee.

>> No.9836547


>> No.9836932

Does anyone believe this?

>> No.9836940

try ordering a 'cocksucking cowboy'.

>> No.9836943
File: 64 KB, 212x352, 79279FED-6EB0-4D58-BB5A-748A7FCA343B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we’re on the same page. I’ve never heard it pronounced any other way. I think some are a little too PC in reading the name.

>> No.9836951

Very popular over on /hm/

>> No.9836960

>mispronounce things because you don't want to potentially offend people who would get triggered by a mean sounding syllable
I mean this is bait but come on

>> No.9836964

t. monolingual flyover

>> No.9836969
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It seems over the top, bordering on farce, so Yes, I believe it.

>> No.9837031
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>American whiskey

>> No.9837039

>black waitress
>Italian restaurant

Sure Anon, we believe you...

>> No.9837049

>Asking a pub chimp to make you a cocktail
Is like you're asking to be called a moron.

>> No.9837072
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I see you are a man of culture as well

>> No.9837079
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Fuck me

>> No.9837213 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 252x252, trans pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That movie is so redpilled

>> No.9837219 [DELETED] 

fug, thought i was in a /tv/ thread wrong tab fug srry

>> No.9837244

What a fucking absolute mess of posts anon, get off of /tv/ its killing your brain cells.

>> No.9837255

>flyover mongoloid spotted

>> No.9837261

>Pure liquor cocktail
A soyboy would order a high estrogen beer beer you fucking moron, or wait, is that by any chance, what you would prefer? A nice pint of pisswasser? I can hear your breasts growing lad.

>> No.9837280
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>Adverb and adjective swapped
>Fucked up direct address
Sure anon

>> No.9837300
File: 134 KB, 356x356, don't be a cunt all yer life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this fucking mad someone called you out on being a mong

>> No.9837320
File: 309 KB, 628x1023, Kamikaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has anyone been confronted with blank stares while ordering your favorite classic cocktail

A waitress once asked me what a Kamikaze was (luckily the bartender knew) and my buddy was recently on a cruise and asked for Screwdriver and the (admittedly young) gal running the bar didn’t know what it was.

>> No.9837344

Love a god kamikaze. I'm curious, can these be made with a good tasty margarita mix instead of triple sec and lime?

>> No.9837414

Any "good" margaria mix is a combination of triple sec and lime juice (unless it's to make a flavored marg) so, yes and no?

>> No.9837436

I would probably use Powell & Mahoney which is definitely a high-quality margarita mix.

>> No.9837532

>flyovers hating on flyovers
Suddenly, it all makes sense. I know that neither I nor anyone I know gives a single fuck about those places, so who's making all the "lol flyovers" shitposts? Self-hating flyovers.

>> No.9837553

That's fine, those of us who live in flyovers don't give a fuck about you either. Go ahead and stay away forever.

>> No.9837576

It's literally just lime juice and sugar (with a bit of orange), or lime juice and triple sec without the alcohol.

>> No.9837593

>Self-hating flyovers.

That's as stupid a statement as "you're a self hating white because you don't agree with genocide of any different ethnicity." Believe it or not, there are flyovers who are willing to recognize and admit to the deficiencies of living in a land where many of your human interactions involve drooling, obese troglodytes wearing MAGA hats cause "muh shitskins and such" and it's impossible to find decent food without driving 60 miles one way, while still recognizing there are benefits.

The alt-right thinks there can be only two categories an individual can fall into and attempt to project that dichotomy to promote their goal of tribalistic division.

>> No.9837603

holy shit that projection lmao

>> No.9837608

I pity the flyover, next you'll tell me a martini or bellini is obscure

>> No.9837622


>> No.9837637

Holy shit, look at this one. Struck a nerve? I think that response is all the confirmation I need that I have correctly identified the situation.

And while I realize that you're currently being triggered at 110% capacity, please take a moment to realize that no one has mentioned politics in any way and you're projecting your little ass off.

>> No.9837819
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>Being this blind to irony

>> No.9837825
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>this whole thread

Im sorry applebees couldnt make the drink you only know from mad men.

>> No.9837865


>> No.9837885
File: 25 KB, 550x550, hathaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a 4 ingredient drink made with contents that will be found at any bar including applebee's is fedora

>> No.9837916

this guys an asshole, but he's right. No one mentioned politics.

>> No.9837975


Fake News! Everyone knows hipsters are into the 1800s.

>> No.9837990


Like nigga vs nigger. You might be racist bro.

>> No.9838031

yeah lime juice completely makes a rum and coke i don't like them without it

>> No.9838056


are you trying to say that champagne is the same thing as prosecco or cava? My man, I hope that one day you get to try some premier cru champagne and finally shed some light on your erroneous stance.

>> No.9838100
File: 304 KB, 1366x768, i cant even.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you use "niggardly" correctly in a sentence but still get culturally enriched by your local syntax brigade

>> No.9838230

Is this why everyone in Boston talks all retarded

Why would you not just order a margarita?

>> No.9838280

Lol someone get this man a bed in the icu, caused he got fucking burned

>> No.9838417

You really do though

>> No.9838437

My friend told a story where a friend of his ordered one in Ireland and the bartender said nothing, came back with 2 flaming shots and said "Here's your fooking 9/11"

>> No.9838919

Alcohol is degenerate. Stop drinking.

>> No.9838988
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>On 4chan
>Calls others degenerate
Never fails to make me laugh

>> No.9839516

thanks for posting this i reverse searched it and discovered megg, mogg and owl then spent hours reading it

>> No.9839521

Whats with the casually racey name

>> No.9839523

it's an italian last name

>> No.9839619

What's with the dumb leftbook post?

>> No.9839622

No way! One of my favorite comics, happy to help

>> No.9839647


here's your (you). kill yourself

>> No.9839674
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Are Whiskey Sours A meme?

>> No.9840002
File: 112 KB, 600x400, A785B91A-6270-4F11-9C2C-94D49DD6C3FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are quite tasty. Sometimes I will substitute the whiskey with Sailor Jerry to make, what I call a Sailor Sour.

>> No.9840241

Anon, this is 4chan. We're literally Nazis.

>> No.9840399

I've been really into Cosmopolitans lately. I always thought it was a disgustingly sweet cocktail but when you make it using 100% cranberry juice with only a bit of sugar it's actually quite tasty.

>> No.9840438

I have 2 standard cocktails I'll order depending on my mood. Manhattan on the rocks or Grey Goose martini, dirty, 3 olives, and a splash of tobasco. Both are typically met with approving looks or comments from the bar staff.

>> No.9840454

Do margaritas count? I'm just starting to get into alcohol. I'm a disgusting pleb that sticks mostly with cayman jack and jose cuervo pre mixed ones. Any good brands I should get for making them on my own? Keep in mind the most complicated drink I've made so far is adding a shot of lemon licquer to earl grey tea.

>> No.9840465

Any 100% agave tequila will do and for triple sec always go with Cointreau.

>> No.9840479

>uses cointreau for margaritas
>skimps on the tequila

Jesus that's fucking retarded

>> No.9840483

Man, I could really go for some nachos tonight now that you mention them. Nachos and margaritas. I'll put on my cowboy hat and fingerfuck my Rossi R92 while watching Clint Eastwood movies.

>> No.9840672

Excellent retort.

>> No.9840736
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>> No.9841057

>>skimps on the tequila
What do you mean? I wouldn't call using a 100% agave skimping. Where I live they're much more expensive than Cointreau at least.

>> No.9841144


He laughed because mint juleps are terrible

>> No.9841189

Not if you're making it like that. A good whiskey sour includes eggwhite for body.

>> No.9841200

Rum sours are a thing. It's the base format for the (actual) Mai Tai.

>> No.9841225

OMFG I can see it happening already:
''Cocktail name changed after angry protests''

>> No.9841695

Favs are the Godfather and the Mai Tai
Asked for a godfather at a local bar once and got a blank stare

>> No.9842364


holy shit bro just die in a ditch anytime

>> No.9842398

>Defending someone who can't make a basic cocktail when it's their job
Nice b8 m8

Also my grandpa was a trained bartender. I have standards.

>> No.9842412

The fuck, OP, I just made and tasted a Negroni for the first time. That's some bitter shit. Is it supposed to make the back of your tongue feel like sandpaper?

>> No.9842417

Wondering if I can cut the bitterness by adding a few grains of salt. I'll have to experiment with this...

>> No.9842424

Just top it off with tonic or ginger ale

>> No.9842809

>Bar Rescue
my negroni

>> No.9843492

It’s not any more “chemical” than a martini...I never get a sandpaper thing though.

>> No.9843585


Tried the salt trick. That mitigated it a little bit.
Upgraded the gin. That helped a lot.
Diluted it with some club soda. That just brought out the bitterness even more.
Even tried a version with a barspoon of simple syrup added. That just turned it into cough syrup.

I think maybe I just don't like Campari. Shit. I just blew thirty bucks on a bottle of this stuff too. Now how am I gonna use this up?

>> No.9843678

settle down bruh
i like it with soda water and ice when it’s hot

>> No.9843682

>My grandpa
Like i said, 60 years.

>> No.9843697


>> No.9843747

this cocktail seems to make women want to suck the dick morethan any other drink

>> No.9844532

Come on porco dio, you have to improve your baiting skills son

>> No.9844538

Use it to buy sexual favours from a hobo

>> No.9844575

I get a moscow mule with my meal at my favorite place.

>> No.9844594
File: 198 KB, 1024x1768, connecticon__14__the_dude_cosplay_by_panicpagoda-d7rex1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white russian, thanks.

>> No.9844624

And then they change the name of cocktail because of its patriarchical phallic roots

>> No.9845450

>he fell for memepari

>> No.9845535

Hey /ck/. Need gift ideas, preferably low-budget, for a cocktail enthusiast. I gave them Death & Co. some years ago and they loved it. Doesn't have to be something amazing, but something useful or would improve quality of life as a bartender.

>> No.9845726

I just make a cup of coffee and dump it into my insulated mug that work gave away at a Christmas party and top off whatever is left with half baileys and half whiskey or vodka.

Usually drink these until i pass out

>> No.9845981

In a bar in brooklyn i once asked the bartender for a gin and tonic

i've never had one before so i was excited to try it. i had a sip and had what i can easily describe as basically sprite + vodka and i didn't say anything about it for some reason. i wish i would've said ''what the fuck is this''. they aren't supposed to taste like that, are they?

>> No.9846185

Muh white cis mail privelege sides

>> No.9846666
File: 164 KB, 670x570, prairie oyster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best for hangovers.

>> No.9847325

Definitely not.

>> No.9848204

Some orange bitters.

>> No.9848224

For G&Ts in bars they often use a soda gun for the "tonic". Not sure what crap they're using, but it always tastes much sweeter than proper tonic.

>> No.9848288

I prefer using gin with some salt and pepper

>> No.9848299

Literally hair of the dog, you're just staving off system shock from the fast comedown.
Drink a redbull and eat some eggs, your body needs a lot of B6 and B12 to help get itself back up to snuff.

>> No.9848307

You can make one without alcohol too. Traditionally it's an egg yolk, worcestershire, hot sauce, salt and pepper

>> No.9848327

Best bloody mary recipe? Or a personal one? I've never had one but I need a good morning drink that isn't a mimosa

>> No.9848336

I can't even handle black coffee or tonic water with my gin, will I ever be able to handle Fernet?

>> No.9848551

no they are very tasty

>> No.9848553

it's very tasty but it's a pretty "girly" drink

>> No.9848563

Is White Russian acceptable to order? I love that drink

>> No.9848577

define "acceptable"

>> No.9848834

It's meme tier but if that's what you like don't let that stop you

>> No.9848868

Is a gin and tonic okay to order?

>> No.9848881

Whatever you like to drink is ok to order.

>> No.9848978

He laughed because he asked for a tulip instead of julep.

>> No.9849719

Proof the drinking age should be 25

>> No.9851573


>> No.9851611

If i order a Last Word will anyone know what I'm talking about?