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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9948920 No.9948920 [Reply] [Original]

last one >>9941698

>trying to stay sober edition

>> No.9948922
File: 58 KB, 672x681, alck goes to a party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here, how do you guys like my drawing

>> No.9948935

it's a newww bread
it's a newwww bread

we gonna hang out cuz it's a NEW BREAD BABY TONITE

>> No.9948943

hahahaha fuck that was an actual kek had by me, did u actually make this?

>> No.9948955

haha yea, took me like ten minutes in paint

>> No.9948956
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>> No.9948965

for christ's sake the look on his face, im crying

>> No.9948966
File: 51 KB, 672x681, alck goes to a party2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also open to any edits, I like this minor one

>> No.9948984

give him some shakey vibration lines around his hands / arms / shoulders

>> No.9949009

Give me a beginner's on Japanese whiskey, seems like good shit but as a Floridafag importing is expensive as fuck. What can I look for locally that's pretty good? Not really an alcoholic, just drink during events and I'd like to get an alcohol collection going

>> No.9949015

You need an alcohol thread, not an alcoholic thread.

>> No.9949022

Should I start my own?

>> No.9949028

yes start a whiskey thread, this is basically a 1.75 L smirnoff or 24 pack of miller lite thread, we lost the ability / desire to give a shit about taste or quality a long time ago

>> No.9949034

also anyone looking to kill some time should download nuclear throne on steam. 12 bucks right now and hours of entertainment with no real plot so it doesn't matter if you're drinking

>> No.9949035

>tfw go to the store and literally grab 3 bottles of red wine at absolute random, cannot taste a difference anymore, just looking forward to the fear going away after the first one and feeling good after the second

>> No.9949036

You’re not likely to get the help you’re looking for in a thread full of people who’ve all at least once, pissed in their booze jug not their piss jug, then, well, not wasted it regardless.

>> No.9949038


There's a bourbon general on the catalog right now. They might know something about drinkable jap whiskey.

>> No.9949047



Fucking richfags, I swear.

>> No.9949050

Oh okay, yeah this is definitely not what I'm looking for. Thanks for what help you gave though anon!

>> No.9949051

Red wine is a fucker, loaded with congeners which will make you feel even more dire than you already do. It’s why so many alcks drink vodka, it’s about as clean a poison as you can get.

>> No.9949052

20th for banging techno tunes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK5IcSw17qs

>> No.9949057

just to slightly defend al/ck/'s honor, i'll give it a shot

suntory has a good line-up, such as hibiki and yamazaki

cheaper brands in japan include just straight suntory whiskey (kaku) and nikka, the higher end stuff is more common in the US than the rotgut whiskey japanese salarymen drink in their bars

>> No.9949060

Yeah it was always kamchatka or heaven hill for me.

>> No.9949074

My mom drank Hibiki a lot, I think I'll go for it.

>> No.9949078


I wonder if the jap chans have Al/ck/ threads? Seems like being a functioning alcoholic is mandatory if you want to move up the ladder as a salaryman.

>> No.9949087


>> No.9949088

probably. it's called 酒中毒 or 酒の依存性 in Japanese. could google for it.

>> No.9949102
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I need to see the al/ck/ femanon version of this

>> No.9949103
File: 166 KB, 1300x957, businessman-hiding-alcohol-bottle-his-jacket-34840645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you hide alcohol?

>> No.9949106

I hope /alck/ likes tehcno cos I'll spam it over the next hour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QPrJa7z12s

Pretty fucked tbhfinished the thatchers drinkig my ukranian vodka now

>> No.9949118

I used to have all manner of complicated ways to hide/smuggle booze. Not as ingenious as the guy who buried bottles in houseplants leaving just the cap exposed, and drank them with a straw when nobody was looking, or the dude who hid vodka in a hosepipe.

>> No.9949120


Nope. You know keeping bottles around is just asking for you to drink it all in one sitting.

>> No.9949123

Kek me irl

>> No.9949130

i found a forum, literally the same shit as on here


"i slipped up over new years and the WD's are killing me."
"i am drinking starting now."
"i made it a week but this is the limit of my endurance, this is a living hell."

>> No.9949139

Vodka in a plastic water bottle to go out. Often with a water bottle too, to stay hydrated.
In my place too, had an emergency bottle, and then had an emergency emergency bottle too.

>> No.9949152

used to go into work with 2 vodka mini bottles strapped into each inner blazer pocket, don't miss those days tho

>> No.9949177


When I was a young delinquent I had to go to court and my public defender had bloodshot eyes and smelled like he had killed a bottle of wine before work.

>> No.9949184

Yup, pretty much identical, lol

>> No.9949187
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Perfect vodka desu

>> No.9949189

I have to drink at least 175ml if I’m in court, or I just stand there throwing up, unable to speak

>> No.9949227

Have you ever developed any new phobias after DT’s? I never gave a fuck about needles before, in fact I used to self-harm and inject heroin, but now they scare me to death. Since hallucinations and psychosis, i can no longer even watch horror movies, even though rekt threads never used to bother me. Everything just scares me half to death now. Even kids cartoons can make me gasp with fear if something even remotely sinister comes on.

>> No.9949254


What do you hate more; liquor or dope?

>> No.9949257

Being a PD is one of the most horrendously soul-crushing jobs

>> No.9949273

Booze, by miles. I’ve never really given a shit about smack, even when I was physically addicted to it. I can take it or leave it.

>> No.9949275

well it's certainly an accurate rendering, i'll say that much

>> No.9949282

Trying to dry out, all I can say is thank fuck for klonopin

>> No.9949286

Gonna play a game of cs after 12 cans of thatchers lol wish me luck

>> No.9949287

I can't stand scary movies either, and I think I developed emetophobia (puking) during my pancreatitis bouts.

>> No.9949313

I used to enjoy them, but it’s like there’s an intense feeling of fear in my chest at all times, which is ready with the tiniest provocation, to absolutely explode and make me gasp/scream/run. Maybe I have ptsd or something, because anything which gives me even the tiniest glimpse of a reminder of DT’s, and I’m likely to run screaming into traffic just to escape the feeling

>> No.9949383

>look through phone’s pic album
>there’s a pic of me holding a bottle of vodka in a cinema 4 days ago
>no memory of even leaving the house
Ok then.

>> No.9949400
File: 96 KB, 1200x627, 2014_01_15_3f_hrsinglryt8.22b0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking been there

>> No.9949478

Fuck it then. 3.20am, nowhere near drunk enough to sleep, guess I’ll wake up and have a coffee. Trying to sleep is just making me twitchy.

>> No.9949532

same except with a stranger's dick in my mouth

>> No.9949635

This is probably a stupid fucking question, but how worth it is to try and drink mouthwash to get drunk? The teens at the shelter I used to work out would do it all the time and I thought they were idiots, before I became an idiot alcoholic myself.

I still live with my parents and they've been incredibly iffy on what I buy and bring into the house - they confronted me about the amount of alcohol I'm bringing in today.

>> No.9949653

tip 1 don't drink FUCKING MOUTHWASH jesus
tip 2 don't live with your parents
tip 3 touch ur peen instead of drinking, works wonders

>> No.9949656
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dont bother with the 40 dollar shit, svedka is a mans home. i assure you.....fuck

>> No.9949659

Tip 2 is easier said than done. Where I live is the third highest place to rent in in my country, and I don't exactly have a high paying job despite it being in my field of choice.

And damn, I'm desperate. I guess I could start sneaking it in but mouthwash just looks so inviting sometimes.

>> No.9949664
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ur better of going with delsyuim....or whatever the cough syrup is called. its cheaper and gets you more fucked up.

>> No.9949670

Scope is supposed to be better than Listerine. Though if you go there Listerine route, yellow is better than blue. That said, don't drink mouthwash.

>> No.9949671

Just smuggle it in. Basket out your window with fishing line attached. New bottle pulled in, old one lowered down.

>> No.9949673

dude are you even al/ck/? where are your sneaking skills?

mini bottles in the pockets, flask in the back pocket, always plastic never glass, leave some in your car then go out and get it later with an excuse, etc etc etc,

>> No.9949677

As an alcoholic hiding it from his parents i can give you some advice. First off, you don't need to drink mouthwash. Do you have your own car? If so, keep your booze out there. You should do things like buying a bottle of water, drinking it, then filling it with gin/water. Another thing is buying half-pints. They fit in your pockets. The cashier gives you weird looks if you insist on two half-pints instead of a full one but fuck him. Yea, so generally, smuggle booze in non-booze containers.

>> No.9949680

Do your parents sit in the living room all day watching you come and go or something?

>> No.9949686


Meant gin/vodka

>> No.9949689


Never thought about that. I'm kind of fucking stupid.


Good idea.


Actually, pretty much. They pretty much live in there and the times when I enter the house, they're for sure there and always stop me.

>> No.9949745

dude if it hasn't gotten so bad that you haven't thought of these things yourself just stop while you're ahead

>> No.9949793

Have you thrown up in a courtroom before?

>> No.9949803
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buddy got me a bottle of this for christmas, anyone know if it's good?

>> No.9949804

Nah, I’ve always gone in after drinking 35-70cl of vodka

>> No.9949811

Is there alcohol in it?

>> No.9949816

Also really this.
I remember when I was hardcore physically addicted like 4 years ago, it was like I was filling up containers and stashing them everywhere out of pure instinct.
If it hasn't occurred to you how to sneak liquor literally everywhere, and I seriously mean every god damn place you will ever be, stop drinking before you've gotten to that point.

>> No.9949821

Take it to bourbon thread, whiskey is also discussed there. This is poorfag land where it's alcohol>taste

>> No.9949829

Ever try any of these?

>> No.9949831

>Hour 26 of being sober
>Anxiety and guilt are starting to wash in
Real close to breaking and getting a 40 to calm down

>> No.9949838

Day 8 of sobriety. Never made it past 2 before in over a decade.

Feeling good. But I can't sleep.

>> No.9949840

go to a doctor and get some fucking ambien before you relapse, insomnia is a big indicator of relapse likelihood

>> No.9949846

Any of you nerds like to watch movies? There's still one place left in my city that rents movies and I've been going there a lot recently. watched Roman Polanski's 'Repulsion' last night. It was suprisingly intense for a film from 1965. Watched Jacob's Ladder this morning which I've seen before but I was pretty drunk so I didn't remember most of it. Watched The Wicker Man (the original one) tonight while drinking wine and making soup. I've also got Rosemary's Baby and The Night of the Hunter (which I think an anon mentioned a couple threads ago) which I'm probably going to plow through tomorrow.

I'm on a big psychological horror/thriller kick right now. For some reason actually going out and renting movies and watching them is more flfilling than just watching youtube videos every night.

Next trip to the movie store I think I'm going to get Tarkovsky's Solaris and Polanski's third film in the Apartment trilogy, depending on whether or not Rosemary's Baby is any good. Any suggestions for other things I should rent?

Sorry I know this is off topic but I'm drunk and /tv/ is literal shit

>> No.9949849

The insomnia is a real pain, just goes on and on. The only thing which helps me is getting really high, but that shit isn’t cheap in dumbfuckqueenistan where it’s illegal

>> No.9949854

I dunno I have great sober sleeps from day one and I still manage to relapse almost immediately

>> No.9949861

Oh so you were just saying that you WOULD puke, I get it.

>> No.9949862

I've been renting too anon!

Watched the original All Quiet On the Western Front a few weeks ago. Before that Rear Window. Thoroughly enjoyed them both.

>> No.9949870

Yeah I should have said “i’d“, I.e hypothetically

>> No.9949886

oh man yeah I forgot about Hitchcock. Rear Window sounds good. I watched The Birds and Psycho when I was like 14 or 15 but that's it.
Was the All Quiet film made by a German? I want to read the book.

>> No.9949895


>> No.9949904


>> No.9949929


>> No.9949936

change the smirnoff to antifreeze
add an >tfw no sloppy, goofy low self-esteem alck gf

>> No.9949953

I believe so Erich Maria Remarch or something like. Book is very good too.

>> No.9949965

>is that guy drinking top shelf vodka? what a fag
>woke up with another cut i cant explain
>how am i going to take off these pants without anyone noticing
>tfw dick still works

>> No.9949972

fucking kek too close to home

>> No.9949986
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>> No.9949995

>not a fan of these random noises
>pretty sure i didnt shit myself
>is she using a chaser?
>the only thing i chase is braphogs and anime characters

>> No.9950003


these are good but it makes him seem too functional, i like the original...just piss and vomit and withdrawals and help me

>> No.9950006

i watched eyes wide shut recently, not a good movie if you're having the fear but great if drunk

>> No.9950007

>are they staring at me?
>tfw blacking out
>i hope when i sleep tonight i don't wake up

>> No.9950008
File: 30 KB, 671x673, 1310262538002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was that a fly in the corner of my vision or a hallucination
>is there music playing the next room?
>tfw all these people know me and idk who they are

pic related is template, go to town al/ck/

>> No.9950027

i really liked Birdman. Its best if you watch it without knowing anything about it

>> No.9950040
File: 35 KB, 460x460, ZZZQuil Soothing mango berry liquid_25_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's great, man, I'm on day 10 and never made it past 3 since 2011. Have you tried the alcohol-free ZzzQuil? That's been working so far for insomnia and feels kinda good.

>> No.9950051

anyone else get horrific restless legs from this shit?
if the whole world was like me this wouldn't be on the market, it literally has the opposite effect on me

>> No.9950071

would make one of these but gimp sucks all the ass in the known universe
idk theyre all pretty barebones and extremely sloppy alck feels that you feel during hangovers or withdrawals. the original is fine though

>> No.9950083

I've read that that's an effect from high doses. Did you drink a lot of it?

>> No.9950103

not really. i think it's any dose.

random citation

>> No.9950139

>Active Ingredients (in each caplet) (Purpose)
>Diphenhydramine HCI 25mg (Nighttime sleep-aid)

literally just 1 benadryl
what retard buys this shit

>> No.9950165

grandmas probably
actually thats probably not even true, grandmas get all the benzos they fucking want

>> No.9950211

Quit drinking after the 31st. Can't handle the depression I get after drinking anymore. Plus I can get called out to work at any time so I kinda had to anyway

Shit sucks. Almost all my friends still drink every time we hang out and the temptation is a bitch.

when does it get better, al/ck/?

>> No.9950224

Guise I'm in a business incubator (free shared office) cause I'm running a small tech startup.
It comes with like a free beverage station for everyone to share, it has a beer tap serving high quality locally brewed beer in there.
Semi-tempted to bring in a few empty vodka bottles and fill up and take 'er home.

>> No.9950228

when you get new friends who aren't drinkers.
when you leverage your sobriety into productivity, and find new meaning in life through productivity.

t'aint easy but you can do it.

I'm not productive when sober, at all.

>> No.9950230

It sucks

>> No.9950236


>> No.9950249

Been abstaining so haven't been in one of these thread for a while.
Only had 1 bottle of bourbon since October 30th and 72 beers since December 16th.
Do really feel like a bottle of bourbon though. No idea why. Last few days I've just felt kinda down and found myself feeling like it.

>> No.9950320
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Day 7 of no drink 2018

so far consumed: five sixers of miller, four cocktails, and seven shots.

>> No.9950350

I've had 2.5 handles. Less than normal. Don't up just try to make it less than the day before. There's no pressure, just a little less, a little slower.

Try starting a little later and ending a little quicker. And don't stress, just remember you have other things to do but it's okay to drink, just preferably less than the day before.

>> No.9950351

>12 bucks right now

negro i dont even play free games

>> No.9950430

goddamit I posted this in the dead bread but
quick al/ck/ I've had a bad cold and pneumonia over the past two weeks but I'm finally feeling better.
Should I get drunk y/y?

>> No.9950438


>> No.9950463


every fucking weekend I'll down at least 1,4 L of Bourbon, plus a cask of beer...I don't know how I'm surviving, but I still do..weirdest shit is, under the week I don't have a craving for alc, at all. But come friday, all my inner hell somehow breaks loose..

>> No.9950481

Shit okay. I'll wait another couple days when I'm sure I'll be able to hold it down. Not having a drink for two weeks is killing me.

>> No.9950530

My last binge ended me in the psych ward, because the cops thought I tried to kill myself. I'm finally fucking done. Good luck with whatever you decide guys.

>> No.9950548

you're a bad drunk, probably should quit.

>> No.9950705

Piece of shit here, is there such a thing as Butterscotch Alcohol and if so which one do you recommend? Thank you.

>> No.9950713

schnapps good enough for you?

>> No.9950821

Imitation scotch at a higher price, it will be good, you just could have bought real scotch or bourbon instead.

>> No.9950829

Thatchers gold, damn i miss the uk supermarket booze.

>> No.9950837

That would be an expensive way to not get drunk.
I couldn't imagine the minty shits.

>> No.9950861

Butterscotch schnapps is a thing. Alternatively make your own butterscotch vodka.

1. break butterscotch candies down in a food processor to as small as possible pieces. The smaller, the better.
2. Combine with your favorite high-proof vodka.
3. Store in a cool, dark place. Shake daily. Should take about a week for the butterscotch to dissolve.

>> No.9950882

Might as well quit at this point desu.

>> No.9950890

4. Strain back into your original bottle.

>> No.9951290

I'm pretty sure withdrawals are traumatic enough to give PTSD.

>Not having a drink for two weeks is killing me.
You went through the hardest part, don't relapse for some PAWS.

>> No.9951439

I got hammered and left my whole case of beer in the freezer.
It is slushy.
I need a beer now.
Can I microwave it on low? to thaw it out?
or is it gonna be vomit inducing mess

>> No.9951442
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nevermind im cutting the tops off the cans and eating the slush

>> No.9951464

Nevermind this is terrible
If my phone was charged yall would see the dumbest picture of a bud-ice slushie

>> No.9951470

I had this problem the other day, I ran them under really hot water and they went from beer slushie to mostly beer in a few mins

>> No.9951471
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Literally waiting for the store to open so I can get a bottle of Yukon Jack.

>> No.9951490
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smoke some weed as it kicks in, get transported to the dextroverse

>> No.9951498

Imma do that
Be back with a report in a few minutes.

>> No.9951500

3rd plateau is fucking wild.
Meditating during a 3rd p trip is absolutely breath-taking.
it is great.

>> No.9951502

You realise how much better life is when you don’t feel like utter shit every fucking day. Even something as simple as going to the shop and having a conversation with the teller, without sweating bullets and being paranoid as fuck about being anxious all the fucking time feels amazing

>> No.9951536
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>microwave an aluminum can
This is still a cooking board. How did it not occur to you to thaw something with water, before it occurred to you to ruin your microwave?

>> No.9951537

Fuck I left it under hot water too long and now the beer is hotter than sin.
Imma just grab a different one.
try again

>> No.9951541

Drunk can't think straight
Thawing never occurred to me
gnomes are in my brain

>> No.9951557
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If it's that bad, try another method.
Don't put it under running hot water,. Submerge it in a bowl of moderately hot water, and you will get something roughly room temperature in a couple minutes, without the risk of it becoming too hot to drink. If it's not going fast enough, wiggle it a bit, but not too much.

>> No.9951562

okay it worked this time.
Beer is no longer slushie.
But bad news....
This is my last beer
and shops arent selling alc for 2 hours.
Ill be fine. Cooking attempting to cook a full english breakfast with half the ingredients.
in a toaster oven

nah man it worked the second time.

>> No.9951611
File: 51 KB, 453x519, D50809BB-612E-4EF3-A870-79B28E362E41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be drunk
>eat one bite of a mouldy peach every couple of days, throw up

>sober up
>orange and thyme slow-roast chicken, tenderstem broccoli steamed with garlic and rosemary - mashed up, add chicken stock pot, serve. Roast carrots with butter and thyme, fried onions with garlic and coriander
>gravy made from orange and thyme roasting juices, pour over all
>peel and core pears, poach in a fragrant mix of cinnamon, ginger, orange, star anise, nutmeg, vanilla and honey, core stuffed with cherries and raisins, served on a bed of mango purée and yogurt

>> No.9951621

Chicken and fruit do not go together.
That also that sounds absurd, it has way too many flavors.
Cinnamon ginger, orange , anise , vanilla , cherry and raisin with mango?
What the fuck
I would have to taste it in person to understand I guess.
But your flavor profile is all over the place.
Was it good?

>> No.9951623

I do enjoy Chicken n Broccoli though so bonus points for that.

>> No.9951628

Yeah it’s great, I’ve dine it multiple times. The pears are my adaptation of this...
And chicken goes really well with orange

>> No.9951629

I think orange only went with the chicken. The rest sounds like some crazy poached pears recipe. Orange goes with duck at least. Chicken and apple sausages are popular too.

>> No.9951631


fucking excellent

>> No.9951632

I wish Megan would lick my lollipop ;_;

>> No.9951635

oh okay.
Thanks for the explanation because I was baffled.
That makes more sense.
EVEN for poached pears that is absurd, too many flavors.

>> No.9951640

Honestly I don’t think so, it has an intense Christmasy flavour and right now my entire house smells like spices. I could eat the delicious bastards every day. The star anise dust on top is the most dominant and delicious flavour, but the rest is still great

>> No.9951656

I'll just take your word for it friend.

>> No.9951849

What is it about music that makes me want to run for the nearest bottle? Why don’t normies have to put up with this torture?

>> No.9951906

Haven't drank since new year's day lads. I'm not going to quit, i've just been sick as fuck with a cold. But I'm going to try and cut back massively this year. Good luck everyone

>> No.9951933

Sitting at Walmart at 730 waiting on an oil change. Need to go to liquor store immediately after. Not as bad as yesterday though. The fuzziness is still present and sleeping went poorly but what does one expect from drinking poison for so long? Hoping I can do 3 beers today, 2 tomorrow, 1 after that, and sober up for a while.

>> No.9951974


That's hardcore clinical depression. I know it well.

He's some simple shit


leonard cohen everybody knows of course..


From there it gets fancy. I can post those as well.

>> No.9951981


This is my most modern favourite.

Listen to this one and try not to do the worst.


>> No.9951984

i remember going through some sort of ego death like experience one time, robotripping was my favorite thing to do for a while

>> No.9952086
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Nom nom nom

>> No.9952119

Shedding a tear for my old room mate from detox. I'll never forget how hard I laughed at when you called the crack addicted hooker who kept farting the "biggest bird in the yard" or when I got kicked out you pan handled to get me some money to get rid of the shakes

32 times is too many to land up in jail but at least now your free. Rest in peace you crazy fucker

>> No.9952130

How did you get kicked out of detox?

>> No.9952135

Kicked out for drinking. Its pretty common

>> No.9952146

First time I went to detox I smuggled a load of coke in. Don’t know what I was thinking.

>> No.9952162

I remember a girl smoking crack in the bathroom. She's doing great now tho

>> No.9952180

Crack is easier to kick than coffee. It’s only when I’m high on it that I crave more. A few drinks for the comedown and I can leave it without a second thought.

>> No.9952209

Yeah ive done crack while on booze bringers and never managed to be addicted. I'm an alcoholic but she was a true crack head. Would be wired all Fkn night pissing everyone off. A few meds and a couple months later she's a totally different person. See her at NA meetings

>> No.9952228

Tfw solid shits and sleeping through the night again

>> No.9952263

Right on brother. I'm on day 8 myself. Been sober since New Year's Day. First couple days were miserable but now I'm pretty much back to normal.

>> No.9952268

Yeah. Wing kicked out is common. Is like a reunion there, you get to know the regulars. I've been kicked out 5 times. Seen people have drug dealers as visitors. You don't snitch them out, we all relapse

>> No.9952330

First few days were so bad. Feeling okay now though. I think my BP is still fucked though.

Don't ever wanna do wd again. Nice job man. You going to meetings

>> No.9952340

PSA: Don't start drinking again because you feel good now. Remind yourself of the hell 100x a day

>> No.9952345

Feel like I want a gf now that I’m making big steps towards never drinking at all, but is it even possible to date without alcohol? Every conceivable dating venue is saturated with booze. Getting bored with fucking hookers.

>> No.9952350

>Buy and drink one beer
>First sip feels so damn good
>Halfway through the can get an intense urge to go and buy a bottle of booze
So this is the point where I should admit I am an addict? Runs in the family on both sides too.

>> No.9952358

day 107. Still have pot. Also have a big bottle of mouthwash in the house for first time in forever because girlfriend REALLY does not understand the nature of my "sonofabitch, give me a drink" illness.

>> No.9952379

>Every conceivable dating venue is saturated with booze
Can you conceivably go to a bar and not drink alcohol? Or go to places you would have never gone to as an alkie?

Buy her non-alcoholic mouthwash, trash the boozy one.

>> No.9952382


When I was in boot camp, lots of recruits would get drunk off mouthwash. I never did, but apparently you had to drink like 3 or 4 bottles of it to get a good drunk going.

Years later, I realized that the brand of mouthwash we had in there, contained no alcohol. I think the dumb fucks were basically just poisoning themselves and thinking they were drunk.

>> No.9952389

I think meetings are a must. If I could do it alone then why'd I take so many years of hell to do it?

>> No.9952394

dude ditch the mouthwash. I won't even use hand sanitizer..

>> No.9952397

Reminds me of a book I read about Stalingrad. When the russians ran out of vodka, they'd drink antifreeze and claim that it worked. I mean, a lot got sick or died, but apparently it does have drunk like effects. Most probably didn't mind dying or getting sent to a hospital either, seeing how Stalingrad was hell on earth.

Antifreeze (propylene glycol) is an ingredient in most mouthwashes.

>> No.9952407

I've been sober for about 2 years. Not big into meetings myself. I went for about a year, I think it helped in maybe a minor way, but in no way was it essential to my recovery.

Everybody is different though. Everybody's addiction is different. If the meetings help you, then fuck yeah use them. If not...then you need to find the thing that does.

>> No.9952528

The meetings help in the way that not wanting to have to go to meetings becomes one more reason not to drink.

>> No.9952555

It took me about a year to show up sober to a meeting. I would go absolutely hammered. Had guys sign their name and number in the big book and gave it to me free

As drunk as I was, for that one hour I was there I wouldn't have a bottle in my hand

>> No.9952560


> tfw I'm trying to quit drinking and my boss just brought me a bottle of Laphroaig as a gift

>> No.9952594

I feel a strange camaraderie knowing that there are al/ck/ japs shitposting on the other side of the world right now

>> No.9952595

Unless your having dt's dump that shit out. I did it once. Hated myself right after but it was the right choice

>> No.9952605

weird knowing theirs Asian allies out there. I've gone to aa for a long time and it's always whites, natives, the very rare black guy and one guy who's straight up Jew. Got the long curls and everything. Good guy

>> No.9952621

me on the upper left

>> No.9952663
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5th day sober, first day of the Smirnoffbro gut repair diet.

I'm completely straight edge now, no smokes, coffee or whatever. Feels weirdly lucid and peaceful but also empty.

>> No.9952780

Well they exist, but obviously a lot are probably in their home countries. The East Asians who come to the west are usually really competent and ambitious and have a lot of reasons for living and succeeding, such as supporting families back home or raising children

>> No.9952787

Well done.

>> No.9952793

True, plus they have to go back.

White countries for White Al/ck/oholics.

>> No.9952825

My group had our one black guy too. There might have been one more.
Mostly mine was men and a surprising amount of women, all white, all ages.

>> No.9952842

Without getting too /pol/ up I’m here why are al/ck/s all fucking white?!

Seems like something we should look into especially the /pol/tards, gotta save the whites man

>> No.9952846

>gotta save the whites man

fuck white people. libs & republicans. fuck you all.

>> No.9952870

Ok sorry bro let’s get back to regular al/ck/ talk

>> No.9952885

Booze is a white mans poison. Blacks drinking malt liquor is a meme. Oh no I drank a 40oz. And asians are amateur hour.

>> No.9952915


I recon the blacks either don't care or aren't willing to accept help.

>> No.9952949

I never see Nogs at the liquor store. Been into drugs and they aren't in the scene there, really. They love weed but that's about it. Never seen a black hooked on heroin

But us whites might be bad but holy shit are natives ever worse. We literally fucked their shit up

>> No.9952957

>Booze is a white mans poison

lol. Yes. you white people are the only people that drink. gotta own that too, hungh?

>> No.9952964

>insecure asian detected

>> No.9952985

Fuck off Chang. You ha e two shots and are red enough to pass as a tomato

Go take some MDMA with nyugen and shut up

>> No.9953046

>had a seizure or passed out or something
>come to hours later having hit my head

>> No.9953072

I'm on day 10 of a bender. I've been trying to watch GDQ.

>> No.9953086
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>conv. store closed for renovations today
>can't get my daily choccy milk

>> No.9953090

>house tour was cancelled today
>gf is leaving for a week
>it’s gonna be me, doggo and my cats
Let’s get shitty.
I’m gonna grow out my facial hair, sleep all day, only drink malk for food, and fucking hammer down some booze for a week straight.

>> No.9953105

Please stop posting and saying “choccy”. I’m the anon that positively responded to you yesterday and said I chase with it occasionally, but now you sound like a fag. It is spelled chocolate and not everyone has to talk like a child to fit in here.
It’s even worse than people that say “brekki” instead of breakfast.

>> No.9953109

is this 1.75l boi?

you should use this as an opportunity to cut back, if anything. nobody likes watching someone slowly kill themselves

>> No.9953113

Please don't be mean.

>> No.9953136


I used to see them all the time at the liquor store. The guys usually wanting to start a fight or something, the girls just acting very bizarre.

I posted this in another thread, but fuck it I'll post it here too.

The liquor store I used to go to was in the back of a supermarket, you had to walked through the whole supermarket to get to it. So I bought a bottle (I was already wasted for like 2 days of course), and was walking back out through the store, and I got up by the checkout counters and out of nowhere this homeless looking black lady appeared.

She looked at my brown bag and just smiled ear to ear, then ran up to me and started dancing. So....I just started dancing with her too.

Then, we popped the top off the bottle and us two were dancing in this supermarket checkout area, and sipping off the bottle. There had to be like 50 people there, all pretending not to see us. Even the security guard pretended to not see anything.

Then....I don't fucking remember what happened next. I was just in my car, driving home, taking pulls off the vodka.

>> No.9953155

Propylene glycol is completely non toxic, it's only used as antifreeze because it has a very low freezing point.

>> No.9953164


No it's not. It's VERY toxic. It's only about 1/4 as toxic as ethylene glycol, which is why is generally advertised as being safer, but it's far from non toxic. I think a standard drinking glass of pure PG would kill your ass dead.

The concentrations you find in mouthwash are so minuscule, and you're not supposed to drink mouthwash, so it's no big deal. You know...unless of course you drink like 3 or 4 bottles of the stuff...

>> No.9953178

I have used (slammed a full bottle) of scope while weening after a week long vodka bender. Works way better than beer, but hard to avoid getting drunk off of. You don't know shit about balls faggot.

>> No.9953195

Look it up, genius.

The acute oral toxicity of propylene glycol is very low, and large quantities are required to cause perceptible health damage in humans; propylene glycol is metabolized in the human body into pyruvic acid (a normal part of the glucose-metabolism process, readily converted to energy), acetic acid (handled by ethanol-metabolism), lactic acid (a normal acid generally abundant during digestion),[21] and propionaldehyde (a potentially hazardous substance).[22][23][24]

Serious toxicity generally occurs at plasma concentrations over 4 g/L, which requires extremely high intake over a relatively short period of time, or when used as a vehicle for drugs or vitamins given intravenously or orally.[25] It would be nearly impossible to reach toxic levels by consuming foods or supplements, which contain at most 1 g/kg of PG, except for alcoholic beverages which are allowed 5 percent = 50g/kg.[26] Cases of propylene glycol poisoning are usually related to either inappropriate intravenous administration or accidental ingestion of large quantities by children.[27]

>> No.9953203

don't forget to feed the pets

>> No.9953204
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>me reading this while having din din

>> No.9953267

Please don’t man, we care about you
Think about a week from now would you rather be clean-ish or going throw disgusting WDs contemplating a nightmare taper or hospital?

>> No.9953275

Yeah, that’s me. I’ll do my best but no promises, senpai. I know for a fact I need benzos just to cull the maddening anxiety I get when I cut down, though. So I have to wait on that to truly quit.

>> No.9953282
File: 105 KB, 536x500, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went cold turkey off benzos a couple days ago. WDs suck, but they're not as bad as I feared. Nothing I haven't seen before. However I really, really want a drink. You know...to calm the nerves.

>> No.9953293

I would never forget to feed my special animal pals.
Thanks, dude. I’m just using this “I’m moving” thing as a crutch to be shitty, but it won’t stick around for long. I made a genuine effort around the holidays, but I failed. I’m going to try again once I settle down in a new place, but part of dating a qt3.14 is putting up with a LOT of bullshit stress manifestations, and I can’t do this move sober.

>> No.9953299

>going through WDs
>can barely keep water down
>threw up some yellow shit
stomach acid i guess?

>> No.9953306

It’s bile, my guy.

>> No.9953311

Although, I doubt you’re going through wds if you don’t know what bile is. Enjoy your hangover.

>> No.9953313

i was drinnking a liter of rye a day for like a week
pretty sure the sweating, shaking, and all that fun sttuff is wds

>> No.9953329

yeah the emptiness will be your challenge

>> No.9953338

blacks go for crack cocaine

>> No.9953407

66 days sober. I noticed I am going to less and less meetings. My sponsor thinks I am still going but I haven't been to a meeting since before the holidays.

>> No.9953437

107 days sober. You done with drinking for good? Answer should come pretty fast, and be the same to the question if you need to go to meetings.

>> No.9953531

Hey al/ck/,

I'm considering accepting our lord Jesus Christ into my life, have you guys tried it? did it help with the drinking?

>> No.9953563
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ur just jelly of his choccy m8

>> No.9953575

Any tips?

>> No.9953694

Win lottery, get amazing wife and fun job that you love

>> No.9953702

8 days sober

Was cleaning out my car and found half a pint of vodka. Thought about drinking it. It was probably 4 shots worth. I noped and dumped it. Stay strong bros

>> No.9953707

I don't like relationships and work desu.

>> No.9953712

Get a hobby or job.
Something that gets you out of the house.
Volunteer work in a soup kitchen or goodwill store, archery, board games... it doesn't matter. It just has to get you away from the sofa and yourself (and 4chan).

>> No.9953730

Just got back from my first AA meeting. It was actually very nice and welcoming, much less awkward than I expected. Going again on Wednesday.

>> No.9953751

what country? I heard in the US it's quite religious and that puts me off

>> No.9953754

Yes, I am done or I lose my girlfriend and my apartment and my job and become homeless.

>> No.9953772


UK. It does seem to have a religious basis but they're very keen to stress it's not any one religion or something you have to convert to or anything. I think the idea is you just plug in whatever works for you when talking about god or whatever. The only bit you have to join in on is a short 'give me the strength to etc etc' prayer/mantra at the end. I'm happy to just go along with it, all the people there seemed very individual and switched-on, I didn't get a happy clappy cult vibe whatsoever.

>> No.9953816


Dude....I did that for like 5 years. I'd drink for a few days, then that first day of sobriety was basically this, then i'd go right back to drinking a few days later.

I have to say....some of you guys are real pusses when it comes to the wds and all that. If you can handle the pain of actually having a destructive addiction, wds are nothing.

>> No.9953830

well that's not that hard to turn down. You know 4 measly shots wouldn't do anything for you with your tolerance.

If you found a full bottle and turned it down, then you can start bragging.

>> No.9953833
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Fucking kek, good job lad

>> No.9953834

sounds like you've had some babby tier withdrawals. they're the worst part about being a drunk.

>> No.9953845

My first AA meeting some possible multiple personality guy took me out to dinner, then I seriously think he was feeling me out to see if I'd fuck him.

>> No.9953852

I'd say being a drunk is the worst part about being a drunk. When I quit for good I couldn't get out of bed for a week, literally. That wasn't anything compared to how bad it was drinking, though.

>> No.9953853

>got a bottle of Smirnoff red label for christmas
How the fuck do you drink this stuff? Tastes like shit straight and with tonic. I usually drink whisky or gin but this is a step too far. Any tips?

>> No.9953861

1.75l boi here. I’ve been drinking and hanging out for most of the day. I am 21 and I live in a college town, but it’s a Monday. What do?
I need to leave the house anyways to buy another handle, but I’m actually fucking bored. It’s either watch the new season of Peaky Blinders, or go FUCK some Monday drunk retards up at pool.

>> No.9953866

I found the insomnia and shakes and hallucinations and nightmares and such much worse than just being shitfaced.

>> No.9953872

Uh WDs are worse than anything that can otherwise happen to you as a drunk minus I guess homelessness or imprisonment.

If I had a choice between paying $100,000 or going through hard core WDs I would pay the fucking money.

Then again maybe I AM a pussy...lol

>> No.9953877

Drink it straight w/ ice water as chaser. That, or Gatorade chaser. I find it helps if I take a small sip of whatever I’m chasing with and then hold it, slam my shot, and then chase again. Good luck, anon. If you’re anywhere in the SE I will come drink with you.

>> No.9953897

If you didn't experience insomnia, hallucinations, and shakes WHILE you were drinking, then you're not doing it right.

>> No.9953911


You ever think maybe you're just telling yourself that, because you're building up this horrific thing in your mind that will be so awful, that you should just continue drinking?

>> No.9953914

... Okay. You’re dumb as fuck, dude. Calm down and find a better thread to troll, maybe even a different board if you’re tired of posting mcchickens.

>> No.9953927

sorry if it doesn't fit into your current delusions. But it's a fact, everything you're complaining about with wds is all stuff I experience while i was actually drinking. The wds weren't fun but they were the easiest damn part of the whole process

>> No.9953928

ok day 3 of taper. down to 4 beers today. This sucks ass but lets hope i dont get wd's.

I was offshore last time i stopped drinking after 4 months straight drinking unbelievably stopped cold turkey. Had heart problems for 6 weeks straight and lost 24kg in 5 weeks 3 days. shit was not cool.

>> No.9953946

Don't think we get gatorade in bongland, I will give ice water a try though. Cheers, will try the sip method too. I'm in the north of scotland sadly, fucking no one here

>> No.9953961
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in ten hours, I'll have made it a week without any booze. This is my longest sober period in I don't know how long. My anxiety is riding high and I'm not sleeping very much but holy fuck I actually want to get up early to shower and shave. What the fuck is this feeling and how do I celebrate it without falling off this wagon?

>> No.9953967

>My boobs don't get in the way of us spooning, right?
Girls never want to be the big spoon...

Try putting the bottle in the freezer. Strong liquor doesn't freeze, it won't brake the bottle.
Vodka tastes different when ice cold.

Congratulation, you have WD while drinking. That doesn't make your WD more or less horrible than other's WD.

>> No.9953974

The thing (original)
The machinist
If you can tolerate anime (or even if you can't, it's worth it imo) try "Everything becomes F / perfect insider"

>> No.9953978

You’re half right, definitely, but WDs are also fucking nightmarish and be glad if u don’t understand

Anyway I’m sober these days

>> No.9953979

>Girls never want to be the big spoon...
You joking? Every one night stand I have had the grill wants to be big spoon when I roll over

>> No.9953980


get up early and listen to this loud as absolute shit while you get yourself and your place spruced up, trust me


>> No.9953988

>Congratulation, you have WD while drinking. That doesn't make your WD more or less horrible than other's WD.

That's right, because other people's wds are no big deal, so no reason why they quit right? you're different. Yours are worse than everyone's, that's why you need to keep drinking. Your case is special, and nobody else gets it, do they? People just don't get you, you should have some more drinks by yourself and medicate this all away.

>> No.9953992

Aw, I was ready for a good ol’ al/ck/ road trip. Use the sip method, for sure. And just try any sports drink or fruit punch/ lemonade.
Out of curiosity, how much does a handle of Smirnoff cost where you live?

>> No.9953994

who gives smirnoff for a fucking christmas present

>> No.9953995

Don’t listen to this guy, he’s a total faggot.

>> No.9954005

I would gladly accept five handles of Smirnoff instead of one fifth of “nice” scotch.
But considering it was just the one, maybe he has broke friends that still care.
Just sayin’.

>> No.9954038

I agree with you on that, but it just seems like it's kind of in poor taste lol

>> No.9954065

Lake Mungo
The Witch
Goodnight Mommy

>> No.9954120

Same, ever since I got my taper down things have been swell.

>heart rate steady and calm
>no more shakes could perform surgeries with these hands
>good sleep
>nice soft brown sausage comes out of my bum every time I hit the shitter
>can go a couple of days dry if the time calls for it
>still satisfied with my intoxication

It's not blackout drunk every night but at least life is back on track and I don't feel as if I'll die in my 20's.

>> No.9954143

>can drink ~400ml of vodka and still walk/talk
>a single gin martini and i'm fucking blitzed, nearly falling down stairs etc

>> No.9954148

Put it in the freezer and found an old crate of red bull in the cupboard so we shall see. Will be glad to see the back of it desu, but cheers for the suggestions gents. Whisky is doing nicely now. Smirnoff is about £12 for a 700ml bottle and a bit more (£18 when it isn't on offer) for a litre. That includes 20% VAT.
A fucking cretin who got me for secret santa thats who

>> No.9954150
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Same, just can’t figure it out

>> No.9954172

that's a big mojito

>> No.9954203

4 u

>> No.9954204

for you

>> No.9954205

Imagine all the saliva you'd be sipping by the time the drink is almost gone

>> No.9954210


>> No.9954220
File: 280 KB, 1440x1786, uxGTzig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to stop drinking boys but I enjoy it far too much.

Been daily drinking for maybe 5 years now.

>> No.9954227

Christ the state of things

Not being dude weed lmao (I don’t even like weed) but we have places peddling this goliath but STAY AWAY FROM THOSE DRUGS KIDS

Honestly wish society had sanctioned
Some other drug and alcohol was illegal my life would be in a lot better shape

>> No.9954241
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White Sharia when?

>> No.9954329

Eat a dick

>> No.9954469
File: 82 KB, 1016x1016, B692663F-D018-454D-9C3C-DBDD1037AA54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drive to get more liquor
>get in Taco Bell drive thru to fodder my evening drinking out on the town
>reaaaaaally think about it
>realize it’s a Monday night
>stop at gas station for chaser and smokes
I’m about to get drunk as fuck and walk to get a pubsub, and then binge some Netflix. I hope you lads are having a comfy night in, too.
Who’s drinking what and how are y’all feeling?

>> No.9954473


>> No.9954520

make sure you have a few drinks before the pubsub or it will fill you up and it will take forever to catch a buzz.

tendie sub?

Day 6 Sober, hopefully for the longrun this time

>> No.9954522

Well... Pick one.

>> No.9954528

Tendie sub is based, I’m happy you know the joy, anon. And fucc yeah I’m tyin’ one on before I ingest anything. You know the drill.

>> No.9954529

i think im gonna pick the fat dykes

>> No.9954534

>tying one on
man that's the verb i always use, nice.

I miss florida man. I lived in Orlando, St. Pete, Tampa, Winter Park, Lakeland. Living in Eastern Ohio near lake Erie for work and it's cold as fuck.

>> No.9954535

I wish you waste of space degenerates would fuck off and die already.

>> No.9954543

Oh, and congrats on your sobriety. I can’t say I’m actively trying but I have it in my sights for the near future.
I have plenty of friends but nobody takes what I’m saying seriously until I’m literally spilling water everywhere when trying to hold a glass at 9am. It’s all fun and games when you’re this age and a normie. I’m a little jealous tbqhfamalam.

>> No.9954548
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a lot of us are sober or getting sober or, in any event, richer and more successful than you...i hope you get buried alive on the night your first child is born, nigger-lover

>> No.9954560

>not thotties
What are you, ugly? Honestly curious, because if you’re the typical “I can’t get laid why redpill reeeee” type, that makes sense, but I’d rather fuck a dumb as fuck grill that has an 8/10 body than a fat dyke.

>> No.9954570
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this is me, i think i have weaponized autism, plus obviously alcoholism and anxiety and depression, hard to get hot girls

>> No.9954573

iktf anon. I'm only 25 and no one really takes you seriously until you majorly fuck up. Was basically on a bender from the 23rd to New Years and tapered for a day or two. It was fucking terrible. I don't think I was visibly shaking but I felt it deep in my bones, pouring sweat, couldn't sit still, slept like shit for like 4 days, kept waking up gasping and freaking out in the middle of the night. I had to do all this at work and just tell people "I thought I was coming down with something.

I'm doing AA periodically and it helps, but withdrawals are fucking terrible and no one that hasn't experienced them can quite understand we reach for that drink the next day.

If you're near St. Pete and end up getting sober go to AA at central. Great people, old timers and great group.

>> No.9954574

Yooo you just named all of my old stomping grounds, that’s bananas.
Black ice HORRIFIES me. I was with a buddy up near Akron and we slid, did a 180, parked in a ditch (I spilled my drink all over myself), and he just did the good ol’ “everybody good? Cool.”
I about lost my fucking mind and yelled “THIS IS NORMAL?”
Fucc that.

>> No.9954582

you sorta dress well for being an aspie.

just don't compliment them and be vaguely rude. It throws them for a loop and makes them wonder why you're not into them. Once they show interest keep it up with the teasing and once they catch feels it's safe to let your guard down.

>> No.9954583

I think you can make it, anon. Are you at least funny?

>> No.9954587

in a really dark way, like gassing jews and killing nigger babies

>> No.9954591

get a big tiddy goth gf with low self esteem

>> No.9954593

i binge spend on credit cards at J crew and brooks brothers to keep the existential anxiety away

>> No.9954598

So... No. At least you dress like a chad and have a nice bathroom.
I still think you’re much less likely to piss off a thot than a hamplanet. Jussayin’.

>> No.9954600

how can you be an alc and afford that

>> No.9954603

im rich as shit dude, how do YOU afford being an alcoholic??? how do poor ppl do it?

>> No.9954616

actually working on this on bumble right now

>> No.9954617

I make like 55k a year and i quit drinking. what do you even do?

I don't think your an alcohol

>> No.9954618

Ayyy daddy’s lil’ boozer :):):)))))))
I work hard and then I don’t for a while

>> No.9954627

I also suspect he isn’t an alcohol. I think he’s just a sperglord who needs an outlet for blame...
Post your recycling bin fgt.

>> No.9954628

you fucking bitch, you wanna see the bite marks on my wrist and the detox / ambulance bills and the friends and family who don't talk to me anymore and the elevated liver enzyme tests and the fucking shakes and night sweats?

anyway i work in tech

>> No.9954633

you're an anomaly if you're telling the truth, anon.

>> No.9954641

bazinga it's sheldon.

why don't you bazooper penny

>> No.9954648

Had a clear ultrasound of liver last April but a small heptic cyst. Abdominal CT six months before that with the same cyst, no issues. Now i have right quadrant pain, fatigue, etc. Could I have drank myself to liver damage in 8 months?

>> No.9954655

This man was the reason I began being NOT a fat cunt 10 years ago. He died a month ago.


>> No.9954675

yes but it's more likely your fatigue is depression / alcoholism and your pain is just standard alcoholic liver bloat + your imagination

thanks for stopping by al/ck/ for medical advice and have a very nice day

>> No.9954679

>message grill
“Ay girl what that mouf do?”
“Ay girl what that south mouth do?”
Bada bing

>> No.9954693

this sounds fucking rancid

>> No.9954695

Oh, an additional pickup line of pure wisdom.
“Ay girl I’m tryna slam that pussy like a loose screen door in a hurricane”.
Gauranteed, try it big guy.

>> No.9954700

Obvi u ain’t tryna fucc
At least not fat chicks, u ain’t.

>> No.9954703

>implying tinder thots even read them if you're not a total chad

>> No.9954704


thanks doc. am i going to live?

>> No.9954708

yes, take a One-A-Day Men's Multivitamin though and have an Ensure for breakfast

>> No.9954712


can i have a boost for breakfast and an ensure for dizzert?

>> No.9954722

I’m finally drunk enough to go grab said pubsub. I’ll be back in twenty or so.
This guy >>9954573
Is fucking cool. That nerd that’s crying about getting laid can ironically get fucked.

>> No.9954762
File: 21 KB, 466x329, zqqfdxu3u7801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9954796
File: 41 KB, 550x512, 1490651556889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GF caught me with my side thot last night in bed.
>Contemplating drinking and suicide.
>Guns is loaded and right next to me
>Look normal and decent on the outside
>Terrifying demons are ripping me from the inside.

I managed to find women who enable my alcoholic habit. Should I just end it all and be at peace?

>> No.9954811


>not even alcoholics want her

>> No.9954840
File: 98 KB, 265x265, chaikadog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>havent thrown up in over an hour

>> No.9954873

Life without women is A grade stuff.

>> No.9954964

Am back
What’s up fgts?
Who’s drinking what and why?

>> No.9955011

Fuck yeah

>> No.9955070
File: 162 KB, 1600x1069, her-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin kill me guys

>> No.9955103

That was a good film, might watch it again once I am loaded tonight

>> No.9955115

Show off.

>> No.9955277
File: 13 KB, 380x250, 1502047848016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having not one but two (2) intimate partners

fuck off Chad

>> No.9955292

>Lake Mungo

one of the worst movies ever made, and im very generous with horror movies. The fact that anyone mentions it at all is retarded

>> No.9955431
