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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1637287 No.1637287 [Reply] [Original]

My freezer melted out onto my floor and I let the water sit there for a day before moving the fridge to properly dry it.

Questions :
1. Can I remove the discoloration from the wood flooring? If so, how? I may have removed the finish trying to clean up the mess with a floor wipe. I also used alcohol to try to stop it from molding. I have a mini fan blowing air on the area now.

2. I live in an older (built in the 80s) apartment. Does this look serious enough to effect the apartment below me?

3. If I can't fix it myself, can I have someone spot repair it? Or will the whole floor need to be redone?

>> No.1637388

1. Not a hell of a lot you can do to fix the discoloration. You can try putting a dehumidifer down to further dry it and possibly lighten it, but that damage is done.

Alcohol won't fuck with the finish, but it also won't do anything for mold or the discoloration.

2. If it was enough water to bother you neighbors, there's be a hell of a lot more damage on your end. You'd of also heard from them or management by now.

3. Looks like someone also repaired this spot once The ends of hardwood shouldn't line up like that, and you can tell those are pre-finished boards by the V-groove, and that some have been cut in the middle of the board and placed in. That's also why the damage is worse on the boards with the smallest gap - there's no finish and they weren't a tight tongue and groove fit, so the water hit raw wood.

Repair it isn't hard - just cutting it them out with a multitool and gluing in the replacements. The bitch is finding the exact same color, thickness and width. (Spoilers: You won't find it)

If it's a common thickness (3/4, 1/2, 3/8) just look for unfinished in the same width and try and white wash it to match. The pictures blurry as hell and the color doesn't help, but I'm guessing maple?

Good luck

>> No.1637617

1. Hmm good to know. I put some dry packets (left over from various packaged foods) on it, which lightened the color a bit.

2. I figured as much, but my roommate was flipping out so I thought I'd ask people who know better than I do. Thanks for the reassurance.

3. Great! I'll start looking asap.

>> No.1637713


>(Spoilers: You won't find it)