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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2409748 No.2409748 [Reply] [Original]

Aircraft Mechanic here
How does it feel to be inferior ?

Aircraft mechanics are the best blue collar trade in the world.

1. makes the most money
2. most important for the world
3. hardest school its engineer tier education

we laugh at inferior trades like plumbers, electricians and shit like that lmao

get rekt losers

>> No.2409770

What’s even funnier is when aircraft mechanics call themselves ‘engineers’ with no degree lmao imagine pretending to be an engineer with no degree

>> No.2409778

>work for Shekelstein International Airline Conglomerate
>work for families, who actually need your services

>> No.2409790


>> No.2409795

The only aircraft mechanic I know is an Xbox addicted chronic bed-wetter. He has to be out of town 2weeks of every month and makes like 60k/year (good money but nothing to brag like a douchebag about).

He could never hack it in a heterosexual trade like plumbing or hvac.

>> No.2409817

I'm an avionics tech. You are a bunch of retards in comparison. Enjoy being poor faggot.

>> No.2409821

>airplane crashes
>you get v& 100% even if you dindu
Yeah, no thanks.

>> No.2409834

former Aircraft mechanic here
>1. makes the most money
haha no! I.T. master race
>2. most important for the world
naw dog
>3. hardest school its engineer tier education
pffft no it was not the hardest school.

4. have to work shit shifts or work for unions
5. all the good jobs go to brown nosers
6. hot fucking work.
7. have to clean and remove shitters.
8. have to work in bag pits.
9. if you screw up 300 people die.

>> No.2409836
File: 10 KB, 194x259, engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2409870

Aircraft mechanic here. Fuck off op.
No trade is inherently inferior. The pay, benefits, and qol may differ, but they are all important. Aircraft take huge infrastructure and could not function without most of these trades you shit on.
Shut up, drop this power trip, and go study for the oral and practical you failed twice already.

>> No.2409895

I know an aircraft mechanic
He says he changes engines out like once or twice a week and then just does checklists and sits around the rest of the time
Sounds like a pretty good gig, but he got his training in the military.

>> No.2409930

Can confirm. Avionics are far less common than AMTs as are structural repair toads. I'd only want to wrench aircraft in the Air Force from which I'm comfortably retired. If I needed a civilian gig I'd go avionics (which I also did for Uncle Sugar but crosstrained to escape Georgia).

That's the way to learn and get a shitload of experience quickly. It's also the place to stay because 20 years flies the fuck by no matter what you do and vested retirement plans are worth killing for.

>> No.2409942

"engineer" is pretty much a joke word anyway. I've heard everyone from lab techs, IT guys, and even first year EE students seriously refer to themselves as "engineers"....

>> No.2409952
File: 538 KB, 699x475, Screenshot_2022-06-18_12-22-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stop the gatekeeping ok?

>> No.2410720

The best one is "sales engineer". I work on medical equipment. Fucking dude tells me he's also an engineer. I'm like, awesome what do you do? "I'm a sales engineer". Idfk what that even means.

>> No.2410832

I knew an aircraft mechanic. He was in auto before and had to buy a whole new set of tools. Not because there were a bunch of unique tools, but because his old set was engraved with his name, and he was paranoid that the FAA would find his wrench at a crash investigation.

>> No.2410889

In Philadelphia government buildings, janitors are called building engineers.

>> No.2410891
File: 35 KB, 854x125, aircraft_mechinic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty neat. Though I still make more as a programmer working from home and watching anime half the time.

>> No.2410897

you know when you have to torque a bolt and you only have 10 degrees of swing? i designed that. get fucked.

>> No.2410909

You forgot sanitation engineer.

>> No.2410925

>Idfk what that even means.
Ask next time, you might learn something.

>sales engineer
legit role. I've never met a sales engineer without an actual engineering degree.

I've designed medical devices as a mechanical engineer for 10 years now. When I want to buy a capital piece of production equipment worth $50k+ I ask to speak to a sales engineer (if they have one) because their in-depth knowledge of the product is unapparelled. A standard sales person can read a spec sheet and tries to smooth talk you into buying their product, that's about the extent of their abilities. A sales engineer knows literally everything there is to know about the product and can give guidance for: setting up the production line, troubleshoot technical issues (software and hardware), regulatory compliance, quality control, gage R&Rs, calibration, component lifecycles, critical inventory lists, etc.. Generally, they're ex-R&D engineers who like talking with people and have become tired of the low engineer pay so they go into sales. Most that I've worked with actually helped design the very product I'm purchasing. If I have issues with the design of the product they can give me design insight as to why those decisions were made. If I'm unhappy with their answers they can give pointers for designing workarounds. If the problem I find was a serious issue they don't bullshit. They say, "Yeah, that's a fuck up on us. I'll tell my team to redesign that and install this new part for you free of charge." They also know the field quite well and don't hesitate to recommend competitor product when they know their product won't fully meet our needs.

Sales engineers are great.

>> No.2410929

>Try to buy a $20k otdr
>know I want to be able to test an active fiber so I need out of band frequency, 1625 or 1650nm
>why do they sell both but not both on the same machine
>all I can find on it is Japan prefers 1625 and ansi or some other group says 1650

>Call the manufacturer.
>no one fucking knows

Fuck it.my boss won't buy it anyway. Here we are taking two techs out of normal schedule to do safe hour work at two locations across the county again.

>> No.2410943

>>Call the manufacturer.
>>no one fucking knows
it's suffering to work with companies that don't have sales engineers. I bet that corporation didn't even bother to ask anyone in the engineering department. I wish corporations would let engineers in the engineering department interact with customers for situations like this. Their engineers would benefit from the interaction too.

>> No.2410946

Pfft. . . What quadruple cream pied faggot. Try 0 degrees. Yeah that's right. Special tools required.

>> No.2410952

Imagine being the guy who lets a bunch of rich billionaires diddle children... Thats kinda fucked up.

>> No.2410964

>vested retirement plans
That's being phased out, I'd guess. They bumped it down to a "Blended Retirement." You get 2% per year served (vice 2.5% of ole).

>> No.2411000

Tell me you're still in A&P school, without telling me you're still in A&P school.

I bet you believe the bullshit about "six figure income right out of school".

>> No.2411090

When I worked in Aviation EVERYONE had the last 4 of their social security engraved on their tools, or their name.

>> No.2411184

thats that guy from team fortress. BUILDINDING A SONTRY

>> No.2411254

lol, this. Imagine being a degree-less wrench monkey and shitting on other monkeys.

>> No.2411277

The aircraft mechanic I know says they just follow instructions out of a book to fix everything

>> No.2411293

faa law requires that when you are working on a plane you must have a printout of the maintenance manual instructions with you as you are supposed to follow it exactly. "supposed to".

but since we have to work on shit designed by "engineers" you have to get creative.