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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2807609 No.2807609 [Reply] [Original]


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>> No.2807900

Oh and another thing I do with these is put rubber floor mats under the base, keeps it from sliding around and scratching/rusting.

>> No.2807977
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I got a free pair of gloves but it's not the same. I should have stocked up on those multimeters, I'm down to my last one. Can't stomach paying $5 for one.

>> No.2807984
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I just use wood.

>> No.2807998

>cross-drill the thicc ass clevis pins for a cotter pin

why? anything that can drive that pin out with a car sitting on it will shear that cotter pin like butter.

>> No.2808080

>tone batteries

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2807538 No.2807538 [Reply] [Original]

I just bought a condo and noticed some of the tiles in one of the showers had cracked grout and were a little loose. I removed one of the tiles and found this behind it. What exactly am I looking at here? Can I just patch this up and re-attach the loose tiles? Or do I need to take all the tiles out and re-do this whole backing thing?

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>> No.2807694



>looks like someone needs to lurk moar ;)

>> No.2807698

Last guy who replied wasn’t me. You should always hot mop the zone around a tub or shower because it creates an impenetrable waterproof barrier. It’s the same reason it’s used in roofing. So when your drain or feed lines leak back there it can’t mold. It protects the studs and drywall from rotting.

There is no case that you should tile to drywall as a moisture barrier. Cement board exists for a reason. Even the water resistant dry wall will get shitty over time. Use the waterproof hardybacker or similar.

>> No.2807704

Even moisture resistant drywall will get shitty eventually. You want to apply tile to waterproof cement board. The hot mop is just an insurance policy behind the cement board. It can also be applied to the edges of a shower pan. It’s the best moisture barrier you can get. It makes the zone around where you are piping water totally waterproof.

I suppose it depends on where you live but I see hot tar pots being towed around from time to time.

>> No.2807707

desu hot mopping seems like it was invented by satan himself

>> No.2807716

People in current year use a product called redgard

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2807536 No.2807536 [Reply] [Original]

The fuckers at /o/ dbt are of no help so I'm turning to this board.
Has anyone tried using ATF instead of fork oil? I found something of similar viscosity at 40C.
It lubricates, it has similar viscosity, it doesn't fuck up seals, it doesn't foam.
This should work right?

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>> No.2807978
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what is fork oil ? Marvel Mystery Oil smells good.

>> No.2807980

>ATF isn't really a lube
Ah yes so thats why its used in gearboxes and automatic trannies

>> No.2808044

That's for a hydrostatic tranny - they don't use ATF.

>> No.2808045

Oh, ok. the next time you change your trans fluid, put 10w-30 in it and see how well the clutches work.

>> No.2808050

I did 150k miles ago nothing happened.

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2807388 No.2807388 [Reply] [Original]

87.74% of /diy/ posters would fail this...

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>> No.2808172

weed pot first aid kit and flare gun. easy.

>> No.2808174

Tarp and water purifier. If there's no fresh water streams I can collect rainwater with the tarp and filter sea water with the water purifier.

Then the handsaw. I'm assuming there's trees and an elevated dry thatch roof log shelter would be the priority. In the off chance I'm super lucky and my water situation is good, sparing me the tarp, the tarp would help make a really cozy 100% waterproof shelter much quicker.

Finally I am 50/50 on the mirror or matches. Obviously for fire starting. Matches are limited by reliable. Mirror would drive me insane but I wouldn't have to worry about running out if I got good at using it for fire.

>> No.2808179

you vill be strvanded on ze islind

>> No.2808180

>>What is light pollution
i hate you for being this retarded kill yourself so i never meet you

>> No.2808181

they can also get to you through repeated tropical exposure... like being stranded on an island. do not be a hypochondriac, gringo

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2807361 No.2807361 [Reply] [Original]

>teacher gives an assignment to create an electronic device
>get hyped about this
>going to make a lab power supply
>suffer while making it, but wanna get high grade
>thinking about the circuitry for 20 hours
>spend 30$ on components
>10 hours of coding later
>create really cool 3d model for case in 10 hours
>3d printer messed up my print
>5 hours until deadline
>create simple boxy case so 3d printer will print it as fast as it can
>suffer while assembling electrics
>cool electronics, cool code, shitty case because of 3d printer
>tell teacher about that
>"u have shitty case, it's a shameful work"
>didn't even look inside case
>"pathetic case for a "designer and technologist of radio-electronic equipment" (my major in uni)
>get minimum grade for this

Bro, who the fuck am I? My future work is to create an electronic devices, not a fucking cases for them

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>> No.2808004

the only attention whore in this thread is OP whining about getting a bad grade for doing bad work.

normal people do go crying to 4chan when deir feewings are huwt.

>> No.2808027

>assignment to create electronic device
>grade is based on nothing more than looks

>> No.2808204

Now that's a case

>> No.2808211

Hopefully this has taught you a valuable lesson in time management

>> No.2808242


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2807348 No.2807348 [Reply] [Original]

New softwood decking with the grooves. Carpenter said to put oil on it, oil manufacturers say to wait 6 months for the tanalisation to wear off, others say to put wood preserver (different from the oil) on straight away.
Spot it's in is never in the shade.
Make up your effing minds wood nerds.

>> No.2807351

Just pour a jug of used motor oil on it and then brush it in.

>> No.2807353

I'd love to but there's someone else's balcony and a patio below it.

>> No.2807362


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2807198 No.2807198 [Reply] [Original]

The first little piggy built his house out of wood, from the foundation to the roof, using the IRC.
The second little piggy built his house out of steel-reinforced masonry, from the foundation to the roof, using the IRC (for most things) in conjunction with TMS 402 (for the interior walls and the roof).
The third little piggy built his house out of steel-reinforced concrete, from the foundation to the roof, using the IRC (for most things) in conjunction with ACI 318 (for the interior walls and the roof).

Which little piggy has the cheapest house?
Which little piggy has the sturdiest house?
Which little piggy has the best house?

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2807186 No.2807186 [Reply] [Original]

Prev thread at bump limit. I don't often hangout here, forgive me if this isn't perfect.
Prev thread: >>2799790

>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?
It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.
Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.
Read the datasheet.

>OP source:

>Comprehensive list of electronics resources:

>Project ideas:


>Principles (by increasing skill level):
Mims III, Getting Started in Electronics
Geier, How to Diagnose & Fix Everything Electronic
Kybett & Boysen, All New Electronics Self-Teaching Guide
Scherz & Monk, Practical Electronics for Inventors (arguably has minor issues with mains grounding)
Horowitz and Hill, The Art of Electronics

>Recommended software tools:
KiCAD 6+
Logisim Evolution

>Recommended Components/equipment:
eBay/AliExpress sellers, for component assortments/sample kits (caveat emptor)
Local independent electronics distributors

>Most relevant YouTube channels:
Moritz Klein

>microcontroller specific problems?
>I have junk, what do?
Shitcan it
>consumer product support or PC building?
>household/premises wiring?
More rules-driven than engineering, try /qtddtot/ or sparky general first
>antigravity and/or overunity?
Go away

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>> No.2808221

>order 5 tiny PCBs from JLC
>they must have found room between other boards to fit even more
>open packet to find 10 of them
thanks zhang

also does anyone make an lm3914 replacement? it isn't very available anymore. especially an smd one that i can get assembled by jlc, but pin-compatible dip-18s would be nice too, like some sort of chinky clone with a different name.

>> No.2808222

> wood
Wood naturally has some water content so it can dissipate some of any charge.
Now if you want assurance, sure, work in a carbon fiber if you like.
You might want go look into those grounding wrist straps. We used to get 3M ones for, like, 34 cents.
Then, when you realize you can make one with a wire and a 1 MΩ resistor in 10 seconds, you probably will.
Don’t forget a humidifier, or borrow your wife’s little essential oils ultrasonic thing that puffs out a little stream of smelly fog she bought for $80 fucking dollars.

> is it BS?
The conductive brushes for use on your LPs are not a scam. Most of the other things are.

Don’t touch CMOS pins, or FET gate pins and you’ll be fine usually. Being on a circuit board is a lot of proof against static discharge.

I live in a cold, near-desert and I havent had many problems with static at home. Even with the humidifier off all winter. Wood floors.

>> No.2808223
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> lm3914’s gone?
Wat? I used to see lots of little bar graph boards from china with those chips (or something like them)

>> No.2808225

Yeah, that's the kind of board I'm trying to replace, I need my board to be more compact and use brighter LEDs. I don't really want to rely on aliexpress for my chips. The ali modules have what look like legit LM3914N-1 chips by National Semiconductor, who got bought out by TI in 2011, and themselves don't make them anymore. Some of the module listings have lasered-off writing on the ICs instead.

>> No.2808226
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just checked amazon

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2807182 No.2807182 [Reply] [Original]

I want to make a small model maglev train. I need to make a tiny superconducting magnet for this. Any advice?

Any type of continuous magnetic field which doesn't lose strength over time will work.

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2807165 No.2807165 [Reply] [Original]

My spring mattress of about 9 years is becoming unbearably squeaky with any movement I make.

Is it fixable in anyway or should I just replace it?

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>> No.2807311

Ah yes, I've been looking for a use for my swimming pool full of WD-40

>> No.2807315

You also might need a crane.

>> No.2807327

good point, it will be very heavy once it's soaked

>> No.2807344

The springs rust and get damaged. Replace it.

>> No.2808232

Get a memory foam mattress.

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2807144 No.2807144 [Reply] [Original]

I am 5"11 but I'm trying to grow taller using this cycling machine by progressively extending the seat but I'm already tall enough for the highest setting. Now I could just use pillows but that's very inconvenient and I have to clean the pillows too often because my anal shit sweat seeps into it. Like are there any other ways or maybe cushions I can use to emulate a higher raised seat without having yo rely on pillows I have to clean?

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>> No.2807360

break your bones in a certain angle and they will refuse longer, be careful because its possible to make one longer then the other

>> No.2807419

> growing taller by riding bike
> handle bars screwed on backwards

>> No.2807557

Use aromasin to inhibit your body from producing estrogen because estrogen closes your growth plates.

>> No.2807571

Lol implying OP is still skeletally immature. B& OP

>> No.2807576
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height is the least of your problems

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2807073 No.2807073 [Reply] [Original]

henlo /diy/ers!
can you give me advice on restoring hard/brittle leather?
I checked yt tutorials and some sites. the one say I should treat the leather with steam and then grease it. others say I should rub it down with 600 sand paper and oil it. I'm confused. what works best? shiny look is not my main goal but preservation is.
it's about some of my vintage test equipment that has got leather carry handles. after 60yrs they are dry. I want to safe them from disintegration.
pic related, not mine but I have the same model

>> No.2807136
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>shiny look is not my main goal but preservation is.
>hard/brittle leather
steaming is to impart moisture without wetting the leather down to soften it
>apply grease
a better choice would be lanolin

>> No.2807234

Isn't it basically done for by the time it's all dried and easily terrible at the creases

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2807058 No.2807058 [Reply] [Original]

This is my room, i share it with someone else, is there a way to improve the placing of furniture?

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>> No.2807067

what the fuck is an open ceiling that acts as an exhaust? Is this inside a van?

>> No.2807071

>i share it with someone else
>Single bed
You and your boyfriend should be gay enough to figure out some basic feng shui on your own

>> No.2807385

its a 3 story house, idk what that area is called but it extends all the way to the rooftop. its like a chimney.

actually sharing the room with my brother, hes a fat fuck so i just use a futon to sleep on the floor.

>> No.2807389

Consider acquiring a Storage Box 4 to tie the room together

>> No.2807390

>desk for the CPU x2

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2806946 No.2806946 [Reply] [Original]

Hello sars.

I purchased a portable air conditioner with a single exhaust pipe. The intake for the compressor and evaporator intake inlets are on the back of the device.

Can I just get a pipe, route it ouside below the intake pipe and just slap it to the compressor intake grill with cable ties and duct tape around it? So that air intake for the compressor is also outside. Or am I a retard and it wouldn't work

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>> No.2807148

i've done this. modified a portable unit to take outside air in to cool the compressor and exhaust it back out.

the problem i ran into is that those compressors get fuckin hot. as far as i can tell, it needed cooler air and also a second fan to pull it through the dryer duct i used. it ran for a while and worked relatively well, but the compressor started making some loud ass noises when it was trying to turn on and eventually just tefused to turn the compressor on.

it would work fine after it cooled down, but the added heat stress and power needed to pull the air through the extra ducting was putting strain on everything.

>> No.2807314

thank you ser, this is exactly what i was looking for
i guess it depends on outside temp too
so you abandoned the idea?

>> No.2807316

thank you ser, didn't know they have special kits for that, ordering one will make it a lot easier!

>> No.2807318

This sar

In short, you need to use 2x hoses for the intake, two of the same size or larger of the exhaust hose, maybe even 3.
It helps to add pusher fans at the window to push air into the intake hoses.

The reason is simply down to the type of fan used and the design of the intake channel. They almost always have very little suction force available and hoses will harshly lower efficiency. Simply add more fan strength

>> No.2807334

stick a piece of paper or fool to the intake, covering the whole intake grill
if the exhaust goes to almost nothing then it can be very easily done with no mods and you are wrong (won't be perfect, but good enough)
if it still exhausts a considerable amount of air, then it's still quite easy, but requires you to remove plastic cover and stick shit in that will stop air leaks (flexible foam works best, as it conforms to uneven surfaces quite well)
can't know without trying, as there are different models on the market
see above
it can shorten the lifespan, but if the unit cycles (as opposed to continuously running) I wouldn't worry much
if it's an inverter it inherently won't cycle much, but then you could measure current to see if it goes full throttle or not
in the end they are cheap and easy to remove, so unless you are from a 3rd world country it's worthwhile just for the experience alone, what is 200 or 300 bucks? (if it costs much more you are a sucker, because at that price point they sell dual hose units)

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2806928 No.2806928 [Reply] [Original]

Recently I painted my bedroom 2 different colors but I have a problem with getting the corners done. I used one of these corner painter tools with the small wheels that are supposed to touch the opposite corner and roll and get it done but it doesn't cover the inside as seen in the picture.
It leaves very tiny spot that doesn't get covered neither with the blue or the grey part. Not sure if the tool is fucked and I need a better one or the wall is fucked and it doesn't roll on it properly.
There are some spots that are covered perfectly, but there are some like the one on the picture that just won't work.

Can I use painters tape, cover one wall and paint the other? Any advice on how to place it so it's precise? I'm losing my mind here.

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>> No.2806995
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Long time painter here: get a paint sprayer shield. If you're too poor to afford an airless paing sprayer the next best thing is thinning paint and applying it with a damp 4 inch 3/8 microfiber roller. Roll about 1 inch away from the corner and with light pressure work your way to the corner. Remember to backroll to get an even coating of paint.

A brush + M1 might also work but rollers don't leave brush marks so you don't have to worry about M1.

>> No.2806997

thank you anons

>> No.2807015

Remove tape before the paint dries to not rip of flakes with it.

>> No.2807057

Starting out you want a stiff, small, angled brush and do long strokes easing up to the corner with just the tips of the bristles

Brushes can lay paint down super thick so play with dipping and cleaning the side(s) of your brush until you get into a rhythm
As you get better and better you can increase the size of your brush

>> No.2807153

As I said, don't overthink it. If you spill over the edges either wipe it instantly with a wet rag and try again, or wait a few hours and redo the other side instead.

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2806921 No.2806921 [Reply] [Original]

Eternal Machinist Thread
Revival edition

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>> No.2807841

If you're looking for high nickel content steel there are a few around.


There are some of the trade names I can think of.

>> No.2807852


>> No.2807862


thanks anon, not looking to source it at the moment though maybe for future use once I understand the applications. just trying to understand the historical shift away from nickel steels to chromoly.
Those brand names - are any 3340? or perhaps 4340? I know 4340 has some nickel but is also still a chromoly. Going to look into those.

>> No.2807985

Who makes more, machinists or heavy equipment wagies?

>> No.2808129

considering how much I make as a machinist, I assume everyone else makes more

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2806897 No.2806897 [Reply] [Original]

My cocnrete steps are crumbling. The first two steps look obviously redone. I know the holes need patching but I also want to strip whatever that cracking blue coating is, sorry don't know what its called. I just don't know how to treat the steps afterwards, because taking the coating off is also gonna leave pits. Also my walkway is fucked, but I dont know where to begin with that, because the cocnrete for the walkway goes all the way around to the back.

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>> No.2807104

Concrete crumbling.
Where are the stones brother, it looks like cement and sand, needs more rocks.

>> No.2807108

>whatever that cracking blue coating is, sorry don't know what its called
um, paint?

>> No.2807225

If you put some steel toes on and kicked the side you’d puncture a hole and the dirt they filled the cavity with would spill out. They put too much dirt inside it and it made the side wall concrete too thin. It’ll eventually collapse but not real soon. Replace, but save the iron railings. the companies that do iron railings can fix yours strip them paint them new for install when you do the steps. Order a pallet of bag concrete delivered and an electric mixer from HF and go find Pedro and Jose at depot store to help. Other option is to pay Chris and Jeffery $10,000 so they can pay Pedro to do it.

>> No.2807249
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Looking at my walkway again, its probably not a total rightoff, unless I'm being totally naive. Other than the big ass weeds maybe just maybe I could seal the cracks and resurface it. The walkway to the steps though could be replaced. The street my house is on actually got a pretty significant renewal. New road, curb, and sidewalk. Businesses got new approaches if any, and houses got maybe 24" of new walkway. This might be the first diy I might have to call some boys in, but at least I can easily see the first porch riser is higher than the end of the walkway.

I like this guy, he has a methodology than can be applied to multiple jobs. Might paint portland cement on the whole porch like he describes after patching.

Never thought of using sand for finishing. Most people add a brush finish for grip.

>> No.2807495

Don't listen to >2806906 ; they've never seen masonry in their life. These stairs actually come delivered to the construction site as premade, hollow stairs. You've got an inner framing and thickness and the outer thickness and cap/veneer/coating that is more weather resistant than the base structure, which is now cracking, as these 100 year old stairs typically do. The best way to fix it is by:

Scraping the old flaking paint away to get bare and solid concrete. Use Hydraulic Cement that is waterproof to a certain PSI pressure and use the "wet patch" instructions for your water to powder mixing ratio to make more of a tacky paste than a runnier liquid - you need to paint it on, not pour it in. Use your trowel and push the cement deep into any holes of cracks. Use the trowel to then apply an even and smoothed layer of hydraulic cement to the entire surface you're covering (could be a full side, one step, or the entire set of stairs, but pot life is quick so work in sections. Good luck and don't listen to these idiots whose actual home repair resume is just a list of This Old House episodes they watched.

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2806812 No.2806812 [Reply] [Original]

i hate ace

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>> No.2807885

yeah and i'm not even black
hitler himself would be persecuted in ace.

>> No.2807895

They're trying to give you good service. A long time ago that's how the world worked: you get a customer, you give them your attention and help them if at all possible. It's kind of sad that you have no idea what's going on. I'm not saying they aren't keeping an eye on you at the same time, but if you're complaining that there's someone there to take you exactly where you need to go and give you advice and tips on whatever crap you're rigging up, then you're a little slow.

>> No.2807961

>go to home depot
>can't find X
>look in section where one would expect X
>still can't find X
>go on quest to find orange apron person
>spend 10 minutes
>finally find apron ape.
>zoomer girl
I don't know what that is.
>consults store tricorder
>it's on aisle 5 section 9
>transports to other side of store
>go to aisle 5 section 9 it's not there
>find another apron ape
>50 year old guy from New York (2000 miles from new york)
>oh X fugedaboutit! it's over here, walks me to it.
Next time I go I just use the app because finding shit is a quest now and all the employees do is look at the app anyways.

Go in to Ace Hardware.
>I have a list and mostly know the store.
turn down aisle.
see young girl
>can I help you?
No thank you.
go around corner
see young guy
>can I help you?
No thank you.
2 Aisles down
old guy
>can I help you?
No thank you.
cross over to other side of store
nother old guy
>can I help you?
No thank you.

>next 30 minutes
random employee
>can I help you?
No thank you.
random employee
>can I help you?
No thank you.
random employee
>can I help you?
No thank you.
random employee
>can I help you?
No thank you.

>finally need help
>find employee
>can I help you
>what do you need?
I need X
>Yes sir over here sir. anything else sir?
No thanks
>very well sir have a nice day. toddles off and straightens shelves.

yeah man ace sucks.

>> No.2808026

Valu was always the better chain.

>> No.2808071

This, when I need real hardware and not something I can find myself like a 2X4, Ace is way better because they know where all the little bits are.
Keep sucking Lowed and HD dick, Pedro.

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2806761 No.2806761 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone ever encounter the "landlord special" in real life, or bought a house that looked like this?

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>> No.2807628

Used to live in one. Roof leaked when it rained. Most likely mold in the walls. Sewerage frequently got blocked and backed up into the shared backyard right by our backdoor. So much shit but i can't really remember right now.

Landlord was a turbo jew. There was a compost bin in the backyard and a swarm of bees moved in. When we moved out he tried to say we needed to pay for bee removal before he would give our security deposit back because we 'invited' them into the backyard.

>> No.2807629

Paint on outlets is literally just the beginning in places like this.

>> No.2807632

Not who you were replying to. It is and it isn't. The ground at the outlet is tied to the neutral at the breaker box because electricity wants to flow back to its source. The ground is just an 'emergency path' that allows that. It has lower resistance then your body so, if you touch a metal case that has become connected to the live, that gives it an easier way to go instead of through you.

While your breaker box is connected to the grounding rod that is not what the ground rod is for. If your box lacked a grounding rod the grounds in your house would continue to work as intended because the power is trying to flow back to the electrical system, not the earth. The grounding rod is for lightning strikes. They DO want to go to earth. This gives them a path to do so. Hopefully, if there is a strike, it has hit a power pole and not your house. This gives a path for the strike to go without having to go through your houses electrical system, which would fry everything. If your house is the one that was hit this will give it a path that won't go through the transformer and take out your neighborhoods power, limiting damage.

>> No.2807858

>ground at the outlet is tied to the neutral at the breaker box
Well actually the neutral is grounded at the transformer. The ground wire is grounded at the house. The are technically both ground wires but you still shouldn't rely on using the neutral as ground.

>> No.2808031
File: 91 KB, 365x451, Grounding-electrodes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually all the neutrals and grounds are bonded at the neutral bus which is itself bonded to the ground rod.

File: 1.01 MB, 979x2822, A4FFD595-4DEC-403A-8FCF-63E092F230B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2806720 No.2806720 [Reply] [Original]

I just bought some 6in XLT Long Nose Plier with side cutter #326 from Channel Lock:

But the jaws don’t seem to line up and touch together well at all. Is that normal and part of the crosshatch design or are my pliers defective?

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>> No.2807686

Yeah you'll want to look really stylish with them while twisting mechanics wire. I will never understand people who want to have "new" looking tools. Like...use them a few times, the novelty will wear off physically and mentally. Also helps make them theft proof.

>> No.2807690
File: 465 KB, 1280x960, 16E07762-6BD6-4CC6-8384-C6EF3E236D5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ewww, send it back and see if the second one is any better. If it’s still not up to your standards, go Klein or Knipex.

>> No.2807726

Those are a different kind of pliars altogether!

>> No.2807835

They’re not supposed to touch anon.

>> No.2808054

>But the jaws don’t seem to line up and touch together well at all.
If they did, your cutters wouldn't work. Get needle nose pliers without cutters if you want the tips to touch.