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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2011135 No.2011135 [Reply] [Original]

do any of you guys know anything about lock-picking/smithing. I'm new to it having just bought a set of picks. I can open some simple padlocks but i can't get most padlocks and have tried the lock on my door as well as a door knob i removed from an old door that i can't get open. do any of you have any information or advice about this kind of thing.

>> No.2011145

Americans use Chinese locks, Europeans use European locks.
You get what you pay for.

>> No.2011150

>do any of you guys know anything about lock-picking/smithing
Yes. Lockpicks are illegal in japan and will get you arrested. That's something.

>> No.2011156

There's YouTube video with a guy who does a series on it. He absolutely hates master lock and shows you how to pick their locks with a freaking coke can. Check it out, might be helpful.

>> No.2011158

cool who is he?

>> No.2011162


>> No.2011164

thanks man. i apreciate your help

>> No.2011180

we're not helping you break into houses, Jamal.

>> No.2011212

Like Jamal would bother picking up locks, it's probably some anon trying to steal his crush's panties.

>> No.2011215

I'm a carpenter, sometimes i'll lock myself out of clients houses, it'd be more convenient for me if i could just call the client and ask them if i can open the lock, rather than bothering them for a key or having to pay for a locksmith

>> No.2011387

A little bit, I carry lockpicks around in my wallet and do it as a hobby. It's reall not more than that. I wouldn't break into closed rooms and stuff, but smaller locks seem like a nice challenge. Don't spend money on expensive lockpicks, it's a really expensive hobby as the time passes. Don't tell people you do lockpicking, it gets you negative reactions like 8/10 times.

>> No.2012539

lockpicking lawyer is also awesome.

>> No.2012548

bosnianbill and LPL are the only two I have found worth watching that look legitimately into the sport. Others, especially the younger guys, seem to always do suspicious cuts and pans.

>> No.2012682

Better locks have less click when each pin sits. Just keep trying and resetting. Sometimes I get to 2 pins and can't find either, so I just jiggle them and it usually works.

Sauce: prepping and a hacking competition.

Tldr: quality locks give no report for a correctly set pin.

>> No.2012684

Bosnian Bill and LockPickingLawyer have great info.
I got into locksport after watching bosnian bills videos years ago.

>> No.2012766

I lockpick and decode ford cars and can lockpick most simple locks
you can learn basics easy and then need to practice, thats it
get a bucket of scrap locks and pick them at random without watching while doing nothing

>> No.2012775

Too bad all his work is unwatchable because he sounds like a faggot who takes semen enemas.

>> No.2012908

To be honest playing with locks seems to pander really hard to the Reddit audience, basically forcing him to act like that.

>> No.2013297

Reminder that locks are almost completely pointless. Only thing more so is lock picking unless you're trying to get back on your own house non-destructively

>> No.2013303

>hobbies are bad
kill yourself you brainlet cunt

>> No.2013432

this, bosnian bill is just so much better of a presenter, he actually sounds human. When I hear LPLs voice I just picture someone that looks as fake as mark zuckerberg

>> No.2013439

>black people
>learning something
pick one.

>> No.2013451

he's a lawyer so

>> No.2013715

His soullessness makes his deadpan April Fool's videos quite funny though

>> No.2016036

with only a simple $12 basic set and minimal learning through youtube I was able to pick 6 different types of pad locks as well as my apartments dead bolt. All but 2 were done in under a min. the remaining 2 were very hard for me and took 15-20 mins.

Most people's everyday locks are pathetic and can be easily picked unless they put real money into the lock.

>> No.2016042


Make a choice, anon.

>> No.2016715

Get a german battery powered one
Like so easy

>> No.2016751

Put the bike back, Jamal.

>> No.2017957

I've been picking for a little over a decade.

Get yourself a desk vice, picks, and a dozen locks off ebay. You can usually find used lots of them for dirt cheap. Finally get yourself one of those clear "practice" locks.

Practice pin manipulation on the clear lock until you get a feel for manipulating individual pins. Keep going with it until you get good at this. Once you've got that down donate it to someone else and move onto your used locks. Pick at a lock until you get it open and move on to the next one. Rinse and repeat until you can effectively pick each one of your locks in succession.

Now the fun part. Buying more used locks and repeating the whole thing. Pretty soon you've got dozens of copies of each style of lock sorted out and latched onto wire rings hanging off the wall, jammed in storage totes, and piled up in desk drawers.

The great thing with buying used locks is when or if you want to unload them you can usually recoup your money. I've never sold a single lock I've bought though. I usually just make up practices sets for people who want to play with it and give them away.

>> No.2018175

i know how to pic/rake common house locks and some pad locks. i think thats more than anough to know, its not like im planing on invading the local nuclear plant

>> No.2018208

Yeah, well I use expensive chinese locks!
Checkmate, bud

>> No.2018669

Seems sketchy.

>> No.2018716

What if a neighbor calls the cops when they see you picking your client's lock? Got some plan to prove to the police that you have permission when they show up?

>> No.2018750
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For Belle Delphine !