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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1689011 [View]
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Pic related is the idea: filter off all but the bass to emphasize the beat, then peak-detect what remains, then use the output to set the LED brightness
this is just a conceptual sketch, and is very sensitive to the input level and the genre of music. the outupt detector's time constant will need to be much shorter for bluegrass than trip-hop, start with about 50ms and adjust. the input filter's corner frequency should be roughly 100Hz, for gangsta rap you might replace the input low-pass with a band-pass filter. you might want to replace the passive peak detector with an opamp-based one. also consider a "brightness" pot to adjust the output before the LED controller
protip: pull the filter frequency, "brightness", and output detector TC out to front panel pots

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