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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1780789 No.1780789 [Reply] [Original]

What kinds of widgets and stuff are the most in demand since the Chinkland is closed due to AIDS that we can start making here in the good ol' US of A?

Lets bring manufacturing back frens!

>> No.1780794
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Since all the boomers are dying, I invented this replacement for my mom.

>> No.1780804

based NEET.

>> No.1781047

You morons already are too late. Engineering is a passion that must be developed in childhood.

You wasted yours on cartoons and video games, becoming a useless racist parasite.

>> No.1781096

Joke is on you. I'm a racist engineer.
Now get coofed on, ricenigger.

>> No.1781126

You and me both anon. Turns out lots of engineers are based. My favorite is the asians because they can't handle how dumb niggers are even a little bit.

>> No.1781130

You could probably start with antibiotics and medications.

For real, how the fuck did that happen?

>> No.1781174

>Be PharmaBro CEO
>Spend a shitfuckload of money on R&D
>Not going to see a profit until 2000-never
>European market will put price fixes on your product
>Kike insurance companies won't pay the market price for it
>Amerimutts neverending demand for "muh libbin way-juh!" means charging out the ass
>along comes Chin-Kee
>"oh, mistel phalmaceuticar man! I makeuh you pirrs, charge you penny fol a hundled pirrs!"
>Hot damn!
>All manufacture relocated to China

That's what my best guess, is, anyway.

>> No.1781184

What ever happened to that Wu Tang record?

And sheeeeiiit, there’s a big list of the WHO necessary medications, they’re not wasting R&D on all those generics anymore, they need to stockpile or something, or diversify to Mexico.

I do like my $1.99 100ct ibuprofen bottles from Walmart and Target though.

>> No.1781189

>asking for a living wage is a bad thing
are you retarded? it's almost like people need to afford to survive

>> No.1781202

Yes but Asians aren’t really people so you can get away with paying them pennies a day.

>> No.1781216

Not as retarded as you are, thinking that constantly artificially inflating your money to satisfy some pipe dream of some "living wage" is somehow going to better anyone's condition.

Age old question: living wage for whom, exactly?

>> No.1781340

Also does living wage mean you won’t starve, or does it mean a 2 bedroom house to yourself with 400 channels of cable and the newest iPhone?

>> No.1781359


We have to process your application to answer that, anon. Start by providing us with your race, gender, where you live, and your political leaning.

>> No.1781366

>tfw just filled out the census
>ask for race: White
>What kind of white? German? English?
>have no clue because I’m a mix of every Yuro country that ever had a shitty run where people had to dip to Murrica
So my answer was “2% Milk”

>> No.1781392

>What kinds of widgets and stuff are the most in demand

Smartphones, good luck producing anything without chink ICs