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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9930641 No.9930641 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any occupation more embarrassing than fast food jobs?

>> No.9930647

Being a neet

>> No.9930723

you just posted this on /pol/

>> No.9930732

I was and am very proud of my track record of fast food work.

>> No.9930736

I was bin man for a while
At first I was ashamed but you get free food so I didn't care after a while

>> No.9930739

Where do you work OP

>> No.9930752

Not if you're a teenager or single mother.

>> No.9930755


FPBP as always

>> No.9930757

Well I don't think 15 year olds are really qualified to do much else so I don't really think it's embarrassing for them. As for adults I'd be more embarrassed to be homeless than to work a shitty job.

>> No.9930761


The occupation of current Europe by muslims.
The occupation of america's tables by healthy food.

>> No.9930770

Not if you're young. If you're over 30 and not the manager, you've failed at life.

>> No.9930782

But I don't care if you work there or not

I just want my damn burger not your life choices.

>> No.9930802


As long as you aren't working you aren't being recognized by customers outside of work. When a customer has a bad experience they don't forget your face. They give you a hard time outside of work as well.

>> No.9930806

I don't know about embarrassing, but what about a job where you scan and bag people's expensive items while you make minimum wage. You could never afford the things you work to sell, basically. When people say "wage slave", that's what I think of. Fast food workers can pay for the food they serve, at least. Then again, some slaves got to keep a portion of their crops, so I guess that's a modern form* of that after all.

*Without the whole forced to work or you're beaten, obviously.

>> No.9930850

Being a fastfood customer

>> No.9930896

It was just that funny anon.

>> No.9930907


>> No.9930912

Store manager or assistant?

>> No.9930921

Would much rather work fast food than retail.

>> No.9930957

being one of those guys who stands outside a business in a costume waving at cars for advertisement

especially those guys with the arrow signs

>> No.9930971

It’s a slap in the face when you are “forced” to choose a fast food job, but I don’t think it’s that bad. McDonald’s is the only fast food job that’s stigmatized. I’ve nevwr walked in as a customer and felt embarrassment for any of the staff though.

>> No.9930988

Americans make fun of people that have no job, then make fun of them when they get a minimum wage job.

>> No.9930997

Agree if you're a teenager, but single mothers working in fast food truly are pathetic.

>> No.9931006


>> No.9931017

If they really cared about their kids they'd be hooking or stripping.

>> No.9931035

Not having a job?

>> No.9931046

ITT buttockspenetrated wagies

>> No.9931104

What if the single mother is a teenager? Is it ok then? Also what if the single mother is a manager?

>> No.9931108

ALERT! salty wagecuck detected!

>> No.9931109

Retail banking.

>> No.9931121

What if they do cool tricks with the signs like spinning it and stuff

>> No.9931149

Cause liberals think a minimal skill job intended for entry level aged people aka kids should provide a livable wage for a grown adult and their family. Why the fuck even bother doing anything better than fast food if the bare minimum is a livable wage for a family. The same people want to take everyone's money as it is.

>> No.9931162

Because it's menial, unsatisfying and a huge pain in the ass, while more educated/ skilled jobs provide more money and more job satisfaction.

>> No.9931164

cleaning fucking toilets at stadiums

>> No.9931167


>> No.9931172

The well thought and articulated argument of the liberal mind, everyone.

>> No.9931176

Tight end for the Kansas Chiefs.

>> No.9931178

Agreed but since when has doing the bare minimum in life resulted in good enough? Cause that's what the livable wage argument is. I went to college, got an engineering degree, busted my ass to get some raises so I can't give my family what I consider a decent existence. My starting salary was $30 an hour and I think I've worked 1000x harder than those fast food fucks yet I was only making 2x the salary. Explain how that's fair

>> No.9931179

fucking this.
doing anything is always better than doing nothing at all.

>> No.9931184

>Because it's menial, unsatisfying and a huge pain in the ass, while more educated/ skilled jobs provide more money and more job satisfaction.
All of those thinks are purely subjective and not fact based at all. Please conjure up an actual argument with logic.

>> No.9931187

You should just be grateful anon! XD

>> No.9931192

She's still a single mother in all those scenarios though.

>> No.9931207

But she's a teenager so it's fine.

>> No.9931212

single mothers are always pathetic though.

>> No.9931260

I worked fast food when I was in high school for a few years. It wasn't really that embarrassing at all. I had a lot of fun with my co-workers and the work was pretty simple. The vast majority of customers always treated me with respect.

>> No.9931266

Same. Now I make a pretty good living.

I think it's maybe embarrassing when you are older. I mean if you are 35 and working fast food then you probably failed life.

>> No.9931315

I never treat adults I see working at a fast food joint but they should feel embarrassed. There's nothing wrong with working fast food when you're a kid learning some skills to advance to the next rung of the ladder. By admitting the minimum wage should be a livable wage for an adult you are admitting the best a grown adult can do in America is be a fast food worker. Despite the fact droves of immigrants with no fucking money came here with whatever skills they had and figured it the fuck out, with and without minimum wages.

>> No.9931341


>> No.9931357

In poo in the loo land there's an occupation that involves diving into shit-water with no equipment to unclog the sewage system by hand.

>> No.9931366

Manual street sweeper?

>> No.9931372

There are literal sewage divers. I can scarcely imagine such a life.

>> No.9931375

S-starbucks doesn’t count as fast food, r-right?

>> No.9931383

Yes it does. Just because you earn tips and know how to steam milk doesn't make you any better than a burger flipper.

>> No.9931388

Call center employment. I speak from experience. The pay is good but it's not worth it.

>> No.9931393

I already answered him with cleaning toilets. shut this fucking thread down.


>> No.9931396

Those types of jobs are usually reserved for the "untouchables." The caste system over there is fucked.

>> No.9931400


>> No.9931529

Unlikely. When I go back to my hometown and see people I went to high school with working at fast food restaurants I can't help but automatically assume they have failed at life.

>> No.9931559

Considering 90% of the people on this board are neets that don't work, this is the wrong place to ask the question. I have never worked fast food, but I have respect for their employees because at least they are working unlike you fucking reddit migrant losers.

>> No.9931565

Probably cleaning public toilets

I usually make as big a mess as I can get away with whenever I use one

>> No.9931605

lol didn't read.

shut this fucking thread down

>> No.9931606

>Is there any occupation more embarrassing than fast food jobs?

Only suckers & dumb white kids work fast food.

Smart folks know how to game the system.

Yeah, it sound bad, but don't nobody know you're doing it and you don't have to be a slave & serve white fucks their fries.

>> No.9931618


>> No.9931624

>Smart folks know how to game the system.
You mean niggers selling drugs? Because that's a good way to get shot or arrested

>> No.9931625

McD in NYC pays $15 per hour and gives full benefits.

>> No.9931670
File: 8 KB, 110x39, Screen Shot 2018-01-02 at 12.27.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nyc? that fucking rat hole? Im pretty sure the rent and taxes make up for it.

enjoy your disgusting blizzard

>> No.9933517

>think I've worked 1000x harder
You didn't.
>only making 2x the salary.
$30/hr is more than twice minimum wage. You are a goddam idiot and your degree is worthless because of it.

>> No.9933543

I'm a security guard right now. I'm quitting after I realized I was embarrassed to tell my family what I did over the holidays.

The difference is that retail and fast food are seen as transitional, temporary jobs. You can say "Shit sucks. I was laid off so I'm stuck at Whole Foods for a bit until I find something better." Whereas security seems like it's a job for people that gave up trying to find anything better. And if you were one of those failed cops that became a security guard, you might as well just lie and say you're unemployed since that's less embarrassing.

>> No.9933626


security feels so good though

i got a graveyard shift guarding a mostly empty office building and underground parking lot. i do barely anything, i just read books, listen to podcasts, and shitpost on my phone.

the ease is worth the low pay and indignity.

of course i occasionally come across some crazy junky who wants to stab me with an HIV-laden syringe. but it's 99.9% chill.

>> No.9933634


Blizzards are DQ. McDonald's has the McFlurry

>> No.9933654

Actually the real reason I'm quitting is because I made the mistake of accepting a promotion to supervisor. Being on call 24 hours is not worth the low pay and indignity.

>> No.9933670

I used to work in retail, I was the only male working with about 15 other females. I hated it, I was pretty much just there to lift heavy boxes and open jars.
I was really attracted to one of my co-workers and it became pretty obvious and going to work became really awkward.

>> No.9933689

you should have put her in box and fugged her

>> No.9933707

I wish. Closest I'm going to get is fapping to her Instagram.

>> No.9933723

post it faggot

>> No.9933730

All occupations that do not give an individual a sense of pride and self-fulfillment are equally embarrassing.

>> No.9933885

Lol I thought that was a maga hat.

>> No.9933899

What if her husband died protecting her and her child from a wild animal?

>> No.9934711

Janitorial, I've worked both beeteedubs

>> No.9934731

One thing you can't refute though, is that if you love seeing people go full sperg/autist, it's the best job possible

>> No.9934753
File: 1.42 MB, 1111x597, smug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when a fastfood worker thinks they are a real person, and not merely a cog in the machine that serves us consumers, the real human beings

>> No.9934915

She should have married a man.

>> No.9934928

I always see people doing jobs like picking up rubbish on a highway and think it looks really comfy.
It'd be nice being outside and doing a stress free job that you don't really need to think about.

>> No.9934933

Haha, go make my burger wagie and dont forget to clean the toilet for Mr. Shekelstein afterward. I took the liberty to shit on the floor as the toilet itself wasnt properly cleaned.

>> No.9934939


>> No.9934941

things that have never happened: the post

>> No.9934952

I'd hang myself if I didn't have an occupation

>> No.9934955

being a poorfag is the most embarrassing thing
you have to serve people all day who think you are garbage

>> No.9934956

1000% this

>> No.9934960

What if it's a night job for extra cash?

>> No.9934979

Nothing wrong with a cleaning job nigger

>> No.9934996

Fast food workers clean toilets and the whole restaurant, work in the kitchen and as cashiers almost simultaneously in case you hadn't noticed. It's the most wagecuck job for people with no respect for themselves.

>> No.9935001
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Better question: what are the comfiest minimum wage jobs

>> No.9935012

Working in any food kitchen sounds pretty bad no matter what position you hold.
Shit hours, low pay and not much opportunity to get anywhere.

>> No.9935025

I have had bad experiences with customers before, probably a good two dozen or so at least over the course of working retail in this city for the last 4 or 4 1/2 years, and not once have I met any bad apples outside of work, and my city is only 100,000 people.

The only time you would have to worry about this is if you are super horrible at customer service and EVERY customer hates you, but then you wouldn't last long at the job anyway.

>> No.9935099
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What is behind the MALE door?

>> No.9935209

A toilet and urinal.

>> No.9935221
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>> No.9935269

Toy store

>> No.9935340

Comicbook shop.

>> No.9935379

Bingo caller

>> No.9935420

embarrassing to the family? If your family is ashamed of you and can't love you for who you are then you have a shit family friend.

>> No.9935430

this is why I quit jobs

>> No.9935436

adult toystore

>> No.9935444

Children's adult toy store.

>> No.9935454

Have pride in yourself no matter where you work and no matter what anyone thinks. Hold your fucking head high and walk with authority. Good luck keeping a woman around when you're self-defeating. If you're ashamed of yourself you're a low test beta faggot.

>> No.9936155
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i love being neet. i love the look of disgust/concern/confusion on the normalfaggots face when I proudly tell them i'm neet. They feel that you're beneath them, to compensate for the misery of wagecuckery.

>> No.9936189

Being the hacker known as 4chan

>> No.9936318

Oh no he didn't

>> No.9936331
File: 50 KB, 642x792, F7BCCBF8-B1B5-4725-86CA-66379CFA2581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The neet life is awesome for half a year

Then it leads to depression and drugs

I bet you know what im talking about

>> No.9936353

Now that the minimum wage was bumped up to $14/hour here fast food jobs don't seem so bad if you can actually land one

>> No.9936397

For 6 months until inflation catches up

>> No.9936418

Shouldn't you be paying attention to your grade 10 history lesson?

>> No.9936622

used to be an overnight valet in a hotel. spent most of the shift watching movies on my phone. only did 20 minutes of actual work in a shift.

also used to be a pump jockey at a gas station and that was also pretty chill.

>> No.9936649

i am also a cucktario faggot

>door to door sales
>market research call center
>one of those assholes at a busy intersection who try to start up a conversation with you so that they can try and make you commit to monthly donations to some fuck ass charity
>working the express lane at a grocery store check out

but fast food is right up there. nothing worse than having to take orders from fat people and welfare niggers.

>> No.9936949

Did you, perhaps, work for free?

>> No.9937148

janitorial work seems more dignified than front line burger worker
>mad union bux
>welfare niggers and fat women dont tell you how to do your job
>dont have to answer to any random fuck that walks into your workplace